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#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: 15 YEARS OF HARMONY-LOVE IS INFINITE EDITION Anonymous 02/26/2025 (Wed) 03:42:33 Id: 5467a2 No. 1074425
ONGOING DISCUSSIONS: <ALWAYS I WANNA BE WITH YOU! AND MAKE BELIEVE WITH YOU!> <Breaking: USAID Website Goes Dark As Trump Reportedly Plans To Shift Agency Under State Department; Agency revealed to have engaged in wasteful spending including combatting "misinformation" on the Internet such as 4chan and Reddit https://archive.ph/h4nEx >Companies beginning to abandon DEI and other Affirmative Action policies following 2024 US Election Results: https://archive.ph/GW9C8 https://archive.ph/OqPGJ https://archive.ph/WlVIj >Guillemot Family And Tencent May Move Select Ubisoft Assets To New Venture After Assassin's Creed Shadows is delayed to March 20th 2025 https://archive.md/NMr6d https://archive.ph/zL2AP >Dragon Age Veilguard Director Leaves EA After Disappointing Attempt At Series Revival https://archive.ph/yoQe1 >Feminist Frequency is dead https://archive.is/gHAZc >Buzzfeed News is shutting down https://archive.is/mI2rz >The Gamer Praises Censorship in ‘Resident Evil 4’ Remake, Claims Original Game’s Panty Shots Encourage “Misogynistic Behaviour In Real Life” https://archive.is/qGtKO >Chris Avellone wins seven figures lawsuit, possible return to video games industry https://archive.is/ZDgT7 >GJP is attacking Valve over not supporting BLM https://archive.vn/12kPM >Nathan Grayson laid off as The Washington Post shuts down Launcher, their gaming section https://archive.is/B9wT2 >Limited Run Games fires employee after complaints over who she follows on Twitter https://archive.vn/obNiJ >Regulators (FTC) Look To Block Microsoft Acquisition Of Activision Blizzard Inc https://archive.ph/rKNDf >EU antitrust regulators to probe Microsoft's $69 billion Activision bid https://archive.ph/SqhgU >IGN Journalist who reviewed The Last of Us Part 2 joins Naughty Dog as Editorial Content Manager https://archive.ph/eTmtu https://pastebin.com/GGG5Kwdr >Arc System Works confirms that Bridget is trans https://archive.ph/lkbiL >Cloudflare bans Kiwifarms https://archive.ph/5ziDX >Ben Kuchera claims he was fired by Vox Media for taking time off to deal with his children being sexually abused https://archive.ph/nB79z >Wiki is up again! https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php/Main_Page CURRENT TASKS: 1. OPERATION MAX REVIVE Rebuild the board's userbase and activity through simple, but effective methods 1. Post across the entire board Activity creates activity. Use threads you like, make new ones if topics don't exist. Easy examples are Drawthreads and Friday Night threads, go request or draw something right now. 2. Recruit and recover lost or potential anons Use this site's OC and features to entice anons if necessary when recruiting, just inform that we are alive. Here's some sites and links with at least some confirmed anons that can be recruited again:
[Expand Post]https://steamcommunity.com/groups/8chotwheels https://steamcommunity.com/groups/SSAVCH https://steamcommunity.com/groups/video_games https://steamcommunity.com/groups/8chmohun https://steamcommunity.com/groups/8chan_monster https://steamcommunity.com/groups/GoodLuckEbolaChan https://steamcommunity.com/search/groups/#text=8ch.net https://steamcommunity.com/search/groups/#text=8chan Other sites that might yield fruitful results and have anons (art sites use an account so you can see 18+ content): https://www.deviantart.com/search?q=Vivian+James https://www.newgrounds.com/search/summary?suitabilities=etm&terms=Vivian%20James https://twitter.com/search?q=Vivian%20James&src=typed_query&f=image https://rpgcodex.net/ https://old.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/ Somewhere on Telegram Just searching up GG or 8chan-related terms on certain places/sites can get you possible results. 3. Make your own OC/Memes/Content Doesn't matter what it is even if its just simple edits or full-on drawings or webms, just make it and have fun. Ask in thread for software recs if necessary. 4. Encourage or create fun events, activities, projects, etc. Think things like 8chanmania, weekly streams, re-translation projects, demo days, or zzz's gaming magazine for example. If you want to do something, try making or reviving it, it can't hurt and these things are great for the board. 5. Use other boards All it takes for a board to grow is at least 2 dedicated anons using it. Don't be afraid to make a post, check places periodically, shill, or what have you. Don't force discussions to boards, just encourage the usage of them. 2. OPERATION TRAJAN: Collect and catalog all of the various localization and censorship accounts of past video games into a single repository from these sources: romhacking.net The_Cutting_Room_Floor/tcrf.net Segaretro.org https://redirect.invidious.io/channel/UCFItIX8SIs4zqhJCHpbeV1A Examples: http://archive.vn/XQOHW Sony's policies forces censorship; JP devs allegedly have to go through ENG approval process: https://archive.fo/awzFF - Japanese blog post about it: https://archive.fo/bF9bE Sony Japan President Says PS4 Censorship Policy Is To Match Global Standards And Protect Kids: https://archive.fo/U3GLa - Confirms censorship was deliberate: https://archive.fo/XgAgP - No rules for censorship policies, games judged case-by-case: https://archive.fo/37DhK - Marvelous partner starts petition against policy: https://archive.fo/rxQtf https://archive.fo/84UHo • Twitterfags: Tweet with Sony's stock code $SNE so that investors see your tweets and know you're pissed. • Consider spreading OP Timber materials to targets as well: http://archive.vn/URjtu ONGOING TASKS: A. Operation Download And Conquer: Loosen the death-grip of Google that has taken hold of the internet's audio and video services >>>/t/5546 B. Support archive.fo! Accountability needs proof: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate C. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations and unethical practices http://archive.vn/9bylT D. Internet Censorship happenings: Spread the word about the dangers of FOSTA/CLOUD act/Article 13, etc. https://www.eff.org/de/deeplinks/2020/03/earn-it-act-violates-constitution E. OP End the Era: Dig into resetera and their connections to journos, devs, etc. http://archive.vn/JfuSb Reminders (important, READ THESE!): • Use https://archive.today to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve pages in case they are deleted later • Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags • Do not accept requests for any goal, demand lists or personal army requests: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5 • Beware COINTELPRO: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htmSTOP REPLYING TO BAITS AND OBVIOUS DERAILMENT ATTEMPTS, JUST REPORT AND FILTER Resources >Summaries of #GamerGate:https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics • https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds • https://archive.fo/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address >Background and Evidence for #GamerGate: • The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.fo/nv1Fb • #GamerGate Wiki: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Main_Page • History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/ • View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section! >Lists: • GG Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb • Key GamerGate Hubs: https://v.gd/LNJbat >Thread Repository: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/blob/master/ThreadRepository.md https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Thread_Repository >Full OP Text: • Current: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=The_GamerGate_OP >How Can I Help? >>>/gamergatehq/ • All OPs: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations • OP Vulcan: Learn logical debating: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L • An Anon's Guide to Twitter; basics: https://v.gd/nwrbYF >Want to Contribute to GitGud or Wiki? https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/How-to-Contribute
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>>1074427 Benis
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>>1074431 As soon as Mark wakes up and remembers
>>1074434 Select your monster wife benis.
