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Musou General: Dynasty Warriors Origins Special Anonymous 01/17/2025 (Fri) 10:31:15 Id: 45cc8c No. 1061969
Haven't seen much discussion or hype for this one, and that's probably warranted seeing what I've played of it thus far. One hero, seven weapons, skill trees, wandering around an overworld map, side quests, collecting crafting materials, etc. I'm new to the genre and the series, except for the excellent Hyrule Warriors (the first one, not the shitheap that was Age of Calamity), and while I do find it fun all I can see is shit that would piss off genre and series purists. As a fairly distant outsider though, I admit I'm having fun, though not heaping gobs of it. The overworld map reminds me of Heroes of Might and Magic in a way. DWO definitely could be better, but the main point is I'm absolutely lost with these fucking names. They all sound the same to me with few exceptions. I know of Lu Bu from the memes, and Cao Cao stands out because the name is pronounced Tsow Tsow which, OK, I'm familar with Welsh so I'll give that a pass, but fuck me everyone else is named Gaun Yu or Yu Guan or Lie Bu or Lei Schwang or some fucking thing. I'm lost as fuck. The music is good though, it's the kind of upbeat energetic Jrock that usually accompanies these titles and other nip action games. Kind of reminds me of Ys 8's OST a bit, heavy on the guitar and drums. The voice acting though, well, the lines are said and they're fairly clear but I guess it's hard to have passion for such stilted dialogue. I suppose it's a direct translation of the rather rigid Mandarin so I'd prefer that to some "punched up" localiser bullshit, so I'll give it a pass on that account. Overall, I'd call the "modernising" of Dynasty Warriors a success, since I'm having fun and I'm not thrown into the middle of an existing franchise in which I'd be even more lost than I already am with these yellow turban fuckers in the Puyang province. I know there's some significance to the Puyang province, wasn't the communist party born there? Or Winnie the Pooh himself? Fuck man, this is my first taste of bugman history and I'm lost. But still, the game is fun for a complete newcomer, though whether that leads to greater sales...I don't know, I don't think so. Purists will likely be driven away and I didn't even know this game was a thing until I asked my local game store if anything had come out recently and I was bored so I picked it up (yeah I "bought" it but their generous return policy means I keep jack shit and get my money back on four out of five games). According to the Playstation tracker thing I'm 16% of the way through the game and I've played probably two hours, so I'll likely be finished with the main campaign by the end of the weekend. Any genre fans interested in this game and want to weigh in? I'm curious how you'd feel about it.
>one hero >and a pretty boy one at that That's an easy skip. I mean i don't mind the reset of the series, but DW9 probably ruined it forever. And then they didn't utilized open world of DW9 in empires making it useless even for nerds.
>>1061969 The only time I've ever been interested to play any of these games is when they had wacky crossovers with Ninja gaiden and Soul Calibur characters. Are they still doing that stuff?
>>1061980 No cameo characters in this game, not that I've encountered so far anyway. >>1061975 Yeah that's what I figured. From what I've read DW9 pretty much tanked the series and this is their attempt to revitalise it. I don't think it's worked.
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>>1061969 >I'm absolutely lost with these fucking names Yeah it be that way. The book had like 1,000 characters. I think the main ones you need to know are: The 3 bros: Liu Bei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei Evil mastermind: Cao Cao Fat evil guy: Dong Zhuo Wise cunt: Zhuge Liang and his ugly wife Yue Ying (maybe called Lady Huang these days idk) OP warrior: Lu Bu and his hot gf Diao Chan. The last one I played was DW5. Need to catch up on this shit. But open world sounds fuckin weird for a DW game.
>>1061993 Cheers for the synopsis anon. I'm getting the hang of the three brothers, since they're the guys you start with. I think Zhuge Liang is the guy you meet in the intro/tutorial mission (leader of the Yellow Turbans?). I've met Dong Zhuo, the fat purple dude who thinks everything is about power. I thought Cao Cao was going to be a good guy? Gonna be interesting to see how this plays out. Haven't met Lu Bu or his wife yet, I'm just up to the end of chapter 1 I think when we're fighting the "last stand" of the Yellow Turbans in their homeland of Ji province, the guy from the tutorial being defeated in the mission prior but running away. Sorry if this is spoilers for anyone but I figured it's basically a remake of a game based on a thousand year old book so the spoiler time limit has been reached.
