/tkr/ - Tickling Refuge

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Has paying for tickling ever turned into sex? Anonymous 12/30/2023 (Sat) 22:58:13 Id: f10b53 No. 59599 [Reply]
So I'm curious, has anyone ever hired a model, for a session or anything that started as just hiring for tickling and ended up as sex? I've never hired a model for a session because tickling is always linked to sex with me and I don't expect it to go there unless it's an escort and most models aren't. But I'd like to hear other people's experiences if they want to share.
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>>59802 >Probably much easier to go the other way. Once you're paying for sex, tickling would probably be a small add on. It's not exactly the same but I was at a bachelor party that went to a strip club. I wasn't really into it but someone bought me a lap dance so I went with it. In the private booth she noticed I wasn't grabbing her and she asked "what's wrong? don't you like touching?" and I said I'd much rather she tickle me. And she did, bouncing on my lap and tickling my ribs and sides playfully. It was pretty cool. Probably not worth the cover and price of a lap dance though. Great story! I would have been a tickler and got her soooo good for the price! I would have been tickling her feet and nipples, anywhere else she's let me for the cost. May try out strip clubs now lol how much is a lap dance these days? Haven't been in years.
>>59819 It is a great story, but you're not me.
>>59819 That is a cool story, but I'm with you. I'd also be the tickler. My only problem is I'd want to have sex.

What’s mine, is yours What’s mine, is yours 08/18/2023 (Fri) 05:00:35 Id: d2043e No. 51731 [Reply] [Last]
This is stuff that I’ve had on my phone that I no longer wish to keep.
Edited last time by Flatty on 12/30/2023 (Sat) 15:25:46.
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Skullgirls Tickling Anonymous 11/21/2021 (Sun) 17:24:39 Id: 33f3ed No. 7459 [Reply]
Post them, Ms. Fortune is the sexiest one in my opinion so the more art of her the better.
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AI Tickling Images: DALLE-3 Rises Anonymous 10/02/2023 (Mon) 22:01:36 Id: de7d79 No. 54006 [Reply] [Last]
For the purposes of sharing AI generated fetish pictures, discussing prompts and seething over AI filters. Bing image creator: https://www.bing.com/create
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Lil' deformed but I absolutely love the art style that Bing gave me here...
>>59699 ok with all due respect, might need the prompt for this one
Anyone knows of an AI generator that can be "fed" images to create based on? I want to try something with a few renders I have but I don't know if such a thing even exists, I'm only guessing based of the many joke AI images based on real people I've seen so far

Fish Pedicure / Doctor Fish Tickling Anonymous 02/01/2023 (Wed) 19:15:48 Id: 5c816b No. 39857 [Reply]
yes, this is my fetish
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This counts probably
So, Victoria Justice just posted this on her Instagram... instagram.com/reel/CulQQBBumHB/?igshid=YmM0MjE2YWMzOA

Spankbang? Anonymous 11/30/2023 (Thu) 01:46:16 Id: 4521c3 No. 57839 [Reply]
Something funny has been going on with Spankbang the past 3 weeks. No new tickling videos, is tickling shadow banned? Lmao
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>>58210 I dunno I had the account before recent events. Even without an account, a lot of content is open for free.
Spankbang is back guys
>>58286 no, it is not. sad.

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https://tklmap.com tklmapdev 04/07/2023 (Fri) 05:33:58 Id: 09d0b3 No. 44542 [Reply] [Last]
Hello, a long time ago I posted here about https://tklmap.com, a site for finding other people who are into tickling. Back then I hadn't finished the first version and was mainly posting to gauge interest. The site has come on a bit since my first post, so I'm posting again to see if anyone here has any feedback, suggestions etc. This board could probably be classified as more of a coom & run type place rather than one where people try and meet up irl, but nevertheless people with a tickling fetish are the target audience for the site so... interested to hear what you think of the site. Thanks!
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any plans on adding more filters / personal details?? i'll take the chance of voicing my opinion in an anonymous forum to say that i am personally really into trans boys (FtM), any chance you'll end up adding more gender info to the site?
>>58069 I've created a ticket on the tracker to add MtF/FtM gender options, but can't promise when it'll get implemented.
>>58069 This has now been added. Just for you anon.

Corrector Yui/Rescue's tickle machine art Anonymous 12/06/2023 (Wed) 16:16:45 Id: 0f8f50 No. 58255 [Reply]
Please help me indulge in this very specific tickling art subgenre. I can't get enough of that annoying teasing face and the revolver-shaped barrel the tickle hands emerge from. The whole kill with kindness motif and relentless tickle talk is the hottest tickle torture I've ever seen.
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original for anybody curious https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_oorqUCVX_M
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>>58255 Totally bummed out that last pic never got a followup. I long to see her wrecked bros.