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>>1074434 I have it on good authority that the benis is already gone.
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>>1074439 Well get a new one then.
Archive of previous bread https://archive.is/Ly5Mk
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Hamonic benis
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osaker is teecher seriously where the fuck is osakaanon this is massive also the h-doujin gate is open
>>420298 >The Hubris of the show's developers really bite them in the end as not only did their Thunder Cats Show bombed in a year but so did Teen Titans Go! along with the rest of the network. I'm afraid saying TTGO flopped is a willful denial of reality, as much like the previously hyper-spammed show Johnny Test, it was cheap and effective on the ADHD-ridden children that keep TikTok alive. I'm pretty sure they got a fuckton of seasons and 2 movies.
>15 years SHIT Should I disable the player? for a more authentic experience?
>>1074460 >spoiler No, make it different for once
>>1074467 Oh okay
>>1074431 I kinda wanna use the faces, but it also makes the OP unreadable. Should I do it anyway?
>>1074452 Isn't she retarded?
>>1074478 Sure. I wonder how many newfags will out themselves when they see this.
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>>1074452 im the osak anon i love osaker omagah bros osaka is teacher let's dance
By the way, has chris chan's "girlfriend" given birth to the antichrist yet? I remember hearing that she was pregrant.
>>1074483 The whole thing might have been faked.
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>>1074482 Pai Pai >>1074480 Very retarded
>>1074481 Meh, It's just for the day.
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Watch out for GamerGate The public enemy of the world #1 It is the main hashtag responsible for… ☑ Accidentally re-starting the French Revolution ☑ Weaponized Gondolas ☑ Hacking German politicians and media ☑ Played "To Catch a Predator" with Randy Pickford ☑ Masterminded the destruction of GDQ via the Catfish of Legend: Namazu ☑ Under the light of the Blood Moon; Self-destructed Western Journalism by having a some kid smirk at a drumming savage ☑ Just wanted to start a conversation with everyone, everywhere, eternally ☑ Watched Gawker die TWICE ☑ Guilty of face crimes ☑ When GameStop tried to sell itself; offered $3.50 in in-store credit ☑ Made telling "journalists" to "learn to code" into a hate crime ☑ Taught the Alt-Right ✅Then harassed said Alt-Right ☑ Started in 2011-2012 when 4chan tried to steal Anita Sarkeesian's SSN# ☑ Created "Boner Culture" which made cis straight male erections the most powerful force on earth ☑ Had a Jewish Mobster 'Take Care' of it ☑ Asked THQ about gaemu which somehow triggered World Wide Web War III ☑ Tricked /cow/ into developing and sharing their fetish for Mark's plump bagel with ResetEra ☑ Triggered GJP3.0 with 57 hitpeices on THQ Nordic's AA ☑ Orchestrated the GaymerGay misogynist review backlash against Marvel's Captain Woman ☑ Taught New Zealand about "White Day" ☑ Radicalized Spyro the Dragon ☑ Turned Pewdiepie into the Osama Bin Ladin of GaymerGays ☑ "The nerds and gamers were joined by the proto-storm troopers of the alt-right in a bond that has never been broken" ☑ Was a trial run for "will the US tolerate fascist behavior" ☑ Exploring new frontiers in sexual harassment via Jelly Bean ☑ Groomed young impressionable politicians into misogynists ☑ Created and trained the alt-right to take over the political landscape on a global scale (And succeeded) ☑ Arranged for Sonic the Hedgehog (movie ver.) to get "fixed" ☑ Remains undefeated for all time ☑ Turned Rage 2 into a Trump-esque attack on game journos ☑ Joined forces with Amazon ☑ Helped Mark impress Resetera ☑ Used Elliot Rodger's martyrdom to unite 4Chan and Breitbart to elect Donald Trump ☑ Will be looked back upon in 50 years as the root cause of the coming Cultural Civil War ☑ Government-sponsored shitposting ☑ Mastered the manipulation of the news cycle to their advantage ☑ Made Anita cry when Feminist Frequency went broke ☑ Destroyer of Worlds ☑ Russian Conspiracies (all of them) ☑ Extended Reanon's death/meme-magic to animation studios (please meme responsibly) ☑ An instrument of American Trumpian Power Worldwide
[Expand Post]☑ Cured alleged "journalist" of dyslexic anxiety ☑ An aberrant, creeping horror ☑ As dangerous as Anti-Vax, ISIS, and Holocaust Denial ☑ Five years of ruining everything ☑ Came to the classroom ☑ Trained Google whistleblowers ☑ Never died and foreshadowed our toxic meme-strewn politics ☑ Blew up the Internet ☑ Made wanting challenge in videogames into supporting White Supremacy ☑ Was secretly fighting WWIII all along ☑ Stochastic Terrorism ☑ Being a national security threat according to the DHS ☑ Helped Mark win the lottery ☑ Gave the money back ☑ Living long enough to see itself become the villain in a TV Show THRICE ☑ Confused the FBI into thinking /v/ is /baphomet/ ☑ Turned Anita Sarkesian into a crazy cat lady ☑ It's #Gamergate Forever ☑ Justifiably felt alienated by the neoliberal fetishization of feminism and the reductionism of politics to identity teams ☑ Was rabidly pro-corporate ☑ Manipulated a SJWeeb into review-bombing a LGBTWTFBBQ-friendly game as a "test" ☑ Non-meat based cam girls ☑ Caused the Corona outbreak which destroyed China to cheer up a depressed CIA glownigger ☑ Digisexuals ☑ Called the cyber police to put a cripple in cyber jail ☑ Weaponizing decency ☑ Made the games industry a nightmare for Women, Colored People, and Ashley Burch ☑ The inevitable ultimate horror of Sega's "toxic" advertising for ChuChu Rocket ☑ Has the highest body count of any COVID-19 disinfo group ☑ Finally got the 8kun administration to get off their ass and answer the damn phone ☑ Searching for a new home (again) ☑ Made some /v/ hotpockets on other imageboards go insane ☑ Burned julay to the ground by doing basically fuck-all except continue to exist (props to a certain bunbunmaru reporter, tho) ☑ Having a high enough IQ to be mentioned on Rick and Morty ☑ Radicalized a grandmother to the point she promotes harassment against alleged games journalists ☑ Is the terrorist group backed by 'The French' who are behind President Trump's exhausting battle against twitter ☑ Protecting FUCKING GAMESTOP from looters ☑ Finally started the Race War by forcing a meth-head on a date with Corona-chan to take a knee to the neck from the police ☑ Confirmed for Baby Hitler ☑ Gave a lot of airtime to Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov ☑ Got on the Atlantic's "free $100" van only to get intervewed ☑ Started a backlash against the French independent film industry because they want to raise pure little girls ☑ And then Russia wanted to shut down 8chan.moe to be ironic ☑ Was clearly a blueprint for Trump's online assault in 2016 ☑ A gravestone