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#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:A Quiet Mansion Fox Edition Anonymous 03/04/2025 (Tue) 00:56:08 Id: 5ab7a6 No. 1076897
ONGOING DISCUSSIONS <Breaking: USAID Website Goes Dark As Trump Reportedly Plans To Shift Agency Under State Department; Agency revealed to have engaged in wasteful spending including combatting "misinformation" on the Internet such as 4chan and Reddit https://archive.ph/h4nEx >Companies beginning to abandon DEI and other Affirmative Action temp filter due to raidicies following 2024 US Election Results: https://archive.ph/GW9C8 https://archive.ph/OqPGJ https://archive.ph/WlVIj >Guillemot Family And Tencent May Move Select Ubisoft Assets To New Venture After Assassin's Creed Shadows is delayed to March 20th 2025 https://archive.md/NMr6d https://archive.ph/zL2AP >Dragon Age Veilguard Director Leaves EA After Disappointing Attempt At Series Revival https://archive.ph/yoQe1 >Feminist Frequency is dead https://archive.is/gHAZc >Buzzfeed News is shutting down https://archive.is/mI2rz >The Gamer Praises Censorship in ‘Resident Evil 4’ Remake, Claims Original Game’s Panty Shots Encourage “Misogynistic Behaviour In Real Life” https://archive.is/qGtKO >Chris Avellone wins seven figures lawsuit, possible return to video games industry https://archive.is/ZDgT7 >GJP is attacking Valve over not supporting BLM https://archive.vn/12kPM >Nathan Grayson laid off as The Washington Post shuts down Launcher, their gaming section https://archive.is/B9wT2 >Limited Run Games fires employee after complaints over who she follows on Twitter https://archive.vn/obNiJ >Regulators (FTC) Look To Block Microsoft Acquisition Of Activision Blizzard Inc https://archive.ph/rKNDf >EU antitrust regulators to probe Microsoft's $69 billion Activision bid https://archive.ph/SqhgU >IGN Journalist who reviewed The Last of Us Part 2 joins Naughty Dog as Editorial Content Manager https://archive.ph/eTmtu https://pastebin.com/GGG5Kwdr >Arc System Works confirms that Bridget is trans https://archive.ph/lkbiL >Cloudflare bans Kiwifarms https://archive.ph/5ziDX >Ben Kuchera claims he was fired by Vox Media for taking time off to deal with his children being sexually abused https://archive.ph/nB79z >Wiki is up again! https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php/Main_Page CURRENT TASKS: 1. OPERATION MAX REVIVE Rebuild the board's userbase and activity through simple, but effective methods 1. Post across the entire board Activity creates activity. Use threads you like, make new ones if topics don't exist. Easy examples are Drawthreads and Friday Night threads, go request or draw something right now. 2. Recruit and recover lost or potential anons Use this site's OC and features to entice anons if necessary when recruiting, just inform that we are alive. Here's some sites and links with at least some confirmed anons that can be recruited again: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/8chotwheels
[Expand Post]https://steamcommunity.com/groups/SSAVCH https://steamcommunity.com/groups/video_games https://steamcommunity.com/groups/8chmohun https://steamcommunity.com/groups/8chan_monster https://steamcommunity.com/groups/GoodLuckEbolaChan https://steamcommunity.com/search/groups/#text=8ch.net https://steamcommunity.com/search/groups/#text=8chan Other sites that might yield fruitful results and have anons (art sites use an account so you can see 18+ content): https://www.deviantart.com/search?q=Vivian+James https://www.newgrounds.com/search/summary?suitabilities=etm&terms=Vivian%20James https://twitter.com/search?q=Vivian%20James&src=typed_query&f=image https://rpgcodex.net/ https://old.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/ Somewhere on Telegram Just searching up GG or 8chan-related terms on certain places/sites can get you possible results. 3. Make your own OC/Memes/Content Doesn't matter what it is even if its just simple edits or full-on drawings or webms, just make it and have fun. Ask in thread for software recs if necessary. 4. Encourage or create fun events, activities, projects, etc. Think things like 8chanmania, weekly streams, re-translation projects, demo days, or zzz's gaming magazine for example. If you want to do something, try making or reviving it, it can't hurt and these things are great for the board. 5. Use other boards All it takes for a board to grow is at least 2 dedicated anons using it. Don't be afraid to make a post, check places periodically, shill, or what have you. Don't force discussions to boards, just encourage the usage of them. 2. OPERATION TRAJAN: Collect and catalog all of the various localization and censorship accounts of past video games into a single repository from these sources: romhacking.net The_Cutting_Room_Floor/tcrf.net Segaretro.org https://redirect.invidious.io/channel/UCFItIX8SIs4zqhJCHpbeV1A Examples: http://archive.vn/XQOHW Sony's temp filter due to raidicies forces censorship; JP devs allegedly have to go through ENG approval process: https://archive.fo/awzFF - Japanese blog post about it: https://archive.fo/bF9bE Sony Japan President Says PS4 Censorship temp filter due to raidicy Is To Match Global Standards And Protect Kids: https://archive.fo/U3GLa - Confirms censorship was deliberate: https://archive.fo/XgAgP - No rules for censorship temp filter due to raidicies, games judged case-by-case: https://archive.fo/37DhK - Marvelous partner starts petition against temp filter due to raidicy: https://archive.fo/rxQtf https://archive.fo/84UHo • Twitterfags: Tweet with Sony's stock code $SNE so that investors see your tweets and know you're pissed. • Consider spreading OP Timber materials to targets as well: http://archive.vn/URjtu ONGOING TASKS: A. Operation Download And Conquer: Loosen the death-grip of Google that has taken hold of the internet's audio and video services >>>/t/5546 B. Support archive.fo! Accountability needs proof: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate C. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations and unethical practices http://archive.vn/9bylT D. Internet Censorship happenings: Spread the word about the dangers of FOSTA/CLOUD act/Article 13, etc. https://www.eff.org/de/deeplinks/2020/03/earn-it-act-violates-constitution E. OP End the Era: Dig into resetera and their connections to journos, devs, etc. http://archive.vn/JfuSb Reminders (important, READ THESE!): • Use https://archive.today to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve pages in case they are deleted later • Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags • Do not accept requests for any goal, demand lists or personal army requests: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5 • Beware COINTELPRO: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htmSTOP REPLYING TO BAITS AND OBVIOUS DERAILMENT ATTEMPTS, JUST REPORT AND FILTER Resources >Summaries of #GamerGate:https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics • https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds • https://archive.fo/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address >Background and Evidence for #GamerGate: • The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.fo/nv1Fb • #GamerGate Wiki: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Main_Page • History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/ • View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section! >Lists: • GG Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb • Key GamerGate Hubs: https://v.gd/LNJbat >Thread Repository: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/blob/master/ThreadRepository.md https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Thread_Repository >Full OP Text: • Current: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=The_GamerGate_OP >How Can I Help? >>>/gamergatehq/ • All OPs: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations • OP Vulcan: Learn logical debating: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L • An Anon's Guide to Twitter; basics: https://v.gd/nwrbYF
>>1076897 Benis :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD
>>1076897 This isn't Sonic....
Watch out for GamerGate The public enemy of the world #1 It is the main hashtag responsible for… ☑ Accidentally re-starting the French Revolution ☑ Weaponized Gondolas ☑ Hacking German politicians and media ☑ Played "To Catch a Predator" with Randy Pickford ☑ Masterminded the destruction of GDQ via the Catfish of Legend: Namazu ☑ Under the light of the Blood Moon; Self-destructed Western Journalism by having a some kid smirk at a drumming savage ☑ Just wanted to start a conversation with everyone, everywhere, eternally ☑ Watched Gawker die TWICE ☑ Guilty of face crimes ☑ When GameStop tried to sell itself; offered $3.50 in in-store credit ☑ Made telling "journalists" to "learn to code" into a hate crime ☑ Taught the Alt-Right ✅Then harassed said Alt-Right ☑ Started in 2011-2012 when 4chan tried to steal Anita Sarkeesian's SSN# ☑ Created "Boner Culture" which made cis straight male erections the most powerful force on earth ☑ Had a Jewish Mobster 'Take Care' of it ☑ Asked THQ about gaemu which somehow triggered World Wide Web War III ☑ Tricked /cow/ into developing and sharing their fetish for Mark's plump bagel with ResetEra ☑ Triggered GJP3.0 with 57 hitpeices on THQ Nordic's AA ☑ Orchestrated the GaymerGay misogynist review backlash against Marvel's Captain Woman ☑ Taught New Zealand about "White Day" ☑ Radicalized Spyro the Dragon ☑ Turned Pewdiepie into the Osama Bin Ladin of GaymerGays ☑ "The nerds and gamers were joined by the proto-storm troopers of the alt-right in a bond that has never been broken" ☑ Was a trial run for "will the US tolerate fascist behavior" ☑ Exploring new frontiers in sexual harassment via Jelly Bean ☑ Groomed young impressionable politicians into misogynists ☑ Created and trained the alt-right to take over the political landscape on a global scale (And succeeded) ☑ Arranged for Sonic the Hedgehog (movie ver.) to get "fixed" ☑ Remains undefeated for all time ☑ Turned Rage 2 into a Trump-esque attack on game journos ☑ Joined forces with Amazon ☑ Helped Mark impress Resetera ☑ Used Elliot Rodger's martyrdom to unite 4Chan and Breitbart to elect Donald Trump ☑ Will be looked back upon in 50 years as the root cause of the coming Cultural Civil War ☑ Government-sponsored shitposting ☑ Mastered the manipulation of the news cycle to their advantage ☑ Made Anita cry when Feminist Frequency went broke ☑ Destroyer of Worlds ☑ Russian Conspiracies (all of them) ☑ Extended Reanon's death/meme-magic to animation studios (please meme responsibly) ☑ An instrument of American Trumpian Power Worldwide
[Expand Post]☑ Cured alleged "journalist" of dyslexic anxiety ☑ An aberrant, creeping horror ☑ As dangerous as Anti-Vax, ISIS, and Holocaust Denial ☑ Five years of ruining everything ☑ Came to the classroom ☑ Trained Google whistleblowers ☑ Never died and foreshadowed our toxic meme-strewn politics ☑ Blew up the Internet ☑ Made wanting challenge in videogames into supporting White Supremacy ☑ Was secretly fighting WWIII all along ☑ Stochastic Terrorism ☑ Being a national security threat according to the DHS ☑ Helped Mark win the lottery ☑ Gave the money back ☑ Living long enough to see itself become the villain in a TV Show THRICE ☑ Confused the FBI into thinking /v/ is /baphomet/ ☑ Turned Anita Sarkesian into a crazy cat lady ☑ It's #Gamergate Forever ☑ Justifiably felt alienated by the neoliberal fetishization of feminism and the reductionism of politics to identity teams ☑ Was rabidly pro-corporate ☑ Manipulated a SJWeeb into review-bombing a LGBTWTFBBQ-friendly game as a "test" ☑ Non-meat based cam girls ☑ Caused the Corona outbreak which destroyed China to cheer up a depressed CIA glownigger ☑ Digisexuals ☑ Called the cyber police to put a cripple in cyber jail ☑ Weaponizing decency ☑ Made the games industry a nightmare for Women, Colored People, and Ashley Burch ☑ The inevitable ultimate horror of Sega's "toxic" advertising for ChuChu Rocket ☑ Has the highest body count of any COVID-19 disinfo group ☑ Finally got the 8kun administration to get off their ass and answer the damn phone ☑ Searching for a new home (again) ☑ Made some /v/ hotpockets on other imageboards go insane ☑ Burned julay to the ground by doing basically fuck-all except continue to exist (props to a certain bunbunmaru reporter, tho) ☑ Having a high enough IQ to be mentioned on Rick and Morty ☑ Radicalized a grandmother to the point she promotes harassment against alleged games journalists ☑ Is the terrorist group backed by 'The French' who are behind President Trump's exhausting battle against twitter ☑ Protecting FUCKING GAMESTOP from looters ☑ Finally started the Race War by forcing a meth-head on a date with Corona-chan to take a knee to the neck from the police ☑ Confirmed for Baby Hitler ☑ Gave a lot of airtime to Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov ☑ Got on the Atlantic's "free $100" van only to get intervewed ☑ Started a backlash against the French independent film industry because they want to raise pure little girls ☑ And then Russia wanted to shut down 8chan.moe to be ironic ☑ Was clearly a blueprint for Trump's online assault in 2016 ☑ A gravestone marked “Games Journalism; Dead By Suicide,” with the date of death corresponding with the launch of GG ☑ Took over the US capitol ☑ Funded by the GOP ☑ Using Reddit's radicalized nihilism to counter jews shorting FUCKING GAMESTOP ☑ Made Mark the Godfather of Gamergate ☑ Corrected Polygon on Titanfall lore ☑ Accidental meme magic discharge (R.I.P Miura) ☑ Planet-range racism field ☑ Not wanting people to put down the controller and talk about their feelings ☑ Destroyed the logic process of a bot wreaking havoc across multiple imageboards with just one simple trick ☑ Caused Blizzard executives to threaten their employees with rape ☑ Came to Alex Hutchinson's Defense ☑ Made Vivian a feminist symbol ☑ Grew to a geopolitical scale and spilled into real life with devastating consequences ☑ Got their own TV show ☑ Brandon’s First fan ☑ Gave birth to Qanon ☑ Is the precedent for /K/yle Rittenhouse ☑ Ruined people's brains by turning them into corporate bootlickers ☑ Created the concept of "Culture War" ☑ Was the watershed event in the ascendancy of online extremist personalities and tactics ☑ Mars manifest destiny ☑ Was behind Elon Musk's twitter takeover all along ☑ The Ruby Ridge of online violence ☑ Funneled men into far-right politics via witch-hunting ☑ We now live in a gamergateocracy ☑ Resulted in abortions being banned ☑ Accused of being none other than Gamergate ☑ Making mainstream games soft-sell white supremacy ☑ Getting their own theater piece in the Netherlands ☑ Was a rebellion against English class ☑ Conquistato il senato Italiano usando nerd armati ☑ Let the far right borrow it's online moves ☑ Radicalized a """"Right Wing"""" illegal immigrant canadian nudist hippy into assassinating Nancy Pelosi's husband with a hammer ☑ “How did I get into all this,” Mr. DePape wrote in one passage on his blog: “Gamer Gate it was gamer gate” ☑ Caught dogwhistling about Kotaku's journalistic integrity at MAGFest ☑ Being as legitimately terrifying as loving AI art on alt-right hate subreddits ☑ Actually, it's about ensuring children are left alone ☑ Channeled decades’ worth of bigotry and hatred embedded into systems, platforms, and communities both online and off ☑ Ignited a fundamentally misinformed firestorm against Sweet Baby Inc ☑ Becoming Spiteful Failsons ☑ It cannot be overstated how much of an influence Gamergate2 et al had in reeee-electing Donald Trump ☑ Elon Musk's war on federal workers
Archive of the previous bread. https://archive.ph/pDYS0
>>1076897 This isn't sonic.
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>>1076907 Oh okay. You're just shit-stirring.
