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Dragon Quest General Anonymous 07/20/2023 (Thu) 15:41:20 Id: e996ed No. 860430
Do you like playing Dragon Quest, anon? Are you looking forward to Dragon Quest XII or the new Monster spinoff? Which girl is the best girl? Which monster is the best monster?
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>>1039350 I wonder if we can organize a raid on the JP Steam forums. Make it clear that we're foreigners and using ML translation but then educate them on Square Enix changing shit and the censored interview before linking them to sprite swap mods for UE that restore the original sprites and illustrations. This ambassador effort will serve two purposes: >first, broader awareness of the sinister but weakening globohomo agenda from the West, since Dragon Quest is a JP cultural institution. >second, introduce the green JP demographic to the power of modding and how it affords them greater power over the censors seeking to wipe out their heritage. Japan has had a problem of just taking whatever policore crap the console gatekeepers threw at them. Teaching them about decensor modding will grant them greater rebellion against these pieces of shit by weaponizing the advantages of PC gaming and allow them to realize they can't take this fuckery anymore.
>>1021914 >Best girl in XI and why? Gemma, she's likeable and has more history with the Luminary.
>>1038640 >Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake's here in 3 days, who's going to play? I am not even gonna pirate it unless it's uncensored. The only things that should be censored are the leftist faggots and their propaganda who keep ruining everything nice
>>860737 >but why isn't there so much more art of adult Veronica? She's pretty damn lewd. Because most non-lolicons are put off by the fact that she's a loli 95% of the time.
>>1038640 Give us the magnet link
i honestly don't know much about this series outside jerking off to jade and Toriyama did stuff for this, are the games good?
>>1041467 If you're new to the series it will feel generic. That's because DQ is the JRPG genre. Nearly everything JRPGs do stems from DQ in some way, specifically DQ3. There are people playing DQ3 for the first time with the recent remake that don't understand why this game is held in such high regard because they're playing it out of context. Prior to this game console RPGs were much more simple affairs without the whole open-world class-changing thing going on. It's a bit like if you were to play Ocarina of Time today for the first time. It would feel quaint because a lot of what it does is so mainstream and expected now, whereas it was the first game to do a lot of these things and created those genre conventions. So to answer your question, yes, the games are good, but you won't be blown away by them.
>>1041483 Ok, thank you. I'll try to play XI sometime.
>>1041499 11 is a great place to start, I hope you enjoy it. Veronica best girl
>>1041483 I mean technically you can go even further back and play Ultima >>1041467 DQ8 for the PS2 is also a good starting point.
>>1041520 >I mean technically you can go even further back and play Ultima Yeah you could, but DQ3 is the game that made the biggest impact. DQ1 was a modest attempt at making Ultima/Wizardry on the NES, DQ2 expanded the formula but was rushed and suffered for it, but DQ3 really nailed it and launched the genre as we know it. Sure other games existed before, but every game that came after was influenced by DQ3. In many ways DQ3 is to Japan what FF7 is to the west with regard to JRPGs, but even more important..
https://gamebanana.com/mods/555706 BASED MIKE DOES IT AGAIN, UNCENSOR PATCH SOON >>1041539 Oh yeah I get what you mean. Technically DQ2 created the concept of multiple party members, didn't it?
I tried DQ3 for the first time with the recent remake, and it was a slog, and I dropped it. I liked newer Dragon Quests, like DQ11. Other classics aged well, I play them for the first time and like them, but DQ3 didn't age well.
>>1041543 >BASED MIKE DOES IT AGAIN >again What are his previous endeavors?
>>1041613 He created a ton of mods for all Dragon Quest games (mostly DQ XI, both vanilla and definitve edition) which go from QoL features to shitpost to actual in-game content. It's not a stretch to say that he doubled the lifespan of DQ XI in my library. https://next.nexusmods.com/profile/mike9k1/mods https://gamebanana.com/members/1940759 He also has his own modding community for all the mods deemed too risquè for the cucked nexus/banana cartel.
>>1041664 What mods for DQ XI are the best mods, to you?
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>Nude mods got deleted online Anybody have a backup?
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>>1041669 DQ XI: Definitive Edition on PC is the, huh, defintive edition in terms of content. However, for reasons beyond our comprehension, Squeenix decided to downgrade every graphical aspect of the game so it's basically a glorified Switch port I remember being absolutely stunned by the details in the vanilla game on PC https://sites.google.com/view/dqxi-commands/faqs/about-project-rebuild Project Rebuild tries to undo the downgrades Squeenix implemented and adds a ton of graphical improvements. Then for the shitpost value there's the NPC Appearance Swap mod, which lets you change the looks of the main cast with any character from the models contained in the game, some are implemented better than others but for the most part it can lead to some amusing cutscenes. Another mod I liked when I was screwing around in the game is the Mount Selector, lets you get one of the available monsters to ride on any one map and explore the areas in ways mods didn't intend to, can be fun if you're that kind of autistic person. Finally, the mod I liked the most was New Battles (Arc 4), which basically counts as post-post game content with boss battles with insane stats that require very specific items/party member coordination, once again making use of some of the NPCs as assets. There's one battle against Gemma that basically softlocked me and I just found it really challenging to beat. DQ XI modding is a huge rabbit hole, there's even someone who reworked the entire game to put a female Heroine in it, reworked text boxes and all. >>1041789 Only one I could find is https://basedmods.eth.limo/mod/oszy_glZC8AqMQHsZ_R6mxe9Y6thccjzpPnVwAgb_dg/ but if you find them again you should def rehost them on some other site
>>1041919 >for reasons beyond our comprehension it was because they ported the game to an different version of Unreal so it could run on the Switch and restoring all the graphical effects for the PC re-release would have required more man hours than they thought would be worth it. It literally was just a direct Switch port
>>1041789 Nude mods got deleted where? Try Wayback Machine. What's the nude mod names?