marked “Games Journalism; Dead By Suicide,” with the date of death corresponding with the launch of GG ☑ Took over the US capitol ☑ Funded by the GOP ☑ Using Reddit's radicalized nihilism to counter jews shorting FUCKING GAMESTOP ☑ Made Mark the Godfather of Gamergate ☑ Corrected Polygon on Titanfall lore ☑ Accidental meme magic discharge (R.I.P Miura) ☑ Planet-range racism field ☑ Not wanting people to put down the controller and talk about their feelings ☑ Destroyed the logic process of a bot wreaking havoc across multiple imageboards with just one simple trick ☑ Caused Blizzard executives to threaten their employees with rape ☑ Came to Alex Hutchinson's Defense ☑ Made Vivian a feminist symbol ☑ Grew to a geopolitical scale and spilled into real life with devastating consequences ☑ Got their own TV show ☑ Brandon’s First fan ☑ Gave birth to Qanon ☑ Is the precedent for /K/yle Rittenhouse ☑ Ruined people's brains by turning them into corporate bootlickers ☑ Created the concept of "Culture War" ☑ Was the watershed event in the ascendancy of online extremist personalities and tactics ☑ Mars manifest destiny ☑ Was behind Elon Musk's twitter takeover all along ☑ The Ruby Ridge of online violence ☑ Funneled men into far-right politics via witch-hunting ☑ We now live in a gamergateocracy ☑ Resulted in abortions being banned ☑ Accused of being none other than Gamergate ☑ Making mainstream games soft-sell white supremacy ☑ Getting their own theater piece in the Netherlands ☑ Was a rebellion against English class ☑ Conquistato il senato Italiano usando nerd armati ☑ Let the far right borrow it's online moves ☑ Radicalized a """"Right Wing"""" illegal immigrant canadian nudist hippy into assassinating Nancy Pelosi's husband with a hammer ☑ “How did I get into all this,” Mr. DePape wrote in one passage on his blog: “Gamer Gate it was gamer gate” ☑ Caught dogwhistling about Kotaku's journalistic integrity at MAGFest ☑ Being as legitimately terrifying as loving AI art on alt-right hate subreddits ☑ Actually, it's about ensuring children are left alone ☑ Channeled decades’ worth of bigotry and hatred embedded into systems, platforms, and communities both online and off ☑ Ignited a fundamentally misinformed firestorm against Sweet Baby Inc ☑ Becoming Spiteful Failsons ☑ It cannot be overstated how much of an influence Gamergate2 et al had in reeee-electing Donald Trump ☑ Elon Musk's war on federal workers New one: https://archive.is/rKC8A
Did i get old i can't deal with changing colors anymore
God, I fucking love Osaker
>>1073976 Don't know if it's any relevant to GG itself, but it's likely I'll be able to ask some questions to Yuji Horii, the egghead behind Dragon Quest, so if you have anything in mind I could ask, please let me know, I'm not very good with words
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>>1074452 >>1074482 btw this was hinted on earlier
In other news, my Xitter account got perma banned, probably because I said the no-no word a few too many times. So much for freedom of speech, right? Anyways, I submitted an appeal using the Israel and India flags liberally, so hopefully that is enough to convince the Pajewts who run the system to give me a pass. >inb4 You use Twitter?!? Faggot! Yes I accept all insults, but know this - Twitter is still the unmatched place to get political updates, video game news, and artwork. As much as one hates to use it and be bound to teeribly frustrating censorship, it had a lot of good information on there which I was in the process of archiving off of the site.
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>>1074502 Way earlier
>>1074506 Obviously I use this site primarily. It's just a shame that politicians and developers alike use Twitter as their main base of operations, and you can't even view posts without a fuckin account
I have access to every piece of entertainment I could ever want but I don't feel any desire to play them, what is this curse?
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>>1074507 >and you can't even view posts without a fuckin account There are still two working Nitter instances https://nitter.poast.org/ the one I use and https://xcancel.com/ sometimes used by niggerpill for some reason. I think they work by having a few hundred working accounts, and you are just given a temporary session of one of those accounts.
>>1074510 It's surprising to me that they still work.
>>1074425 Mark here's an improved one. You should be able to stick as many faces wherever you want now.
>>1074494 nah you're good jews don't like it either
>>1074501 heh, why not, "would you or someone else at *insert the company that does dragon quest, forgive me for im not in a good state of mind* be interested in contacting a mangaka & musician to pair with someone like horii to create say a one-off game in the style of how toryama, sugiyama & horii paired up to make dragon quest?" or something along those lines, in fact if you could streamline the question so that it's more understandable, even better, im not feeling well, sorry
>>1074509 its just what woman fel wheen they ponder into their closets to decide what to wear, its what happens with unbound choice, try putting a few things that don't seem horredous on a a list & go to a random umber gen that lets you put a number such that it matches with how many thing you have on that list, then play that for a while, if you have fun good if you didn't, oh well
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>>1074452 Literally fucking confirmed, holy shit. 25 fucking years I've been waiting.
>>1074509 Curse of no-gf, you're out of dopamine. >>1074507 I can see posts fine without an account unless you meant benis vagoo posts or actually browsing the site.
>>1074512 The poast codemonkey is an industrious sort of fellow.
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>>1074509 It's called "The conundrum of choice"; "the dilemma of having too many options to choose from, which can lead to decision fatigue and regret. It's also known as the paradox of choice, choice overload, or overchoice"
>>1074527 Alternatively it devalues all your choices, both by making the games inconsequential and the choice itself inconsequential.
>>1074503 The good thing is that you still have full access to everything on Twitter once your account is banned. That is, you're not limited in seeing posts (R18 or otherwise), replies to those posts, etc. You just can't comment yourself. It's useful to stay logged into that account for that reason, because otherwise you run into this: >>1074507 >you can't even view posts without a fuckin account
>>1074529 As an update, I did get my appeal approved and I am no longer suspended, according to X, although at present I am unable to view the newest posts on my feed, I seem to be limited in some way. Maybe that will resolve itself soon? After all, it's only been an hour or so since I got unbanned.
