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Mummification, sleepsack, plaster cast tickling Anonymous 12/07/2023 (Thu) 23:37:00 Id: 83da0c No. 58321
Obsessed with this method of torture. Post vids, pics, stories, whatever you got. The more locked in the better. Only feet and head sticking out.
If anybody knows if there's a video of this lol
>>58321 Here you go! Hope you don't mind me posting a few male pics as well.
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Wish more mummification vids by femfeet where available
>>58321 Do you have this full video?? I've never been able to find it
>>58336 I Wish lol
>>58684 Can I get the sauce of those two black and white comics?
>>58806 Try Saucenao next time. https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/107716366 https://exhentai.org/g/1778805/c30af2eeb0/ The second one has a previous chapter too, and they're both fucking incredible.
Does anyone knows what the original video is? This one is clearly unfinished but my retarded ass can't find this shit anywhere. https://youtu.be/IMs-kFXp6c0?si=_ZE7cpkkKU0V4ZW0
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Nice mummified pics
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>>60388 Yeah that's from thedevilsfootstool
- Copypasting from another thread, since I believe it's also relevant here too Would anyone have these two old vids of a woman, wrapped up I believe, and being tickled through her flip flops? There were two videos; the first one had her face up, being tickled through her sandals, but the second one had her flipped over, with her soles up, wearing her sandals upside-down, exposing her soles. The clips in question were called "Tickling in Havaianas", probably one of my all-time favorites
>>67651 https://m.tnaflix.com/amateur-porn/TICKLING-FEET-IN-FLIP-FLOPS/video4763501 Is it this one? Closest thing I can find to your description. I do remember a second part. I haven't found it though.
>>58336 https://www.tumbex.com/pj-tickling.tumblr/post/646905317157928961/feetfantasy17-back-in-the-mid-90s-there-was-an Found this link with more gifs of what you wanted and a story. That’s about all o could find
>>58336 >>67991 No idea if this is the full video or not but found via Saucenao and the gifs above https://drive.google.com/file/d/1J9IT2JnoYhH3nl3km94iMU8XruJMOIyS/view
>>67968 YES, This is it! Thank you for this! I'm glad you remember the second part too, I'll be looking for that as well

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