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Cuhrayzee Vidya Anonymous 10/20/2023 (Fri) 20:33:11 Id: 9acf2a No. 898293
I haven't seen a thread discussing stylish action for a while, let's change that. Honestly I was kinda disappointed with Bayonetta 3, it wasn't nearly as good as the previous two games and I feel basically killed the series seeing as Kamiya left Platinum in order to work at Hamster probably. Still, it's kinda sad that Bayonetta was destined to die a mediocre death. That said as for Bayonetta's twin IP Astral Chain, apparently Nintendo completely owns the rights to that IP now, so hopefully we can see them develop the sequel in house since I would love to see how Nintendo tackles these kinds of games. Other than a few indie games, there's not really much going on with the genre. The Genokids demo was top notch and I highly recommend everyone here give it a chance, but other than that I'm waiting to hear about some surprise hits like Hi-Fi Rush since that was an extremely pleasant surprise and was actually did better than both Microsoft and Bethesda expected it to be. So hopefully we'll see a new Hi-Fi Rush in the future. Other than that, I'm sure Capcom is gonna remake DMC1 or DMC3 at some point in the near future, and like I said before Hi-Fi Rush did surprisingly well. So I strongly doubt the genre is dead, but that it usually takes a bit to get one of these games off the ground since Souls is the hot sauce these days. Still, what cuhrayzee games are you playing right now /v/? I'm going through Ninja Gaiden and God Hand myself, enjoying them as always.
>>901095 I have good news for you, the dev has a new game being made
Will Link: The Unleashed Nexus RH release before the PS6 goes end-of-life? I want to find out whether not-Blue Archive tights grill is going to wear thigh highs in-game.
>>997500 PlayStation 6 probably
>>997436 > Link: The Unleashed Nexus That game any good?
>>898293 Devil May Cry Netflix'd just got a new trailer if anyone is interested.
>>1016344 Action looks decent, mostly reminds me of RWBY.
>>1016358 Yeah, I'm fine with it since it's not fucking with the established lore. I'll probably give it a watch and then laugh at the Lady rape scene.
>>1016344 >Netflix "anime" >Adi Shankar No
>>1016344 Dentyne and Gerbil will kiss.
New Like A Dragon/Yakuza is Piarte themed. Combat has some aerial combos now. They've been inching closer and closer to a DMC style with every new game, but also not that far from a Musou either with the high number of enemies they've started putting.
>>1016344 >hardcoded subs
Itsuno sold out to china. RIP https://xcancel.com/lightspeed_/status/1856139854574432387#m
>>1016359 >it's not fucking with the established lore <Adi Shankar Pick one.
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Speaking of Shankar the pajeet, art from his show. Lady apparently gets a (slightly) more accurate outfit, so there's that.
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>>1038704 Plus some prototype stuff (and Dante cosplaying Chun-Li for what I assume is a gag scene). And some tweets to make you dread what will become of Vergil.
>>1038704 >>1038705 Yeah, I'm quite worried about it. Although he clearly cares about the source material more than Tameem did. So here's hoping it's not too terrible.
>>1038812 >he clearly cares about the source material more than Tameem did <Everyone has lore accurate outfits but is now LGBT. This is my prediction.
>>1038817 I hope that isn't the case, but we'll see.
>>1038817 They'll also say "fuck" a lot.
>>1038705 >to make you dread what will become of Vergil. Alucard makes me dread what will become of Vergil.
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Reposting from the #GG bread. PlatinumGames is fucking ded Word on the street is that we're getting a new Okami from Kamiya and Crapcom because PlatinumGames fucked around with its current daddies Nintendo and Tencent too much and lost funding, meaning a bunch of key staff left and the company is dilapidated. >apparently PG was JP's Gearbox in that it would constantly use publisher money to keep the studio afloat instead of actually working on their contracted titles >This happened with Scalebound and Microsoft, and Granblue Fantasy Relink and Cygames hence their abrupt cancellations >Babylon's Fall was PG's attempt at a live service to save them from the debt they kept accruing and it didn't work >Them selling out to Tencent resulted in them announcing four projects which all bombed and/or didn't make a splash then Wukong convinced Tencent to pull out >Well, what about Nintendo? Looks like PG tried to run the same scam with Astral Chain 2 and that got them blacklisted >The only original IP PG owns is TW101; all their known IPs have different owners >Having pissed off nearly every big publisher in Asia it looks like PG for the foreseeable future is going to be a skeleton studio or get acquired for cheap A sad day for cuhrayzee gaming.
>>1050461 Sources to this?
>>1050461 That sounds like bullshit but I'd believe it.
>>1050461 >Starts Clover Studio > Leaves Clover Studio > Starts PlatinumGames > Leaves PlatinumGames > Starts Clovers
>>1050525 I just hope his team is separate from the Devil May Cry team.
>ctrl+f VANQUISH >nada what the fuck is stopping you from playing one of the best shooters ever?
>>1050461 Wow, it sounds like all their problems could be solved if they were to finish making a fucking game
>>1050461 Everyone knew their deal with Tencent would be the end for them.
>>1050554 I already played it
I just want to state Matthewmatosis' Devil May Cry Commentary video finally broke the 1 Million view mark, like it deserves. So congrats to him. I consider it one of the best videos ever about any game just in general.
>>899191 XXL 2 had way better graphics, but was much shorter, and had less ATMOSPHERE. Still mad XXL 3 removed the double jump (or any real jump).
It's finally here: >>>/co/44034
>>1074939 >10 FPS combat >Marvel dialogue >No Reuben Jesus Christ how horrifying.
>>1051565 You're a Matthewmatosis
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>>1074939 >DMC2gameplay.webm >WhedonDialogue.webm
>>1050494 >>1050478 Partially true according to staff that moved to work at Cygames when they hired on a bunch of former PG devs to finish Granblue Fantasy Relink. That anon failed to mention that the thing that made the company actually start the death spiral was falling out over Babylon's fall, as a lot of devs at Platinum didn't want to make a live service title and a ton of employees left the company over it. Some went with Kamiya and others just went their own way until Cygames started hiring a ton of devs who worked on the original version of Relink pre-cancellation. This is also why Relink wasn't a live service title (in spite of pretty large pressure to be so) and only had a handful of Monster Hunter style title updates. After Babylon's fall they've just rotted away until they're the pale shadow they are now. Sure there's some irony in there somewhere.

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