/tkr/ - Tickling Refuge

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Paw tickling Anonymous 12/24/2022 (Sat) 11:22:20 Id: 4e2173 No. 36709 [Reply]
A thread specifically for paws/footpaws.
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goonin Irzath 02/07/2025 (Fri) 23:18:13 Id: f49779 No. 79842 [Reply]
A board just for tickling? awesome! can't wait to share with y'all.

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Arknights Tickling Anonymous 06/06/2023 (Tue) 11:03:26 Id: aae713 No. 47547 [Reply] [Last]
Some good tickling in Arknights
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>>70578 What's the sauce for this pic??
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Uniform Feet 03/29/2023 (Wed) 13:04:32 Id: e2fda3 No. 43982 [Reply]
Hi everyone. I really like girls in uniform showing their feet. We could collect all the photos in this section. Do you have any?
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I feel like the Metal Slug girls are a gold mine for this. Leona is probably my personal favorite, but I honestly love them all. Fio and Eri are real hotties too. Honestly I'm kinda glad this thread didn't get deleted, even if OP wasn't even thinking about tickling when he posted it. Tickling soldier women in uniform is a great idea with a lot of potential for different fun scenarios. Also, women in the military are supposed to be super tough and disciplined, so tormenting them with tickling and embarrassing the hell out of them is super hot. Only downside is the misleading name and thumbnail of the thread is likely greatly reducing the attention the thread gets, especially since OP has basically nothing to do with tickling. Also the fact that OP put "Uniform Feet" down as his name instead of the thread subject. If you made a thread called "Military girls tickled" or "Tickling Girls in Uniform" and the thumbnail was a picture of Eri from Metal slug or some R6S girl getting tickle tortured, it would probably get a lot more traffic than this thread does. So I dunno, maybe it SHOULD be trashed, and a proper military girl tickling thread made to replace it. I'm not so sure.
We need to start preemptively banning footfags stg
>>44172 I've always had a weakness for people getting the crap tickled out of them in otherwise serious situations. The mocking of the sergeant, the fact it's a cute blonde, and the crossed ankles (best pose) tickling are all bonuses.

Lee's with a clear size difference Anonymous 07/24/2023 (Mon) 21:14:26 Id: c06302 No. 50178 [Reply] [Last]
Size usually doesn't matter, but when you have them next to each other... Well then it becomes a matter of preference. https://m.vk.com/video559967861_456239039?list=f9bcd95084f2ec8bcf&from=wall559967861_20 video source for the first pic.
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>>52466 The "person" on the right is hideous and should be hung in public for being so damn ugly.
>>50207 this is part 2, anyone got part 1?
>>79771 Could you post it anon?

Being tickled by younger people Anonymous 09/20/2021 (Mon) 11:00:49 Id: 38e96e No. 1244 [Reply] [Last]
Poor babysitters...
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>>71799 Ozzy's old Yenny comic originally published in Tales from the Asylum, that one is also on collection Yenny Origins. I'm pretty sure links to old MTJ comics can still be found from the Goldmine thread.
Kind of hoping there’s an update for this thread. I really like this theme.

Villains getting tickled Anonymous 10/15/2024 (Tue) 18:12:16 Id: 577a9f No. 74049 [Reply]
We've all seen the cliche before: The hero is captured by the villain, and subject to tickle torture until their eventual rescue/escape. In this thread, post the exact opposite scenario. The villain is the one on the receiving end this time. Post big bads suffering through very embarrassing ticklish justice. Not exclusively caped super villains from comics like Marvel and DC, could be antagonists from anything, be it a video game, movie, cartoon, anime, whatever. Just not some faggot's OC with some made up lore. Bonus points if the big powerful baddie getting tickled has dialogue expressing their anger at their current predicament, clearly LIVID that they were defeated by something as silly and cute as tickling.
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>>74165 So based, her villain laugh is pretty hot ain't gonna lie

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RIP Artist Thread Anonymous 11/12/2021 (Fri) 18:37:41 Id: 7a3168 No. 6653 [Reply] [Last]
A thread for the tickle artists that have sadly died or have disappeared off the face of the internet. I hope RepulsionSwitch is doing okay, wherever they went.
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Anyone knows what happened to Fcat/ Feathery cat? The pixiv one, not the one from Tumbler, she also did some 3D tickling stuff, but in different tone, anyone got some sort of archive with her work?
>>79648 No, the one I’m talking about had pixiv and fanbox page and had different style, less Pixar type of style and more like photorealistic nsfw

