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Xtreme Sega Thread for Radical Dudes Anonymous 02/05/2025 (Wed) 18:55:15 Id: 678f47 No. 1068364
>favorite Sega arcade game >favorite Sega console game >favorite third party game on a Sega console >most underrated Sega game >favorite Sega console >will/should Sega ever make another console? >what are your hopes and guesses for Sega's future in general?
play ring racers
>>1068377 watch flip flappers
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How is Rings of Power? I've heard very mixed things about it. It got bad reviews on release but it seems to have become somewhat of a cult classic? It's mostly famous for being fucked over by the publisher, who, despite the game being a success, declined to continue printing it. It had exactly one run of 100,000 carts and went out of print mere weeks after release.
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>>1068394 >How is Rings of Power? It's great!
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>>1068377 is that the new robo blast kart game? i hated that shit, first modern kart game where you lose speed while drifiting. it's so ironic too, the kart subgenre rose out of the genre going more and more complex and simulator like with time, so they went and made games that were more simple and easy to pick up and play. then the fags go and put fucking resource management as the main mechanic of a kart racer.
>>1068414 >Sonic game about LOSING speed Seriously? That's a shame because I thought Roboblast 2 was cool
>>1068364 Has anyone played the penguin racing game for the Dreamcast? I just found out Chris O'Neil made a letsplay of that game 7 years ago when it was worth watching with the literal faggots he had for friends.
>>1068414 Use rings while drifting and you'll maintain speed for the most part, especially with heavier characters.
Name me some good genesis rpg's besides phantasy star please.
>>1068427 robo blast is cool, but ring racers doesn't have robo blast in its title go play SRB2K instead
>>1068448 Langrisser 1 and 2 Dungeons and Dragons: Warriors of the Eternal Sun Landstalker Mado Monogatari Shining Force 1 and 2 Shining in the Darkness Sorcerer's Kingdom Dragon Slayer 1 and 2 (other versions are probably better though
>>1068364 >best arc Sega Ral 2 with the motion seat, Virtua Cop with the virtua gun >best game ever made by segs idfk >underr8 You haven't played Fur Fighters and Headhunter for original DC because youre a gay butthole bandit >best console M$ 8-bits zeero OG titles but every port is love Play Chase HQ on maximum attack in an emu right now All will be understood >Sega KFConsole Steam deck clone with some store front that behaves vaguely as GOG's does. Chao garden MMO expansion, free to play on there. What I'd do as well 18 Wheeler: Subtitle Subtitle Etc, that's just the engine from OR2006 with a bunch of unlicensed cars and motorcycles and unhitched road units, separate mode that rips the fuck off rocket league and another free to play thing that zoomer vtubers might goon or dance about idfk Sega's resources would be spent after and they don't have the talent in the company any more to float a bigger first party scene than giving you something with a few free games that's slightly unique, or tailored to their view of what is essentially an overblown toy. So I would stick to what they could do. >Sega having a future They own real estate in HK/China/Singapore. They would rather rent space to other businesses in their casinos and hotels than do high effort high risk low returns per qtr game development. Post-Covid they do not make massive returns but they at least return to being fairly reliable earners. It's not a company that wants to deal in games without farming them out.
It's a damn shame knowing I'll likely be dead before Planet Harriers becomes fully emulated in MAME. Demul can't even render half of the enemy bullets. I wish SEGA would just have M2 port it but they would rather delist games than preserve them.
>>1068458 Cool. I'll take a look.
>>1068492 >Post-Covid they do not make massive returns Is this something going on with most developers, or is Sega a unique case? I thought the last couple of Sonic and Yakuza games were pretty popular.
>>1068519 "Post-covid depression" is pretty much a thing for every big game developer out there.
>>1068364 >arcade game Daytona USA >console game Phantasy Star IV: The End of the Millennium >3rd party console game Princess Crown >most underrated game Columns >favorite sega console Genesis >will/should sega make another console They can't. Their original consoles that made them famous were all made from off-the-shelf components, by the time of the Saturn they were having trouble keeping up and the Dreamcast ended them. I can't see them making another console ever considering they've wholesale given up the hardware game. >hopes and guesses for their future That they roll over and die already. It's like watching a fame-addicted whore desperately try to keep the spotlight on her when the whole world's already seen her nudes.
