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Xtreme Sega Thread for Radical Dudes Anonymous 02/05/2025 (Wed) 18:55:15 Id: 678f47 No. 1068364
>favorite Sega arcade game >favorite Sega console game >favorite third party game on a Sega console >most underrated Sega game >favorite Sega console >will/should Sega ever make another console? >what are your hopes and guesses for Sega's future in general?
>>1069601 And that's why the kikes sabotaged Sega, because they couldn't stand that the Japanese turned Sega into a global icon in the 80s and 90s. Those kikes were mad. Also, in Virtua Fighter, the Judgement 6/J6 illuminati-type group were jews, because J6 is another way of saying jew 6, because of the Star of David having 6 points, and the fact that J6 controls everything from media, weapons, pharmacetudicals and they were even starting wars. Just like the jews do in real life. JEWS SABOTAGED SEGA.
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>>1069638 Wasn't that also true of the organization in THOTD?
>favorite Sega arcade game Outrun >favorite Sega console game Dragon Ball Idainaru Densetsu for the Saturn >favorite third party game on a Sega console See above >most underrated Sega game See above >favorite Sega console Saturn >will/should Sega ever make another console? No. It would be exceedingly difficult to compete now even if they made all the right moves. >what are your hopes and guesses for Sega's future in general? They keep being open with their IPs as they've been thus far and perhaps keep looking at independent developers and forge alliances to strengthen everybody involved (Sonic Mania)
>>1069761 Im retarded, the answer to the second one is Sonic 3
>>1069627 >Arcades are for smelly virgins Arcades are for people comfortable going outside.
>>1068364 >favorite Sega arcade game House of the Dead, I guess. Didn't actually like it that much. >favorite Sega console game NFL 2K >favorite third party game on a Sega console Soul Calibur >most underrated Sega game Every Sega game is overrated. Jet Set Radio being the most overrated. >favorite Sega console Dreamcast >will/should Sega ever make another console? No/no >what are your hopes and guesses for Sega's future in general? Hope: let Sega die already. Guess: release a shitty port of Sonic Adventure on PS6 and next gen Xbox
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>>1069784 >House of the Dead, I guess. Didn't actually like it that much. Play Typing of the Dead. It's much better.
Initial D Arcade Stage on the Naomi2 is beauty.
Since this is the Sega thread, it's the right place to talk RGG. In the latest happenings. Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii is releasing in just over a week. Like A Dragon Kenzan English Translation project is not dead which I made a post about here >>1067880 And now Fist of the North Star Lost Paradise looks to be working quite well on ShadPS4, I beat the opening level and first boss, I didn't notice any Significant problems. At worst, you might not be able to play the Bartending Mini-game without an actual PS4 controller due to the little bit of Gyro it uses to shake/mix drinks.
>>1069666 Yes Satan, it's true, and it's why JEWS SABOTAGED SEGA. FUCK JEWS
>>1070482 >ace combat 5 and armored core 3 up to this day have fps dips on pcsx2 >people are playing ps4 games already Fucking bizarre.
>>1070482 Does the minigame work with a Dualsense PS5 controller I wonder
>>1070593 The PS4 uses a Faildozer era amd64 CPU tied to second generation AMD GCN GPU, which largely comply with general industry PC gayman standards unlike the PS2's circuitry made up of pure, concentrated autism that doesn't even comply to IEEE 754 which virtually every IC with an FPU produced since 1986 strictly adheres to except for the PS2's EE.
>>1070657 PS4 doesn't use Faildozer, it uses Jaguar which is a completely different design meant to compete with the Intel Atom chips of its era for windows phones and tablets
>>1069627 >Bernie Stolar Fuck kikes.
>>1070593 >>ace combat 5 and armored core 3 up to this day have fps dips on pcsx2 You need hardware made in this decade anon
>>1069638 >J6 controls everything from media The media keeps saying how J6 was the worst thing in American history, worse than 9/11, only thing worse than J6 is October 7
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>>1072042 I've ejaculated countless times to mia shem
Should I buy a Saturn?
>>1072103 Yes. It's a shame the Playstation beat the Saturn. The Saturn was good and it was sabotaged by niggers. I FUCKING HATE NIGGERS AND SONYGGERS. FUCK.
