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Featured Game #18 (February 2025): Marvel: Ultimate Alliance Anonymous Board owner 02/13/2025 (Thu) 21:19:36 Id: b86bdb No. 1071277
>What is this? Games are chosen (relatively or totally obscure on purpose) with hopes of bringing new avenues of playing potential to anons with narrow video game perspectives. The goal isn't to pick bad games, but obscure ones nobody, or as few people as possible, have played. You can play the game and then use that fact as bragging rights to others! You can use it to broaden your backlog horizons! Or you can forget about it. THIS GAME: Marvel: Ultimate Alliance >Where do I get this? Marvel: Ultimate Alliance (XBOX): https://myrient.erista.me/files/Redump/Microsoft%20-%20Xbox/Marvel%20-%20Ultimate%20Alliance%20%28USA%2C%20Europe%29.zip Marvel: Ultimate Alliance (PC): magnet:?xt=urn:btih:d6ee2ae9cc9768dd722979388ebebbf730551141 Marvel: Ultimate Alliance (GBA): https://myrient.erista.me/files/No-Intro/Nintendo%20-%20Game%20Boy%20Advance/Marvel%20-%20Ultimate%20Alliance%20%28USA%29.zip Marvel: Ultimate Alliance (PS2): https://myrient.erista.me/files/Redump/Sony%20-%20PlayStation%202/Marvel%20-%20Ultimate%20Alliance%20%28USA%29.zip Marvel: Ultimate Alliance (PSP): https://myrient.erista.me/files/Redump/Sony%20-%20PlayStation%20Portable/Marvel%20-%20Ultimate%20Alliance%20%28USA%29%20%28v2.00%29.zip Marvel: Ultimate Alliance (X360): https://myrient.erista.me/files/Redump/Microsoft%20-%20Xbox%20360/Marvel%20-%20Ultimate%20Alliance%20%28USA%2C%20Europe%29.zip Marvel: Ultimate Alliance (Wii): https://myrient.erista.me/files/Redump/Nintendo%20-%20Wii%20-%20NKit%20RVZ%20%5Bzstd-19-128k%5D/Marvel%20-%20Ultimate%20Alliance%20%28USA%29.zip >How does it play? Stan Lee's iconic superheroes team up to defeat an alliance of evil. For decades, Earth's super heroes have opposed evil in their own cities, and on their own terms. But now, Dr. Doom and the newly reformed Masters of Evil - the greatest collection of Super Villains ever assembled - have plans for world domination, and the heroes must band together to defeat them. Marvel: Ultimate Alliance offers a vast roster of comic book characters, drawing on over 140 popular heroes and villains from the Marvel universe. Create and customise your ultimate four-person team, selecting from an initial roster of 20 playable superheroes, including Spider-Man, Wolverine, The Thing, Blade and Elektra. Able to fight while airborne, on the ground, and even submerged underwater, you will lead your team through 17 exotic locations from the Marvel universe. A host of fighting tactics, accessories and advancement options, including melee combat moves, super hero powers, individual and team upgrades, provide the raw power behind this action RPG. With the fate of Earth in your hands the game's original storyline, developed by Vicarious Visions and Marvel's own C.B. Cebulski, unfolds based on the choices you make. Over 140 popular Marvel comic book characters. Create your own Marvel dream team, with customisable name, team icon and team vehicle, and establish a team reputation. Determine the fate of Earth and the Marvel universe. ABOUT FEATURED GAME AND HOW GAMES ARE FEATURED: This event's now Featured Game for flexible uptime. For transparency, integrity, verifiability, and least drama, moderators will select all future Featured Games by a moderator's roulette spin, then by this list, non-negotiably so process tampering doesn't derail Featured Games. As a rule, please discuss the game, not this nor drama, thank you. 1) A moderator signs his role then roulette spins a die with 4000 sides using the command /roll{1d4000}; 2) He searches this numbered item in the gr.blade.sk spreadsheet; 3) He counts up from that item, including that item, to a console or handheld game whose console or handheld released in any region before 2005; 4) He continues to count if the game relies on modern hardware, as most people won't be able to enjoy it, rendering the thread kind of pointless; 5) He continues if it's too popular. "Too popular" is non-negotiably decided by the moderator, but examples are CoD, FIFA, and GTA; 6) He continues if it cannot be emulated at all, to mitigate virus risks and avoid broken games; 7) He continues if it's always-online, live service, only mobile, only multiplayer, depends on external servers, or requires overly gimmicky controls. 8) He can continue 1 or 2 more games ahead at his discretion, but no further. Previous Featured Games: https://unknown.spam/previousfeaturedgames OP Copypasta: https://unknown.spam/featuredgame
Edited last time by Mark on 03/01/2025 (Sat) 02:04:56.