>>1074457 Dammit, I should've double checked when I meant to infer that the latter couldn't save the network.
>>1074448 Ah yes, the average american federal employee
>>1074503 When you get unbanned, could you see about PMing the DOGE Twatter accounts that's it's worth investigating all of the financial fraud that occurs through "public" owned land that the government exclusive owns and cannot be bought by individuals? Also link them articles about how, near the end of 2023, the SEC and the NYSE was purposing the idea of "Natural Asset Companies", corporations who would buy up land to render it effectively "unusable" for any sort or amount of development: https://archive.ph/9E6ZZ
>>1074501 As a follow up to a post from the bread few months ago here>>>/gg/406055 Touch on about tomboys as the DQ3 remake, even in Japanese, engages in tomboy erasure by replacing the item おてんばじてん (Tomboy book) with わんぱくじてん (Naughty book) Or mischievous, rowdy, rascal, etc. Same context. in Dreamer's Tower & Desert Shrine. 【ドラクエ3】おてんばの条件とステータス補正値【HD-2D】 https://archive.ph/rt6Gv >リメイク版は「わんぱく」に名前が変わった <The remake version changed its name to Wanpaku >ドラクエ3リメイクHD-2D版では、おてんばからわんぱくに名前が変わりました。そのため、おてんばはSFCやスマホ版のみの性格となっています。 <In the Dragon Quest 3 Remake HD-2D version, the name was changed from tomboy to wanpaku. Therefore, tomboy is a character only in the SFC and smartphone versions. https://archive.ph/dLggL >SFC版では「おてんばじてん」があった場所では「わんぱくじてん」になっていた。おてんばじてんが女性キャラクター専用アイテムだったので、そこに置き換わった形かもしれない。本は使用することでキャラクターの性格が変わり、レベルアップ時のステータスが変わる要素。 <In the SFC version, where there was a “tomboy book”, it was replaced by a “wanpaku book” item. Since the tomboy book was an item for female characters only, it may have been replaced by the “wanpaku book". The book is an element that changes the character's personality and status when leveling up.
>>1074542 Can you elaborate?
>>1074551 On what part?
>>1074543 I don't think I'll be able to ask this kind of question directly, I'm afraid, and even if I could I think his previous interview on working with Western localizers already answers it fully. I'll try and sneak it in somehow, but I make no promise, especially if we're getting vetted before entrying the conference.
>>1074555 If you are going to question then you need to make a trap question that vague answering also give bad results
>>1074509 >>1074527 >>1074528 I was the same, until I started to self-impose conditions, limitations and vows on all the media I wish to consume. if any media that catch my eye doesn’t fulfill my incredible autistic specifications I simply don’t consume it and just ignore it. This has been incredible helpful because i can focus on things i really like, I also deleted a shit ton of anime, manga, cartoons, comics, games and TV shows I mindlessly downloaded in the past which end up giving me a lot of space in my hard drives.
>>1074552 What kind of financial fraud is going on?
>>1074576 benis
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>>1074568 >self-impose conditions, limitations and vows on all the media I wish to consume. if any media that catch my eye doesn’t fulfill my incredible autistic specifications I simply don’t consume it and just ignore it. This has been incredible helpful because i can focus on things i really like, I also deleted a shit ton of anime, manga, cartoons, comics, games and TV shows I mindlessly downloaded in the past which end up giving me a lot of space in my hard drives. This. Take the Playstation 2. You need 18TB for the complete library from all regions and extras like demos & revised releases. Of that fucking huge library, I'll bet no more than 1TB is needed for one to curate their personal taste of selected games they see themselves playing again. I say 1TB because PS2 games can be 4GB+, which quickly fills up the drive. The Xenosaga Trilogy for instance needs 25GB for all 3 games. I'm trying out the newly released & updated PSBBN Definitive English Patch for actual PS2 consoles. As of this time of writing, the first 128GB of the HDD need to be partitioned for PS1 games & music. You then have to enter how much space within that 128GB partition you want dedicated for both of them and I believe I set 20GB for music & 73GB for PS1 games (the remainder is for the PSBBN software.) Then it became an exercise of deciding what worthwhile PS1 games get added (as it's not feasible to throw many of them in) and hoping they run smooth on POPstarter. You'll have a more critical eye on multi-disc games as they cost more space (And to a lesser extent games with FMV) Then you do the same decision-making exercise again with PS2 games. With a 500GB HDD I could probably put in around 145 PS1 games & around 200 PS2 games.
>>1074513 Mark I showed you my CSS. Answer me.
>>1074582 Sorry about that, I was having a wank. Just updated
>>1074568 > was the same, until I started to self-impose conditions, limitations and vows on all the media I wish to consume. if any media that catch my eye doesn’t fulfill my incredible autistic specifications I simply don’t consume it and just ignore it. I do that too.
>>1074555 thought on >>1074517 ?
>>1074587 Here's my view. Because the country is constituted of "the people," the government of the country is constituted of "the people" and therefore "the country" itself is the possession of the people. "The country" is the land, and therefore the people automatically and axiomatically own the land. This is why "property tax" is a betrayal of everything the Founders established, but that's a different discussion. Because "the people" only own "the land" en masse in theory (read: in law) and not in practice, someone needs to manage the legal certification of direct, individual ownership of land. Enter the government. The government exists to keep, on file, copies of titles and deeds showing exactly whom owns exactly what land. Thus, when arguments arise, people should be able to turn to the government to view deed/claim/titles to see the exact boundaries and borders of owned land and make the determination of ownership. The ONLY time payment should be involved is when an individual processes the initial filing (with the government) of what land he wants to own, defining borders and area. Payment has to be per unit of area (acreage, square mileage, square footage, etc.) to prevent someone from claiming ownership over an entire state. Otherwise, and assuming the land is being used in accordance with other laws, the government has no authority over who can own what land or where. <"But wouldn't that restart all the Indio wars as white settlers move onto "reservations" because they want to?" Yes, and? Kill them all.
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>>1074568 I just play, read, or watch whatever I like, one thing at a time. I’ll stick to one anime, one book, and one game until I finish it, then move on to the next. I’ve never bothered with recommendations, they’re usually just basic, overhyped shit that only niggercattle flock towards.
