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Vidya Gaems

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Peripeteia Thread Anonymous 02/26/2025 (Wed) 06:42:02 Id: 13b140 No. 1074462
A stereotypically Polish immersive sim was released into early access recently. It looks and plays like EYE Divine Cybermancy with a bit more inventory and gun autism, among other things. Marie looks very cute.
>talking about this game in third-person Anon the devs literally used to post here Though I have to be honest, I've gotten really sick of the faux PS1 look. It was cool for awhile but it's the new pixelshit
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>>1074464 >Anon the devs literally used to post here I can't deny that after seeing this guy and some imageboard references.
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It rivals EYE in terms of map size. As far as I can tell, the first level you're dropped into is bigger than the biggest map in EYE. The map isn't as empty, and you're sometimes rewarded for exploration. Pic related, I climbed up what seems to be the highest stairwell in gaming history for several minutes, and I found a commie version of an MG42 inside of a locker at the very top. I took the MG, but I couldn't put it in my inventory, so I had to drop it and rearrange some items. The MG disappeared after being dropped, and my last save was at the bottom. There is an elevator, but it leads to a different area, so I had to climb all the way up again.
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>There's a clothing damage mechanic
>8/v/ is so full of newfags we have people trying to tell us about Peripeteia lmao, even
>>1074462 >stereotypically Polish That would have put this on my shitlist even if I didn't remember the backstory here. Are you at least being payed?
>>1074496 That's right us true oldfags remember I.......a and X........r
Does it have faggot shit? Does it pander to niggers and or fags?
>>1074464 > I've gotten really sick of the faux PS1 look. It was cool for awhile but it's the new pixelshit Hey, if the trend continues then in about another 10 years I'll finally have my dream world of games coming out with PS2 graphics.
>>1074537 There's already a few faux 6th gen stuff already only really Cel shaded stuff however.
>>1074537 Devs are like a cancer that spreads from one patient to another. When you look back at what’s left behind, all you see is soulless crap trying to mimic a golden era. It’s been 13 years since Indie Game: The Movie came out, and you can probably only name, what, maybe half a dozen decent indie games.
>>1074537 I think DeepState is aiming for that.
>>1074496 Many such cases! >>1074533 No, it doesn't.
>oh new weapon >ah it doesn't fit in the inventory >let me put it back in the container so i can shuffle the inventory around to make it fit >weapon disappear into the void yeah, i'm not feeling this one. gonna check back in some 2 to 3 years (or when it actually releases) to see if it's less jank.

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