That is a fair point, but I'll bring up a counter point to that: many animals, including cats, dogs, foxes and indeed some hedgehogs have five toes on their front feet but only four toes on their hind feet. When you think of it that way, it actually makes a surprising amount of sense for sonic characters to have five fingers on each hand and four toes on each foot. This would, however, vary depending on the species of the character though. Then again, you could also argue that because sonic characters have anatomically human hands they should also have anatomically human feet. So really, both styles are valid in their own ways. I'm still a huge fan of two-tone soles though.
One thing I kinda DON'T like though, is when artists try to give Sonic characters more realistic human-like bodies, kinda like in the last pic in this post. It looks weird to me, I much prefer to see sonic characters drawn with more simple and cartoony body shapes. Give them boobs, sure, but please don't draw them with anatomically accurate collar bones, ribs, knees, shins and all that. The first two pics here KINDA do that, but the art style is simple enough that it still looks pretty cute and cartoony. In the last pic with Amy, you can straight up see her knee bones and ankle bones, and to me it doesn't look right. Maybe I'm in the minority though, idk.