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The Money Shot Anonymous 01/08/2022 (Sat) 15:45:32 Id: 647a26 No. 11244 [Reply] [Last]
Alright, this might be too broad of a concept, but hear me out, I think it's fun: You know how in vanilla porn the climax moment is referred to as the money shot? It's what the whole video is building up to and is normally the hottest part. It's also tipically where you're supposed to finish if you can last that long. Well I think the same concept can be applied to tickle porn too. I'm talking about specific moments in videos where something goes horribly right and they turn so hot it makes it almost impossible for the viewer not to want to cum to that part in particular. It can be anything from a specific line of tickle talk, to a 'ler going for the kill on a 'lee's worst spot, to a particularly tough 'lee finally breaking and having to beg for it to stop. So! In this thread we can share those specific moments that make you go straight for that nut button. Ideally, there'd be a video link, a timestamp, and a short comment explaining why that's the peak of the video. Here's my first few contributions https://biguz.net/watch.php?id=2901211&name=nonstop-foot-tickling-sasha-foxxx 7:30 Tay's been using the comb on Sasha's feet for a while, making her grow a little too confident, then you see her pull out the massager and sneakily get it ready, you know where things are going for a few seconds even though Sasha doesn't and then... Boom! It's glorious, she goes from trying to laugh it up like a pro, to slamming her back into the chair while silently laughing in frustration, to cutely screaming "TAAAY!" and threatening to pass out, but it just DOESN'T stop. You know it's good if it manages to push a seasoned model like that. And then... Tay goes for the other foot. https://biguz.net/watch.php?id=3988756&name=real-tickling-brooke-hill-3 6:19 In one word, panic. She's been doing great the whole vid, then this tiny evil 'ler goes to town on her armpits, she realizes how bad it can get merely seconds in, and freaks the fuck out. I love the useless little hand movements and the extremely genuine "OH NOOOO!" towards the end. "This is legit a person you could get any info out of if you keep that up" is what it feels like. https://biguz.net/watch.php?id=843344&name=cali%27s-new-spot 2:52 You can actually pinpoint the second a new tickle spot is unlocked. And god is it a hot and underrrated one. What she's wearing makes it perfect to exploit too, it's so lovely. I'm not even a fan of Cali's but my god am I glad that was caught on video. Tasha teasing her about it and constantly going back to abuse it to keep her on edge is hot as hell too.
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>>76115 Love*
Can anyone post videos from this YouTube page?https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLT26KBERhqN2emLrAv9pN3pvQXmSMs5T7 (the nylon and the tights videos are the best and they are very ticklish)
>>75925 it's possible add more videos on this page?

MHA boy tickling MHA boy tickling 01/14/2024 (Sun) 18:42:12 Id: be881f No. 60376 [Reply]
'cause equal opportunities
Edited last time by Flatty on 01/14/2024 (Sun) 18:50:22.
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Unusual fixations in tickling Unusual fixations in tickling 09/21/2022 (Wed) 12:54:37 Id: 7bc871 No. 29569 [Reply] [Last]
Starting with the most obvious and most palatable incarnations of Candlegirl's Lumiere obsession. What are some other odd fixations people have with their tickle fetish?
Edited last time by Flatty on 09/21/2022 (Wed) 14:13:59.
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>>29646 >>79640 Joining in to say that I've never even heard of the show, but on a passing glanze, I get it man, I get it.
I know people just laugh this guy off but I've always found him very obnoxious. I can't help but imagine some fat-headed autist making an exaggerated, goofy face, while hunched over his keyboard typing variations of his one comment no less than five times per day. All the onomatopoeia he uses "mmmmmmmmMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmm," "ooooohhhhhhhh!!!" creeps me out.

Unconventional/odd victims Anonymous 12/15/2021 (Wed) 00:19:08 Id: 14eb40 No. 9334 [Reply] [Last]
Tickle targets people might not consider until its too late
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>>38435 >>38440 Okay, found it. Much less well made, but its pretty much all there is.
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>>9392 The show sold me on Ms. Chalice being a fantastic ticklee so fucking bad. I long to see her wrecked. >>29875 Fang is honestly fucking based, lol. Did she win the thing?

Mortal Kombat Tickling Anonymous 10/05/2023 (Thu) 02:44:30 Id: eb0ba5 No. 54323 [Reply]
Hopefully with the new game out, there will be some more art. Until then, lets compile all our shit together
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Deviantart is finally removing fetish art? Anonymous 09/08/2023 (Fri) 20:27:32 Id: 39e794 No. 52722 [Reply] [Last]
At this point, Deviantart is becoming more like Tumblr if not exactly like it
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>>53781 It's NOT sexual you fucking pervert! It's cute! Like paws! GOD you people are SUCH degenerates!
>>53792 Wait for deletion to make backups, lmao. Why someone would upload porn to deviantart is beyond me when there are so many alternatives that literally don't give a fuck about the whole fetish/underage cartoon drama because they are not hosted in Burgerland or Banada. >>53789 Well at least the point on Eclipse and AI is spot on I'll give them that. Pre-Eclipse DeviantArt was... acceptable. In 2000 you didn't have all the core/pro/sub/premium bullshit either when you wanted to post explicit fetish art on it, mature toggle wasn't even a thing and you didn't need an account at all to browse everything.
>>52722 Porn is still there and "striving". They need to crack down on the pedophiles though.

Small Critters Anonymous 04/28/2022 (Thu) 19:44:05 Id: ab17fd No. 20360 [Reply] [Last]
I can't be the only person who likes seeing small, miscellaneous creatures getting tickled out of their little minds, right?
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Ok, hear me out...
>>79577 ...yes?

>>78664 This google drive has those comics, plus a ton others https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Xsc--6SjxFdXe5okMYwsYfhnHFSIu3rR
Anyone have Brulee's Torment?

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