/tkr/ - Tickling Refuge

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Femdom Tickling Anonymous 01/19/2021 (Tue) 16:33:26 Id: 09a0dd No. 18 [Reply] [Last]
F/M and F/F both allowed
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Here's me being put in my place by my girlfriend
>>80295 you got really soft and cute feet. not sure who's luckier, your or her lol

Micro/macrophilia tickling thread Anonymous 10/30/2021 (Sat) 09:34:29 Id: f89cd9 No. 5410 [Reply] [Last]
Micro/macrophilia tickling thread. Post your ticklish fairies, minigirls, giants and shrunk/enlarged people.
Edited last time by Flatty on 04/05/2024 (Fri) 03:45:04.
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>>76839 I think it might be Tiger Lily?
Kinda wish GlluckK made alts for the first three pics where the feet actually get tickled, but oh well. The anticipation of a giantess' feet trapped and about to be tickle tortured is still really hot to me

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Avatar Post em 09/28/2022 (Wed) 08:03:43 Id: 0b4a12 No. 29975 [Reply] [Last]
Anything from avatar.
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>>51005 Katara tickle lust is one of the core tenets of my faith. Also, Korra tickle lust is... excusable. Members of the water tribe are honestly MEANT for tickle slavery.
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Tickling with begging, specific 03/05/2025 (Wed) 10:40:59 Id: ea4080 No. 81459 [Reply]
Always preferred tickle clips where the lee begs, but not a simple "please no, stop". More specific. For example "please, don't tickle my feet", or "no, anything but my armpits" etc etc. Post your related links and clips below ;)

Sonic characters tickling Anonymous 08/26/2022 (Fri) 00:11:36 Id: 73efed No. 27625 [Reply] [Last]
I figured this thread should exist if it didn't already
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>>81376 i've always been partial to 5 toes since they have 5 fingers, but that's the only thing that really bothers me, i like seeing artists' interpretations of the two-tone or single color soles
>>81456 That is a fair point, but I'll bring up a counter point to that: many animals, including cats, dogs, foxes and indeed some hedgehogs have five toes on their front feet but only four toes on their hind feet. When you think of it that way, it actually makes a surprising amount of sense for sonic characters to have five fingers on each hand and four toes on each foot. This would, however, vary depending on the species of the character though. Then again, you could also argue that because sonic characters have anatomically human hands they should also have anatomically human feet. So really, both styles are valid in their own ways. I'm still a huge fan of two-tone soles though. One thing I kinda DON'T like though, is when artists try to give Sonic characters more realistic human-like bodies, kinda like in the last pic in this post. It looks weird to me, I much prefer to see sonic characters drawn with more simple and cartoony body shapes. Give them boobs, sure, but please don't draw them with anatomically accurate collar bones, ribs, knees, shins and all that. The first two pics here KINDA do that, but the art style is simple enough that it still looks pretty cute and cartoony. In the last pic with Amy, you can straight up see her knee bones and ankle bones, and to me it doesn't look right. Maybe I'm in the minority though, idk.

'Mature'/Older Tickling Anonymous 09/08/2024 (Sun) 17:44:36 Id: 8cb5f5 No. 71951 [Reply] [Last]
Mature tickling lovers rise up, post what you got, be it art or videos mature tickling is top tier imo i love when stuck-up and 'mature' people get reduced to a ticklish little mess by just a few hand strokes i love it when older women go into hi-pitched giggling and start squirming around like crazy i love it when they lose all their serious composure and start squealing, snorting, snickering and shrieking at just a single finger i love it when older lees laugh and smile like they're a carefree and young again some favs: https://m.tnaflix.com/amateur-porn/Contessa-Tied-and-Tickled/video8136191 https://biguz.net/watch.php?id=5447788&name=brooklyn+milf+eve+feet+tickled anyone agreeing with this go ahead and post what you got
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>>71969 thereve been like 90 loli threads relax
>>73596 Age totally aside, she has the sexiest and most pathetic begging laughter I’ve ever heard. I could fap just to the audio from those clips. >>74123 No not the same couple. All their videos were of just the guy and his wife/slave and were all recorded on a potato.
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These two aswell, the way she begs for mercy in the first video is amazing. She truely can't take it and wants it to stop (also loops very well). It was a random find on instagram which has since then been deleted, i don't think it was an official studio.