>favorite Sega arcade game F-Zero AX >favorite Sega console game Skies of Arcadia >favorite third party game on a Sega console Toy Commander >most underrated Sega game The first Jet Set Radio, everyone who dickrides Future just got filtered by the original. >favorite Sega console Dreamcast. >will/should Sega ever make another console? Not in a million years. >what are your hopes and guesses for Sega's future in general? I hope they continue hemorrhaging money, talent, and the goodwill of their fanbase.
>>1068364 >favorite Sega arcade game L.A. Machineguns >favorite Sega console game Phantasy Star Online >favorite third party game on a Sega console The Terminators on Sega CD >most underrated Sega game Vectorman >favorite Sega console Dreamcast >will/should Sega ever make another console? I don't know >what are your hopes and guesses for Sega's future in general? My "hope" is that they remove all of the pozz from the company. However my "guess" as to what will actually happen is "Not that" and that nothing will actually change about how Sega acts. Even all the recent "revivals" and "returning to their roots" they're doing I don't think will last as nothing more than a fad that will last the next few years.
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>>1068364 >favorite Sega arcade game I'm a zoomer >favorite Sega console game I've never held a sega console in my hands >favorite third party game on a Sega console I'm a zoomer >most underrated Sega game Sonic Robo Blast 2 >favorite Sega console I've never held a sega console in my hands >will/should Sega ever make another console? I don't care consoles are dead except for nintendo's closed ecosystem >what are your hopes and guesses for Sega's future in general? I hope Amy finally gets to fuck Sonic
>favorite sega arcade game the Virtua-On series and the Initial D Arcade Stage games >favorite sega console game Jet Set Radio Future >most underrated Sega game Shinobi Legions/X on Saturn, the digitized graphics might be offputting for some but it has some pretty nice combat with different sword moves done with several d-pad combinations and being able to reflect enemy projectiles. It's satisfying to try no-kunai runs on levels. The euro version is recommended as the original NTSC versions have a pretty weak soundtrack. >favorite third party game on a Sega console Rayman 2 on Dreamcast, often considered the best version. Also Digital Monster Ver. S: Digimon Tamers on Saturn and Sub-Terrania on Genesis >favorite sega console Saturn, such a treasure trove of comfy and challenging games held back by shitty marketing and Sega infighting. Playstation had it beat in variety and quantity, but i really believe Saturn trumped it in some departments like action sidescrollers and 2D fighters. Also, SG-1000 is the most underrated sega console, and if you counted it as part of the 2nd gen i'd say it's the best one by a long shot. >what are your hopes and guesses for Sega's future in general? This is hardly a prediction after Vimm but i expect them to go full jew and take down more roms and isos. As a reminder that just because they're not as bad as Nintendo it doesn't mean they are le heckin' based underdogs who love their fans.
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>>1068364 >favorite Sega X game(s) Not really have been from the Sega ecosystem growing up I can't really answer this individually due to lack of experience. I do love Cosmic Smash. I imported it for my DC just because it looked "weird" and I discovered a great game with a great visual style. I also remember enjoying Golden Axe in various arcades. I never got to play Altered Beast growing up but I played it a few years ago and I liked it. I played the demos for the revived Shinobi and Nightshade and I liked what I saw. I don't know why I never ended up getting the full game. <Sega Games that I think look pretty neat but haven't played yet but would like to >Zillion >DJ Boy >Shinobi >Wonder Boy series >Shinobi Series Frankly Sega needs to bring some old series back already. >favorite Sega console Dreamcast. >will/should Sega ever make another console? They probably won't and I'm not sure if they should but I have a feeling that if one of the big players drops out then Sega might try something to fill the gap. Probably the least stupid things they could do is either make a handheld especially a "budget" handheld to slip into the niche that Nintendo abandoned or pair up with some other electronics company to make a console. And once again I think the best thing that they, or anyone, going into console development right now would be to compete economically first. Like yes it's the WonderSwan of consoles but it's also not $600+ dollars. >what are your hopes and guesses for Sega's future in general? Maybe some more Yakuza clones/spinoffs/reskins. Those are fun. I'd like to see a Sonic game with all the forgotten characters in it and actually getting playtime. And I mean like Cream, Vanilla, Silver, Blaze, Marine, Sticks, Big sort of "forgotten". I hope the next Virtua Fighter is good. >>1068523 >They can't. Their original consoles that made them famous were all made from off-the-shelf components Aren't most consoles now made from off the shelf components now, aside from the plastic shell and controllers I mean?
