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Ticklish Facial Expressions Anonymous 06/28/2022 (Tue) 01:16:48 Id: aa1718 No. 23936
Simultaneously the best and most underrated aspect of tickle fetish smut. Post your favorite, talk about the ones you like and the ones you don't.
Some of my personal favorites. I one million percent agree, the facial expressions add so much to a piece
Another that i forgot to add
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thank you for this thread, faces are some of the hardest part to get right, i'm takin notes
>>23941 i woyld say something important in faces is to get the proportion of the face right, a big laugh can have the eyes moved slightly upwards and make more room for the smile, on a girl who's struggling it's best to focuse on her eyes staring down at what's tormenting, or an ashamed laugh can have a good mix between eyes and mouth, it's really important to keep that in mind if you don't want to fall into same face syndrome
There's this one pic, I think of Fujiko Mine, where she has this pained exhausted expression, as if the tickling has been going on for just so long she doesn't even have the energy to struggle or even smile anymore, but is still too ticklish to stop herself from continuing laughing, even as her stamina is about to fail her. It was pretty hot. Anybody know the one?
The expression where she’s pulling her hair out and the ‘oh shit’ expression in the other comic page are both great. They could also go in the tickleporn reaction pics thread.
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See, what you want is that sweet spot right between the 'lee looking mildly inconvenienced, and full on Looney Tunes character going ahegao. Just enough to convey how overpowering the sensations are and how the 'lee has no chance of controlling their ridiculous reactions.
>>28396 poor choice for the 'too mild' one, you can see the tears, the worried look; sure her eyes aren't wide open and her pupils not shrunk, but you can imagine it as the beginning of her session. Meanwhile Umojar makes some very mild faces imo
>>28398 My opinion is, if you can crop the image to just the expression and it looks like the lee is chuckling at something funny, it's probably not extreme enough.
>>28398 Eh, a couple of tears and a slightly furrowed brow doesn't really cut it for me. Unless they're purposefully depicting buildup or soft tickling, I tend to think about pics as snapshots of the best/most intense moments of an imaginary session, and if that's as intense as it gets, it's somewhat underwhelming. I do agree a lot of Umojar's older work was pretty mid in terms of facial expressions. He a better boy now though. >>28415 Most are pretty good, some are *really* good. >>28417 That's a really good rule of thumb, actually.
This guy...always too much...
>>23965 That's azamuku chan, She drew herself being tickled like the kinky little slut she is~ https://www.deviantart.com/azamuku-chan/art/Commission-Too-Ticklish-For-My-Own-Good-870680278
>>28473 Ahegao faces need to gtfo of my tickling porn.
Pretty sure I posted something along these lines before in one of these threads, but Countfire's one of the worst when it comes to faces. He has astounding sameface syndrome, and if it was that, it'd be fine, but the faces he uses look downright hideous a lot of the time. Said before, but faces are a crucial part for tickle pics. If you can't do them right, sorry, but you failed.
>>23936 Wise words OP, very based thread, as a drawfag I can only approve, drop your quality stuff, no garbage please
>>28476 >she who's gonna tell him...
>>28415 Theyre sexy.
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Make the eyes say it all
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>>28396 Okay, but how do you know when you've gone too far?
Oh yeah, facial expressions are what either make or break a pic for me. You can have different awesome flavors for them: -Soft tickling that slowly brings the lee closer and closer to cracking, with their expression conveying the inevitability of their laughter because despite them trying their hardest to resist they are too damn ticklish regardless. -Regular tickling that makes the lee laugh widely, not hardcore but the expression conveys ticklish laughter well. Its forceful, involuntary, and it aint stopping until the ler decides its stopping. If the lee looks like theyre just laughing at a joke or something youve lost the essence of what tickling is, imo. -Completely hardcore, intense tickling that brings the lee to the edge of insanity. Tears streaming down their face, if they wear eyeliner its completely run down, wild movements from their head and body (if theyre not completely restrained. If they are, lines indicating them shaking their head from side to side is kino), hard cackling, flushed faces as they struggle for air, eyes close shut forcefully, or if theyre open, cloudy and unfocused. This type of expression is hard to nail down, but its hot asf when done right.
Here are some more of my faves for the about to crack expression. Another important point is that the expression usually says alot about the character themselves and their ticklishness. For example, Yang there is only having a couple of fingers graze her sole and shes already having to bite down on her laughter, her eyes are wide open as she concentrates on holding it in, and her body is involuntarily twitching and shaking as the sensations rock her. As for Mara Sov on the other pics, on her first pic shes trying to distract herself by reading a book, but the light tickling (just a couple of nails softly scratching her sole) are proving to be too much to handle and her face says it all (eyebrows raised, one eye closed, smile on her face). Her foot also cant help but scrunch its toes in an attempt to resist. On the second pic, shes much closer to laughing but shes still trying really hard to resist. You can tell from her facial expression that shes screwed though. Tears are already falling down her face, she has a strong blush, her brow is furrowed and eyes are closed tightly, her tickled foot is scrunched tightly, balled fists, twitching body and feet, wide smile, etc etc. When done right, the about to crack expression is hot af because it shows the lee holding on to the last remnants of control they have. Control that you know theyre going to lose once the ler decides to take it away from them.
Continuing, here are some of my favs for the ticklish laughter expression. A nice midpoint between the lee trying to hold it in and the lee utterly losing their shit and sanity. This one is great for more consensual scenarios where the lee enjoys being on the receiving end or has otherwise agreed to it (not that hard tickling cant be consentual ofcourse, duh). This type of expression is kind of the vanilla icecream of tickle pics, in that it isnt offensive, but also doesnt super stand out compared to the other types imo. However, there are a couple of things that can make it really good. A blush on the lee's face, eyes shut tight, body twitching and moving without control, if the lee is bound and cant move things like balled fists them holding on to their ropes and other things that show a loss of control, a couple of tears, etc. Basically its important that even though your lee is not off the charts sensitive, you still show theyre ticklish. Ticklishness is much more than just laughter (and ticklish laughter is also much different than normal laughter). Its a loss of control over the body as well. Its the victim panicking (to certain degrees) because theyre being assaulted by the sensations.