>>1072372 The Dreamcast was better
>>1072390 It was. Sega is Love. Sega is Life
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>>1072103 Do you like shmups & arcade games? If so, you'll like Saturn. The Capcom fighting games are superior on Saturn than PS1. Do you have a hundred dollary-doos to get an ODE so that you can avoid buying from scalpers & not deal with disk rot? If so, get it. Word of warning though: Model 1 Saturns are failing due to the degrading PLL chip The Sega Saturn and the dreaded PLL chip https://archive.ph/muJ5r >After working on and modding multiple Sega Saturns. I came to the conclusion that the Sega Saturn mainly the Model 1 has a major fault that is not repairable and this fault is becoming more and more common as time goes on. And it’s a shame for a system with so many awesome games and mods available for it but no fix for this fault that plagues many Sega Saturns. And this is because of the fragile PLL Chip which is essentially a clock/oscillator chip. And when this fails you end up with the dreaded black screen or unstable video, but if your lucky it could be a bad psu, bad caps, failed bios mod, bad ribbon, trace, if not it’s the PLL chip. There are suggestions for trying to fix such a fault, such as replacing the caps or some of the chips, but ultimately it’s the PLL chip that is primarily at fault and there is no replacement for it. Even if you try to get it out of another motherboard you easily risk heat damaging the chip. When buying a Sega Saturn to fix, stay away from most of these black screen Sega Saturns or any with video issues and modders, don’t solder to or near the PLL chip as they are heat sensitive. >I would love to see someone come up with a modern replacement for this chip that is reliable and not heat sensitive, there are already 50/60hz DFO (Dual Frequency Oscillator) mods for the Sega Saturn but i’m not sure as to if they bypass the PLL chip altogether or rely on it. I have yet to find out and will see if that mod bypasses it. Anyone that is a fan of the Sega Saturn and has such skills of reverse engineering this chip and coming out with a replacement. It would be a dream to see such a mod become a reality. I wouldn’t even mind it being an open source project, utilising already available mods like the DFO mod. This will save a whole bunch of those black screen Sega Saturns and i have 5 with such faults. Investigating the Black Screen Faults in the Sega Saturn https://archive.ph/CIlVs >Hi I’ve been modding and repairing a bunch of Sega Saturns, many have been successfully restored and modded and sold to happy customers. But with others, I have been unable to repair them, and it’s because of a specific fault that plagues Sega Saturns. And it’s the infamous Black Screen fault and I’ve repaired some black screen faults by reflowing the IC Chips where the solder looked cold as well as cleaning up the corrosion, and others by replacing the Capacitors. The blown SMD Inductors that are on the motherboard L1 through L10, L7 and L8 are the high powered inductors. And the faulty PSU’s that some of these consoles have. But there are still those few that continue to give me a black screen despite me reflowing it even to the point of reflowing every single chip. >And testing it with a known working PSU, checking the SMD Fuses, Recapping it and none of it helps the console escape the Black Screen fault. Now a bad PLL IC is known to cause such an issue sometimes displaying a messed up HZ signal, Black Screen or nothing. Sometimes a light reflow of that chip can get it working again. But there is no replacement for that chip currently available. Other times that isn’t always known to cause such a fault. In my case with one of the consoles. A reflow of that chip didn’t fix it and I’m not sure if i made that console worse off due to the PLL chip being heat sensitive. So I decided to tear down the other 2 Black Screen consoles, down to the motherboard still in it’s shell with the controller board on these specific revisions connected. >I installed a Pico PSU board on to it and powered the console on. I decided to touch the top of each IC Chip making sure not to touch anything else such as the leg to prevent a short circuit and I discovered that on the two consoles. I tested this on, one IC Chip gets hot to the touch on my 2 Model 2’s with a Black Screen and it’s IC 6 (315 5963) on both my VA SD and VA SG Revisions which is an early Model 2 essentially a Model 1 in a Model 2 shell. So it still has the same PLL chip as a Model 1. Now IC6 sits right underneath the Bios and the SRams chips on these revisions. And I’m not sure what’s causing this issue. Perhaps the excess heat from replacing the SMD Bios which usually has glue underneath caused this chip to fail. >On the VA SG’s and beyond the PLL chip sits further away from the bios, so I’m not sure how the heat sensitive PLL chip can fail. More investigation of this fault is needed, will likely need to get somebody else that works with Oscilloscopes to have look into my 7 other Sega Saturns with Black Screen faults. But at least I know why these two aren’t working. I think i will be harvesting that chip from another Saturn that has a black screen with a working IC6 chip. The 315 5963 along with the PLL IC is another chip I would like see get cloned this could save many Sega Saturn with stubborn black screen faults. Does anybody have any info on this chip? I would like to know what this IC6 (315 5963) chip is responsible for.
