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Games Carried Completely by One Non-Gameplay Element Anonymous 12/26/2024 (Thu) 03:36:15 Id: 2f3500 No. 1054398
I was recently reminded of some games which, in my opinion, were carried entirely by the soundtrack. Immediately the ones which come to mind are things like whatever Tim Follin produced music for, like Pictionary on the NES, but also more contemporary titles like Skyrim and Mechanicus. Then this got me thinking about the other games out there which got completely carried by some other non-gameplay related element, like the story or the art style. I'm not talking a mix of one thing or another, but something going so far and beyond the rest of the characteristics of the game that it is recognized/remembered as the sole thing the game had going for it. I suppose another example would be Little Witch Nobeta which has pretty forgettable combat and even worse aspects besides, but it remembered because it has one cute girl in it whom the devs are not afraid at all to lewd in their official merchandise and marketing. Post some other examples which spring to mind, be it for soundtrack, artstyle, or something else - as long as it doesn't pertain to the gameplay.
>>1054398 I'm sure skyrim having a big map with a fuckton to complete had nothing to do with gameplay. Almost every furry, fetish, or porn game can go on your list, including people with an upskirt fetish for games like atelier ryza that they call groundbreaking.
>>1054401 Skyrim might be expansive, but the quests are for the most part boring and uninspired. Not to mention cookie cutter. I think Skyrim was only ever able to enter the history books because of its vast modding potential, which isn't really thanks to Bethesda specifically.
>>1054398 There's multiple examples of gatcha games, MOBAs, and arena shooters that are carried entirely by character designs to draw in waifuers and porn artists.
>>1054398 Also >Pictionary
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Mouthwashing, as a game, is a relatively mediocre horror experience interspersed with minigames. The game shines in its characters and the non-linear story.
>>1054460 Regardless, people bought it up and were playing 10 hours a day for a week after it came out, trying to "beat" it through completion.
The only fucking reason I know anything about Last origin is because it has big titty elves in cow-print bikinis.
>>1054470 I have extremely little respect for gacha players or anybody who plays games for muh preddy gurls. They take SUCH offence if you ever call them out on it, too.
>>1054460 That stuff is what let it last in popularity for so long. It's a combination of factors for why its famous in the first place. Dry year, lots of hype behind it in general due to people liking Oblivion and Morrowind and not noticing the Bethesda flaws in general yet, massive advertising campaign that had a viral meme associated with it (Fus Ro Dah memes), game thus being "Baby's first open world RPG" to a lot of CODniggers and other normalfags giving it a lot of good world of mouth, also being carried by the excellent world design that was fun to explore, the music, and the ES Lore being somewhat untouched and serving as a solid backdrop for nerds into that shit. Skyrim is very much lightning in a bottle and only in the past few years has sentiment turned against it as more people play more great games and better-made bethesda-style games become more renown like New Vegas and several independent projects. >>1054470 Lots of games like this. Hell, some devs have even learned to weaponize it for marketing or at least turn the other way, like Netease with their Marvel hero shooter having devs practically doing half the work for the porn artists already with how "detailed" the models are where it counts. I don't have many examples since one thing alone isn't enough to get me to play a game usually. Though an example does come to mind for me, Tales of Arise being easily the worst game in the series and such a piece of shit and unrecognizeable as a Tales game it really shouldn't have the brand attached at all, but for some reason Sakuraba poured his heart into the soundtrack and produced what's probably the best overall OST he's ever made and some of the better songs in his career next to his non-game compositions. He mentioned in an interview the director and higher-ups gave him free reign to do whatever for the soundtrack, in so many words, so maybe this is why, but I find it funny that such a dumpster fire of a game has such "fire" music, as the youngn's put it. Even the area themes are really good when he's usually hit-or-miss when it comes to peaceful themes. It's to a point I'll go back and listen to the soundtrack even now despite my burning hatred for the game and how many bad memories it brings up.
>>1054485 Really? I thought it was leftwing woke pozz to criticism such things :^}
>>1054485 Tbf you have to have a pretty high IQ to play Genshin Impact and Zenless Zone Zero.