>>1068562 Off-the-shelf components in an era where chips were manufactured for almost a decade rather than at most two or so years, when the economy wasn't complete shit, chip manufacturers were a bit more plentiful, and people cared about their jobs. Versus now where the prevailing attitude about literally everything is "fuck it" and "have some quickly thrown together trash, we don't fucking care" especially when it comes to software development.
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On a second pass I realize there's alot of Sega stuff that I need to delve into and they should as well. This is the fucking result of the AAA development bloat curse. So many series get shelved. >>1068567 >Versus now where the prevailing attitude about literally everything is "fuck it" and "have some quickly thrown together trash, we don't fucking care" especially when it comes to software development. You're right, but that's also a problem for everyone frankly. One of the reasons way gaming is in the state it is right now.
>>1068562 The Wonderboy games are great. Wonderboy in Monster World is my favorite.
House of the Dead games are easily my arcade favorites. >>1068530 Thank you for reminding me that we're never getting a new F-Zero game.
>>1068364 >favorite Sega arcade game Golden axe! >favorite Sega console game Far too many to list, but my top 4 are Gunstar Heroes, Phantasy Star 4, Rristar, and Streets of rage 2 >favorite third party game on a Sega console Probably Victor man on the genesis, and soul Calibur on the Dreamcast >most underrated Sega game I really liked Night's, I've never been a huge fan of the gameplay loop but I think the general idea and world has a lot of potential probably as much as Sonic if Sega had done anything more with it. >favorite Sega console Sega Dreamcast baby! >will/should Sega ever make another console? The way Microsoft and Sony are crashing and burning in the hardware space I don't know, probably a bad idea. Unless they released some kind of hardware that was relatively cheap but could play the entire library of everything they've ever put out up to the Dreamcast at least. Basically a super version of Nintendo's virtual console with none of the bullshit. >what are your hopes and guesses for Sega's future in general? I'm honestly surprised they're still making games and haven't suffered the same fate as Konami. That being said I don't hold out much hope for modern Sega... Probably a long shot but I wish we could get a Bayonetta SMT crossover game.
>favorite Sega arcade game Probably any of the house of the dead. >favorite Sega console game The first sonic the hedgehog as lame as that sounds. >favorite third party game on a Sega console Does crazy taxi fit this term? >most underrated Sega game Dont know, I've only played the well known ones. >favorite Sega console I guess this is aimed towards the library not hardware wise. Genesis? Never played saturn. >will/should Sega ever make another console? Sega should make a console, taking advantage of the terrible state of modern consoles (nintendo looks to be the only one worth owning). To keep production costs low they would have to opt for a digital only system. But will they? I don't think they're that smart. >what are your hopes and guesses for Sega's future in general? Since sega took down a lot of their old games on steam they're either going to make another sega collection or worst case scenario some kind of subscription service ( I've seen this speculated on youtube).
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>>1068967 >Probably a long shot but I wish we could get a Bayonetta SMT crossover game. Careful, anon... >>1068804 >Thank you for reminding me that we're never getting a new F-Zero game. It's an uncommon twist from the Monkey's Paw that the whole reason we'll never have another is that Nintendo knows GX/AX will never be topped.
>>1068967 >Probably a long shot but I wish we could get a Bayonetta SMT crossover game.