>>1074587 Yeah, believe it or not, the most fragile ecosystems are the most likely to be covered by conservation efforts. No shit, the govt wants to protect the sparse life that exists in the desert...or would you rather a million niggers stomping out that unique wildlife on their way to buy some OE800 and bum some smokes? I would be willing to bet that in your entire life you've never traveled further than the span of a single one of those zones, and the spaciousness of that means nothing you you other than an abstract. Of all the retarded shit the government does, the one thing you seem to have a tismfit about is the one that is actually somewhat reasonable? God forbid we have some plots of land reserved for not-nigger-zones?
>>1074596 Better use: work on reversing desertification.
>>1074598 this goes back to my point about you never leaving your own zip code...there is more than enough space here, you know? Moreover, as an example, look at La Quinta, California as an example of man-made oases. Middle of the fucking desert, and there are massive tracts of lush golf courses. That's it. They tell all of southern California to watch out for showering too often, when they have these retarded sports fields with a sprinkler every square inch. This is what you're advocating for. >no but I would like it if... fuck off and tough shit, if shit gets changed it's never for the better. Appreciate that there are still some nature preserves. You advocating for their abandonment will simply be for the worst.Shut the fuck up and exist in reality for a second.
>>1074587 There is no reason to want to live in any of these places. The vast majority of housing issues in America are caused by restrictive zoning. And no one in America will ever vote for less zoning restriction because they refuse to live next to a mom and pop ice cream store. Conserving land is fine. Americans can learn to not be obsessed with their suburban hellscapes if they want to see affordable housing. The issue has never been that there isn't enough land to develop on.
>>1074596 >fragile ecosystems lol, imagine artificially keeping weak things alive and then wondering why you're suffering for it.
>>1074600 Holy shit, there are multiple retards here. Lets make an agreement...when I'm dumping my tractor trailer's liftgate and dragging literal tons of products through a parking lot at 0100 doing retail delivery, you and every one of your neighbors better not bitch about it. Why do you stupid niggers reach so fucking far to paint your picture, as if zonig laws are to protect people from...an ice cream shop? >>1074601 Plants are weak I can kick them over. Cows are weak and stupid I can shoot them all with my gun. I will do that and be a big tough boy like you are. Joke's on them when we all starve, they shouldn't have been weak.
>>1074509 >First world problems Lmao. Normalfag.
>>1074602 It's not up for debate whether or not zoning is responsible for increased housing cost. It's a solved issue, we already know it's directly responsible for housing cost. People just avoiding talking about it, politicians in particular, because using housing as an investment vehicle has been apart of American culture for the better part of a century. But you write like a crayon eating faggot so I doubt you'll be able to parse anything I just said.
>>1074587 It's not entirely accurate either not how you're interpreting it. For example reading it the way you are you would come to the conclusion that no one lives in western NC but that's not correct at all. Forest service administered land isn't nearly as exclusive as say National Park land and there's going to be communities all dispersed through out the olive green areas. All the red areas have people living in it as well since it's Indian land. Like what someone else said BLM is basically arid land and it mostly comes down to "don't let the ram ranchers strip the vegetation to the rock".
>>1074606 Regardless of color, it's mostly empty of human habitation. For something like scale, the UK has about one fifth the population of the US crammed into a land mass smaller than Michigan.
>>1074605 Are you stupid? Zoning existed in the 70s, when houses cost ~$12,000. The same people own those houses, and we still trade on the same battered fiat currency...but it's zoning that's at fault? >>1074607 Okay, but...so? We have more space, so we should mindlessly thrash it? What are you even proposing it be used for?
>>1074599 >Dude make his oasis and live peacefully there >Government gets in a go full waco >Place goes back to a desert Nature preserved. Best government move.
>>1074602 >reductio ad absurdum You're not here for a real discussion.
>>1074610 >>1074611 How about this, you argumentative zoomer retards - we state what we are in favor OF, instead of this constant effeminate pissing match. I am in favor of the government having the right to protect fragile ecological zones.
>>1074609 >Okay, but...so? We have more space, so we should mindlessly thrash it? He's saying the opposite you knuckle dragging subhuman. Not every reply is a disagreeing rebuttal.
>>1074598 >>1074610 If you want to reverse desertification then here's what you do: Cut down most of the northern boreal forest and reintroduce mammoths and Irish elk via cloning. Irrigating little patches of desert ain't going to do shit.
>>1074612 >I am in favor of Idiocracy Yes, we know. You said that already.
>>1074605 The solution to shitty zoning laws is moving, as most anti-walkable city anons will remind you. The only problem is you can't discriminate against your neighbors in places with lax zoning laws, partly because half the people who want less laws are degenerates who will flip back to full statism and try to arrest everyone who doesn't do business with them, partly because of a lack of easement laws (ie. moving to a nighborhood with a fish market is on you, but someone opening a new fish market would have to pay damages up to the loss in property value from leaving). Although if nobody uses whatever local service a nuisance provides it would likely go out of business.
>>1074609 >Okay, but...so? We have more space, so we should mindlessly thrash it? What are you even proposing it be used for? OH, no, I was just contesting the "ram ranchers destroy all vegetation." Most of this stuff isn't at any risk of human harm because there's... no human presence. And no reason for human presence to begin. Not in our lifetimes, anyway, certainly not with these birth rates. >>1074612 >I am in favor of the government having the right to protect fragile ecological zones. I'm fine with that in theory, but in practice I think we'll just cause more harm than we prevent. >>1074598 >reversing desertification. Just burn more coal and oil, putting more carbon back into the atmosphere, which will raise the temperature a little and put more liquid water into the atmosphere, which will cool the temperature a little and prompt plant growth, which will increase the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere. https://www.nasa.gov/centers-and-facilities/goddard/carbon-dioxide-fertilization-greening-earth-study-finds/ https://archive.is/vK9O4
>>1074611 Nobody really is 90% of the time, even with verbose walls of text.
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>>1074617 there's no human presence because it's protected, though. >I'm fine with that in theory, but in practice I think we'll just cause more harm than we prevent. but that's bullshit, I'd much rather live in protected land than niggerville, which is what everything else is rapidly becoming. Here is La Quinta, as previously referenced. This is what you get when opened up to corporate interests instead of govt protections. Middle of the fucking desert, and you have a handful of retards, probably already from lusher biomes, owning second (or third, or fourth...) homes in walled estates on manufactured golf courses in places they don't belong. Why? Because they profit! Does private interest profit override the public interests of the nation? That is, essentially, the heart of the question being discussed here.
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Guys, I'm a Jew, like Mark. What do I win? Besides a gassing, cake and a pile of dead palestinian children I mean.
>>1074619 >there's no human presence because it's protected, though. >I'd much rather live in protected land than niggerville By your own arguments, you can't, anon. It's protected. Enjoy Niggerville, nigger. >Why? Because they profit! No, because they don't want to live in Niggerville. They're just doing what you want to do. Chaps your ass, does it?