More funding/defunding - Larry Sanger: https://nitter.net/lsanger/status/1894825221640867978 >Wikipedia co-founder here. May I ask you to determine what branches of the U.S. government—if any!—have employees paid to edit, monitor, update, lobby, etc., WIkipedia? >Such operations should be defunded, if any.
>>1076916 I hope Elon looks into it.
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>>1076916 >some of the comments saying wikipedia used to be good before it got hijacked by leftists Was wikipedia ever that good back then? Because as far as I remember, it was one of those places teachers would often say is not reliable.
>>1076918 No one can say for sure Lenny. It's only "reliable" in the eyes of leftists because of how Jimmy let the site get co-opted by furry communists
>>1076918 And you never stopped to ask yourself why they don't say it anymore, now that it has been completely taken over by communists?
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The good times are going to come back fellow anon, I can feel it!
>>1076921 Now, if Jo Seung-won could pound sand to whence he came...
>>1076918 And now they're fine with it Wonder why!
>>1076918 Maybe it was more accurate and unbiased, but teachers were trying to push a different narrative. >>1076917 Same.
>>1076923 They're fine with it because it's citation is unavoidable. Of course, the teacher's unions could've endorsed it, making teachers' teachers force them to change their mind on that.
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>>1076901 >>1076911 Was going to combine the theme with the PS2 anniversary until someone beat me to it again while I was outside. I wasn't expecting (or rather hoping) that it'd reach 700 before I got back. That end of thread spammer should've felt the Harmony
>>1076933 (checked) Isn't Surge just a canon Scourge but wannabe edgy and fails to pose as a threat?
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>>1076918 Yes and no, but mostly "no." Wikipedia was okay for things that didn't matter like Pokemon, but was shit for anything historical because I constantly find mistakes for things like localized WWII Japanese warship names and was always a complete shitshow for anything remotely political as anything that could have a leftist slant always had the hardest leftist slant possible. This is a systemic problem because the people who determine what constitutes a "trusted source" themselves can't be trusted.
>>1076918 Wikipedia was never good.
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>>1076920 I was out by the time it was presumbly deemed to be kosher on 'Right side of history topics' >>1076935 >mistakes for things like localized WWII Japanese warship names How did they fuck up the names of battleships? Did they call the Amagi ship something else?
>>1076938 Well you see the name for the ship was the “Sneaky Yellow Bastard, scourge of the Bering Sea” but they called it the “Blossom Flower”. The American naming is correct of course but the troons at Wikipedia decided to be woke.
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>https://github.com/hedge-dev/XenonRecomp >360 gaems on the PC soon I actually don't even remember a game on the 360 that i would want to play though.
>>1076940 It doesn't seem that easy to do though
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>>1076940 Anarchy Reigns, Guardian Heroes HD, Dead or Alive 4, Chromehounds, just to name a few.
>When we blame foreigners for violating the rules, we are told “Racism! This is what makes the immigration problem more complicated. This tweet is from the current owner of cuckchan btw https://xcancel.com/hirox246/status/1896487123978801389 https://archive.ph/wip/yinkA
Edited last time by coyote on 03/04/2025 (Tue) 03:04:36.
>>1076940 <I actually don't even remember a game on the 360 that i would want to play though. <Ace Combat 6 <Anarchy Reigns <Burnout 3 <Chromehounds <Dead or Alive 4 <Dead or Alive Xtreme 2 <Full Auto 1 <Goldeneye Remake <Guardian Heroes HD <Ninja Gaiden 2 <Rumble Roses XX <Saint's Row 1 <The Idolm@ster + Live For You! And maybe some of the games where their PC ports are have issues like GTA IV & Deadly Premonition. >>1076942 Well no it's not because it isn't a drag 'n drop Xbox 360 game to playable PC port tool, there's still more coding to work with before it can even be playable.
>>1076991 >Burnout 3 Meat to say <Burnout Revenge
Does the spammer even think he's doing anything but making himself more hated?
>>1076918 Before the leftists wikipedia was already filled with unironic zionists from the JIDF.
>>1077008 Evidently, his USAID contract hasn't expired yet.
Do not discuss the spam or posts WILL be removed.
>>1077023 Cease your autism and tell coyote to stop editing posts.
Then post a capcoded apology in the meta thread. And let's not pretend like you would even have remotely considered in a 1,000 years restoring a post critical of you that you embarrassingly banned thinking it was outside of the meta thread.
>>1077023 Okay, but enable tabs for the night since I don't wanna deal with the script kiddie
>>1077028 >will fuck up the entire site all night instead of saying sorry LOL
>>1076934 is scourge a brainwashed cyborg?
Goddammit, wrong hat. >>1077029 And I don't want to cripple the entire site just because you and coyote refuse to give up on your autistic slapfight. Get your shit together and stop deleting AND EDITING posts.
>negotiating with a terrorist He'll ask for a blowjob next.
>>1077033 No, don’t talk about anything, ‘’at all.’’
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>>1077014 Sineb >>1077031 Yes basically. She's semi brainwashed. She's aware of it, hates it, rebelled against it, and now thinks she hates Sonic completely of her own volition but hasn't (or refuses to) recognize that her hatred of Sonic is clearly just an extremely deeply implanted urge. It's rather sad actually. She seems like a good girl. Starline was a real fucker.
Congratulations for proving my point!
Here's exactly what's going to happen. Acid/Codex is going to tell Mark to knock it off, he's "acquiesces" for five minutes, and then go back to doing the same exact shit.
>>1076940 Pure for me
>>1077045 Stop spamming for a few minutes, theres a seize fire going.
>>1077046 Doubtful. I gave Mark 15 minutes to go write "I'm sorry" in the meta thread and instead he's banning GCfag for making retarded posts.
Mark, you fucking idiot.
>>1077047 >You have just fifteen minutes to make mark see reason Okay well that's impossible, gonna need at least thirty bro. Like bare minimum.
It is (un)official 8chan.moe policy to not negotiate with terrorists.
>>1077050 Understandable
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>>1077036 i know, love her to bits, but 5ab7a6 was asking if she was just scourge 2.0, so i wrote >>1077031 pointing out a fairly obvious difference with the intent of it serving as an indication to 5ab7a6 that surge & scourge might look the same due to them being based on that ashura glitch, but that they are very fairly different characters... jesus christ i love her
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>>1077053 At least we're finally, kinda, talking about video games.
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>>1077053 One artist did a neat sculpture of sorts using her and a crackle tube. I can't post the video because I can't shrink the file size enough.
>>1077055 Could you at least post a link? If not here, >>>/rule34/ or >>>/vb/
>>1077054 yeah, 'tis nice >>1077055 wow, people are really something, i hadn't seen one of those in decades, nice to know, thank you
>>1077053 The ways that Surge is different from Scourge make her lame, though. Surge had multiple extra layers of depth. For one thing, his actual history as Evil Sonic added a lot. When he became Scourge he was no longer just an evil copy of Sonic, because there were already too many of those. There was already Shadow, not to mention Metal Sonic, multiple Mecha Sonics, and hell, Knuckles, for that matter. But Scourge isn't just evil Sonic, he's a semi-self-aware edgy Sonic OC. He's a commentary on the very concept of what he is. What's Surge? Evil Girl Sonic? So just Girl Shadow, then. Lame. She has potential, but it hasn't been used well, and making her as sympathetic as she has been, using her as an anti-hero in the latest (incredibly long) arc sucks, as it just makes her even more like Shadow. At least she isn't fully good yet. Having her actually be an ongoing villain, not an anti-hero, would at least serve a niche that Shadow doesn't fill (even though Metal Sonic sort of does), but I have no faith that the feminists writing the series would be able to allow themselves to write a female villain. Every time Evan Stanley sees a female character, she has to write a scene of other girls telling her she's awesome. And every time she sees a male character, she has to have some female OCs burst in and make the scene about them telling each other they're awesome.
>>1077059 Maybe Shadow can fuck her and then they can bond over their shared trauma, being edgy copies of Sonic, and their hate for Sonic.
>>1077054 isnt it already being talked about in the sonic thread
>>1077060 But Shadow isn't a copy of Sonic. He's at least 34 years older than Sonic. And he doesn't hate Sonic, either. Now, if somehow Flynn was allowed to use Scourge again, then having Scourge and Surge team up like that could be pretty cool. The existence of Scourge would add extra depth to Surge, because then she wouldn't just be a copy, she would be a copy of a copy. That would give her real reason to be even more upset. And it could make Surge feel a little full of himself, because existence felt he was important enough to make a copy of. But at the same time, they'd also have a level of understanding with each other. Man, I gotta steal Evan Stanley's identity. I could do such a good fanfiction with the characters that already exist, instead of making up new characters just to tell stories that have nothing to do with the stuff that's already there.
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>>1077053 She looks much better with her quills untied.
>>1076918 It had less leftists but was still full of idiots but you could still edit without the mods losing their fucking minds.
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Hopefully all the meta problems are fixed by tonight, if not tomorrow. I have to get to bed. Good night.
>>1077067 Everything will be fine, get some sleep, and have a good night.
>>1077059 i heavily disagree with your take, but i'd rather switch the topic to a ponderance i had, what would you say is the closest sonic character (in any media you have seen) to an "antivillain"?
>>1076916 This guy is constantly being ridiculed for trying to be the "co-founder" of kikepedia when his time with it was very short relatively but still, hopefully more people look into the kikery. >>1076918 The the further back you go the more "normal" shit looks on wikipedia. More actual references to academic and primary sources rather than incestuous news articles that cite other news articles (and boomerang back to citing Wikipedia itself), and articles on major events that don't take editorialized stances and just SAY what the thing is. There are offline versions from like 2010, and it is night and day. The only downside is there is less info, of course (say I want to look up specs for some video card, in modern day autistic editors have that on a nicely organized table, but back then good luck. Also of course no events past the archived date). Side note, remember when people were slowly making pictures of jews have bigger noses over time on a bunch of articles? That was pretty great.
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>>1077069 Eggman whenever another villain is the primary antagonist and steps on his feet.
>>1077071 oh, fair enough, that does seems right
So, anything new?
>>1077078 We have a webm thread in the catalog that teaches you how to do this stuff. I did this on my phone. What the fuck am I doing covering for a Sonic furry porn poster who doesn't know how to encode >>1077078 Plenty, I guess. It just depends on what you want to discuss. Yumia being a funny failure as anime sex appeal asserts its dominance? Bandai Scamco throwing in the towel after DEI caused it to die, and thus actually opening up .//hack and Xenosaga to be reclaimed by their original creators?
>>1077084 Well, I'm watching the news, so I'll later make a stupid question and see if anyone has more information about it.
>>1076921 das a hot babes
>>1076940 >I actually don't even remember a game on the 360 that i would want to play though. Lost odysey and Blue Dragon for me
>>1077093 Could've sworn Blue Dragon was DS.
>>1077094 There is a Blue Dragon game for the DS, it's not turn-based though.
>>1077095 It'll kill ya
>>1076918 Wikipedia was only ever good if you were in elementary-to-high school and needed a quick rundown of some topic or other, or you had an assignment that you needed to copy before a deadline. Other than that, the artistic and scientific sides of Wikipedia were the only relevant parts that offered any kind of actual knowledge base, particularly for obscure topics that had like three or four autists regularly update pages, like the vexillology and mathematics tabs. What you gotta understand is that the tactic many midwit editors use is just adding a bunch of links that appeal to journalists or "experts", but more often than not the references would just loop back around to themselves or other sources that still pointed back to Wikipedia, creating a circular logic type of understanding of any concept whatsoever. You cannot do that with certain topics, though, because a sorting algorithm is what it is, no matter what some crackpot contrarian professor may have said in a footnote of a scientific paper. >>1076940 Incredible news, hopefully some egghead gets servers up and running for online vidya too.
>>1077108 Some deep dives into Wikipedia's corruption: https://archive.ph/NF9jA Wikipedia's admin clique may be ActBlue https://archive.ph/uo426 Chip Berlet linked to Islamists and Antifa (SlimVirgin's network is the KGB) The problem that we ran into is that the entire media and academic community is just as corrupt and compromised. We could find nobody to give reality a fair shake after the NYT published the Sarkeesian hoax on the front page.
>>1077111 (nice, I got a full house) and in a weird coincidence that nobody is talking about, a New York Times board member is the brother of a Wikipedia board member who employs Anita Sarkeesian's speechwriter. And they both work for one of the directors of Microsoft Research and they have ties to the Pentagon's Highlands Forum. And in another weird coincidence that nobody is willing to talk about, the Microsoft PR officer who runs the US Army's Serious Games program publicly admitted to planting the NY Times article. The original GG conspiracy theory is true. Communists were trying to get into the Army's training programs by fluffing themselves in fake gaming media as serious games devs until they were hired by someone who didn't vet them.
>blackrock bought the panama canal Is this the beginning of ancapistan?
Reposting the Trump-Zelenskyy meeting from the previous thread for those who want to archive it. Added in another one as a bonus.
>>1077112 >Communists were trying to get into the Army's training programs by fluffing themselves in fake gaming media as serious games devs until they were hired by someone who didn't vet them. First DARPA, now this, Is Hideo Kojima writing the script as we speak?
>>1077112 Which article? There's two of them.
>>1077124 You forgot part 2 where zelensky crawled back to sign the deal.
>>1077128 Only that he didn't actually, and had to go to Steimer for a "better" deal.
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>>1077133 What happen in the mid terms? ignorant about the american electoral stuff.
>>1077134 Nothing. Voting is still all a hoax and not video games.
>>1077132 In my defense that's him "crawling back" not "crawled back", plus Trump said he wants a video apology. >>1077134 Basically during the middle of an American president's term, there are new elections for Senate and House, and usually during midterms the incumbent president's party looses at least one of these two things, meaning that the Republicans will be forced to negotiate with the Dems in order to pass new bills.
>>1077136 Well, let's hope these next 4 years become incredibly funny so democrats don't get any power.
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>>1077137 I hope there is at least one major historical civil war.
>>1077147 To be fair, the Kikes are very autistic about the health standards in their kosher facilities.
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>>1077147 Thankfully anti-semitism has nothing to do with public health, worst case scenario he has to make Americans healthy, strong and virile to properly fight Israel's wars. Regarding the webm, Dave Smith, while Jewish himself, is a hardcore right-wing libertarian, so the type that is against sending any money to Israel.
>>1077152 He still has yet to accomplish anything health-wise. It's mighty fuckin early to be grandstanding about anti-semitism.
>>1077175 Well his dad was shot by a brainwashed sleeper agent Palestinian, so I could imagine he's on team Kike rather than Team Camel-jockey.
>>1077186 I'm going to sound fucking retarded, but Lee Harvey Oswald was palestinian?
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>>1077133 >begged him to tear up the deal Proof? Here's a counterpoint: Zelenskyy has always been the one who act like as if his country is entitled to military aid, whether he was talking to Biden or Trump. Democrats never needed to beg him to foil the meeting when he failed to change his negotiation tactic in accordance to the change in US administration. https://thehill.com/opinion/international/4110473-is-zelenskyys-ungrateful-act-causing-him-to-lose-his-luster/
>>1077128 I'll just do the press conferences if someone asks for it like the last thread and if I'm able to actually compress the whole thing into a webm. Speaking off, is there any way to find out if someone applied to be in the White House press?