>Can't play with my Dong No thanks
>>1061980 Warriors Orochi? The last one is 4 which was in 2020 but the one you're referring to, 3 had a definitive edition for PC 2 years back. >Are they still doing that stuff? Not so sure about future installments. DW9 is shit and SW5 is a prequel with a smaller cast (not to mention they now share the shared weapon moveset from DW).
>>1061969 >Any genre fans interested in this game and want to weigh in? I'm curious how you'd feel about it. Not exactly "that" dedicated to the series, but have read enough comments to see that the only two DW games worth playing of the mainline series (Unless you care about seeing gameplay evolution) are DW7 and DW8, but for different reasons. If you care more about the story presentation, play DW7. If you care more about the gameplay and number of playable characters, then go with DW8. And if you're really autstic about it, DW5 because it was the last game to utuilize the moral system that actually tracked each and every single soldier throughout a battle. You don't really "need" to play the rest of the mainline games as all of the games are just fantastical adaptations of Romance Of The Three Kingdoms.
>>1061969 Now that it's out, would you guys recommend Origins?
>>1061969 A couple of things I should point out now that I'm in chapter 2. You CAN play as a different character, but only for a limited time, and they have to be a character you choose to take into battle as a battle buddy, and it seems limited to a single character. Also, there are 9 weapons to use, not 7. And the more I play it, the more I appreciate the "nameless protagonist forgotten by history" MC they're using because it means I don't have to identify as any of these other bajillion characters that I don't know. >>1062422 Get it on sale, no game is worth full price these days.
>>1061969 >One hero Lame. I would rather they had gone the CAW (create a warrior) route instead at that point. Hopefully they at least have Xiahou Dun as a guest character. I'll have to try the demo later. >>1061995 >I thought Cao Cao Going purely off the games I played, they never really make him outright evil like Dong Zhuo. Lots of fags like to debate if he was more evil or good. Personally I always played Wei the most so I like him.
>>1062451 >I would rather they had gone the CAW (create a warrior) route instead at that point. Isn't that the big appeal of the Empires spin-offs?
>>1062509 Yeah, but mainline games had it too if I remember right.
>>1062422 I've played several Warriors games and I loved them all, I think when it comes to the gameplay it's the best one together with Three Hopes where I only played Blue Lions several times. Back to DW:O, it is a bit "lean" but very polished, fun and I think the inevitable sequel will be the definitive DW experience unless they fuck up. It looks nice, music's good, I can't say anything bad about the game - other characters are basically gone, but the one you have is fun and has several weapons. But if you care about that sort of thing, I'll just say they doubled down on fujoshi stuff. You travel with a trap who constantly hangs out in your inn room and seemingly sleeps there (guess who also does?). It's not in your face until you take a few seconds to think about it, and because I am a Cao Cao-tier mastermind, you are guaranteed to think about it because you read it here. You're welcome. Also, characters say all the wishy-washy fortune cookie poet stuff you'd expect, but they have bond conversations that sound extremely gay even by Chinese prose and DW standards. You could interpret it as mere compliments with antiquated prose, but it was definitely for the fujos. I don't care, but some will.
>>1062621 >fujoshit I just had a conversation with the big guy from the three brothers (forgot his name, not the spear guy who's with Liu Bei, the other one) and it was pretty fucking gay. Very flowery and not at all subtle but basically declaring attraction and love without using said terms. Made me laugh more than anything. Now I've also met Diaochan, the poison-needle lady, and she seems cool. Together with the princess (Shangxiang? I think? I'm terrible with these names) they make for decent potential female love interests if it ever gets to that point. I did have one bug earlier where I was in a map where the ally charge never happened so I was supposed to take on a courage army that was fully buffed with five captains, two of which were named, all by myself. It was pretty fucking bad. I assumed something was wrong and just restarted the whole map from scratch and sure enough the charge happened the second time and it was a clean sweep. It was annoying and frustrating because I wasn't sure if I was supposed to be a one man army and I just sucked at the game but I feel vindicated now.
>>1062529 Only two mainline games really had it. Dynasty Warriors 5 Xtreme Legends, and Samurai Warriors 1. They both have story mode style campaigns for CAWs. The Empires spinoffs in general have had more CAW freedom. >>1062621 There has been this odd, pivot to dating sorts of mechanics lately. I first noticed it in Warriors Orochi 4 where everyone has a few lines denoted as "Extra" in which they appear to address you as the player, or a potential avatar that isn't in the final game, in a romantic way. Everyone has these lines and they aren't used anywhere else in the game at all. Three Hopes would have the whole romance stuff fully, given that is it based on modern FE and all.