>>1072103 I want to love Lain
>>1072393 >>1072390 I disagree personally, Saturn > Dreamcast imo but I'm biased towards RPGs.
>>1072464 But Skies of Arcadia is better than anything on the Saturn
>>1072464 I can't play Virtua Tennis on a Saturn Sorry
I just started playing Pirate Yakuza, and it seems RGG has mastered the art of tutorials now. Not only are they simple and fast, but you can skip them at any time. It only took Japan 50 years for a developer to finally figure out how to teach players to play a game properly.
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>>1073120 Struggling with the NG2 camera after all these years really reminds me of how far they've come. I'm just glad they're on top again after like a decade and a half of being demonized by Microsoft and their funding of jounofuck shills.
Got around to playing all the Arcade games in Pirate Yakuza, and it made me realize the arcade division of SEGA is vastly underrated and overlooked in the west, since console games were what caught people's attention. SpikeOut most of all is the most fascinating game Available this time, It was in Infinite Wealth as well, but I didn't end up playing it there. Seeing SpikeOut in action is finally the last bit of history I needed to give the proper take in regard to the Yakuza and Shenmue comparison. The take that "Yakuza is just Shenmue but better" has always been a shit one that only cares about surface level Similarities. The reality is that Shenmue and Yakuza have almost nothing in common, on a game design level. Shenmue is what if Virtua Fighter was an Story focused Adventure game with Simulation elements. Yakuza is what if SpikeOut was a JRPG. There is a ton of Virtua Fighter DNA in Shenmue which is obvious enough, and when you play SpikeOut it's just as obvious that Yakuza has a ton of SpikeOut's DNA in it's design. Yakuza doesn't just heavily reused it's own assets, it's still reusing assets from SpikeOut, I've spotted some animations that got carried over into the Yakuza game, on top of game design elements. All the Long battles in Yakuza have SpikeOut's level design as their origin. Even the idea of a little kid following around the tough adult trope that is Haruka and Kiyru, which Pirate Yakuza revists with Noah and Majima, that was in SpikeOut first, with the main guy being Spike, going around beating the crap out of dudes with his son Spike Jr alongside him. But bottom line SpikeOut kicks ass, and still worth playing. I got to checkout SpikeOut Battle Street on the OG Xbox since that's a sequel staring a grown up Spike Jr, they also made a spin-off SlashOut that's a fantasy game with the same mechanics.
I'd say I'm around 75% done in Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii in terms of 100% completion. I've been enjoying it, but this is very much a side game in terms of content, and I don't mean that in it doesn't have much content. I mean that in All this game has is side content. Looking at the Achievements, the main story actually only has 5 chapters. So that's pretty focused on one plot thread, without much getting side tracked if you stick to it. Main story is like 20% of the game. The other 80% is pretty much split between Honolulu and Pirate stuff, and it's all optional. There are a ton of bounties for you to hunt for cash if you want the normal combat, and if you want the Pirate stuff there is a lot of enemy pirate ships to fight and Islands to explore with treasure to find. There is a lot of content, it's just not really in the main story, the main story is more of an excuse to let you do all this pirate stuff and have an Adventure.
>>1075387 I don't think they ever pretended otherwise
>>1075390 Well they said Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii was Longer then Man Who Erased His Name. Which it is in terms of total game content, but in terms of Main story it almost feels shorter in terms of events that actually mater to the main plot, either way they're both 5 chapters. So one could be misslead for thinking there was gonna be more Main Chapters this time, but it ended up being the side content that there was more of.
>>1075408 True but the whole marketing was all about this being a wacky side game filled with side content. I think they were pretty upfront with that.

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