>>1041569 >I tried DQ3 for the first time with the recent remake, and it was a slog, and I dropped it. I liked newer Dragon Quests, like DQ11. Other classics aged well, I play them for the first time and like them, but DQ3 didn't age well. The remake fixes the graphics, not sure what else didn't age well.
>>1042273 He said he "tried it for the first time with the recent remake," he's playing the remake and obviously didn't mean DQIII's graphics. An 80s RPG with polish is still an 80s RPG, and some aren't into them.
>>1042267 It got taken off of loverslab but got reuploaded somewhere else https://nudepatch.net/games/dragon-quest-xi/
Has the Steam version been cracked yet?
>>1046336 Checked and DQ III HD-2D Remake still has not been cracked as of yet. Not that there's any real demand though, considering all the censorship and the fact that a fan patch to remove all of that now embarrassingly outdated ESG compliance bullcrap had to be necessitated.
Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake has surpassed its internal sales expectations, Square Enix has revealed in its financial presentation. >Operating income up mainly due to stronger sales of “DRAGON QUEST III HD-2D Remake” than initial assumptions
>>1073812 These things sell inspite of the DEI shite and I have no idea why that isn't realized. It's just a form of cultural habituation and brainwashing at this point.
>>1069162 Its Dragon Quest, it always sells well so I'm not too surprised; disappointing that people didn't think the censorship was important enough to take a stand on, but I guess they'll have to learn the hard way.
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Fingers crossed, I will probably attend a conference where Yuji Horii will take questions from fans. I'm not expecting to get any real answer to the genders/revisionism crap considering he has already expressed his negative opinions on it anyhow, but if you guys have any good questions I can ask of him, please share them with me and I'll report the answers if they let me ask more than one that is. Personally, I just wanted to ask him the design philosophy behind enemy encounters and party members, and whether the use of the same types of attacks for both player characters and monsters was a deliberate choice to subtly teach the player about the game mechanics or if it was just born out of necessity due to hardware limitations, or both. Hopefully he can also sign some physical copy, or they allow recording or whatever so I can give more validity to my claims. >>1069162 Steam numbers are abysmal, though I wonder what the Switch sales are. I don't really think I and II will do quite so well either, unless there's a lot more content thrown at either. >>1069075 Shame, I've run the HD-2D port on a Switch emu and aside from awful performance in some areas and glitched, blinding lights, it's such a mixed bag. I really wanted to try out some of the mods that restore the original localization or a re-translation project, too.
>>1073976 >Fingers crossed, I will probably attend a conference where Yuji Horii will take questions from fans. I'm not expecting to get any real answer to the genders/revisionism crap considering he has already expressed his negative opinions on it anyhow, but if you guys have any good questions I can ask of him, please share them with me and I'll report the answers if they let me ask more than one that is. Ask him if he feels optimistic or pessimistic about the direction the game industry in general is going, and why being as specific as possible without naming names. And if he answers the latter, what does he think are actions people could take to improve those circumstances and outlook. I'm trying to think of a question that's general enough that it will answer actual questions without being dismissed as "extremist fodder" because I hate everything about the current industry. I hate the developers, I hate the companies, and I hate all these new platforms coming out. Outside of the occasional game released through realtively obscure methods that meet my what-I-consider-to-be "reasonable" standards, I do not see myself continuing to the support anything the industry does in the future. Also, does anyone have any intention of releasing beyond the trifecta of platforms that are the PS5, Switch, and Steam? No, Xbox and GoG do not count.
>>1073976 What >>1074539 said. Can't really think of anything new that would fall into revisionism or might've already been asked before by a Japanese print or Game Center CX. Better to gain some of his insights while he still has them for the industry and newer blood in vidya.
>>1074539 >>1074539 >I hate everything about the current industry. I hate the developers, I hate the companies, and I hate all these new platforms coming out. Outside of the occasional game released through realtively obscure methods that meet my what-I-consider-to-be "reasonable" standards, I do not see myself continuing to the support anything the industry does in the future. Same, I loathe the entire system, both the people trying to appropriate vidya for political purposes and those who "oppose" them by releasing oversexualized slop with barely any actual interesting content in it. The only game from the last six years I bought is Balatro, for God's sake. I'll see if I can reword what you mean into a workable question that gets past the censors. >>1074549 Yeah, I'm mostly going there to gain some perspective for game development purposes, since no matter what, he's still kind of a giant in his own way.
>>1074556 >The only game from the last six years I bought is Balatro, for God's sake. The most "Recent" for me was Blood West, Nayla's Castle, and Dreamcutter. And it sort of says something that, over those three games, two of them are porn. >I'll see if I can reword what you mean into a workable question that gets past the censors. Thanks
>>1074556 Here's a few possible questions I got from an AI after entering the stuff in, feel free to reword or disregard them <in the evolving landscape of interactive entertainment, what broader themes do you feel currently foster or hinder inspiration among creators? And how could the community better cultivate an environment where innovative ideas thrive? <in navigating today’s digital landscape, how do you balance the pursuit of artistic vision against the realities of commercial success, and what can creators do to foster authenticity within their projects? <in the context of the evolving landscape of game design, how do you believe revisiting traditional mechanics can lead to innovative breakthroughs in the industry? <what fundamental challenges do you see emerging for storytellers and developers in the gaming landscape, and how can passionate enthusiasts foster a healthier environment for creativity and innovation?
>>1074726 These are the AI questions of all time but I'll do my best. I don't know how many they allow us per person but I'll try.
>>1074798 These are supposed to be variants of that question anon wanted asked earlier but reworded to be more tactful so that they don't get filtered as 'Extremist fodder'

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