Damn those capotalist chuds and their *shuffles notes* caffeine.
>>1077202 The EU really needs to fuck off.
>>1077062 >But Shadow isn't a copy of Sonic Why are they in universe regarded as looking the same?
>>1077062 >>1077205 In universe he may not, but character concept and design wise he was made as a "evil" Sonic.
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Pls Sega make him do something cool, don't waste his desing
>>1077207 wish fulfilled
>>1077207 Never ever
>>1077202 Imagine drinking the caffeinated Jew.
>>1077211 It's a pretty natural pesticide though, but of course every anon here grows their own crops and doesn't use any right :^)
>>1076918 Teachers are unreliable.
Hey Burgers, what did Trump say to Congress? That was today wasn't it?
>>1077186 >brainwashed sleeper agent How are they so good at brainfuckery?
>>1077222 chkd They're not called NPCs for nothing.
>>1077189 Wrong Kennedy, Robert Kennedy was shot by a guy named Sirhan Sirhan.
>>1077221 starts in 10-20 min, white house channel on jewtube
>>1077041 >Predicting something is about to happen, when it already happened 15 minutes earlier >>1077032 Would you happen to be related to McCarthy?
>>1077228 Some mouthy Democrat already got thrown out for refusing to maintain decorum. lawls.
>>1077084 Reminder that Bamco donates money to faggot parades in Japan.
>>1077205 It's never explicitly stated in-universe, but there are implications that Professor Gerald was very familiar with echidna lore from ruins at the Mystic Ruins and on Angel Island. For example, he was able to create a replica of the Angel Island Emerald Shrine on the Space Colony ARK. He was also able to create Artificial Chaos, presumably based on the murals of Chaos in the Mystic Ruins. There was a mural of Super Sonic fighting Eggman on Angel Island, in Hidden Palace Zone in Sonic and Knuckles. Shadow's spines naturally stick up like Super Sonic's. Eggman looks almost exactly like Gerald, so he also could have seen it as a mural of himself creating Shadow, or Shadow giving him an Emerald. I know this sounds like pure headcanon, but note that Sonic Adventure 2 contains actual plot points that you can only see if you pause a cutscene (which you can't do in game) and read an in-game newspaper and computer screens. Anyway, the whole thing with Gerald going to Angel Island and creating things based on it was made explicitly canon in Shadow Generations, which came with a physical copy of Gerald Robotnik's Journal, a book that Eggman talks about a bunch in Sonic Adventure 2 and a few later games. It's "redacted" and missing pages, with the in-universe explanation that GUN recovered it from an abandoned Eggman base, but it explicitly has Gerald talking about going to Angel Island and making Artificial Chaos and stuff based on what he found there. Alternatively, you could say it's pure coincidence. But most fans, including the current writer, seem to think it was intended by the people who made Sonic Adventure 2, and he acts as if it's canon and implies it further. But it's kind of cool that it's not explicitly stated. >>1077207 Check out issues 1-12 of the IDW Sonic comics. Metal Sonic is cool as hell in that. If you have the patience for ArchieSonic autism, you can check out the saga of Shard. The original Metal Sonic reformed and became a good guy, fighting his replacement (who is for all intents and purposes just regular Metal Sonic, exactly like Shard was originally). >Sonic the Hedgehog #25 Sonic CD adaptation, so the first appearance of Metal Sonic. >Knuckles' Chaotix (One-Shot) Very loose adaptation of Chaotix, but does have Metal Sonic and his cool transformation. >Sonic the Hedgehog #86-87 Essentially the return of Metal Sonic. Important to his character development. >Sonic the Hedgehog #236-240 The original Metal Sonic, the one with an actual personality, returns in this arc and becomes a good guy, calling himself Shard. And it leads into the next arc where he is more important... >Sonic Universe #41-44 "Secret Freedom." Shard and a team of other characters I don't care about do stuff. >Sonic the Hedgehog #241 Epilogue to the Secret Freedom arc. >Sonic the Hedgehog #245-246 Admittedly Shard isn't terribly important here, but he doesn't have that many appearances and the stuff he does here does contribute to his character arc. >Sonic Universe #50 A special issue all about Metal Sonic. Really it's about (the current and final) Metal Sonic fighting Shard. It's also the final issue before the universe gets semi-rebooted and becomes a lot less retarded. But I just realized you said you thought the design was cool. When Metal becomes Shard, he is rebuilt and ends up looking like Metal Sonic 3.0, from Sonic Rivals 2 (although they are unrelated story-wise, and in fact the Metal Sonic Shard ends up fighting is called 3.0, though again, unrelated to the one from Rivals 2). Other Metal Sonics, including the one who fights Shard, do appear, but usually they're just random mooks. However, you might be interested in... >Sonic Universe #55-58 "Pirate Plunder Panic." Immediately following the semi-reboot universe rewriting stuff, Amy and Cream end up in Blaze's universe, where the previous Metal Sonic was left for dead, and presumably forgotten, because in the new history, there was only ever one Metal Sonic. He only wasn't erased because Blaze's Jeweled Scepter (from Sonic Rush Adventure) is what creates alternate dimensions, and thus semi-protected her dimension from the re-write. Anyway, he gets rebuilt with scrap parts and now looks like a pirate, so he goes around calling himself Captain Metal, and he fights Blaze, Amy, and Cream. Again, his design is a little different, because he's dressed like a pirate now, but I think it's pretty cool. Now if you really want cool Metal Sonic stuff, check out the UK's Sonic the Comic. Totally different continuity, also makes some big changes from the game, but ends up being much less retarded than Archie, and has some cool stories. The most popular stories revolve around Metal Sonic. For some reason he's called Metallix in this comic, but whatever. >"The Sonic Terminator" in Sonic the Comic #24-28 This comic had multiple stories running every issue, but each story was shorter. So this four issue story is more like one or two issues of an American comic. Anyway, this is the Sonic CD adaptation. Aside from calling Metal Sonic Metallix, it's pretty standard. >"Total Chaotix" and "The Brotherhood of Metallix" in StC 53-62 These are called two stories, but one leads directly into the other. They're widely seen as the best arc in the comic. They make some changes, like the big red Metal Sonic transformation from Chaotix is now a different robot built by an army of Metal Sonics to be their leader. They get up to time travel stuff that is really cool. The Metallixes appear many more times, but usually just as regular enemies. Interestingly, the comic introduced a Knuckles Metallix, essentially a Metal Knuckles, before Metal Knuckles was introduced in Sonic R. But the Knuckles Metallix are still usually just treated as regular minions. Archie published a Sonic X comic, ostensibly set in the universe of the series, but actually the timeline doesn't line up exactly right. But it was actually pretty good. Anyway, in Sonic X #24, Eggman makes essentially this universe's version of Metal Sonic, but it's colored white and not given an official name. But it's kinda cool. Of course, you can also watch the OVA.
>>1076940 >Ace Combat 6 >Beautiful Katamari >Lost Odyssey >Dead or Alive 4 >8 million Cave SHMUPs >Blue Dragon >Saints Row >Amped 3 >Fable 2 >Project Sylpheed >MagnaCarta 2 >Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts >A bunch of Naruto fighters >Chromehounds >Ninety-Nine Nights 1 & 2 (lol) >Rumble Roses XX >Perfect Dark Zero >The Outfit There were a few, but honestly as far as true exclusives go, the 360 was really weak.
>>1077248 Forgot Ninety Nine Nights 1&2
>>1077224 Luigi is now a playable character.
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>>1077251 R U Sure?
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>>1076940 While >>1076991 and >>1077248 made some pretty good lists, don't forget that this also applies to games that had multi-plat releases with the PS3, like what we just saw with Sonic Unleashed, or games that had terrible or broken PC ports. >Asura's Wraith >Ninja Gaiden 2 (original) >Tekken 6 + Tag Tournament 2 >Lost Planet 1 & 2 >After Burner Climax >Armored Core 4, 5, For Answer, and Verdict Day >Dragon's Crown >Killer Is Dead >Lollipop Chainsaw (original) >Nier Gestalt >The Darkness >Skyrim
>>1077263 >Skyrim "No… really? Wait a minute…" *checks the wiki* "Good fucking God, I'm old. And so is this fucking game." ~ my tired brain seeing this
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>>1077265 What's sad is that Skyrim is more complex then a lot of open world games coming out now.
>>1077266 Dubs confirm Skyrim's openness. I was under the belief that most modern games were trying to knock-off Minecraft's open-endedness myself.
>>1077266 This is like how people have trouble envisioning the Brooklyn Bridge was built in the same year as Custer's Last Stand. Also, I'm terrified to think you're right but have no reason to doubt you.
>>1077269 Avowed manged to make Skyrim look like a complex old school CRPG, due to how devoid of craft it was. One thing that made me nearly inhale hydrofluoric gas was that Skyrim rewards exploration, and has a more living open world then what came after it. Last two open meme games I played that genuinely rewarded me for exploration in any truly meaningful way, were Witcher 3 and Elden Meme plus DLC.
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>>1077270 Skyrim is on par with dwarf fortress compared to avowed having immortal static npcs with no schedule or even dialogue.
>>1077266 >>1077268 >>1077269 >>1077270 >>1077275 How, do you guys want to know a very simple way to stop being so cynical and depressed all the time: reject modern gaming altogether. It doesn't solve "all" of the problems, but it does solve majority of them.
>>1077278 Ignoring a problem doesn't make it go away.
>>1077278 This, we should go back to playing retro games like Skyrim :^)
>>1077279 It does when the problem only exists because of you giving it attention. Think about it. If you were busy playing an older game like Shenmue, Fable, or even Skyrim, you would be spending time talking about those games as opposed to talking about Avowed and similar recent titles. And if you have "nothing" to play, all you have to do is just ask or look for something you wouldn't "normally" play.
>>1077284 This apathy and sweeping it under the rug is why gaming go so fucking bad.
>>1077288 You are burying your head in the sand, while the world around you goes to shit. It's better to fight and die trying to make a better world for games, than to do nothing.
>>1077290 >You are burying your head in the sand Again, how? How does looking for games that came out prior "burry my head in the sand"? >It's better to fight and die trying to make a better world for games, than to do nothing. Okay, how?
>>1077291 >Again, how? Your comment here >>1077278 implies that the way of handling the problem(modern gaming sucks) is to ignore the problem entirely, and instead live in the past(burying your head in the past). Am I saying that you shouldn't be playing old games? No, what I am saying is that you can't fix the future if you are stuck in the past. >Okay, how? Infiltrate game magazines and institutions, to propagate a different message, support indie devs that aren't pozzed and have decent games, make your own games, something else that only you can do.
>>1077292 >is to ignore the problem entirely, and instead live in the past(burying your head in the past) You haven't explained how that's "burying your head in the sand". Especially when, as a result of that activity, you're playing new games. >No, what I am saying is that you can't fix the future if you are stuck in the past. If the current market isn't giving people the games that they want, why is it a "bad" thing that they look elsewhere? >Infiltrate game magazines and institutions, to propagate a different message Aren't you already doing that by refusing to give attention to the modern games that are not giving you the experiences that you want, and instead channeling that attention to older games? >support indie devs that aren't pozzed and have decent games If you want an illustration of that based upon my tastes, the ONLY "current" Indie dev who's received any of my money almost exclusuively makes porn games. >make your own games Don't have the time nor the money. If I'm not at work, or shitposting, or reading, or working my side-business so that I don't have to go to work, I'm spending time learning Japanese so that I can play titles that I can play Japanese games that Western players are missing out on.
>>1077292 >>1077293 I'd also like to point out that I believe I've reached the point where I already have enough video games. Excluding the more than 600 titles on my PC alone, I also have games spread out across over 20 consoles, with each of those consoles having an average of 20-40 games each (And 3-5 of those "games" actually being compilations of even more games). So once everything is also said and done, I probably have something close to 1500-2000 individual games in my household that I could to play. But you're tell me that attempting to stick with and even play these games is "burying my head in the sand" because I'm NOT buying more shit when I don't even have the time to play the shit that I already have?
>>1077265 *notices bulge* *teleports behind u* *rapes u to death* "pssh nothin personnel kid" ~ me
>>1077293 >>1077294 >just ignore it and it will go away Fuckoff cunt
>>1077299 I agree, but "hedonistically withdraw into a backlog while every series you love burns around you" is unfortunately more of an actionable plan than "convince companies infiltrated to the gills with leftists (and various jew investment funds to prevent bankruptcy) to do something positive for the consumer for once".
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>>1077202 I still can't get over these fucking bottle caps. No one likes them, the environment isn't magically better for them and the only ones that maybe had any positive impact by their introduction were the companies manufacturing the packaging - but even then I'm assuming they had to have hired someone to dismantle part of their precious equipment to comply with these standards. Not only that, they're actually harmful to people with disabilities, as before the law you could at the very least recycle the caps and they'd directly go towards facilities that extracted some sort of element from them to create wheelchairs. Well, not anymore, since no one wants to bother breaking the edgy cap holder.
>>1077304 But the sweet burocracy and money involved... Recycling is a joke, specially when they dump ALL the trash in the same place and then manually separate it.
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>>1077309 Only 2% plastic gets recycled because not all plastic can be recycled most plastic that is being recycled is actually being Downcycled to make stuff like composite boards made out of shredded plastic waste . True recycling is only possible for certain grades of plastic where the waste plastic product can be turned back into its original form. Recycling is a scam propped up the petroleum/plastic industry in order to escape any accountability for the damage caused by them. To solve the micro plastic,cancer,Endocrine-disrupting chemicals etc we can ask companies to take back the packaging of their products after sale because we buy their products not the packaging .Only a handful of companies produce all of the plastic waste in the world
>>1077316 We could co back to just mostly cellophane and ebonite. Those decay back into mostly natural material.
>>1077303 >Looks at how people put enough of a foot down to BFTO she companies the past two years It's very possible to fuck these people if enough effort is placed.
speaking of charts
Not giving money to pozzed companies is good enough, except when the government steps in to force you to subsidize them. Shining a light on their shit products might help them in the long run or kill their product, it depends. Making your own game and gatekeeping the industry from leftists is best, but not everyone can do that. Advertising old games and creating communities to play exclusively old titles is also good. The only demographic that is actually important in all of this is kids and teenagers, since they don't know old games, they'll eat these shit games up. I think this goes for everything, books, vidya, movies, music, media...
>>1077278 >>1077284 >you don't buy games anymore >but you tell others not to buy them, so you are the reason people buy them >if you just stopped fighting the total jewish control of the entire world, they would lose control of the entire world Find another website to spam.
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>>1077347 >Center Right >Conservative lol
>>1077304 But anon, the company saves $0.000001 for every shorter cap they make! Think of the shareholders!
>>1077347 >hard right Otherwise known as "further 'left' than the Democratic Party" in Europe.
>>1077352 I want a kraut to explain this.
>>1077357 Forgot to explain, those are mosque locations.