Hard laughter is the best of the three. It truly shows you how desperately ticklish the poor lee is and how insane theyre being driven. A lee that has this expression has absolutely 0 control over themselves and is completely at the mercy of their tickler. Their world is nothing but laughter and their minds are putty. Even better if the hard laughter expression doesnt come from the use of devastating tools (hairbrushes), but just from fingers or feathers, which lets face it, they are not at all effective except on a very small number of people. Petra in the first pic is losing her shit as shes double teamed, Lucina is dying and begging like a little girl as her soles are spidered, and Daisy and Peach are fucking dead from just some feathers (you can tell how deliciously ticklish those pampered soles of theirs are if literally the most pathetic tickle tools out there are so deathly effective on them). The lee going haywire in other ways than just their laughter is also a plus, like the girls in the fourth pic (with the exception of Erimoto) banging on the glass in a desperate attempt to get out.
Bonus round is for gagged tickling. No laughter to carry you here. If you wanna nail this type of expression properly you really need to focus on the lee's movements. ProRainDancer is really good at portraying this.
>>34351 desperate expression are so hot adds a lot to the tickling picture like you said few artist draw them well (btw the middle girl is not erimoto)
>>34358 The one on the left is Erimoto right? I was leaving her out since she loves it and is just taking it, but the ones in the middle and the right are losing it. And I agree theyre pretty hot when done right. What artists do them right in your opinion?
this type of faces make me cum gallons when i step across them, there is just something about a lee throwing her head back in laughter as if they were shaking manically to get themselves out of the tickling.
>>34362 i found is not erimoto either that pic is from here https://www.deviantart.com/arisuyoku/art/Mommy-cuties-928945285 reading comments says that are just the commissioner personas the artist you posted do them fine can add pirata3 sometimes
>>34368 Ohh youre right, thats not Erimoto either. Huh, for some reason I always thought it was her in that pic lol. And hell yeah Pirata3 draws awesome expressions.
For me, it's pictures or picture sets that have the lee trying to hold it in desperately only to transition to them bursting out into hysterical laughter. Nothing is more chef kiss than that.
anyone got some good facial expressions to share? i'm drawing a pic right now and i'm having trouble nailing down the facial expression.
>>34347 > if they wear eyeliner its completely run down THIS. This is something I like NEVER see in tickling art but for some reason really gets me going. I think because it implies the lee has been laughing for a long time already.
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Lees having their eyes shut tightly is a classic, but nothing can beat frantic, desperate, tired eyes that are just begging their ler to stop. Heres an example of that from draft sketch for a commission I ordered.
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Got some more sketches for expressions from the artist I commissioned. Which one is your fave?
>>36105 How much did you paid for this?
>>36107 pay*
>>36107 $40, for a full pic with a variant in her expression. Artist threw in 2 variants for free due to some stuff that happened (nothing major happened, but I appreciate the freebies regardless). These sketches are just the artist showing me her expressions in case any changes had to be done.
>>36105 1 is clearly the superior expression here
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>>36119 I asked the artist to retouch 2 a bit and I think it now competes with 1
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I love this Expressions so much!
masterclass in emotions. Love her or hate her, the way she draws lee’s expressions really gets me in the mood.
>>36639 snailyns expressions are so hot. I really wish she’d focus on them more sometimes, but i get that she’s appealing to the foods crowd. And hey, gags and blindfolds are hot too, so whatever.
Nothing better than a lee that is completely losing her shit
this thread's full of bangers so there's not much for me to say but i'm definitely into lees whose hysterical expressions have a degree of panic in there
>>34366 Why does remind me of Charlie brown when he screams ARGHHH!?
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I know it aint everyone's cup of tea, but I personaly love it when the lee is trying to hold it in. Even more so if its a usually stoic/serious person and you know that youll get them to crack if you push on for just a little further.
>>39457 That’s such a static pose…she looks like she’s sleeping. He tried to add lines around her but that’s not enough to create movement…he’s an amazing artist but his expressions are kinda meh.
>>39459 I mean... You can clearly see that the initial idea of the drawing was just a feet tease, I think that's the reason why many of the tickle variations of his drawings kinda suck.
>>39457 I don't want to add to the ongoing dogpile of Kusujinn hate so I'll say something positive instead. I like how soft he makes his soles look.
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Muriyari egao is on a class of their own in terms of this. And just in general, really.
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No one else is doing it like staerk, i swear. Best tickling artist as of recently.
>>42125 lmao
>>39520 >Muriyari egao Sause for the tranlated one?
>>42127 What? The way they make the expressions and tickling are great.
>>42125 >that Toph pic Fucking diamonds
>>39457 Yeah, it looks pretty cute
>>42132 It's complete in the translation thread, along with a bunch of other stuff.
>>42169 >this artist >doesn't share the name maybe retard can give sauce before huffing more foot odour
I really like Yor's desperately ticklish facial expression here, I just with it was a rougher form of tickling causing it lol. Some long nails, a hairbrush, something like that.
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I got a commission from my man Jstratus where the main focus is the facial expressions and not the tickling causing them. I've always thought that the expression is what makes or breaks a pic (and a lee desperately trying to hold it back is way hotter than outright laughter if the strain and distress are intense enough.)
>Suprise/Panic >Hard laughter >No smiling or suppressed smiling/Showing distress or anger >Holding in laughter while annoyed >Obvious signs of embarrassment

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