>favorite Sega arcade game I grew up in the '90s and arcades were already obsolete, so I'm just not as impressed by Space Harrier or whatever as some other people are. But I guess I gotta admit that Daytona is pretty cool. But wait, I just remembered Sega made an F-Zero arcade game. I never played it, but I bet it's cool as hell. >favorite Sega console game Sonic Adventure 2. I could almost say Sonic 3 & Knuckles, but that's sort of two games. Sonic Adventure 1 also gets an honorable mention. It's pretty close. >favorite third party game on a Sega console Pulseman. I want to give it to games I grew up with, like Cool Spot, or Toy Story, or Earthworm Jim, or Garfield. Part of me also thinks The Wily Wars is cool as hell (even if the actual gameplay is slightly gimped), but that just reminded me that Pulseman is a way better Mega Man game on Genesis. >most underrated Sega game Tails Adventures. A lot of people probably overlook it as one of those 8-bit Sonic games (which I kind of like, but I get why only fans would care). More people probably overlook it because of Tails Skypatrol, which actually sucks. But Tails Adventures is an excellent Metroid-esque adventure game that really stands on its own. To this day I want Sega to do a sequel to it. Tails deserves more solo games, and we already got a great one to build off of. >favorite Sega console Well it's only Genesis and Dreamcast that are real competition. But even though I just said Sonic Adventure 2 was my favorite, I obviously have to admit the Genesis was a better console. It was actually successful, for one thing. >will/should Sega ever make another console? I want more competition in the hardware space, but I want Xbox dead. And it looks like I'm getting my wish. And I want PlayStation dead too, but I worry Sony will keep trying to hang on a little longer. And I know Sega would just do the same as Xbox anyway. But I still want that Dreamcast 2 or Sega Pluto or whatever. >what are your hopes and guesses for Sega's future in general? I know better than to hope for my old favorite dead franchises to come back. But Sonic is still around, and will never die, and the last few games were pretty good. I hope they continue improving upon the ideas refined in Shadow Generations. And I hope someone from Sega looks at what Evan Stanley is doing to the comics and puts a stop to that. >>1068394 This is the Sega Genesis game where you can enter a code to see bare titties on the intro screen, right? And it's from the guys who made Crash Bandicoot. Level 30 of Crash: Warped is named in its honor. >>1068427 It's not about losing speed. Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart is quite a simple racing game made fun by tons of fan content. Ring Racers is an extremely complex racing game. I do think SRB2K is too simple to stay that fun for long, but Ring Racers might go a bit too far in the other direction. But honestly a lot of the mechanics don't need to be known unless you're operating at a pretty high level. The problem is that the tutorial throws them all at you at once. But if you just learn the basics and start racing, I would say it's an improvement over SRB2K. And it's quickly getting a lot of fan content as well. But actually it has so much official content that you don't even need the fan content. There is Sonic Labyrinth, though. That's the game where the plot is that Sonic accidentally put on slow-down shoes and now can't run (so you have to spindash everywhere).
I’ve never played Sonic 06 but I’ve heard people say it could have been an amazing game with some bug fixes and tweaks to the design. If Sega ever did a remake/remaster of it (which they won’t because of its terrible reputation) what changes would they have to make for it to be a good game?
>>1069362 The people who say that about Sonic '06 are exaggerating, unless they have a very liberal definition of "tweak." Yes, bugfixes would help. Honestly, the most immediate fix would just be reducing loading times, which would also be something trivial to do now. And there could be general polish done on things like fixing animations and whatnot. But really the game is so unfinished that it's clear even the level designs probably would have been quite different. Sonic has a whole unlockable set of powers that completely break the game because they weren't fully implemented, as in the meter that's supposed to drain when you use them doesn't go down, so you just become invincible and can jump forever and stuff like that. The levels clearly should have been designed to use these, but they aren't. They aren't used anywhere in the game and instead just break the game. But also the game wasn't finished enough to even dummy them out. That's how far the game was from being finished. But to finish it would be to change it so much that we wouldn't know precisely what the devs would have done. I think to change level design that drastically would be the same as just making it a different game. Changing the level designs of any game (or at least any platformer) that much makes it a different game. We can imagine how bugs would have been fixed, but we can't imagine the creative decisions that never got to be implemented. What people mean when they talk about Sonic '06 is that it was clearly very ambitious. It brought back the Adventure Fields from Sonic Adventure, it had nine playable characters (and then three of them only get a level and a half each, and another three only get half a level each), it had excellent graphics for the time (even if some people don't care for the visual design), it had a mega autistic story that clearly someone at Sonic Team cared about (again, even if some fans take issue with it). If it got to be finished, maybe it could have been awesome. But it's so far from finished that to finish it would be like trying to finish an unfinished painting or an unfinished movie. Ever hear of The Thief and the Cobbler? We could never finish that exactly the way Richard Williams would have. Or The Silmarillion? JRR Tolkien's son spent the rest of his life, another 50 years after his father died, publishing his unfinished works. His first attempt, The Silmarillion, involved him editing and even writing new material to fill in unfinished sections, but after that he realized that he could never actually know exactly what his father would have done, so he just published unfinished material, without finishing it (though sometimes with small edits and editorial notes). When the way the game is unfinished is that it has technical issues, then okay, we can finish it. But when the way it's unfinished is that the art wasn't fully expressed, then I don't think we can finish it. The most we can do is make a new thing based on it. And someone is trying all of this. It's called Project '06 and some people love it. It does have fewer bugs and fixes significant problems. It's not done but you can play all of Sonic and Shadow's levels. Shadow's gameplay is changed somewhat significantly. But when I play it, all I realize is that even if you "fixed" Sonic '06, if you removed the bugs, it still wouldn't be a very good game. The level design and such still sort of sucks. But maybe I'll feel different if Project '06 ever finishes the entire game. If Silver and the Town Stages are implemented, then we'll see. The Town Stages are some of the parts that could most benefit from simple fixes, like just fixing the loading times, since they make playing the Town Missions unbearable.