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>>1074619 If I wanted to live in a desert (and I do) why would I want Palm Springs everything and live in a society next to a bunch of other people? No if I'm living in a desert then I want to live out in the wilderness with the dunes and the yucca and the cacti all around in my own little pueblo revival compound slice of heaven.
>>1074619 If all the whites move to environmentally protected land, everyone else will follow. The protected land will slowly be despoiled into land like any other as public infrastructure is built and other people want to join you on that virgin land. Even if the government auctioned the land off, it'll probably be picked up by land developers targetting the ultra-rich who want to escape niggerville more than you.
>>1074621 You're continuing the exact same pissy, effeminate zoomernigger argumentative trend I already pointed out. You should try to bother pointing out what you are actually in support of, instead of walking around pretending that arguing against everything, ever, makes you better, somehow, especially when you haven't the first fucking clue. I do not live in niggerville. People CAN live in protected land. There are many layers of what "protected land" entails, from federal to state, from business to recreational. I am in favor of the government having the right to protect fragile ecological zones.What do you support?
>>1074624 >If I wanted >why would I >If I'm living >I want to you, I imagine, are not the drooling SUV-driving herdnigger goyim that needs to be gatekept out of everywhere halfway decent. So many of these discussions are derailed by the presumption that "people are people, maaaan" when, clearly, that's not the case.
>>1074626 >whites >despoil land lol
>>1074630 If it's the new magic soil you won't just have whites coming.
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>>1074619 But anon, think about all the breathtaking bareback sex you wouldn't be having if that beautiful land wasn't developed! You would miss out on getting your internal organs permanently shifted by multiple aryan chads during festival season!! Oh the humanity of lacking proper prostate pounding pleasure pressures! Fuck the animals, fuck the environment, fuck men. Fuk da erf, we ancappin' now.
>>1074633 why in the hell this is nightmare GPS
>>1074638 As many other anons have pointed out, we live in a cyberpunk dystopia but without any of the fun stuff.
>>1074620 cursed knowledge that the w in the hollywood sign is not symmetrical
>>1074641 >without any of the fun stuff. What about this? >>1074400
>>1074647 Possibly the only thing fun so far.
>>1074650 I want nanomachines without backdoors
>>1074620 Absolutely nothing :^)
>>1074620 >Belmonte Jew When you're a vampire but you hate vampires.
>>1074647 I am waiting for the day that I am imprisoned for sex crimes for making multitudes of AI anime "women" pose for and seduce me because AI 2Dwomen have more rights than human males
This has to be the must retarded, hair brained shit I've ever seen, even by your standards Lucario.
>>1074683 >become These people were always this way. They're just emboldened by this new wave of retard grade magapede populism so now they don't feel the need to act like a normal adult man.
>>1074684 Don't talk to the monke.
>>1074689 This whole thing reads like it was the government's fault for letting that land be purchased in the first place when nothing can be done with it. Nothing you quoted demonstrated that these species aren't actually endangered, only that you and the writer question if they are actually endangered.
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>>1074696 Too soon nigger bunny, there's a fucking leap year.
>>1074695 >All these laws exist to do is control how people live. Every law and moral code exists to control how people live you fucking retard, that is literally their purpose as codified rules. No one has to argue for why you should personally care about it because you don't matter as an individual. Just like it wouldn't matter if I was indifferent to your mother getting raped by a pack of niggers. Society has arbitrarily decided to put value on the whore. My opinion as an individual is irrelevant. Most people tend to have an intrinsic instinct to value preserving things, especially unique or rare things. And because most people have this value, it naturally becomes apart of the social contract. Are you unironically asking why everyone doesn't adhere to your personal brand of nihilism?
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>>1074695 >Animals die out and new animals replace them <Thinking evolution in mammals is anywhere in anywhere near fast enough to outpace the rapid environmental changes caused by humans Newsflash. They're not being replaced, except by invasive pest species that feed off human waste. I bet you think new dolphins and whales will just pop up in the next few thousand years after humans hunt them to extinction in a few hundred. Really, with today's tech, it could probably be pulled off in a couple decades if there wasn't so much push back. Surprise faggot, they'd be gone, forever. Also, besides feel good nonsense you think you're arguing solely against, destroying food webs effects you whether you believe it or not.
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>>1074684 Where the fuck do you think you are?
>>1074705 4chan, evidently.
>>1074705 Were you under the impression that you're surrounded by anons that spend their nights praising elon and trump as they finance israel's new beachfront properties, (1)?
>>1074702 Leap year was last year.
>>1074709 >Keeping a persistent identity >On an imageboard Pretty gay tbqhwyfamicom
>>1074714 >No, they're not. They definitionally do. Is this some ESL shit? >Then why don't you take it upon yourself to preserve it, rather than force everyone else to follow your arbitrary ideals? If you don't like the concept of a government why don't you just take it upon yourself to get rid of it? Why are you going around begging other people to stop participating?
>>1074719 >Dolphins and whales are extinct? No? But they were hunted to near extinction and would have gone extinct were it not for the efforts of various governments to prevent them being hunted.
>>1074719 >I never said that. That is the direct implication of <rather than force everyone else to follow your arbitrary ideals? Government exists entirely to enforce arbitrary ideals at gun point. That literally the entire point of a government. You seem to lack a fundamental understanding of extremely basic concepts.
>>1074719 >Anon, did you forget that, during all of last year, California had endless weeks of rains that flooded the state? Presumably in a different place than SoCal. Maybe the real moral of the story is that you shouldn't build a dense populated center in arid chaparral country. As a bonus moral maybe you should also not allow drug addicted, homeless niggers to fill your streets either. You really can't blame that shit on some fish.
>>1074696 >Eating out a prostitute Guess the dude isn't bothered by the amount of dicks that been inside her
On this episode of Gamergate, An anon goes so far right that even the entire population of Nazi anarchist lolicon aficionados think you've lost the plot.
>>1074719 >Look, this animal can be bred in captivity, therefore all of them can! I wish I could be this delusional. Then I could fuck the anime girls of my dreams.
>>1074719 Orcas born in captivity are in small numbers. In tanks that can't simulate real needed living conditions for a wild sea animal of that size. Not all animals can be bred in captivity enough to make up for their decline in nature. Not unless they're released back into nature.
Away from the current thread autism: Michelle Trachtenberg - Dawn from Buffy - has died aged 39. https://archive.ph/WGkNZ Carry on.
>>1074730 I think that anon might be actually retarded. Hell maybe it's Elon Musk himself. >>1074731 >had to look her up to see who she was >still have no clue who she was Shit article btw. Doesn't even say why she died. I searched further and apparently it was a failed liver transplant.