>>1077357 non-kraut, but islam is a pervasive anti-trinitarian schism of christianity which with all hope we ought to strive to squash, until then they'll just tard away, & dispensationalist christians+jews certainly don't help things along, that is for sure, if i had to guess, much like here in spain, pinkos, which is exacerbated due to the 'ol anti-nazism sentiment which might be driving krauts to heavy ethnic "self"-immolation https://inv.nadeko.net/watch?v=WVYzBjyVXW8
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>>1077357 Communism is just nationalism but gayer Eastern Germany is conservative as fuck, and much poorer as well than the rest of the country. Western Germany got brainwashed by the Yid infested by France, UK and the USA, all in cahoots with each other in terms of international banking and filled with yids to the brim. Also notice that Berlin, that also had USA, UK and French occupied zones, got the most mosques in Eastern Germany. Europe is just an USA vassal state, a foothold into the Euroasian continent with the UK, France, and Germany dominating it economically. >>1077358 I know what they are
>>1077348 >The only demographic that is actually important in all of this is kids and teenagers, since they don't know old games, they'll eat these shit games up. Are they really? Outside of Fortshite, what modern games are they actually playing? >>1077360 >Eastern Germany is conservative as fuck The East Germans I've talked with online are fucking nuts in how radically Progressive they are.
>>1077357 Communism.
It seems there's been some posting issues on cuckchan for 9 hours now with no indication why.
>>1077370 We haven't noticed. We don't go there, you see. Willingly engaging with the mentally defective on a website that censors all truth isn't our speed. >>1077359 >islam is a pervasive anti-trinitarian schism of christianity I wonder if a more incorrect statement could ever be written.
>>1077370 Maybe they froze the site to hand over data to the glownigger authorities over something?
>>1077370 >>1077373 Probably state of the union, twitter was down for a bit.
>>1077372 >I wonder if a more incorrect statement could ever be written. you haven't watch'd the video i linked, have you?
>>1077370 oh, so that's why the archives 1st page seem frozen, good to know
>>1077248 >>1077263 Honestly if someone could redo a port of Saints Row 2 as a "fuck you" to Deep Silver then I would be very happy.
>>1077254 I want to fuck that bird slut she's got a nice rack
>>1077376 There's no doubt whatsoever that Muhammad was aware of Jesus Christ, etc. But there's also no doubt whatsoever that he completely and utterly did not understand the message of Christianity, nor is there any doubt that Islam has fucking nothing whatsoever to do with Christian doctrine. Jay Smith is great, by the way. His speech on the historicity of the Quran is intriguing.
>>1077376 I have a passing familiarity with "Christianity", "Islam", and "schism". Enough to know that when you describe Islam as a "schism of Christianity", the only word you're using correctly is "of".
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also george lowe(space ghost's VA) is dead
>>1077383 >There's no doubt whatsoever that Muhammad was aware he was(as in being) about as much as mecca was(as in being) at the time islam says it was, so not at all >nor is there any doubt that Islam has fucking nothing whatsoever to do with Christian doctrine. >Jay Smith is great, by the way. His speech on the historicity of the Quran is intriguing. i genuinely do not know how to respond to this >>1077386 i recommend you watch the vid & then come back >>1077389 oh, i forgot to do that, RIP
>>1077387 Rest in peace legend!
>>1077383 >There's no doubt whatsoever that Muhammad was aware of Jesus Christ In Islam Jesus Christ is the princes of all prophets, a fact that will make almost every mudslime you mention it to very angry.
>>1077370 sys 4chin org down right after the trump speech
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>>1077357 Just keep in mind that map. Those that have known communism doesn't want to do anything with it
>>1077392 >not at all Timothy had gotten to India by that time; don't pretend the Arabian peninsula hadn't heard of Christianity. >i genuinely do not know how to respond to this Likely because you're not reading. >>1077399 It's funny stuff, really.
>>1077401 It'd be funny if it's because /pol/ shitposted that hard that their captcha crapped itself.
>>1077405 the J.D. spam was definitive a spam attack and it got so big it took over 100 threads on the catalog. 4chin is still one of the biggest uncontrolled information platform, someone doesn't want this to be up,...
>>1077406 >uncontrolled Anon… how are you even here?
>>1077392 I'm not wasting two hours when I can tell you that "anti-trinitarian schism" is an oxymoron. If your lecturer doesn't know that, he's illiterate and nothing he says is worth trusting, on account of him using words he does not understand.
>>1077404 >don't pretend the Arabian peninsula hadn't heard of Christianity Anon, you missed his point that Mohammad and Mecca never existed. The latter was created as a replacement for Damascus (IIRC) being the "holy land", meanwhile "Mohammad" itself was a title that refered to the "holy one" (Typically Saul) or the Messiah (Such as Christ and a number of Jewish rebel leaders). Even the Quran, when people look at the oldest manuscripts that are available, have discovered that they're either butchered Arabic translations of Biblical texts or sumations of Talmud passages.
>>1077408 yeah, i know, it is highly controlled but not as like with facebook or X. Leaks can still make it.
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>>1077401 bros... it's 4over...
>>1077362 Because they're from Berlin
>>1077413 I went to check out of curiosity and it looks like it's back just as you said that.
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>>1077416 >we But no yeah it's better they're in a working state even if it's a hellsite. It at least contains the schizos. We practically deal with nothing but niggerpill by comparison.
>>1077410 >The latter was created as a replacement for Damascus (IIRC) being the "holy land" Allow me to correct myself here, it was first Jerusalem, then Petra by the time they were building the first mosques.
>>1076958 for someone who says that he sure as fuck doesn't like his users saying nigger on his forum
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This is new, haven't seen it before the Captcha. Loading animations when?
>>1077409 >If your lecturer doesn't know that schism is what I've been using to refer to what occurred, not him, as far as im seeing from a quick rewatch, so it seems the failure lies with me & with my miss-comprehension of the meaning you have of schism which what i have been using, if i accept that I have been extraneously misspeaking due to the use of schism AS WELL AS take a while to save caps of the video showing jay's slides to make a thread in /pol/, would you at the very least be willing to take a look at the thread once i link it?
>>1077278 >>1077284 There's already a better option: it's called "vote with your wallet". I haven't bought any games from the likes of EA, Activision, Sony and the likes because they've pumping out dogshit for the past years. >>1077357 I wonder how will Europe will be if they got Islam instead of Christianity.
>>1077439 Sure, especially if you make it easy and link it here. For vernacular use, a "schism" is when there's a dispute within a religion, but matters of doctrine and dogma are still all agreed upon. For example, the divide between Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox. The problem's not a matter of scripture, but... well, the Eastern Patricians understood the Pope to be first among EQUALS, while the Pope understood himself to be FIRST among equals. It is/was a political dispute, not a matter of religion, despite being contained within the context of the religion. The more nuanced connotations of both the word and the Catholic/Orthodox schism, probably need degrees in theology and several flavors of history >>1077440 >I wonder how will Europe will be if they got Islam instead of Christianity. A shithole, just like north Africa, the Middle East, and everywhere else where Islam genocided the native Christian population while taking over.
>>1077440 Islam rejects the scientific method as a valid means of testing the natural world, so Europe would be the worthless, medieval hellhole that the world from Morocco to Indonesia is today.
>>1077448 >Islam rejects the scientific method as a valid means of testing the natural world WTF I love Islam now
>>1077445 >>1077448 But isn't the Ottoman Empire (now Turkey) one of the least unstable Muslim countries that have existed? Most of the stories many people hear on Muslims being so backwards on technological progress and shit-flinging on each other for various reasons is in the Middle East.
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>>1077440 They'd run out of women to rape and breed and would have invaded the rest the world much like they are doing now over 100 years ago.
>>1077440 I wonder if Confuscian Trump would implement a caste system with ancap merchants on the bottom and socialist craftsmen above the bureaucrats.
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>>1077451 >But isn't the Ottoman Empire (now Turkey) one of the least unstable Muslim countries that have existed? The Ottoman Empire raped to expand and murdered to enforce for centuries, anon. Post-Ottoman Turkey is *almost* "secularized" in its government, but Muslim society still pervades. Humanity (all five species) has a 1:1 ratio of ment to women. Thus, all polygamous societies are forced to engage in a perpetual culture of "female bounty" expansionism in order to survive. Turkey is "stable" because they can export their surplus men (those without wives, because others have more than one) to other countries. And those surplus men are the most violent/insane/worthless. The death of all foreign men is good for Turkey externally, and the lack of societal dregs is good for Turkey internally. Doesn't hurt that they still haven't 100% bred out the white Anatolian genes from their upper caste, either.
>>1077456 He would put jewish individuals on the top, as they are the smartest and most righteous people known on earth, followed by enlightened goy, who realize that their purpose is to serve their jewish masters, and then on the bottom, you have cattle that do not understand the important role jews play in maintaining world balance, and they fear, maybe even hate, that which they can not comprehend, as such they should be castrated.
>>1077463 That's just christian trump, confuscian trump would make neo-jucheism work and allow ancapistan and socialist utopias to coexist.
>>1077465 You have to understand, Trump's zionism is so strong, it goes beyond time and space. Whether it would be Shuni Trump or Zen-Buddhist Trump, he would still consider jews to be the highest life-form on earth, surpassing even Nietzsche's Übermensch.
>>1077465 Christians exterminate jews and make their behaviors illegal, anon. Confucian Trump would indeed allow jews to become Inner Party members, but no one else.
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What about Pagan Trump?
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>>1077403 >Those that have known Communism want nothing to do with it. The map of the recent election bears that out. It's time to rebuild the Berlin Wall, only this time point the machine guns the opposite direction to keep the Communists and Mohammadians out, rather than to keep Germans in.
>>1077370 It speaks volumes that every fucking time cuckchan goes down I hear about it here first.
>>1077471 Pagan Trump would have died from that bullet a few months ago.
>>1077473 I don't understand why they think we care.
>>1077475 Most of them are underageB& that only use alternative imageboards when cuckchan goes down or they get banned.
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If anyone is still digging, this might interest you. Back in 2010 the FBI raided some "activists" that they thought were FARC and PFLP. A whole bunch of groups declared "solidarity" with the targets, and this is the alliance that became Anti-Gamergate. Freedom Road Socialists, Communist Party USA, Indymedia, Code Pink, Hamas, Al-Qaeda. https://keywiki.org/index.php/September_24,_2010_FBI_Raids
>>1077479 Everything is videogames.
>>1077480 This is actually true.
>>1077480 Or at least everything leads to videogames.
>>1077472 > muh based right-wing AFD The party is headed by a literal dyke who has harbored muslims in her home.
>>1077473 Where else would you hear it? Twitter?
>>1077479 Life is a game. I want to play it all night long.
>>1077484 /b/, anons posting twatter caps, normalfags, et cetera. But no, it's always the GG thread.
>>1077484 I'd rather not hear about it at all.
>>1077486 And how would the first two even happen if cuckchan is down...?
>>1077488 >And how would the first two even happen if cuckchan is down...? The first one would happen because cuckchan would default to boards like /b/ or /v/ when they go to other imageboards. But it's telling that they go to the gamergate thread instead of the meta thread or really anywhere else on the board, given GG is banned there. The second one would happen because there's anons here that regularly monitor twatter and post caps and archives. What brain disorder do you have that this needs to be explained to you?
>>1077479 vidya is like hyper-rome or something, & you know what they say about rome & paths, as an aside, im still working on the tread i promised
>>1077489 These threads are among the busiest here so I still don't understand how by your own logic it's somehow shocking for it to be mentioned here.
>>1077221 Here's the entire speech anon. I should have probably made it for ants with all the resizing I had to do to meet the posting requirements.
>>1077479 WHO CARES?!?
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>>1077406 >>1077405 >>1077401 >>1077370 This was posted two days before. Might be a coincedence, but I thought it might be worth sharing ITT.
>>1077502 Aren't they basically shooting themselves in the foot considering halfchan is ran by feds and tranny cocksuckers?
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>>1077502 >>1077506 >No archive link
>>1077278 This guy has a point. It isnt just sweeping things under the rug. Spending more time talking about retro games promotes them, and thus people spend time on them instead of new games. It does eat into profits when people lose interest in new games.
>>1077502 But 4chan supports trannies.
>>1077513 Too bad everything old is being remade and sold again though, often hurting the originals and fracturing the community, especially if there was active UGC being created.
>>1077520 >Too bad everything old is being remade and sold again though No, they're not. I haven't seen any remakes, sequels, or continuations of Lost Kingdoms, Split/Second, Wheelman, F.E.A.R., or Evil Zone being announced.
>>1077522 I said the same about Dragon's Dogma and look how that turned out. Don't act like it won't happen to you, in time.
>>1077516 They are retarded
>>1077529 >Don't act like it won't happen to you All the material that I like that they haven't already remade is stuck in legal Hell as for as who owns the rights to what, so I will not worry. And even then, they cannot pry the originals away from me.
What is this heavy attempt to push apathy as of late?
>>1077540 >as of late It never stopped. It's a common libfag tactic. Now more than ever since they're on the backfoot. It's pretty much the same as blackpilling.
>>1077540 >apathy <lack of emotional responsiveness <lack of interest or concern Because I see no reason to be concerned over a company making products I don't want and staffed by people who hate me.
>>1077543 But you should get mad over thing to be riled up for next thing. Just look at wilds, it runs like shit but only had a mixed steam review score because 75% of chinks rated it down.
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Again why is there such an effort to push apathy?
>>1077543 >Because I see no reason to be concerned over a company making products I don't want and staffed by people who hate me. The opposite of love isn't hatred, but indifference. This is the correct way of handling things that suck. Ignore things that are shit and pay attention to things that aren't. This is the way I've been doing it since the mid 2000's and it's worked out fine for me. Not so much for the average normalfag, but things never have and never will work out for them because they're shit eating retards who only notice how bad things are when it's too late to change them. >>1077546 There are people who can feel a certain way without having it pushed on them, anon.
>>1077543 >>1077549 >just allow yourselves to be exterminated! Yeah, this is totally organic.
>>1077543 >>1077549 But you should hate them back. Hatred is a motivator, and if the last decade has shown me anything, you lose the right to complain about anything if you think you don't have to care because it's already set it stone (defeatism) or you get a swelled head because they'll "destroy themselves" (complacency).
>>1077550 You can make fun of shitty games if you want, but beyond that, you shouldn't pay attention to them or take them seriously. >>1077551 Make fun of it if it's funny and if it isn't funny deny it oxygen. You could also just make your own games or support games you do like.
>>1077549 I'm questioning things as of late for in this very thread we've had anons trying to push this whole "just ignore shit". When the past decade has shown this doesn't fucking work and that it only further enables bad shit to keep happening.
>>1077552 It's not working, though. Go back to reddit.
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>>1077553 I'm not commanding you to ignore shit that you don't want to ignore and that isn't in my power in the first place. My personal philosophy is to either ridicule something or ignore it. Getting butthurt about things is pointless. >>1077554 Indeed. Not buying shit you don't want is totally ineffective. Clearly.
>>1077558 Sarcasm doesn't work on a group of people who created an entire website explicitly to do the opposite of what you're being paid to shill here.