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>>1069400 >The level design and such still sort of sucks. That's been a running theme with Sonic Team. The level design quality nosedived with Heroes and then never recovered. It's likely that even if Sonic Team had been given the time and budget to finish the game, the level design wouldn't change by much, because their design philosophy has been poisoned.
>>1069362 >I’ve never played Sonic 06 but I’ve heard people say it could have been an amazing game with some bug fixes and tweaks to the design Anybody who says that is a lying son of a bitch, '06 is a fundamentally broken and unsalvageable game. Project 06 doesn't make it good, it makes it playable. I can't see any way to make the End of the World chapters actually good. I don't know what it is about Sonic fans, why they act like this or have such an extreme tolerance for terrible games.
>>1069451 At least Sonic's level design would have to be different if they were actually going to incorporate those gems you can buy. >>1069458 Because when you like a whole series, you can appreciate the poorer entries for the parts they get right. They see Sonic '06 and imagine that it could have been the true sequel to Sonic Adventure. Sonic Adventure 2 trimmed the fat on the previous game, but as such was less ambitious. Sonic '06 was even more ambitious. But it was very far from reaching that ambition. Also, it's important in the story. Mephiles is a pretty cool villain. Iblis shows up in the Knuckles TV series. Since Sonic had an autistic story (and now does again), the fans care about almost every entry just because it adds to the story. Yes, it erases itself from the timeline at the end, but you should know that if it's a really autistic story, erasing itself only makes it more important, not less.
>>1069497 The gems are one of the funniest things about '06. Most people don't know they exist and they completely break the game. They're so broken I have to wonder if they were tested at all.
>>1069534 Seems pretty obvious in a game where you can die due to entering a scripted loop in the wrong way, That they didn't have any time to do any Ballancing with the gems, at most they just made sure that using them actually did something. The Energy meter only works for Shadow, Silver, and the Elise Segments, because that's mandatory gameplay, and the Gems for Sonic are entirely optional, and I'm pretty sure the game never even tells you how to equip or use them. But the main one that's odd is the Purple Gem, since why does Shrinking = Unlimited Jumping.

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>>1069596 >TOTAL KIKE DEATH In order to achieve that, Sega itself would have to shut down as their original founders were jews.
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>>1069597 Not anymore The kike has been removed
>>1069451 >their design philosophy has been poisoned Did the old devs leave or something?
Picked this up at a local thrift shop for $30 about a month ago, the old woman that owned the booth had it labeled as "kung-fu man". >favorite Sega arcade game F-Zero AX, but Afterburner and Crazy Taxi are great too. The sit-down cabinets are the best. >will/should Sega ever make another console? No and no. Just keep making games for PC so I can keep modding the hot girls naked. >what are your hopes and guesses for Sega's future in general? I hope Sega of Japan (aka, the only REAL Sega) kicks all of their western sister branches in the ass and keeps them from pozzing their franchises. Eastern franchises are popular in the west because they're unapologetically eastern, in this case Japanese. If we wanted regurgitated western slop we'd stick to our own games.
Segata Sanshiro died for our sins of not playing Sega Saturn. Never 4get. Why didn't you buy a Sega Saturn, anon? Because I know you fucking didn't.