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Post the OLDEST shit you got Anonymous 09/11/2021 (Sat) 02:12:46 Id: f6ed88 No. 755 [Reply] [Last]
Oldfag here. Pretty sure Hiro M was the very first ever Japanese tickling artist, at least as far as what we saw here in the west.
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>>4747 grateful for tukano pics still being around, but hate that most of them are no higher res than 400? these used to be everywhere and now all we got are practically thumbnails lol. looking for the octopus one in particular if anyone has it
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>>81301 the original isnt much better, tukano was drawing on a screen for ants probably. it was the 90s/early 2000s I tried upscaling it in paint.net, not a lot of detail though. i'm surprised no one's ever tried giving a coloring or relining old tukano pics.
>>81360 hey thanks! the qualities good so you pretty much can just use the fill tool on mspaint to color them in

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Characters with no tickle art Anonymous 09/23/2021 (Thu) 04:16:10 Id: 0677bf No. 1381 [Reply] [Last]
Its this thread again (characters without GOOD tickle art are also acceptable)
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>>81009 >>81009 from what i've seen of the game you play as the queen here, basically an eldin ring boss, and the little guy is the protag trying to kill you he's piss easy at first but every time you kill him, he shows up again a little stronger than before, a little smarter, with slightly better gear I'm assuming here, he has a new sword or something, and she's talking down to him, saying its not gonna make a difference trying to beat her
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Tickling animations Anonymous 09/26/2021 (Sun) 00:06:40 Id: dfe781 No. 1596 [Reply] [Last]
Surprised this thread didn't exist already
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>>81320 Really? Nice. Do you have any platforms where you post your work? DA, Newgrounds, Twitter, or anything else? Or do you prefer to just post here anonymously when you make something you wanna share?
>>81370 I'll be posting here when I make stuff! I don't really think I'm at the level where I could cultivate a following, so I'll keep anonymous for now. Maybe if I really start putting time into tickling content i'll make myself some socials. I'm flattered you'd even ask though!
>>81357 Thanks

Belly and Navel general 2 Belly and Navel general 2 02/05/2023 (Sun) 00:30:59 Id: 415c99 No. 40363 [Reply] [Last]
I like Belly Buttons
Edited last time by Flatty on 02/05/2023 (Sun) 01:36:08.
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Loli tickling Anonymous 10/14/2021 (Thu) 17:09:39 Id: a5e17c No. 3548 [Reply] [Last]
I wish that was me.
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>>81348 Adeleine from the kirby games? She doesnt have much, likely cuz shes already a fairly obscure character
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>>81348 I'm not particularly well versed in loli characters, but here's a cutie I'd love to see getting tickle tortured anyway. An artist named RadioSylent made this loli design for Nintendo Switch 2-Chan, and I really like her. Could maybe draw her stuck in a tickle torture machine as some sort of "performance test" to see how much she can handle before crashing. Aside from that, I like the >>81352 suggestion. Though I'm not familiar with the character, she looks super cute and innocent, would love to see her get wrecked with tickles too.
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>>81348 Hachikuji Mayoi from Monogatari She 100% needs more, only has like 2 or 3 at max

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Comics Anonymous 11/28/2021 (Sun) 03:31:33 Id: ed8555 No. 8015 [Reply] [Last]
Post tickling comics
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>>80237 I don't have 4 sorry
Does anybody have any of the old Supercosquillas comics? There used to be plenty flying arround https://bookstore.librosenred.com/libros/encuentroscercanos.html

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Writefag/Literature thread Anonymous 09/14/2021 (Tue) 11:00:27 Id: 7df0c7 No. 957 [Reply] [Last]
(Get it? It's a feather quill.) Use this thread to discuss fetish literature. Read something good? Post it. Write something you want to share? Post it. Looking for recommendations on what to read, or suggestions on your own writing? You've come to the right thread.
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https://www.deviantart.com/latinosoles/art/1158314637 https://archiveofourown.org/works/62959144 Here's a story I just finished writing, set in the world of Coffin of Andy and Leyley and starring everyone's favorite psychotic goth bitch Ashley Graves. It's a pretty rough, cruel, horror-themed tickle session and I really wanted to go all out on this girl because of how terrible she is. Plus, here are some pics from Jimbo that I commissioned as companion pieces to the story. Hope y'all enjoy!
>>80140 Oh, thank God, tickle art of Leyley. I was looking everywhere when the game was new.
>>967 >Anonymous Any more tickle snuff? It's gold

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KIIMMOTK Art Thread Anonymous 09/12/2023 (Tue) 07:19:49 Id: e0ddfe No. 52926 [Reply] [Last]
There are lots of requests of her art, so I wanted to collect it here ... Can anyone help?
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Anyone got any of the newest pieces/comics?
Any working mega links? Everything I've found is out of date.
>>81318 seconding, would love to see their newer stuff

Furry tickling general #1 Anonymous 01/13/2021 (Wed) 10:47:08 No. 4 [Reply] [Last]
new board, new thread edition! post any and all furry tickling art you like, anticipation and paw focus stuff is fine too!
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>>81309 That's okay, thanks for this anyway.
>>81309 Holy fuck, the angles on display here are wonderful. As is Judy’s devious smirk in the center portion.
>>81309 Do you have this one?

>>81305 Remilia Scarlet fucking please
>>81338 Scenario or situation

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