>>1077551 >But you should hate them back. >>1077553 They want your attention, and if you give them your attention, whether negative or positive, they are not going to change. Put your attention elsewhere.
>>1077557 SWEDEN YES! >>1077559 Who's supposed to be paying me to "shill" here? Why aren't they paying me? Where's my money?
>>1077475 The joke is that most of the userbase here are crossposters.
>>1077562 I can tell.
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Did the anti anti sjw centrists from Twatter show up to shill retarded shit again? >>1077558 >My personal philosophy is to either ridicule something or ignore it. Getting butthurt about things is pointless. Have you genuinely been under a rock for the past ten years or are you a Gen z fag who just dipped his toes into this? This normalfag style apathy is why gaming and shit in general got so fucking bad. >>1077560 >They want your attention, Why are you being obtuse? These retards took control because no one was giving any push back whatsoever. This isn't about attention it's about not ignoring retards who've been spending the past 20 years ruining our hobbies.
>>1077560 >ignore the people saying you should ignore things! >don't fight back, just let them be here! Hey, nice and meta. Got any more IPs to hop? >>1077561 >[waxing indignant about payment when we've proven dozens of instances of it] Back to reddit.
>>1077564 >This normalfag style apathy is why gaming and shit in general got so fucking bad. It isn't apathy on their part, it's excuse making. I remember horse armor, anon.
>>1077545 >But you should get mad >Just look at wilds Why should I get mad over it? First of all, there's five other games in the series (Not to mention spin-offs) that I could be playing instead, two of which I own haven't even started (Portable and 3U). Second, there's similar series I could look into like Toukiden, God Eater, and I already own Freedom Wars. But this could also be the fact that I haven't really touched that series for more than a couple hours. In which case, let me offer a few different series that are near and dear to me: >Sonic the Hedgehog It's a series that I grew up with and thoroughly loved. However I loath the direction Sega has taken (As a company) and refuse to buy another game from them, no matter how much the people swear that it's "good". So what I've resolved to do is actually sit down and play each of the games I already own from beginning to end and trying to 100% them. Outside of the 3D entries, Sonic CD, and Sonic 3, I really haven't beaten the games, so I'd be experiencing something new. >Need for Speed I spent my teens playing original and new MW. However all of the modern entries are undeniably shit. So what I've done is buy up the game all the way up to Rivals, and actually see about playing them because I haven't touch the other entries much outside of the first Underground. And once I finish playing those, I have everything from Test Drive Unlimited to Sega GT that I could be playing as well. Why should I get mad when there's so many other games I could be playing? So what if the current owners are running the series into the ground? It's just a name, and names come and go. Someone else could take the concept and make something new. That's how we got series like Assassin's Creed, Bayonetta, Splatoon, Call of Duty, Fallout, etc.. You had a bunch of people who wanted to make a thing, couldn't continue the original, and so they made their own. And if Indie and AA devs actually did do that, they'd receive my money more often. >>1077553 >we've had anons trying to push this whole "just ignore shit". When the past decade has shown this doesn't fucking work Yes, it does. It just takes time. However patience is a quality that political activists hate because it takes away their power. If people are patient and calm headed, they make better quality decisions. Meanwhile if you're constantly agitating and disturbing people, it causes similar results to someone being the under the influence of a drink or a drug. It lessens their ability to control their inhibitions. And when has ANYONE ever made a smart decision when they're drunk?
>>1077567 >And when has ANYONE ever made a smart decision when they're drunk? Historically, at least when it comes to OG 8chan, the best threads I've made were drunkposts.
>>1077564 Keep talking about it on twitter and forums if you like, or even here, I don't really care since there are good games to play already. Hell you could probably become friends with grumnz and dramatubers if you care enough to keep feeding them sources.
>>1077566 Retards where apathetic and said "who cares!" Now predatory DLC cancer and etc has plagued gaming for nearly 20 years. >>1077567 >Yes, it does No it fucking doesn't you fucking halfwit as the state of gaming and etc clearly proves otherwise. The only reason why shit has gotten better the last few years is because people pushed back. Because it turns out that the best way to fix a problem is to actually do something about it.

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>>1077564 >These retards took control because no one was giving any push back whatsoever. No, they took control because people wanted them to take control. Everyone talks about how they hated the "Right Wing Radical Conservative" of the 90's and the Aughts "controlling" what media people were allowed to have access to, so people handed control of those instititions to the Progressives for decades, and we're now seeing the results. None of this shit happened over night. It happened over long spans of time. It's only now that things have reached a point that people no longer accept it. So what needs to happen to fix it? Spend the next few decades dismanteling it. Think about it like how you can create an absolute mess in five minutes, but it then takes you half an hour to clean it up. People did this to themselves. And looking for some "shortcut" to solve it is only going to make things even worse, and the process of fixing it all that much longer.
>>1077564 >Why are you being obtuse? I'm not. >These retards took control because no one was giving any push back whatsoever. They took control because they have their own agenda to enact regardless of pushback.
>>1077571 look up moral decoupling
>The amount of posts trying to force a narrative <Holy shit Alright this seems coordinated at this point.
>>1077574 Could it be because cuckchan's down? Some filtered over here?
>>1077570 >Now predatory DLC cancer and etc has plagued gaming for nearly 20 years. I warned retards about horse armor and the normalfag retards only started caring when shit was FUBAR. This pattern has repeated enough times for me to understand that communicating with normalfags is pointless. Just doing your own thing is the only fruitful option. >The only reason why shit has gotten better the last few years Better compared to fucking what? >>1077574 Motherfucker, pirate everything has been a thing with 8/v/ anons since forever.
>>1077575 I have no clue, but whatever is going on is clearly coordinated. I don't normally entertain painting Anons as shills, but all these posts enforcing that we should just not pay attention? That rings some alarms, shit seems fishy.
>>1077578 >I have no clue Yes.
>>1077575 >>1077578 If you get banned on cuckchan you now have to wait 15 minutes after resetting your IP address.
It's russian interference guys, they want us to stop talking about videogames.
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>Get mad over shit you don't care about <No >The board is being raided by shills
>>1077582 When you start actually talking about videogames is when people start having problems apparently.
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>>1077584 >Come to a video game board <Surprised that people have "extreme" opinions when it comes to discussing video games
>>1077585 Have you been following the conversation at all?
>>1077586 The conversation, thus far, has been rapefugees from Cuckchan attempting to radicalize people to go all jihad on video game companies, only to lose their shit because Anons her generally don't care and just want to watch everything burn to the ground. That about sum it up?
>>1077579 >Decent number of posts saying the same thing <Somehow not strange I'm starting to believe there is a push now.
>>1077587 Are you fucking retarded?
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>>1077569 I'm sure pretending that the problems in gaming don't exist will make things better. >>1077577 >Better compared to fucking what? Sjw game companies and the Sjw left in general got absolutely raked through the coals during 2023-2024. Right now they're losing control over the ground they've had. This happened because people actually got off their asses and put the foot down. >>1077587 >has been rapefugees from Cuckchan attempting to radicalize people to go all jihad on video game companies Are you fucking retarded?
>>1077587 Are you on fucking crack?
>>1077590 >Sjw game companies and the Sjw left in general got absolutely raked through the coals during 2023-2024. Games were shit before SJWs were even a thing. Getting rid of them is the bare minimum that we should be doing.
>>1077588 You're retarded too, by the way, niggerfaggot.
>>1077592 True but games got even worse under them.
>>1077596 Now that we've gotten rid of them, let's make our next target paid DLC and microtransactions.
>>1077595 Nigger you've been advocating to pay no attention towards the cancer killing gaming, I say you're mentally challenged.
>>1077599 See the post directly above yours, retarded niggerfaggot.
>>1077590 >This happened because people actually got off their asses and put the foot down. By doing what?
>>1077598 Of course.
>>1077571 Progressives also progressed towards gaslighting autists into chopping their dicks off & injecting themselves full of hormones poisonous to their sex, alongside opening the floodgates to millions of unfiltered immigrants & not only allowing them to perform countless acts of rape, murder, and theft, but actively defending them with all their ability. This is in addition to socialist economic polo being disastrous for any country. Despite all this, centrists will still say “both sides are equally bad” and “the modern left is just the right from 40 years ago”. As though a country of the right side wouldn’t still be at least functional after 100 years and the left wouldn’t be burnt to the ground.
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>>1077592 Games got even worse because of the hard left subversion. >>1077601 >By doing what? At this point anon this is purposeful obfuscation. >>1077603 >Centrists will still say “both sides are equally bad” They've done nothing helpful regardless if its the right or left. They just enable whatever retardation is currently in power and allow it to fester like an infected wound.
>>1077600 Nah you're just retarded.
>>1077604 >At this point anon this is purposeful obfuscation. Or it could be that you're talking out your ass and you don't know why things are actually starting to fail. You just know that they are.
>>1077604 >Games got even worse because of the hard left subversion. What target are you saying should be focused on? What do you think should be the priority?
>>1077598 >>1077607 The fact that you now think you're being subtle is still overshadowed by misplaying your hand early on with the IP hopping and/or coordinated assault.
>>1077608 >The fact that you now think you're being subtle is still overshadowed by misplaying your hand early on with the IP hopping and/or coordinated assault. You are genuinely retarded.
>>1077347 < Conservatives The status quo does not serve the young. Established old people are conservative. < Social democrats Are importing rapists and criminals to replace voters with. < Liberals European Lolbergs. Need I say more? < Socialists Everyone saw the Soviet Union fail. Only still exist because not all humans are intelligent enough to establish cause and effect. < Greens Have been major opposition to clean energy (nuclear energy: clean energy that works). See previous comment about humans not being intelligent.
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>>1077606 Shit got better because 1.We refused to tolerate sjw shit 2. We refused buy from people who openly hate us 3. Voted for people who aren't raging leftists 4. Bought shit from people who don't hate us 5. Slowly started to make worthwhile alternatives
>>1077612 Min has a point. Even if the reality is overblown. Savvy is just a dumb woman.
>>1077604 The only problem with telling people to pick a side is that then they say "not your side". It's a great way to make enemies out of people who are indifferent (though, indifferent people are sometimes worse than enemies).
>>1077613 All of these are good.
>>1077613 Devil's advocate: I'd say only 1 and 3 were anything of actual influence, and 2 is only elevant as a consequence of 3 to hit one of the sugar daddies keeping them from bankruptcy (USAID). <4. Bought shit from people who don't hate us As I learned from Kingdom Come Deliverance, Nichegamer, and other traitors, that's no measure of them being a good signal, and such betrayal tends to burn people out into resignation. >5. Slowly started to make worthwhile alternatives The fact normalfags refused any alternative to Twatter even when "bad goy" Musk bought it whether the pajeet-lover earns that rep isn't the point until a leftist-controlled Bluesky entered the scene kinda tells me the worthwhile alts will never see anything more than niche use.
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>>1077612 The first guy kinda has a point but being a dumb centrist he ruins it further. >>1077616 At a point if the world around you is collapsing and you refuse to do anything to fix it. I honestly believe you deserve shit for enabling by sheer neglect. >>1077618 >Kingdom Come Deliverance Pic related >Nichegamer I know the former owner took articles from another site and didn't pay his guys. But what else went on? > Bluesky That failed due to how even a lot of normalfags don't want to go to a site that is 2017-2021 DNC controlled twitter but even worse. Say whatever you wish about that faggot Musk but Twitter under him is significantly better. It by no means is a good site but Christ the saviour it's not the 1984 hellhole that it once was. On a off-note places like Reddit and Tv Tropes have such insane moderation that even their sjw userbase is starting to say "WTF!" now.
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>>1077613 Let me ask you a question: What the fuck are we arguing over? We're saying the same thing: >1.We refused to tolerate sjw shit <reject modern gaming altogether. >2. We refused buy from people who openly hate us <Aren't you already doing that by refusing to give attention to the modern games that are not giving you the experiences that you want, and instead channeling that attention to older games? >3. Voted for people who aren't raging leftists <And if Indie and AA devs actually did do that, they'd receive my money more often. >4. Bought shit from people who don't hate us <the ONLY "current" Indie dev who's received any of my money almost exclusuively makes porn games. >5. Slowly started to make worthwhile alternatives <If the current market isn't giving people the games that they want, why is it a "bad" thing that they look elsewhere?
>>1077621 >What the fuck are we arguing over? Not ignoring shit and actively doing shit.
>>1077623 "Ignoring" the situation would be checking out of vidya altogether and refusing to engage in anything having to do with vidya because of the current attitudes companies have. It's NOT searching for other video games to play, and just stumbling across the past 50 years of games available to you.
>>1077620 >(pic) Although in [Kingdom Come Deliverance's] case, it's clearly being pushed because both Warhorse and DeepSilver were too sympathetic to the propaganda That's another thing: being outside AAA doesn't make someone immune to the emotional manipulation tactics leftists employ to make you cooperate (or be coerced/character assassinated). Considering the state of the indie scene, I'd say it almost makes you more vulnerable since there's not even the pretense of professionalism to hold them back. >I know [Nichegamer's] former owner took articles from another site and didn't pay his guys. But what else went on? Started hiring trannies and indulging in much the same muckracking tactics as the mainstream journos, as I recall. I bailed on them since I saw the writing on the wall with how effective they are at infiltration and degradation, and I hear it hasn't gotten better since. My more saliant point is that people saying what >we want to hear isn't an indicator that they won't sell out once the grassroots audience outlives its usefulness. >[Bluesky] failed due to how even a lot of normalfags don't want to go to a site that is 2017-2021 DNC controlled twitter but even worse. You sure? Seems like it's been on the (regrettable) rise to me. Every time I look on say Pixiv, it seems like an artist is trying to tell me about their Bluesky account. Speaking of Reddit, haven't the 5-powermods ruling-thousands-of-subs been trying to enforce a twatter-link ban ever since Musk accidentally heiled hitler on TV?
>>1077624 Nice false dichotomy.
>>1077620 >the world around you is collapsing and you refuse to do anything to fix it. It's hard to pick a fight with the masses who believe that the cause of the problem is the solution (like Washington asking for more blood). It seems better to prepare oneself for when their solution destroys them. >I honestly believe you deserve shit for enabling by sheer neglect. Fair enough. We'll see what happens when people are put up against walls and into ditches. The chaos will be quite impartial in who it takes.
>>1077624 Have you honestly been paying attention? >>1077625 > I'd say it almost makes you more vulnerable since there's not even the pretense of professionalism to hold them back. A few projects I was helping out on ended up like this and I bailed due to that. >Started hiring trannies and indulging in much the same muckracking tactics as the mainstream journos, as I recall. I bailed on them since I saw the writing on the wall with how effective they are at infiltration and degradation, and I hear it hasn't gotten better since. My more saliant point is that people saying what >we want to hear isn't an indicator that they won't sell out once the grassroots audience outlives its usefulness. What a disaster. >You sure? Anon you'd be shocked at how many normalfags signed in relief at the sjws leaving to it. It's mainly western artists who are moving as many non western ones return to twitter after a time. Look I'm an Oil painter and even some the painters I know who are more on the left were happy the cancer left to bluesky. >Speaking of Reddit, haven't the 5-powermods ruling-thousands-of-subs been trying to enforce a twatter-link ban ever since Musk accidentally heiled hitler on TV? Yes and they've been trying very hard to pressure other subreddits to drop twitter. Someone I know IRL runs a mid sized subreddit and he was telling me the other week about how the powermods have been trying to pressure him and others to ban Twitter links. >>1077627 >We'll see what happens when people are put up against walls and into ditches. The chaos will be quite impartial in who it takes. Will indeed.