>>1068364 >favorite Sega arcade game None. Arcades are for smelly virgins >favorite Sega console game Sonic Adventure >favorite third party game on a Sega console Soul Calibur >most underrated Sega game NFL 2K >favorite Sega console Chadcast >will/should Sega ever make another console? Not after killing the Chadcast >what are your hopes and guesses for Sega's future in general? They die horrible death for making the worst system known to man, the Shiturn.
>>1069601 And that's why the kikes sabotaged Sega, because they couldn't stand that the Japanese turned Sega into a global icon in the 80s and 90s. Those kikes were mad. Also, in Virtua Fighter, the Judgement 6/J6 illuminati-type group were jews, because J6 is another way of saying jew 6, because of the Star of David having 6 points, and the fact that J6 controls everything from media, weapons, pharmacetudicals and they were even starting wars. Just like the jews do in real life. JEWS SABOTAGED SEGA.
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>>1069638 Wasn't that also true of the organization in THOTD?
>favorite Sega arcade game Outrun >favorite Sega console game Dragon Ball Idainaru Densetsu for the Saturn >favorite third party game on a Sega console See above >most underrated Sega game See above >favorite Sega console Saturn >will/should Sega ever make another console? No. It would be exceedingly difficult to compete now even if they made all the right moves. >what are your hopes and guesses for Sega's future in general? They keep being open with their IPs as they've been thus far and perhaps keep looking at independent developers and forge alliances to strengthen everybody involved (Sonic Mania)
>>1069761 Im retarded, the answer to the second one is Sonic 3
>>1069627 >Arcades are for smelly virgins Arcades are for people comfortable going outside.
>>1068364 >favorite Sega arcade game House of the Dead, I guess. Didn't actually like it that much. >favorite Sega console game NFL 2K >favorite third party game on a Sega console Soul Calibur >most underrated Sega game Every Sega game is overrated. Jet Set Radio being the most overrated. >favorite Sega console Dreamcast >will/should Sega ever make another console? No/no >what are your hopes and guesses for Sega's future in general? Hope: let Sega die already. Guess: release a shitty port of Sonic Adventure on PS6 and next gen Xbox
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>>1069784 >House of the Dead, I guess. Didn't actually like it that much. Play Typing of the Dead. It's much better.
Initial D Arcade Stage on the Naomi2 is beauty.
Since this is the Sega thread, it's the right place to talk RGG. In the latest happenings. Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii is releasing in just over a week. Like A Dragon Kenzan English Translation project is not dead which I made a post about here >>1067880 And now Fist of the North Star Lost Paradise looks to be working quite well on ShadPS4, I beat the opening level and first boss, I didn't notice any Significant problems. At worst, you might not be able to play the Bartending Mini-game without an actual PS4 controller due to the little bit of Gyro it uses to shake/mix drinks.
>>1069666 Yes Satan, it's true, and it's why JEWS SABOTAGED SEGA. FUCK JEWS
>>1070482 >ace combat 5 and armored core 3 up to this day have fps dips on pcsx2 >people are playing ps4 games already Fucking bizarre.
>>1070482 Does the minigame work with a Dualsense PS5 controller I wonder
>>1070593 The PS4 uses a Faildozer era amd64 CPU tied to second generation AMD GCN GPU, which largely comply with general industry PC gayman standards unlike the PS2's circuitry made up of pure, concentrated autism that doesn't even comply to IEEE 754 which virtually every IC with an FPU produced since 1986 strictly adheres to except for the PS2's EE.
>>1070657 PS4 doesn't use Faildozer, it uses Jaguar which is a completely different design meant to compete with the Intel Atom chips of its era for windows phones and tablets
>>1069627 >Bernie Stolar Fuck kikes.
>>1070593 >>ace combat 5 and armored core 3 up to this day have fps dips on pcsx2 You need hardware made in this decade anon
>>1069638 >J6 controls everything from media The media keeps saying how J6 was the worst thing in American history, worse than 9/11, only thing worse than J6 is October 7
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>>1072042 I've ejaculated countless times to mia shem
Should I buy a Saturn?
>>1072103 Yes. It's a shame the Playstation beat the Saturn. The Saturn was good and it was sabotaged by niggers. I FUCKING HATE NIGGERS AND SONYGGERS. FUCK.