Dumb/Gullible/tricked Tickling Anonymous 11/07/2023 (Tue) 18:41:53 Id: 91adb1 No. 56621 [Reply]
Something about a lee blundering into a ticklish situation in ignorance is just so damn hot, especially when they just go along with it. But i'm a bit sparse with material. Care to inject?
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I'm glad this thread came up, this is something that's always been in my mind as a specific fantasy I have but I really can't explain why. There's something very funny and very appealing about a character just walking into a scenario like this in complete ignorance and having to deal with the consequences. It feels like such a mean fantasy but eh, fuck it, I've gotten off to worse. Mako Mankanshoku from Kill la Kill is absolutely the kind of doofus who would get into a pair of stocks upon request and THEN ask why you wanted her to do it, and by then you're already stripping her feet bare.
Wasn't there that game by roomukurei where you have to help a dumbass vampire that gets stuck in various tickling scenarios?
>>58045 Yeah, that's Valeria's Rise.

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How do you feel about women Anonymous 12/03/2023 (Sun) 03:37:56 Id: f65849 No. 58020 [Reply] [Last]
I've been curious about something. It is no secret that a lot of people on 4/8 chan are misogynistic and out right hate women. But I've been wondering if that extends to those with a tickle fetish. I don't mean if you only like 2D. If you watch real women getting tickled or have the desire to tickle real women yourself. Do you hate them? I can see some people want to abuse women in a bdsm setting, but does that extend to tickling as well? I ask because you as the ler are basically making someone laugh and look happy.
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>>58196 cant argue with you there. still a tranny, just pissed off at this hiding bullshit
>>58204 The fact that you retards think that this is actually Kampfer or that the Caroo poster is actually Caroo is fucking hilarious
>>58047 Fuck off, spic faggot. P.S. Kamala lost

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Movies Tickling Scenes 09/27/2021 (Mon) 19:24:12 Id: 90804d No. 1751 [Reply]
Bring your favorite tickling scenes in movies!
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>>1751 We already have a thread for this and it’s been going strong for 2 years. Look before you post man. https://8chan.moe/tkr/res/4687.html
>>57319 So, I hate to be that guy, but this thread was started almost an exact month before that one. Look at the post dates before you reply man.
>>57347 Yeah, I love to be this guy and tell you that this thread was rightfully booted off the face of the earth in shame for having a cringey ass OP and promptly replaced with the proper version pointed out by anon which has been the only one to receive posts ever since, and the only reason this carcass even exists anymore is because OP was too retarded to figure out how to delete it >>1758 Look the previous posts in the thread before you reply man, dingus.

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Being stuck or trapped Anonymous 10/14/2021 (Thu) 00:18:47 Id: 46b54c No. 3475 [Reply] [Last]
That. Being stuck in a wall or trapped somehow
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>>8684 source on the second image?

RIP Omegle (2009-2023) Anonymous 11/09/2023 (Thu) 09:20:37 Id: 667f73 No. 56697 [Reply]
So, apparently Omegle is closing for real. You can see the full message on the website: https://www.omegle.com/ Thoughts?
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>>56848 This jerk is 100% a dev. Makes no mention that you have to pay for premium to use any of those features
>>56902 who gives a fuck, that feature wasn’t available on Omegle anyway. just don’t pay

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BoneBoneKing Anonymous 09/26/2023 (Tue) 01:18:50 Id: 1de954 No. 53518 [Reply]
Dude got his Deviantart account banned so all of his art got deleted as well, if you got anything from his old gallery please share
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Shitposting thread Anonymous 04/05/2022 (Tue) 01:35:48 Id: 2eaddb No. 18404 [Reply] [Last]
If you want to debate whether foot fetishists are the master race or a blight upon the tickle community, or call people pedobears, or argue about whether or not Lapis is erick (he is), do it in this thread.
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>>53648 I dig it. RIP Uncle Phil. :(
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>>53648 Hey /tkr/anon can you make me a sandwich?
Salutations my fellow Mongolians? It's Quintondale Quilingle here, I impersonated a female for 10 years and faked a relationship with FirefoxSF and made him question his sexuality (WTF NO). Subscribed to a granny porn magazine, using ZP92's address (I've fallen and I can't get up), traced Caroo's art and made a fortune from DeviantART autistic (no worries, mate!), jerked off into a shot glass and made PawFeather drink it (HE NEED SUM MILK), picked up the wrong order at McDonald's (I'll have 2 number 9s...), got arrested in Ohio for claiming myself as governor. Amputated Solesman's rotted feet (femur breaker scream). I will now go to Ticklecon and pee in the food. Make Twitter ban Moekakie, glue googly eyes on Nitropunk's dick. After that, I will leak all of ZP92's DMs.

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