>>1077604 >Quotes a poet as it means jackshit Who the fuck is Dante to know where centrists are going to burn in hell? Not to defend centrist, but you might want to quote holy scriptures for that kind of thing, you dumb fucking retard.
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>>1077630 Are you projecting your butthurt over following random retarded poets? Thank God I am not a faggot like you.
>>1077631 Can't see shit. Can you not break it up into parts?
GCtard is posting.
>>1077631 Playing older games isn't the problem (I play mostly older games myself) you idiot it's the fact so many want to retreat and pretend that if they only play older games the issues with gaming with sort themselves out.
>>1077635 >it's the fact so many want to retreat and pretend that if they only play older games the issues with gaming with sort themselves out. They don't sort themselves out? How do you think an entertainment industry thrives if they're audience refuses to provide them with both money and publicity? How does Capcom benefit from doing Monster Hunter or Resident Evil dirty if I'm not there because I'm busy playing Soul Sacrifice and Cold Fear? The only thing I can think of is related to the government giving them money, but we're already seeing how that turned out. And I will agree that that does require active participation, but not in regards to supporting or giving attention to modern vidya.
>>1077612 >MadamSavvy Am I suppose to know who's this bitch is?
>>1077636 >They don't sort themselves out? The fact you're being this obtuse despite a decade proving otherwise is fucking blowing my mind. >>1077637 Some Twitter centrist.
>>1077639 >The fact you're being this obtuse Or it could be the fact that I honestly don't know what you're talking about. >despite a decade proving otherwise This sounds like the same shit arguments people make about wondering how Yidsney is still around despite having nothing but box office flops over the past six years, toys and merch that don't sell, and theme parks that are largely empty. If it is that same shitty argument it's because they've built up a war chest. They didn't waste all that money they were bringing in during the years they were successful, they were putting large portions of it away to keep the company afloat if there's ever any bad times. And it's only now during those bad times that they're having to shell out that money because they're not make any profits from their current endavors. In addition, this is also setting up the situation where there will come a point where everything will collapse in on itself without any warning because the money just ran out, and it will take everyone by surprise because even the accountants working these companies don't even know their own "real" figures due to spending so much time playing around with trying to exploit the tax laws. So to cut a long story short, binging on past media, without giving any of the current media attention, is a winning strategy. It just takes time and patience.
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>>1077615 >>1077620 >>1077637 Any faggot (((1))) that only posts a bunch of social media screencaps like that should be treated as (((niggerpill))). AKA DO NOT FUCKING REPLY
>>1077640 >Yidsney is still around despite having nothing but box office flops over the past six years This is a generational thing. Don't allow your children to become disney adults. Don't allow them to become nintendo adults, either.
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>>1077642 Okay, since apparently I have zero fucking clue as to what it is that you're actually talking about, please explain, in very explicit detail, with a few paragraphs worth of text, and some explnations that would suit your average Layman or a 10 year old, what it is that you're actually talking about?
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Threadly recap of the last hundred posts.
>>1077646 If you truly love someone you won't care what their genitals look like. Without love it can't be seen. >>1077647 Yes.
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>>1077647 It's more like this, though.
>>1077647 This is a picture for ants, btw, insipid moron.
>>1077506 Possibly, IIRC the government spent $1.5M on cuckchan only, most likely to spy on the threads and users.
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>>1077648 >If you truly love someone you won't care what their genitals look like. Without love it can't be seen. >>1077651 <This is a picture for ants, btw, insipid moron. And the average resolution for videos posted here is 360p, your point?
>>1077637 Some eceleb that tends to disseminate digs or do decent ones herself over DEI and Bridge. Played a decent part in the whole SBI rousing along with Kirsche. Regardless, anyone notice niggerpill's new tactic of shifting the Boogeyman from Kamala, localizers and Blackrock to "centrists"?
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I recompiled the list of Xbox 360 games that would befit a recompilation project from the posts scattered around here & added some more myself. >360 only games (Xbone compatibility notwithstanding) <Ace Combat 6 <Amped 3 <Anarchy Reigns <Bangai-O HD: Missile Fury <Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts <Beautiful Katamari <Blue Dragon <Chromehounds <Crackdown 1 <Crackdown 2 <Dead or Alive 4 <Dead or Alive Xtreme 2 <Full Auto 1 <Goldeneye Remake <Guardian Heroes HD <Import Tuner Challenge <Infinite Undiscovery <Kameo <Lost Odyessy <MagnaCarta 2 <Ninja Gaiden 2 <Onechanbara: Bikini Samurai Squad <Perfect Dark Zero <Project Gotham Racing 3 + 4 <Protect Me Knight <Rumble Roses XX <Saint's Row 1 <The Idolm@ster + Live For You! <Vigilante 8 Arcade <Viva Piñata: Party Animals <Viva Piñata: Trouble in Paradise <WarTech: Senko no Ronde >Multi-Plat (Because thry either don't have a PC port or if they do, their current release is terrible / broken) <50 Cent: Blood on the Sand <After Burner Climax <Arcana Heart 3 <Armored Core 4, 5, For Answer, and Verdict Day <Asura's Wrath <Birds of Steel <Burnout Revenge <Cyber Troopers Virtual On: Oratorio Tangram ver 5.66 <Daytona USA HD <Deadly Premonition <Dennou Senki Virtual-On Force <Dragon Ball: Raging Blast 1 + 2 <Dynasty Warriors Gundam trilogy
[Expand Post]<Earth Defense Force 2017 <Eternal Sonata (PS3 has more extra content though) <Espgaluda II <Fist of the North Star: Ken's Rage 1 & 2 <Grand Theft Auto IV <Killer is Dead <Lost Planet 1 + 2 <Lollipop Chainsaw (original) <Majin & The Forbidden Kingdom <Mushihimesama Futari, lit. "Bug Princess" <Nier Gestalt <Pure <Ridge Racer 6 <Rockstar Games Presents Table Tennis <Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution <Skate 3 <Soul Calibur II HD Online + IV + V <Skyrim <Tekken 6 + Tag Tournament 2 <The Darkness <Tomb Raider Underworld (Has 2 exclusive story DLCs) <Zone of the Enders HD Collection I think I've covered most of them. Interestingly out of all the games compiled, 18 of them are from Bamco.
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>>1077653 pic also related.
>>1077656 It's been a long time since I made that pic. Thanks for posting it, my PC got fucked and I still need to transfer what files I can. It's also nice to see people post what I made.
>>1077657 Thank you for making it in the first place, anon.
>>1077571 >>1077603 >>1077612 >>1077620 Where were you guys when the thread was filled with centrists circlejerking a few weeks ago?
>>1077647 or this. seriously, this place is full of niggers that start arguing because they lack basic reading comprehension or because they are too bored and get upset at the most minuscule thing other anons write.
So GCtard lost his shit again.
>>1077634 >>1077669 What even is a GCtard anyway? The only time I heard about it was during the edit-delete power trip before Acid told them to knock off semi-ddosing the site.
>>1077670 With the risk of creating a strawman, even though I did interact with him when he made his first posts and thread, he doesn't want to understand how games have progressed since the Gamecube/Playstation 2 era, and that every single game produced today could be played on a Gamecube, but at lower graphic settings. No matter what examples he is given, he will find a game that kinda works the same, but not as good and claim it's good enough, and if it's about a piece of technology, he will keep asking "what about it?". The strawman version of his argument, would be to say that every single game mechanic ever made could be done on a PSX >DLC <Atari GameLine >Google Stadya/OnLive <Super Famicom's Satellaview subsystem >Online mutiplayer <Sega Meganet >Open World games >Legend of Zelda on the NES >Online Browser <Family Computer Network System >BluRay DVD <Just use multiple CDs >Movies, Sports and Music <Already done on a PSX >Bloodborne <BloodbornePSX >Huge open world racing games <Crazy Bus on the NES THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING DONE TODAY THAT COULDN'T HAVE BEEN DONE ON A PSX
>>1077671 Wonder what he'd say about The World Ends With You.
>>1077672 Well in the first thread, when I talked with him, I brought up Minecraft as a game that didn't have an equivalent on the PS2 or Gamecube, and after bringing it up again and again, his response was to say that Minecraft worked on a 3DS, and a 3DS is equivalent to a PS2, so obviously it would have worked on a PS2 as well, ignoring the fact that the 3DS is a much more powerful console(4 times the RAM, almost double performance of the CPU), it being kneecapped by the two screens it has to render on. As such, he would probably include the Nintendo DS in his category of consoles and ask, why did we need to evolve from this? Forgot to mention, that some of his arguments also boiled down to "why did we need to go beyond the Gamecube?" and "Why don't we go back to limiting ourselves to Gamecube specs? it's silly to keep buying more expensive hardware, when every single game can be made on the Gamecube, anyway."
>>1077592 Pretty much, I fucking hate how people are nostalgic for early 2010s garbage like it's any better than the shit we get now.
>>1077674 Wasn't that the crux of Yuri Bezmenov's subversion? Making things so shit that it conditions the demoralized to "settle" for anything marginally better to permanently lower the standard?
>>1077612 >The game included some historical facts I fucking hate americans, holy shit
>>1077675 Yep, standards are so low the average normalfag wants to eat shit and clap.
>>1077654 He think everyone is obsessed and make people their "idols" like he does.
>>1077612 Warriors are physically and intellectually superior to other people. Nobody who is on social media is, or will ever be, a warrior.

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>>1077577 >Motherfucker, pirate everything has been a thing with 8/v/ anons since forever. That is not what is being pushed. What is being pushed is this idea that one particular fag has been trying to argue for, for years. The idea of an economy of attention, where any publicity is good publicity, where negative discussion and piracy of things that you won't buy for some reason or another, results in attention, whether negative of positive, for those bad things, and thus, helps them. This is of course is retarded, because it totally discounts any possible negative effect on sales that negative discussion and negative reviews have on something and just headcanons that things like pics and vids related benefit the games they shit on when they have the opposite effect.
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>>1077647 >8chan meme making the rounds to ifunnyjunkagagram >gets picked up and reposted to 8chan again I'm laffin
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>>1077647 Isn't this just a fence-shitter argument when you really drill down to it? Basically, "you're autistic to care or argue ever" so the third position must be a passive nihilism. If you never argue or care you are not autistic. You don't want to be autistic do you? Stop arguing. Stop caring. Have zero passion about anything. Take SSRIs & become a zombie. The first incarnation of the image mocking anons for entering a thread just to be angry was better, but it later devolved into what I just described.
>>1077694 >The first incarnation of the image mocking anons for entering a thread just to be angry In other words, a defense of circle-jerking
>>1077694 >The first incarnation Incarnations? Heresy!
>>1077697 When is it ever not under attack?
>>1077697 Just ask hirohito for their IPs.
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>>1077699 >>1077706 Okay listen here, i am not EVEN in a position to ask hirodick, hiro yahoo or hiro yakyuu, or hiro yokai anything. I just want JD Vance related shitposting to stop. Him being fat is OK, him being somekind of terrorist/egyptian is NOT OK (because you know all egyptians are terrorists). This guy could tomorrow change his stance on ukraine. But sadly because of majority shitposting stance NOW he never will. Why? First of all this warranted TOTAL STOP OF ENTIRE CUCLKCHAN. For a couple of days. Second, because (yeah yeah i know i hate cuckchan as much as you do) fucking shitstream of worst kind of opinions flew into /pol/ and neither i nor even most anti-normalfag nor normalfag can stand it together. Therefore we need help against anti-jd vance shit. If you can't help at least don't let anti-jd vance offtopic to happen on your own board. Thank you very much. Courtecy of imkampfy oldfags.
>>1077709 Probably all leftists.
>>1077712 Two good news i have to bear from your post. 1. You are right. 2. People you accuse are wrong people i am searching for punishment. Thanks. Maybe that's not their whole discord crew though, i'l have to dig deeper, if you aren't going to help/
>>1077697 Considering you can't even cuss on 4chan without attracting the hire of some mystery meat gender-confused dorkoid, what exactly would matter who is or who isn't attacking it? Just pack it up and move here or literally any other message board for that matter. >>1077612 If you're not using Xitter for porn, cats, cute posts and the occasional useful link, you're doing it wrong. Here let me be a sport and do it for you https://nitter.space/visualscat https://nitter.space/Cat_Auras https://nitter.space/Pirat_Nation https://nitter.space/Rainmaker1973 https://nitter.space/Dr_TheHistories https://nitter.space/histories_arch https://nitter.space/freegametokeep https://nitter.space/SteamDB (for free game promotions) https://nitter.space/WAVArchive >>1077347 >>1077352 >They fell for the "fascism is hard right meme" Eternal reminder
>>1077709 >attacking /pol/ >it's just meme spam I don't even see this meme as malicious as both sides have posted them for giggles.
>>1077697 No one is attacking your communist hoax website. We don't give a shit about it. Stop going there and being brainwashed, you goddamned idiot.
>>1077728 You sound like a huge fag, anon.
>>1077697 No, because you refuse to use 8/pol/
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uhhh Bideo Games?
>>1077742 >none of them even attempt the Jack-o pose Why even bother?
>>1077742 I don't know what those harlots are, so I don't care.
>>1077654 So she is as much of a grifter as Melonie Mac? I prefer Kirsche because she spent most of her e-celeb career exposing woke bullcrap from various institutions and government bodies that the whole thing is abysmal. >>1077673 >some of his arguments also boiled down to "why did we need to go beyond the Gamecube?" and "Why don't we go back to limiting ourselves to Gamecube specs? it's silly to keep buying more expensive hardware, when every single game can be made on the Gamecube, anyway." I don't understand why he's glorifying 6th gen consoles, especially the GameCube. While I enjoyed the boxy console for what it was and some of the games that it brought, the PS2 and XBOX were killing it with their plethora of library of more games. What's funny is that PS2 hardware was inferior to the GameCube but had more third party support.
>>1077483 Why is everyone gay?
>>1077742 >of course AOC, the Jew York coffee shop bitch who got in and started pissing off her superiors to the point of getting a semi-public dressing down from the leftist elites for kicking up too much of a mess is in it >this entire thing reeks of her idea too, considering she pulled some stunt streaming AMOGUS with some other streamers because she's supposedly a politician Let me guess, too many of the old guard died or lost power, so now she doesn't feel as threatened and she'll do what she likes?
>>1077751 >too many of the old guard died or lost power At this point Liz Cheney is the old guard of the Democartic Party.