>>1072372 The Dreamcast was better
>>1072390 It was. Sega is Love. Sega is Life
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>>1072103 Do you like shmups & arcade games? If so, you'll like Saturn. The Capcom fighting games are superior on Saturn than PS1. Do you have a hundred dollary-doos to get an ODE so that you can avoid buying from scalpers & not deal with disk rot? If so, get it. Word of warning though: Model 1 Saturns are failing due to the degrading PLL chip The Sega Saturn and the dreaded PLL chip https://archive.ph/muJ5r >After working on and modding multiple Sega Saturns. I came to the conclusion that the Sega Saturn mainly the Model 1 has a major fault that is not repairable and this fault is becoming more and more common as time goes on. And it’s a shame for a system with so many awesome games and mods available for it but no fix for this fault that plagues many Sega Saturns. And this is because of the fragile PLL Chip which is essentially a clock/oscillator chip. And when this fails you end up with the dreaded black screen or unstable video, but if your lucky it could be a bad psu, bad caps, failed bios mod, bad ribbon, trace, if not it’s the PLL chip. There are suggestions for trying to fix such a fault, such as replacing the caps or some of the chips, but ultimately it’s the PLL chip that is primarily at fault and there is no replacement for it. Even if you try to get it out of another motherboard you easily risk heat damaging the chip. When buying a Sega Saturn to fix, stay away from most of these black screen Sega Saturns or any with video issues and modders, don’t solder to or near the PLL chip as they are heat sensitive. >I would love to see someone come up with a modern replacement for this chip that is reliable and not heat sensitive, there are already 50/60hz DFO (Dual Frequency Oscillator) mods for the Sega Saturn but i’m not sure as to if they bypass the PLL chip altogether or rely on it. I have yet to find out and will see if that mod bypasses it. Anyone that is a fan of the Sega Saturn and has such skills of reverse engineering this chip and coming out with a replacement. It would be a dream to see such a mod become a reality. I wouldn’t even mind it being an open source project, utilising already available mods like the DFO mod. This will save a whole bunch of those black screen Sega Saturns and i have 5 with such faults. Investigating the Black Screen Faults in the Sega Saturn https://archive.ph/CIlVs >Hi I’ve been modding and repairing a bunch of Sega Saturns, many have been successfully restored and modded and sold to happy customers. But with others, I have been unable to repair them, and it’s because of a specific fault that plagues Sega Saturns. And it’s the infamous Black Screen fault and I’ve repaired some black screen faults by reflowing the IC Chips where the solder looked cold as well as cleaning up the corrosion, and others by replacing the Capacitors. The blown SMD Inductors that are on the motherboard L1 through L10, L7 and L8 are the high powered inductors. And the faulty PSU’s that some of these consoles have. But there are still those few that continue to give me a black screen despite me reflowing it even to the point of reflowing every single chip. >And testing it with a known working PSU, checking the SMD Fuses, Recapping it and none of it helps the console escape the Black Screen fault. Now a bad PLL IC is known to cause such an issue sometimes displaying a messed up HZ signal, Black Screen or nothing. Sometimes a light reflow of that chip can get it working again. But there is no replacement for that chip currently available. Other times that isn’t always known to cause such a fault. In my case with one of the consoles. A reflow of that chip didn’t fix it and I’m not sure if i made that console worse off due to the PLL chip being heat sensitive. So I decided to tear down the other 2 Black Screen consoles, down to the motherboard still in it’s shell with the controller board on these specific revisions connected. >I installed a Pico PSU board on to it and powered the console on. I decided to touch the top of each IC Chip making sure not to touch anything else such as the leg to prevent a short circuit and I discovered that on the two consoles. I tested this on, one IC Chip gets hot to the touch on my 2 Model 2’s with a Black Screen and it’s IC 6 (315 5963) on both my VA SD and VA SG Revisions which is an early Model 2 essentially a Model 1 in a Model 2 shell. So it still has the same PLL chip as a Model 1. Now IC6 sits right underneath the Bios and the SRams chips on these revisions. And I’m not sure what’s causing this issue. Perhaps the excess heat from replacing the SMD Bios which usually has glue underneath caused this chip to fail. >On the VA SG’s and beyond the PLL chip sits further away from the bios, so I’m not sure how the heat sensitive PLL chip can fail. More investigation of this fault is needed, will likely need to get somebody else that works with Oscilloscopes to have look into my 7 other Sega Saturns with Black Screen faults. But at least I know why these two aren’t working. I think i will be harvesting that chip from another Saturn that has a black screen with a working IC6 chip. The 315 5963 along with the PLL IC is another chip I would like see get cloned this could save many Sega Saturn with stubborn black screen faults. Does anybody have any info on this chip? I would like to know what this IC6 (315 5963) chip is responsible for.