Loved this Diablo-like back in the day. Served as a pretty good entry point into some of the heroes that weren't getting big attention, like my guy, Colonel Nick Fury (a shame Samuel Jackson replaced him in the comics for movie synergy, that Agent of SHIELD and salty dog attitude was so cool to me.) I remember feeling skiffed when the 360 version had exclusive heroes and DLC villains, especially ones I felt were essential like Hulk.
>>1071277 >>1071303 There really is something to be said about the pre-MCU Marvel games like this one, the MVC games before Infinite (remember them putting Marrow of all people in 2?), and Spider Man Web of Shadows (which had a Wolverine fight where he quizzes you on comic history). Not to mention pre-MCU cartoons like Earth's Mightiest Heroes. Felt like the guys behind them were a lot more willing to immerse themselves in the universe for deep cuts rather than limit themselves for normalfags who only watched movies, or god forbid the devs WERE secondaries who only watched movies.
Can't some versions of this game's co-op be played via emulator netplay? >>1071325 >Felt like the guys behind them were a lot more willing to immerse themselves in the universe for deep cuts rather than limit themselves for normalfags who only watched movies Precisely because of this I have told people that anyone who played Marvel games have more knowledge of comic characters and lore than movie goers. Being in the post-MCU era also makes looking at some of the choices amusing in hindsight. >Rocket Raccoon in UMVC3 was considered an out of nowhere pick at the time of release >Now having a Marvel crossover game without him or any of the Guardians would be unthinkable
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>>1071361 >Can't some versions of this game's co-op be played via emulator netplay? I think so it's just a matter of everyone having the good hardware to emulate them, especially the definitive Xbox 360 version with the additional characters. However, a quick glance at its compatibility report with Xenia last year warns of crashes occurring, so it might not be the best option. The PS3 & Wii versions are tagged as playable in RPCS3 and Dolphin. Hulk, Cyclops, Nightcrawler, Doctor Doom, Sabretooth, and Hawkeye aren't playable in those versions but you do get Colossus & Moon Knight who aren't available in the other platforms. The PC version had Gamespy for online play but it's been shut down a long time ago. OpenSpy should revive it.
>>1071325 Post-MCU Disney pushes their nose in a lot of developments, hence MvC Infinite where despite the X-Men being mainstays The house of Walt's Disgrace demanded they be excluded out of some petty pissing contest with Fox (which they later bought anyway)
Oh, it's a game I've actually played before. I remember being crazy impressed how many characters it had, I might give this a go again.
>>1071379 I still have my physical PS2 copy.
>>1071375 I recall it was Ike "the Kike" Perlmutter specifically who did that (alongside briefly instructing the comics to try and replace the X-Men with Inhumans, which got us Kamala Khan and nothing else of note).
>>1071759 >which got us Kamala Khan and nothing else of note So nothing of note.
>>1071325 Earth's Mightiest Heroes was clearly made to ride the popularity of the MCU. It was practically a tie in show even if it wasn't technically the same universe. A better example would be how there was a whole Marvel animated universe in the 90s. Not as good as the DC Animated Universe, but X-Men and Spider-Man are classics.
Any way to change button config? Default settings are a mess.
>>1072019 EMH was still made more with comic designs in mind rather than MCU shit, which is why when the replaced it with Avengers Assemble, everything just became dogshit because that one was 100% made with MCU designs.
>>1072019 >It was practically a tie in show (to the MCU) even if it wasn't technically the same universe. I really didn't get that impression at all. Between being made before Carol Danvers got ruined by becoming Captain Marvel, including Wonder Man as a major character, adapting Secret Invasion ages before they actually put Skrulls in the MCU, and not even changing Ultron's origins to be built by Iron Man rather than Ant Man (who himself starts going through the whole Yellowjacket thing), it didn't really lean on MCU trappings. For god's sake, Wasp was part of the team lineup while Black Widow was supporting cast. Like >>1072241 said, trying to crib the MCU for synergy was much more obviously Avengers Assemble's sin.