>>1077749 >So she is as much of a grifter as Melonie Mac? Nah, Melonie is much worse
>>1077749 >So she is as much of a grifter as Melonie Mac? Melonie proved herself a complete hypocrite and allied herself with the likes of Arroz when trying to push moralfagging over videogames and Melonie never attempted to do digs as far as I remember. Savvy's not directly linked to the Kern/Stuttering Craig circle long-term, I'm propably remembering wrong since most of the stuff I found of her was dig based. Regardless, always remember >Ecelebs If you want to obsess and huddle around internet personalities foxdick is two blocks down. They're only as trustworthy as long as they're useful and have mostly been good for disseminating information for their cattle and little else.
>>1077752 Just looked up the entire group, they're all fucking leftists. I have the feeling the next few years are going to be faggots chasing "viral" content creators (i.e. the first bitch who showed up) while trying to use video games to promote their bullshit politics. Literally <hey <HEY <We'll take you seriously <We'll take you so much more seriously, you don't understand <Come on, we'll be the cool people again, just trust us <hahahahahaha memes amogus and SMASH
>>1077757 Telling from fresh blood it's safe to say in the next few years the dumbacrat party as a whole will be pretty much extinct.
>>1077759 They tried pushing that faggot from the holocaust class highschool that got shot up a few years ago. But IIRC he was caught up in controversy and fell off big time.
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>>1077760 >that faggot from the holocaust class high school that got shot up a few years ago I'm stealing that.
>>1077760 Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down?
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>>1077654 >female e-ecelbs I am surprised how timeless Murdoch Murdoch can be.
>>1077762 He probably means David Hogg. The totally not a plant junior FBI spokesperson against guns that was naturally promoted to being an actual democrat politician these days.
>>1077764 ah, the leftist pillow comissar? I thought he felt into irrelevancy after he couldn't get more money by dancing on the grave of his classmates.
>>1077762 He's talking about David Hogg, the fed kid who used a school shooting in (((controlled territory))) supposedly set off by a bullied classmate to fuck up Florida's gun purchasing laws and was originally the only one who could viably be used as a future leader of leftist politics. Because the others were a mystery meat bald as fuck spic bitch who openly stated she knew the kid was bullied and did FUCKING NOTHING, the female crisis actor who supposedly committed suicide from all the attention, and him, the glory-seeking retard whose time in a jew-controlled ivy league college that was clearly well-wasted with him becoming a sexpest.
>>1077757 I meant hey already openly said they are going to disguise their bullshit into games and force it after people bought it
>>1077705 Will this stifle leftoids who are calling for assassinations daily or is it just for censoring additional no-no thoughts that staff will classify as "violence"? Either way, the amount of deep state fags using that website is enough that it should cease to exist. >>1077723 True. I've also heard it's going to drive JD memes into the ground so by the time he runs for Pres it'll have no impact anymore. >>1077764 >>1077766 Could just say "Crisis Actor". Much simpler.
>>1077783 Crisis Actor doesn't drive home just how shady he really is.
>>1077763 >soundless
>>1077787 Get a better browser.
>>1077782 It's amazing the lengths they'll go to hide their propaganda when nobody fucking wants it & there's been enough games by now to have bombed with their propaganda often being a commonality in those failures. I know they don't care about the money nor their reputations taking hits, but it says something that they would rather sweep it under the rug & try to bait you before they then give you the propaganda after you've exchanged money with them. Then again when the industry's been lying to their customers about DLC & other broken promises made in the past while also continuing to spit in their faces, it's not like it bothers them that they keep giving people reasons to not trust them.
>>1077742 Nintendo should sue for illegal use of their music.
>>1077787 Literally a you problem.
>>1077709 >Please to not say mean things about this current politician Lmao.
>>1077722 >the hire
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>>1077757 >>1077782 >>1077790 >I meant hey already openly said they are going to disguise their bullshit into games The problem with this strategy is that the current crop of wokeist "creators" are incapable of subtlety as they keep chasing away all the smart and talented people. Propaganda only works when it's carefully woven into a story like The Stepford Wives to be entertaining The story about an aging feminist woman having a psychotic breakdown because she's hitting the wall who imagines the happy married women around her are robots which is being egging-on by her scummy male-feminist therapist Woke "creators" are not capable of truly subversive writing like this anymore because it's the literal meme that they're not sending their best. The only way woke entertainment works is when there's no non-woke alternative like anime/manga or indie videoogames.
>>1077756 You keep saying this, but Melonie Mac opinion never changed on anything. She’s said the same things she did during “goonergate” well before it.
>>1077783 >by the time he runs for Pres Which is funny because even Trump said that he doesn't see Vance as a successor. I don't think he's really all that popular with normal people either. It doesn't help that he looks a little weird and that he's married to a red dot.
>>1077810 Wasn't she a literal leftist whore years ago?
>>1077814 She worked for gamespot, so yes.
>>1077722 >Just pack it up and move here Why would you actively invite them here? >>1077654 >anyone notice niggerpill's new tactic of shifting the Boogeyman from Kamala, localizers and Blackrock What are you on about? All of those are responsible for bad shit. Larry Fink went on record saying Blackrock will reduce funding to companies that don’t have enough diversity in order to “force changes”. Also, niggerpill’s speech patterns are extremely obvious. Whoever these guys shitting on centrists are, they’re clearly not willy.
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>>1077814 >Wasn't she a literal leftist What constitutes "the left" keeps shrinking because all the retards who are left in the left are assholes. It's just not cool to be on the left.
>>1077742 A nude AOC mod for Smash Bros. might be nice.
>>1077822 But those women are passed breeding age.
>>1077823 A cougar is fine too.
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SKULLGIRLS IS OFFICIALLY DEAD! Under Autumn games. It's completely unrelated to Mike Z's lawsuit. https://trellis.law/doc/240911937/complaint https://archive.is/vTWE2
>>1077836 Thank fucking christ.
>>1077836 It died with the censorship & shoving in a gay black furry.
>>1077836 This must be celebrated with Alex Ahad.
>>1077839 >gay black furry its called a niggerfaggot
>>1077836 Did they finish adding the characters that were supposed to be in from the beginning.
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>>1077836 Yep, the censorship started when they release the last dlc with the censored pantyshots and when people asked why they did this, they make the excuse that this was a planed change since the beginning. After that, they keep making more and more changes
>>1077842 Umbrella, Black Dahlia, and Marie who were needed to tell the canon plot? Yeah, they got added in nearly ten years after the original release. Here's some Umbrella Concept art in the mean time.
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>>1077836 Annie never got added did she? >>1077840 Does he still own any of the character designs or concepts?
>>1077836 Finally Mike Z getting his revenge/ Hope all that faggots and traits rot.
>>1077847 >Annie never got added did she? She did get added.
>>1077848 Unfortunately, Future Club was already moving on to parasitizing Clock Tower of all franchises.
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>>1077836 Press F to Spit on the grave of Hidden Variable.
>>1077841 A nigger furggot if you will.
>>1077810 >Goonergate Shouldn't these progs celebrate Project 2025 because the act is supposed to ban porn? All I could gather about their "heckin complex conspiracy" is that they find it problematic that porn addicts might side with the GOP due to Instagram's retarded algorithm. Did they call out Jewtube's elsagate autistic side? You can still find vore and gore without any age restriction warning. >>1077836 >HVS MORE LIKE VIH
>>1077851 >Future Club Clock Tower was a one-time gig and it seems like it was a bit weird too. Future Club's actual next project was just announced on kick starter and it's some weird deck builder magical girl game. It looks incredibly low budget with noticeably worse art. Apparently people have been secretly leaving for the last six months or so. Everyone was extremely underwhelmed by why they revealed. They will likely be dead soon.
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>>1077855 You weren't kidding.
>>1077836 Good.
Funny no major news reported on the 70 christians beheaded in a church a week or two ago in the congo. A lot of tarrant copycats in just one incident.
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https://archive.ph/Kwsi3 Next: Two girls one cup.
>>1077861 They're going to start ww3.
>>1077861 Meet the new Reich; same as the old Reich. Except gayer.
>>1077861 Too little too late. They had decades to realize the US wasn't the solution for every high intensity event and that there was a possibility they would end up on their own. This is something they should have prepared for this long ago, not the moment the US decides to stop funding this needless war.
>>1077862 Nah, nobody's gonna start it. Modern humans are coddled cowards raised on a mythology of WW2 (hence why all conflict since the hippies forced us to pull out of Vietnam have been limpdick proxy conflicts or "peacekeeping" bodyguarding while looting oil countries like Iraq). The closest thing to valor nowadays was like 200 redditors trying to be a "foreign legion" for Ukraine and immediately trying to go home after experiencing their first shelling. They won't get many volunteers, and drafting will result in civil war because nothing riles up the cattle like losing their breads and circuses.
>>1077865 Forced military service in Ukraine did nothing. The people who fled the war still call to keep throwing money & weapons at it.
>>1077861 Am I the only one?
>>1077867 I thought that was the only reason why it was getting attention
>>1077867 Read the filename, you're not the only one.
>>1077869 I saw the file name too late.
>>1077867 That's the reason I thought anon posted it.
>>1077865 >Valor Disappeared as soon as everyone realized (modern) war is bullshit. What glory can you gain padding the pocket book of a war profiteer/banker/kike?
>>1077861 >>1077867 Suddenly I'm reminded of this Leaf news cover from a few years ago.
>>1077790 It worked with Kingdom Come Deliverance 2. They hid the fact that it was a propaganda game, it sold million(s) because of it, too.
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>>1077742 I want to breed them all
>>1077880 Can't you just be a civilized anon and think about breeding Erin instead?
>>1077830 post more of that old fox hag
>>1077883 Eh, I wouldn't really consider Ran a hag.
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>>1077888 Goatse? Now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time. A long time.
>>1077888 Context?
>>1077895 Just someone memeing it looks like goatse probably.
>>1077854 You don't understand progs. They're fine with porn, in fact for them its verboten to criticize porn... if its porn for women, gay men, niggers, or trannies. Confusingly, you're also not allowed to critcize the porn actresses in porn targeted towards men.
>>1077887 okay I post it myself then
>>1077861 Imagine going back in time to 2014 and telling your past self that 10 years later world leaders would be shitposting on twitter and that the EU commission would make a goatse logo for their campaign.
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>>1077840 >Alex Ahad Pretty gud artist tag to use in Stable Diffusion depending on your checkpoint.
>>1077865 >Nah, nobody's gonna start it Idiot. A nuclear war is not going to be started by one aggressor going silly with nukes. The most likely scenario (and one that has already occurred) is one of accidental nuclear launch by the Ivans. Their radar detection systems are still archaic and so if there is escalated military tensions caused by the EU/Nato (at the behest of the western oligarchs such as Bill Gates and the the others wanting to increase their reach into Ukraine now that the EU is their bitch). If the Russian missile detection systems misinterpret a signal and call it an incoming nuke then those Ivans in the position to make a judgement call may make the wrong call and start throwing nukes around. This is why Ukraine needs to be militarily and economically neutral. To act as a buffer state that would allow calmer heads time to make a correct call. >>1077880 >Wanting to breed with irredeemable leftists. Go suck a shotgun barrel, faggot.
>>1077914 I would say "meh", but of course I would have been more blackpilled. Right now I'm having a blast seeing europeans get asshurt by a mad old man fixing the world. I worry about what will come next as it won't be as good as Donald Duck.
https://archive.is/lEMTk When is this nigger going into the gas chamber?
>>1077920 I fucking hate that guy
>>1077920 Doesn't this guy hound Mike Z despite him being the one to defend his furfagsona's cameo in the tutorial stage?
>>1077920 What has happened this last few months with Skullgirls? I gave torrents to the pre-censorship game to a bunch of people but then no one talked about the game for like three years straight.
>>1077927 Speaking of Skullgirls just this week the company that was working on it quit apparently because they were not being paid or something, the name is Hidden Variable or something
>>1077929 The summary as I've gotten is: >Autumn Games, thanks to predatory contracts when the game was first released in the 2010s, owns the Skullgirls IP. They're an outside company that has nothing to do with Mike Z or any of the devs >Autumn Games hires Hidden Variable to work on the shitty gacha mobile game version of Skullgirls (ironically has like quadruple the playerbase of the actual fighting game) >Mobileshit does well enough that they restart the development of the fighting game with HV's help >HV basically runs the Skullgirls show throwing out patch notes and running discords or whatever >HV suddenly stops working on Skullgirls >Turns out Autumn Games owes them millions in wages they never paid them >This is because Autumn Games has been actively looking for a cheaper dev team trying to cut HV out of the pie >Autumn Games now takes over running the Skullgirls empire >Try to appeal to the players saying they're wholesome chunguses that will pander to them with community votes and other shit to make them forget they totally fucked over HV who was basically doing all of the community work for years >Players fall for it because they're consoomer cucks >Future Club (the former Lab Zero guys who betrayed Mike Z in a purposefully staged mutiny) says nothing about this betrayal because they want to keep getting paid for consulting work, once again proving they have no morals
>>1077932 Future club is also a B-listed (alternate esg offshoot) worker's co-op if I recall, every employee has a financial incentive in the company beyond their current salary to not say anything.
Will military research and spending save the japanese economy? Remilitarization has been something the conservatives have been crafting a public image towards for decades, including subsidizing anime and other forms of culture.
>>1077965 Personally, I hope he allows Japan to build up its own defense and allow it to get a proper military force rather than the bullshit they have now. Japan really needs a Trump figure to sort out its bullshit.
>>1077966 The problem is that there is also the commies in Japan that want it to keep demilitarized, they need to get fucked too
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>>1077965 Really takes on a different note whenever Japan is replaced with israel. >President Donald Trump questioned in the Oval Office on Thursday night why the U.S. "has to protect israel" but "they don't have to protect us," before asking: "Who makes these deals?" >Trump has been concerned about what he sees as a trade imbalance between the U.S. and israel since the 1980s. In 1987, he took out a full-page ad in The New York Times warning people that israel was "taking advantage" of America. >Donald Trump's full remarks: "With israel, we have a deal, which is a very interesting one. And I love israel. We have a great relationship with israel. But we have an interesting deal with israel that we have to protect them but they don't have to protect us. Did you know that? That's the way the deal reads. >"We have to protect israel—and, by the way, they make a fortune out of us economically. We have to protect israel, but under no circumstances do they have to protect us."
>>1077973 The LDP has mostly controlled japan since the constitution was ratified, if I recall, hence why their actions are so slow, to avoid losing power by being seen as war-hawkish.
>>1077862 Good.
>>1077974 Now try replacing articles and statements justifying the jewish shate with ones for Turkish Kurds, Chinese Uighurs, Indonesian Moluccans, Japanese Ainu, South African Boers, etc.
>>1077655 Gonna keep a copy of this list >>1077974 But that's anti-semantic
>>1077655 add Gears of war 2, 3 and Judgement, Otomedius Gorgeous and Excellent. I know there is more 360 japan only games.
Something I saw on live spanish tv. Is Trump now calling out Putin for not stopping the bombing?
>>1077993 Sanctions on banks for blowing up a ukrainian gas refinery instead of winding down for peace or something yeah.
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>>1078000 >newgrounds So that's where that spic nigger's been I miss his shitty comics.