>>1072103 I want to love Lain
>>1072393 >>1072390 I disagree personally, Saturn > Dreamcast imo but I'm biased towards RPGs.
>>1072464 But Skies of Arcadia is better than anything on the Saturn
>>1072464 I can't play Virtua Tennis on a Saturn Sorry
I just started playing Pirate Yakuza, and it seems RGG has mastered the art of tutorials now. Not only are they simple and fast, but you can skip them at any time. It only took Japan 50 years for a developer to finally figure out how to teach players to play a game properly.
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>>1073120 Struggling with the NG2 camera after all these years really reminds me of how far they've come. I'm just glad they're on top again after like a decade and a half of being demonized by Microsoft and their funding of jounofuck shills.
Got around to playing all the Arcade games in Pirate Yakuza, and it made me realize the arcade division of SEGA is vastly underrated and overlooked in the west, since console games were what caught people's attention. SpikeOut most of all is the most fascinating game Available this time, It was in Infinite Wealth as well, but I didn't end up playing it there. Seeing SpikeOut in action is finally the last bit of history I needed to give the proper take in regard to the Yakuza and Shenmue comparison. The take that "Yakuza is just Shenmue but better" has always been a shit one that only cares about surface level Similarities. The reality is that Shenmue and Yakuza have almost nothing in common, on a game design level. Shenmue is what if Virtua Fighter was an Story focused Adventure game with Simulation elements. Yakuza is what if SpikeOut was a JRPG. There is a ton of Virtua Fighter DNA in Shenmue which is obvious enough, and when you play SpikeOut it's just as obvious that Yakuza has a ton of SpikeOut's DNA in it's design. Yakuza doesn't just heavily reused it's own assets, it's still reusing assets from SpikeOut, I've spotted some animations that got carried over into the Yakuza game, on top of game design elements. All the Long battles in Yakuza have SpikeOut's level design as their origin. Even the idea of a little kid following around the tough adult trope that is Haruka and Kiyru, which Pirate Yakuza revists with Noah and Majima, that was in SpikeOut first, with the main guy being Spike, going around beating the crap out of dudes with his son Spike Jr alongside him. But bottom line SpikeOut kicks ass, and still worth playing. I got to checkout SpikeOut Battle Street on the OG Xbox since that's a sequel staring a grown up Spike Jr, they also made a spin-off SlashOut that's a fantasy game with the same mechanics.
I'd say I'm around 75% done in Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii in terms of 100% completion. I've been enjoying it, but this is very much a side game in terms of content, and I don't mean that in it doesn't have much content. I mean that in All this game has is side content. Looking at the Achievements, the main story actually only has 5 chapters. So that's pretty focused on one plot thread, without much getting side tracked if you stick to it. Main story is like 20% of the game. The other 80% is pretty much split between Honolulu and Pirate stuff, and it's all optional. There are a ton of bounties for you to hunt for cash if you want the normal combat, and if you want the Pirate stuff there is a lot of enemy pirate ships to fight and Islands to explore with treasure to find. There is a lot of content, it's just not really in the main story, the main story is more of an excuse to let you do all this pirate stuff and have an Adventure.
>>1075387 I don't think they ever pretended otherwise
>>1075390 Well they said Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii was Longer then Man Who Erased His Name. Which it is in terms of total game content, but in terms of Main story it almost feels shorter in terms of events that actually mater to the main plot, either way they're both 5 chapters. So one could be misslead for thinking there was gonna be more Main Chapters this time, but it ended up being the side content that there was more of.
>>1075408 True but the whole marketing was all about this being a wacky side game filled with side content. I think they were pretty upfront with that.

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