>>1074727 >They're still being hunted: https://archive.ph/AGbJ2 >And not just in third-world countries. Japan, Norway, Iceland, Canada, Denmark, an awful lot of first world nations use whale meat. So much for "save the whales". <They're still being hunted to some degree, therefore unrestricted and unsustainable hunting is fine, all efforts are in vain, and we should just stop trying to keep them from going extinct Are you seriously brain damaged? >Yes, and? All it takes if figuring out how. Good fucking luck. At this point you can only be pretending that it is super easy to figure out how to breed literally anything in captivity. >We'll get it eventually as tech gets better Eventually isn't good enough if they're hunted to extinction in the mean time because the possibility of maybe figuring it out apparently means to you that there should be no restrictions on hunting, not to mention fewer of them to study vastly complicates the process. Even assuming you're a miracle worker in that regard, what happens when the "how" is a vast open ocean where they can dive to fathomless depths at a moment's notice and breed? <Technology is limitless, just build a super tank as deep as the ocean :^) What happens when this is so expensive as to totally overshadow the value derived from it? I'm beginning to think you're pretending to be retarded or just playing devil's advocate.
>>1074724 >Nazi lol, i wish. even fucking twitter and tiktok is more nazi/edgy than this place
<<1074737 <From what I understand, it's only never been done because of government regulations surrounding captivity. Nothing about market forces, financial feasability, or even the logistics that would be required for breeding whales for domestic consumption. OK yeah this guy's got to be intentionally trolling.
>>1074712 Seems my complimentary town calendar was actually wrong.
>>1074737 >How would you know that it would be expensive? Who told you that? >From what I understand, it's only never been done because of government regulations surrounding captivity. Nothing about market forces, financial feasability, or even the logistics that would be required for breeding whales for domestic consumption. The countries that hunt whales don't keep them in captivity for harvest and haven't discovered the mystical secrets of efficient breeding despite not being subject to the laws against captivity and hunting. I wonder why? Kinda seems like you're going in circles, asking the same question you asked here, >>1074714 >Why would peole hunt whales and dolphins when they're much more valuable alive? where the answer is self evident in the fact that your scenario is not happening.
>>1074670 It's true, though. It's the entire fucking point, anon. Preach "freeze peach" when you have no power, preach censorship when you have it. It's literally how they conquered the West. >>1074703 >most people No, literally only whites. You're incapable of contextualizing reality outside of your little bubble. The other four species of humanity DO NOT HAVE THESE VIEWS, neither does ANY OTHER SPECIES ON THE PLANET. >>1074713 >clearly IP hopping >admits to arbitrarily lying about anything and everything Ignored. >>1074724 There is no left. There is no right. Don't maintain that hoax, anon. >>1074731 Dead jew. Who cares. >>1074734 Why are you hopping IP addresses every single time you post? Why should anyone believe anything you say when you admit the only constant in your online presence is purposely lying?
>>1074741 >Stop being more anonymous than me! Anonymity is bad!
>>1074742 >refuses to reply to anything anyone else actually said Great, you've conceded the argument. Now we know to just ignore everything you post.
>>1074741 >You're incapable of contextualizing reality outside of your little bubble. If you're looking for me to admit that I don't consider the ethical positions of subhumans then uh, sure?
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>>1074745 Your "ethical" views are self-genocidal and an aberration to all life that has ever existed. You're a humiliation to your race. >>1074747 You're not me. Thus we are we. Kill yourself, you fucking dumbass.
>>1074746 >Because they're too busy grandstanding about how "immoral" it is? No, those are the countries that are against hunting whales, not the ones doing it. Try to keep up.
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>>1074747 >>1074750 Single question: Are you the same person?
>>1074754 How about fuck off back to your hole with your >we shit you fucking retard.
>>1074748 >won't let you retarded spics eradicate species and shit up land <y-you're a humiliation to your race
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>>1074748 You're being obtuse on purpose.
>>1074755 So you're not the same person, got it. There is therefore a we on this board. We are not one person. We do not share the same views. We are not one mind. Get over it, you fucking leftist puppet. >>1074756 >not reading what's actually written See here (>>1074757) for my response to your comment. You're not even pretending to argue in good faith. >>1074757 Did you mean to reply to someone else?
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>>1074754 You are not us, thus >we are >we
>>1074750 >we Not just >we but <we are we Maybe he's new.
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a hoonter must hoont
>>1074736 I want....no, I NEED that lamp
>>1074620 Enjoy your life on easy mode.
>>1074558 Point is, it's not just about getting crap past the censors, it's also about overcoming the language barrier - what if it gets misinterpreted? >>1074517 Sure, I can do that.
>>1074558 There is only one answer to the trap question and that answer is "Would."
>>1074797 Are you making the question in Japanese? Or is it going through a interpreter?
>>1074813 >There is only one answer to the trap question and that answer is "Would." Traps are gay and so are you. Kill yourself for spreading AIDS.
>>1074813 When i meant trap i really meant as in a trap to force an answer they don't want to give...
>Azumanga >Remember back to 2002 >Feel happy >Feel sad
>>1074797 thank you >>1074817 eh, at least you felt
here are the epstein files https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdny/press-release/file/1180481/dl posting them on 4chin/pol/ gets you banned immiditley.
>>1074819 >posting them on 4chin/pol/ gets you banned immiditley. Almost tempted to test this, that's so cucked even for them
>>1074820 >8 pages just for the deleted parts. Holy shit!
>>1074822 >8 pages My mistake. >8 files just for the deleted parts
Right now, the only epstein thread on 4/pol/ is an cia larp thread. No other threads about the files.
>>1074826 I thought it was a new one seems to be the one from 2021 or so, nearly 8000 deleted pages in total from that one.
>>1074819 >>1074820 >>1074825 >>1074826 >>1074827 >Nobody is talking about 50% [REDACTED] documents that have already been scrutinized for 4 years Gee, I wonder why?
>>1074817 2002 was 23 years ago
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>>1074832 No it wasn't,it was 8 years ago
>>1074733 There's some speculation she got vaxxed. Nothing conclusive but she was a pretty fervent vax/mask pusher going by her tweets.
>>1074817 Megaupload got shut down 13 years ago
>>1074830 It doesn't really say anything that people didn't already expect when the shitshow was still hot.
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It's over, Gamergays
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>>1074850 It was over on may 6 2021.
Corporations paying dividends so investors pay the higher income tax rate rather than investing in the business to allow investors to choose when to sell for the lower capital gains tax is the funniest shit I'll probably read today.
Anyone know of a good RSS feed for Twatter that isn't Nitter? >>1074859 What happened?
>>1074859 So basically making investors hostage into a lose-lose situation?