>>1054485 >I have extremely little respect for gacha players Respecting gacha players is like respecting feces. Gacha's a "genre opposite" of puzzle games on IQ scales, gacha players are low IQ and low impulse control brownoid buyfags who wank life away and make shit financial decisions like lottery tickets, payday loans, gambling, and impulse buying.
A lot of games are carried entirely by their IP
>>1054485 >I have extremely little respect for [...] anybody who plays games for muh preddy gurls I will never understand this virtue-signaling mentality, or holier-than-thou attitude, but I guess I'm not american or anglo after all so this feels very artificial to me. People like attractive characters after all, it was something like Tomb Raider or No One Lives Forever back then, now it's essentially Japanese and other asian games sticking to that natural rule. Sure, solely having good-looking girls won't save a game from sheer mediocrity. I remember playing Gun Gun Pixies on the Vita because the premise of miniature characters trying to deal with invaders, while they had to avoid suspicion from the actual humans, looked interesting but the game was ultimately very barebones in the end. That being said, you won't get me on board if the characters and overall artstyle both look unappealing regardless the game itself may be actually good. Visuals are an important part of what constitute a videogame alongside of the gameplay itself, and it's true for the sound-work too. I never bothered getting Super Meat Boy on any other platform besides the OG release on PC long ago because it lost the license of Danny Baranowsky's music over a disagreement iirc. The music was a huge contributing side of that indie game in this instance. Also hating on gacha is waaaay overrated, blaming it for whatever happened in the game industry (like the Japanese one in particular) is much more an obvious sign of someone who barely know about videogames in the first place.
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>>1054485 >I have extremely little respect for gacha players As anyone should. >or anybody who plays games for muh preddy gurls. You are homosexual. Also, picrelated.
>>1055961 <porn addict
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>>1055963 Faggot.
>>1055963 Where do you think we are?
>>1055967 caught
>>1055963 >liking pretty female characters is "porn addiction" It's not just men liking them, women do too. Not just from hanging around with the Japanese online, but with family relatives and other people I know IRL. Why do you think that games aimed at girls, such as dressing or otome, feature good-looking female characters for instance? Nevermind comics (even if it's mangas that remain the rage these days)
>>1055964 >>1055965 >>1055974 The context is obviously not about games having cute girls, it's about playing shit games only because they have cute girls. That's lizard brain behavior. Please do not listen to the lizard brain, play games that are actually good. Neptunia is not good.
>>1055975 You're right.
>>1055975 >Neptunia is not good. People enjoy Neptunia as a fandom more than anything else, like how many 2hu fans have never played a single entry. And are any of Idea Factory's games good? They're a slophouse of a studio, Spectral Tower is considered one of the worst PS1 games and among the worst dungeon crawlers ever.
>>1055975 >>1055963 Shouldn't you be on twitter posting soyjaks or something? >>1055979 Trillion: God of Destruction.
Has there ever been another game that drove the hype train as fast as Skyrim? Even normalfags that had never heard of TES were convinced it would be the greatest game ever made.
>>1054485 >anon claims those who play games for muh preddy gurls take SUCH offence if you ever call them out on it, too <anon proceeds to prove him right with a massive wall of text >>1055940 Many such cases.
>>1059396 He's basically saying that if you like games with cute or hot girls in them that's basically being a gachashitter, he's a fag trying to mask his faggotry in terms anon can stomach.
>>1059389 Of course! The game you're looking for would be Skyrim: Anniversary Edition! Finally, a game to surpass Skyrim: Special Edition! All true gamers knew they had to pre-order their copies well in advance!
>>1059420 I'll hold out for Skyrim: Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry Series, weednumbers.
this game's relevence relies entirely on the non-gameplay element that people find murder crazy gothic orphans hot
>>1054398 >Games Carried Completely by One Non-Gameplay Element This pretty much defines the survival horror genre. If the horror elements are not good then you really don't have a good horror game even if the gameplay might be fun. Its why survival horror games can often get a pass for shitty gameplay.

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