>>1062643 I don't think you end up outright romancing anyone, not Guan Yu (first guy you mentioned), Diao Chan, or Sun Shangxiang.
>>1061995 >>1062451 >I thought Cao Cao was going to be a good guy? Gonna be interesting to see how this plays out. He's more of an ambitious, ends justify the means kind of guy like Nobunaga rather than pure evil bastard.
>>1062644 (checked) >Only two mainline games really had it I had to search for it now just to see if my memory is shot, and from a quick search I saw DW4 had it as well. All that time I spent playing empires in later games clearly fugged with my memory of this. >DW5 Reminds me that they should have brought back and improved Destiny mode from that game. It was basic but had potential. >>1062699 (double checked) Yep. Definitely the more cold calculating type.
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>>1061969 >but fuck me everyone else is named Gaun Yu or Yu Guan or Lie Bu or Lei Schwang or some fucking thing. Gaun Yu is the coolest motherfucker. You can even cosplay has him in Lies of P and use his guandao. >I'm lost as fuck. Wait until you have to also learn everybody's courtesy name as well.
>>1062021 >Morale system Origins returns that. >>1062422 You like playing old beat'em ups with a shit ton of characters through various stages, dunking on some bad dudes with your favourite playable character all the time? Do you like chink pseudohistory made cool because of the nips? Then play 5 or 8 on PC Do you like something closer to Wo Long or some more sophisticated beat'em up where your one guy is super capable, has multiple styles and weapons and can use them to take advantage of any situation and overturn the tide with an autistic amount of combo mads while the enemies attempt to make ground beef out of his frail carcass? Get Origins. >>1062435 There are 11 actually? I think 1 or two of them are unlocked as New Game Plus kind of rewards. As for the other characters, they basically are temporary and insanely stronger than the player character while working on a timer...just like Drakengard 1, the game that copied Dynasty Warriors. Irony. >>1062451 Wei and Wu for life, no Shoeniggers allowed. >>1062621 I hope they keep the gameplay. They hinted at more stages, (temp) playable characters as well which means more weapon types but at this point it's kind of wacky cause more things hinge on a playstyle : >Sword = Samurai Warriors moveset aka C-branches >Podao = Charge type shit like MonHun's Greatsword >Spear = aerial moveset >Gauntlets = Heavy attack changes your "stance", almost similar to Nioh? >Guan Yu's Crescent Blade = Renbu from DW6 IIRC? >Lu Bu's Halberd = Boss-type moveset during True Musou and so on.
>>1062731 >Reminds me that they should have brought back and improved Destiny mode from that game. It was basic but had potential. Aside from not being able to customize your character and working under someone, DWO is Destiny Mode in all but name. If they were to bring back Destiny Mode, it would probably cannibalize some of the appeal that the Empires games have forged with its emphasis on your CAWs.
>>1061969 Koei/ Koei Tecmo has been making these games for two decades and they're the same shit every time. This shit is like FIFA for Japs and chinks.
>>1063237 You could say the same thing about Capcom or Nintendo really, mostly Crapcom.
>>1063250 Only Capcom, Nintendo recycles IP but most (not all) of their games feel different. Not much new in musou.
>>1061969 Main character of Origins I call KPOP cause he looks like he's in a boyband. Yuanhua I twink which is self explanatory. Met Diaochan, hope she plays a part in the story. With DW8, there was a sort of 4th faction where heroes could be unaffiliated with the 3 major factions. Lu Bu, Yuan Shao, Dong Zhou for example. Diaochan was among them, I wonder if she'll accompany KPOP when he finally joins a faction.
>>1063778 *I call twink
I like what I have seen from Origins so far but I am just going to wait for a price drop since I have too much shit to play anyways. The game also seems to be pretty barebones from what I saw so far. I get its a sort of reset for the franchise which is fine but why not at least make a robust character creator? So many games do this and this game seems like it really could have used this since you only play as one character through most of it.
>>1075224 I really like it because unlike most Musoushit, it actually has some depth to the combat and some nice new gimmicks. It's actually challenging as well, I finished the demo on the hardest difficulty and got my ass kicked by LuBu countless times though It also took me a while to get good so I didn't save up my healing items Kicking his ass felt so fucking satisfying
>>1062699 >>1062451 Historical Cao Cao seems to have been a competent leader (at least on land) who threw out a lot of Chinese tradition (including lack of social mobility for those useful to him) that got in his way, Historical fiction Romance of the Three Kingdoms makes shit up to demonize him because Luo Guanzhong made no secret about which side was his favorite.

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