>>1078005 Rape. Rape. Severus Rape. TRANSBLEDORE!
>>1078005 Severus Spade
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>>1078007 I've been posting my stuff in the LOL thread and the drawfag thread this entire time.
>>1078005 Didn't they already say they were "diversifying" everyone a long time ago? >>1078007 Yeah I can't believe rad dude is fucking dead. I swear sometimes it feels like his spirit is still around though. RiP.
>>1078011 Draw more of futarina's dad as a loli
>>1078005 I bet you that bitch Mary Beard have its feminist, BBC loving hands influenced this decision.
>>1078005 >the incel former race purist who bullies children is now black
>>1078000 Ow marra.
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>>1078051 Don't forget that he's a cuck.
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>>1078063 >on their quest for more diversity, they made the cuckold black
>>1078065 To this buck-broken saga would be if they made him gay for Harry as some sort of "surrogate love" for his mother, you know like what happened in another WB property.
>>1078065 Unless they make Harry "magically" half-black while making both Lily and James white not the Black family sort, which Harry is at least 25%+ because his grandmother was one IIRC, I mean skin
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>>1077965 >Will military research and spending save the japanese economy >>1077966 >I hope he allows Japan to build up its own defense and allow it to get a proper military force Think of the mascots. Maybe Kancolle gets a reboot. Though giant mecha military may win out. Also, throw in some new Godzilla movies just because. Japan is a lot more advanced with robotics now as well, and they have a space program, so rockets. It would give the military doujin market a boost too.
I like to show up at the end of the threads because that's when I can shitpost
>>1078103 You're a bit early.
>>1078109 I do hope this isn't the turning point where Japan's delayed mimicry of Western culture ends up catching up to 2014.
>>1078116 Still too obvious dude
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>>1077992 OK done. This should be considered the definitive version as I've added enough that I think what's here is a good list of titles befitting a recompilation project for the modern day PC. 360 only games (Xbone compatibility notwithstanding.) >Ace Combat 6 >Amped 3 >Bangai-O HD: Missile Fury >Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts >Beautiful Katamari >Blue Dragon >Chromehounds >Crackdown 1 + 2 >Dead or Alive 4 + Xtreme 2 >Full Auto 1 (Weirdly, its sequel is only on PS3 & PSP.) >Gears of War 2 + 3 + Judgement (Only 1 has a PC port with extra content, but it has SafeDisc & Games for Windows Live DRM.) >Goldeneye Remake (GoldenEye: Source already exists for a GoldenEye game on PC but it's multiplayer-focused.) >Guardian Heroes HD >Import Tuner Challenge >Infinite Undiscovery >Kameo >Lost Odyessy >MagnaCarta 2 >Ninja Gaiden 2 (Sigma 2 and Black 2 make compromises that stray away from the original Itagaki game.) >Onechanbara: Bikini Samurai Squad >Otomedius Excellent + Gorgeous! >Perfect Dark Zero >Project Gotham Racing 3 + 4 >Protect Me Knight >Ridge Racer 6 >Rumble Roses XX >Saint's Row 1 (This is the only game in the Saint's Row series to not have a PC port.) >The Idolm@ster + Live For You! (Enhanced version of the original arcade game.) >Vigilante 8 Arcade >Viva Piñata: Party Animals >Viva Piñata: Trouble in Paradise >WarTech: Senko no Ronde Multi-Plats (Because they either don't have a PC port or if they do, their current release is terrible / broken.) >50 Cent: Blood on the Sand (360 version no blur filter & more responsive controls versus the PS3, but at the cost of no v-lock & omitting AA. No PC port.) >After Burner Climax (360 version has 4x multi-sampling anti-aliasing while the PS3 version has none. No PC port.) >Armored Core 4, 5, For Answer, and Verdict Day (Performance-wise seems to be better on 360. None of them have PC ports.) >Anarchy Reigns (360 version is more stable & stays closer to 30fps whereas the PS3 version has more frequent & severe framerate drops. No PC port.) >Asura's Wrath (Performance on PS3 & 360 seem to be on equal footing? No PC port.) >All-Pro Football 2k8 (360 version is more smoother? Either way, looks & plays better than EA's Maddens despite having fictional teams.) >Backbreaker + BB: Vengeance (Performance on PS3 & 360 seem to be on equal footing? Regardless, it has better physics than EA's Madden as it uses Euphoria, the same physics engine in GTA IV. Neither have PC ports.) >Birds of Steel (Performance on PS3 & 360 seem to be on equal footing? No PC port.) >Burnout Revenge (Graphically superior to its 6th gen and has more content at the cost of heavy bloom & contrast, the golf mini-game is also removed.) >Cyber Troopers Virtual On: Oratorio Tangram (Dreamcast game is based on Ver 5.45 while the 360 is based on Ver 5.66, both of them support System Link. The 360 version, however, has updated graphics. The PS4 version does NOT support system link or other offline modes. Dreamcast supports split-screen but it has its own issues, while the 360 version does not have split-screen. All in all, the 360 version is the clear winner. No PC port.) >Daytona USA HD (PC Port is derived from the original Arcade & Saturn versions.) >Deadly Premonition (Bad & unstable PC port derived from the PS3 version. The 360 version never got a Director's Cut, but it has more stable performance.)
[Expand Post]>Dennou Senki Virtual-On Force (PS4 version does NOT have system-link & the 360 version has co-op & local 4-player split-screen battles. No PC port.) >DoDonPachi SaiDaiOuJou (Has an enhanced release, DoDonPachi True Death EXA Label, for exA-Arcadia arcade platform. Neither have a PC port.) >Dragon Ball: Raging Blast 1 + 2 (Looks more blury on 360, whereas the PS3 versions look sharper. No PC ports.) >Dynasty Warriors Gundam trilogy (Performs better on PS3 though. No PC ports.) >Earth Defense Force 2017 (Lacks the extra content from the later Vita & Switch versions though. No PC port.) >Eternal Sonata (PS3 has more extra content though. No PC port.) >Espgaluda II (Cave shooter that has no PC port.) >Fist of the North Star: Ken's Rage 1 + 2 (Colors are washed out on 360 though & doesn't have as good performance as PS3. No PC ports.) >Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2 (Only its predecessor got a PC port.) >Godfather: Blackhand Edition (PC port is the original Godfather game & has SafeDisc DRM, it also doesn't have the changes & extra content Blackhand adds. The Don's Edition only on PS3, however, has even more content which makes it the definitive version.) >Grand Theft Auto IV (PC Port still remains bad.) >Guwange (Cave shooter that has no PC port.) >Instant Brain (Cave VN that has no PC port.) >Killer is Dead (Nightmare Edition on PC is capped at 30FPS & crashes after the Mission 3 boss if you're running a multi-core CPU.) >Lost Planet 1 + 2 (Both games have inferior performance on PS3 & the PC versions have been removed from sale due to issues with Games for Windows Live DRM.) >Lollipop Chainsaw (Technically has a PC port with RePOP but it looks a little worse graphics-wise & has its jiggle physics butchered as a consequence of changing from UE3 to UE5.) >Majin & The Forbidden Kingdom (No PC Port. Performance on PS3 & 360 seem to be on equal footing?) >Marvel Ultimate Alliance 1 Gold Edition (Has more playable heroes & villians than the other platforms like Hulk, for whatever reason, and Doctor Doom.) >Muchi Muchi Pork! & Pink Sweets: Ibara Sore Kara (Cave shooters that don't have PC ports.) >Mushihimesama Futari (The original Mushihimesama has a PC port, this doesn't.) >Nier Gestalt (Papa Nier has no PC port. Performance-wise seems to lean on the 360, especially in the second basement level under the mansion there's a room you walk into where a lot of enemies spawn. PS3 version drops in framerate little more there, but both versions are on parity graphics-wise.) >Nin2-Jump (Cave platformer that has no PC Port.) >NHL 14 (Last good NHL hockey game, right up there with 2004. No PC port.) >NHL 2K8 (Another good hockey game. Puck passing on the 360 feels more smoother than on PS3. No PC port.) >Pure (PC port is graphically inferior & has SecuROM DRM.) >Rockstar Games Presents Table Tennis (Graphically superior to Wii version & doesn't have wagglan. No PC Port.) >Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution (PS3 version has v-sync tearing & had lots of complaints about Multiplayer & leaderboard. No PC port.) >Skate Trilogy (All are graphically superior compared to the PS3.) >Skyrim (I know the PS3 version is infamously bad, but I don't see how the 360 version is better than the PC ports it already has considering all the crazy porn mods & scripts still being made, does Todd's mountian climber not crash as often? Leaving it here because anon recommended it in spoilers.) >Soul Calibur II HD Online + IV + V (IV on 360 has lens flare & bloom while the PS3 version doesn't, the 360 version also runs at 1365x768 - an extra 13.8% of resolution vs. native 720p on PS3, all at a price of not having Darth Vader though since he's delisted DLC. The 360 version of II has more vivid colours/contrast whereas the PS3 version looks more muted & washed out, the 360 version also has slightly cleaner lines on the edges of characters/objects whereas the PS3 version flickers a tiny bit, evidently on character selection.) >Tekken 6 + Tag Tournament 2 (360 version of 6 lets you choose between sub-HD and native 1365x768 rendering resolution while the PS3 version is stuck in sub-HD. However, 6 on PS3 has AA & 6 on the 360 does not. Both the PS3 & 360 versions of Tag 2 are on equal footing & stomp on the Wii U in the graphics department, but the Wii U has Nintendo-themed costumes & Tekken Ball.) >The Darkness 1 (PS3 version has no motion blur, texture detail reduction compared to the 360, & no anti-aliasing. Only its sequel, The Darkness II, has a PC port.) >The Idolm@ster 2 (No idea how it fares against the PS3 performance-wise as they've only been released in Japan AND there's no English patch made for it.) >Tiger Woods PGA Tour 14 (Last Tiger Woods game. Not as good as the 2004 game, but the Historic Masters Edition & superior graphics make this worthwhile. No PC port.) >Tomb Raider Underworld (Has 2 exclusive story DLCs only on 360.) >WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2007 (Superior graphics compared to PS2 & PSP versions for being the first 7th gen port in the series, also has no PC port. As good as 2006.) >Zone of the Enders HD Collection (ZOE1 stays above 30fps on 360 whereas the PS3 has slowdowns. ZOE2 is unpatched though on 360 whereas the PS3 version got patched.) Didn't like how it originally looked in pink text and the titles not being bolded. Forgot to also bolden Geometry Wars Retro Evolved 2 when glancing through the post.
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>>1078138 >Skyrim (I know the PS3 version is infamously bad, but I don't see how the 360 version is better than the PC ports it already has considering all the crazy porn mods & scripts still being made, does Todd's mountian climber not crash as often? Leaving it here because anon recommended it in spoilers.) Dude, I put Skyrim in there as a joke.
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>>1078148 Ah. Any anon that wants to screencap all of that stuff I put together can just cross Skyrim out & say it was a joke that I fell for.
>>1078138 I'd recommend LOTR: Battle for Middle Earth 2. It was very fun on the 360, the control scheme somehow felt very satisfying for a console RTS on a 360 controller and it was a novel experience for someone who is usually accustomed to playing them on PC, on top of just being a quality game all around of course. I played it on both PC and 360 and felt both versions had value to offer. Other RTSes might be warranted to put on there by similar logic, they tend to be unique experiences, and when designed well, end up being a lot of fun imo. Omega Five, Spectral Force 3, Operation Darkness, Tenchu Z, Project Sylpheed, Super Robot Wars XO, Vandal Hearts: Flames of Judgment, Tayutama: Kiss on my Deity, and Ninety Nine Nights 1 might be worth throwing on there too.
>>1078161 I didn't buy the console for playing RTS games, it was just something that was available at the time and turned out to be surprisingly good. Also, they can be fun in ways you can't really experience on PC. I still remember beating my friend's older brother with a Zealot rush in Starcraft 64's splitscreen at his house when I was a kid, and his friend turned the console off before he could lose the game completely.
>>1078138 How about the original Prey from 2006? Also Shadows of the Damned if we're talking about Suda51 games.
>>1078138 What about the Condemned games? Aren't they locked to 306?
>>1078168 >Shit discord drama Everytime
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>>1078168 >Seen too much lolicon
>>1078138 >Multi-Plats (Because they either don't have a PC port or if they do, their current release is terrible / broken.) I'm gonna refrain from mentioning every time you're better off emulating the PS3 version currently because I'll be here all day otherwise. >>After Burner Climax (360 version has 4x multi-sampling anti-aliasing while the PS3 version has none. No PC port.) Ackchyually it originally ran on PC hardware (SEGA Lindbergh) and there is a loader for it now, but you have to be on linux iirc >>Earth Defense Force 2017 (Lacks the extra content from the later Vita & Switch versions though. No PC port.) Technically has a PC port, 4.1 comes with all the music for it, someone ported the mission scripts to 4.1 PC so it's EDF3 with 4.1 gear >>Grand Theft Auto IV (PC Port still remains bad.) Nah, only TBoGT is really still a pain in the ass on PC (the diamond heist mission in the Libertonian refused to load unless I had an FPS cap to 30), it has the best graphics and getting 4k60 stable isn't hard at all anymore and any slight advantage the console version might've had lighting or shadow wise has been ported back through fusion fix, there's several ready made packs for both the CD and steam versions that allow you to have them running fine with minimal efforts >>Killer is Dead (Nightmare Edition on PC is capped at 30FPS & crashes after the Mission 3 boss if you're running a multi-core CPU.) You can fix both those things, and I don't doubt the x360 version is 30fps capped as well >>Lost Planet 1 + 2 (Both games have inferior performance on PS3 & the PC versions have been removed from sale due to issues with Games for Windows Live DRM.) Oh no we can't buy it, how terrible :^) Besides you can buy 1, and both games run and look so much better on PC (even old PCs) I do not see any conceivable way you wouldn't want to play them on PC. >>1078172 Prey 2006 is a pretty cool shooter >>1078201 Only Condemned 2 is console only, and iirc you can emulate the PS3 version okayish, might even have a patch to use the mouse
>>1078168 >the lolicon community This is as retarded as the gay community and the furfag community. Fetishes should not be identities.
>>1078222 I agree, shit is super gay and retarded.
one year
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>>1078225 >Let's celebrate Toriyama with AI slop
How is your Retarded Whore Day doing?
>>1078230 It's going, thinking about playing some Under Defeat and then grabbing a bite to eat today
this is the kind of propaganda niggerpill would make if he ever got a promotion
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>>1078230 I'm living everyday like a hustle, another drug to juggle; another day, another struggle
>>1078227 Toriyama didn't even like drawing (well, manga at least) until very late in his life.
>>1078236 Only a month away from the Switch 2 Direct and the DMC Netflix toon.
>>1078227 AI is better than anything made by people.
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>>1078168 >lolicon community Nigger what? Are you ascribing some random literal who trannies on shitscord authority over a genre of hentai? Fuck off with your retarded trannyfarms nothingburgers.
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>>1078168 >the lolicon community
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>>1078235 But I've already got Strip Fighter II, and don't have to deal with rancid western character design with retarded dialogue.

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