>>1072281 Danvers didnt show up in the MCU until right before Avengers 3. EMH was basically a tie in to Avengers 1. Same as how that Iron Man show where Tony was a teenager was basically a tie in to Iron Man 1. There was a Fantastic Four cartoon that was also basically a tie in to Rise of the Silver Surfer.
Shame none of these games, not even the Japan made new one (whatever happened to that? It released then nothing) had Power Pack. >>1071830 The destruction she wrought and scale of failure is pretty notable.
>>1072363 I wanted to buy the new one but I don't want to give money to disney. Honestly I just wanted to buy it because it is one of very few new games that just have unlockable costumes. NOT PAID COSTUMES, Unlockables. you just do an in game challenge and you get the fucking costume.
>>1072363 >Shame none of these games, not even the Japan made new one (whatever happened to that? It released then nothing) had Power Pack I half way have the same regrets and am half way thankful that Marvel seems to have forgotten them so that they can't fuck them up horribly. I think the only thing that's saved them is ironically that the live action nature of the MCU makes it too infeasible to make a Power Pack movie. You've got to find four preadolescent actors/actresses to carry the movie as main characters. For Katie in particular you basically need a Shirley Temple tier little girl to pull it off. And then you've got to have at least 2 or 3 sequels immediately in the pipeline and probably even shoot the scenes with the 4 siblings concurrently with the first movie so that they don't all age out of the part. And the same problem makes it difficult to integrate them into crossovers with the wider MCU. And that's the studio not knowing whether or not the first movie will even be enough of a success to warrant sequels to begin with.
>>1072588 That's why they should have done an animated movie after Endgame as a sidestory, then 6+ years latter (i.e., now) they could plausibly cast a late teens Alex and/or Julie for a cameo. Instead Iger chose death.
>>1072890 It's honestly just as well given the direction that they took Julie in the mainline comics when she joined the Runaways why the fuck would a well adjusted superhero girl from a happy family join the Runaways they would have definitely race swapped them or made half of them gaytransgenderfluid, given the time period. >>1072890 >Instead Iger chose death. I wish he would.
>>1072363 https://gamebanana.com/mods/569387 there's always low quality fan made mods!
>>1072588 There's also the fact that Power Pack has never been the biggest Marvel property. They don't even have many animated appearances. Even Iron Man, who nobody gave a fuck about until RDJ played him, had a two season cartoon in the '90s, plus animated shorts in the '60s. Guardians of the Galaxy were pretty obscure until the movie, but that's probably the closest thing to Power Pack that the MCU has. Unless we count all the SJW shit after Infinity War, and that doesn't count. You wouldn't want any property you like to be turned into that.
>>1071277 I remember playing this game with my brother when it came out, we looked up cheat codes right away and started the game with Silver Surfer. It's incredibly long from what I remember and the Ice Man mission where he's in hell always pissed me off for being too hard, I've yet to bet it to this day. Fun game if you have a couple friends to play with.
>>1073537 >hell Ah baby's first moral quandry, I remember it well. So, which one lives and which one dies /v/?
>>1073688 Nightcrawler, his design is cooler.
>>1073688 Why can't Nightcrawlwr just teleport out?
>>1073688 Use Magneto and save both.
>>1073712 Hell magic >>1073723 Congratulations for playing on a 7th gen console.
>>1073712 I'm not an expert on Marvel lore so please correct me if I'm wrong, which I often am, but I believe Nightcrawler can teleport on Earth because when he poofs from Earth he goes to Hell and, from Hell, he can teleport to a different point on Earth. Being dragged to Hell without teleporting means he has no original Earthy starting point so he can not bridge an ending connection point to somewhere else on Earth. I think this is also why he can't teleport out of Hell when he is dragged there in X-Men Annual #4.
>>1073712 Isn't there a thing where he needs to be able to see the place he's bamfing to, or else he might bamf into a solid object and subject himself to a horrific death?
1d4000 = 1673

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