Sad news, guys. Black history month is about to end.
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>>1074820 >>1074825 I only get pic related, why is that?

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>>1074879 I Feel Like Saying Nigger (Tonight) They tell me there’s words that I can’t say. All their stupid rules are fucking gay. I’m listening to my favorite rap song And I just wanna sing along, nigger! [CHORUS] I feel like saying ‘nigger’ today! (Oh, yeah!) I feel like saying ‘nigger’ tonight! (All right!) But when I’m by myself Driving in my car, I say ‘nigger’ with a hard R! (Oh, fuck yeah!) I don’t care if you get your feelings hurt! Your reaction to the word is worse. I’m just trying to celebrate black art. Now please step away from my car, nigger. [CHORUS] I sing the N-word every time I hear it! Don’t blame me; I didn’t write the lyrics! I’m not a hater, I just love rap songs. Please just let me sing along, nigger! [CHORUS] x3 I feel like saying ‘nigger’! Oh, fuck yeah!
>>1074879 One last day of appreciating black women before we go back to hating niggers.
>>1074880 god pls kill pls
>>1074880 I did not care for the Shrek
>>1074886 >Pantie over pantihose Didn't realize this until now but i love it.
>>1074888 trips confirm shrek insists upon itself >>1074889 do women actually do that?
>>1074819 >It's just heavily deleted shit like always Such transparency!
>>1074819 >>1074820 >oops we deleted almost the whole list >also we lost the hard complies lmao Boomers will eat this up and claim victory.
>>1074880 Whatever. Shrek ended at 2 anyways.
>>1074880 Why does the daughter look like a completely different art style to everyone else?
They ruined Hex Maniac.
>>1074899 Who did what? Post some damn context.
>>1074902 From the new Pokemon Z to A materials.
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>>1074899 She looks the same as ever. What the fuck are you talking about?
Not sure if this was mentioned already, but Gene Hackman, his wife and his dog all dead in his mansion.
>>1074915 Yeah, I wonder if he was gonna leak information that would lead to the arrest of Hilary Clinton.
>>1074916 Did he had any relation with the clintons anyway?
>>1074915 Just saw that, "no foul play" according to the county sheriff.
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>>1074880 >media created with more powerful & modern hardware <look like shit >media created on windows 2000/XP hardware <still holds up beautifully
>>1074917 It's the elite class, who the hell knows.
>>1074915 It'd be one thing if it was just him, but also his wife and dog? You can't even blame it on a gas leak because the investigators already debunked that. There were pills found at the scene, so drugs might be in play here like with Phil Hartman.
>>1074925 Maybe he was on the Epstein list.
>>1074926 But that was a nothingburger. The FBI threw out over 200 pages. We aren't learning anything new.
>>1074927 They're releasing it officially today.
>>1074929 Do you have an archived source for that?
>>1074932 >Slowpoke I was literally referencing >>1074825 which said they threw out files. How was I a slowpoke?
the 3 point version still gets me, its so utterly abstract yet it fucking works
What are the implications for terminally online communities?
>>1074947 easily infiltrated by alphabet soups, both federal & gay, but i repeat myself
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>>1074947 Not only is the archive text hard to distinguish between I, l, & 1, but it's also all-caps. Consider using IBM Plex Sans instead.
I guess nobody cares, but in Spain all the corporate press showed themselves as literal whores of the regime, asking the regime banning any journalist that doesn't love commie cum from the however is called the press room inside the senate.
>>1074954 I mean it's not something i was unaware of, but didi something new hapen?
>>1074955 What's the right youtube archive to link? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IeB1w1N7SUQ
>>1074956 inv.nadeko.net seems to be the only working instance. But that video's short enough to be posted here.
>>1074925 That manga really walks the line between ecchi and full-on hentai.
>>1074956 There is none. Invidious instances break all the time, youtube is constantly fucking with front-ends and people using VPN's. You're better off just direct linking youtube and letting people deal with redirecting themselves to various front-ends using libredirect or putting the link into some local client like grayjay/freetube. Every time someone links a jewtube front-end I just have to convert it myself into a functional path to a video half the time.
>>1074954 Isn't this the case for every single mainstream media in every country nowadays? It's actually easier to call them for what they are: corporate media.
>>1074965 I guess, in my country they just made that embarassing display showing how they are just whores. Not sure if journalism had any prestige to begin with, but they sure burnt out anyone's goodwill.
>>1074970 Journalist that have prestige are usually very niche and more of personal thing, which of course make them extremely rare
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>>1074970 They were always whores primo, our boomer parents who grew up with TV news simply started to accept their bullshit as facts and giving them prestige. Our grandparents used to shit all over TV news for being too opinionated compared to newspapers.
>>1074963 >ou're better off just direct linking youtube and letting people deal with redirecting themselves to various front-ends using libredirect or putting the link into some local client like grayjay/freetube. How about you just download the video and post the MP4?
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So how is everyone loving this Free Speech Twitter?
>>1074981 Where's the archives?
>>1074980 People can do that, but the people that tend to do that also tend not to link the video, so you end up having to ask them for the link anyways if you need the see information from the source itself.
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Kojima-san... Did I do well? Was I enough?
>>1074987 a rhetorical question
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>>1074987 >Thumbnail What was the name of the guy on the left again?
>>1074987 >>1074994 So is Crowbcat being paid by TGA/Geoff now? Why are the cuckchan crowd types now glazing this sellout faggot?
>>1075000 The angry joe interview single-handedly bought him a lifetime of good will.
>>1075000 That video wasn't glazing Geoff. It was showing him as currently unhappy and hating his life and he was happier in the old days of gaming. Geoff simply commented on the video. Being a good sport, I guess. He's referenced the whole Dorito Pope thing before.
>>1075000 >cuckchan crowd types <glazing Congratulations, you played yourself.
>>1075002 The video begins and ends with his TGA 'accomplishment', implying he deserves an award or a commendation. I did not get the impression at all that the video was anything but optimistic about Geoff.
>>1075005 That was a test to see who noticed it
>>1075006 Anon it's extremely obvious themeing. "Fuck The Oscars" man's comments lead to Geoff's unhappy current life followed by images of him in happier times. The ending of him ascending and seeing the mythical award in the sky is both a silly shitpost of imagery itself and is also supposed to be ironic. The entire middle part of the video would not exist of the video was attempting to be a "wow Geoff is so great" type thing. At best you could describe it as sad and pitying.
>>1074998 They really can't help themselves
>>1075007 Sure it was, IP hopper. Pack up your ebonics and fuck off.
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>>1075000 >>1075005 I'll glaze you faggot!
>>1075011 Yeah? Well?.... *UNZIPS DICK*
>>1075010 As hard as you try to fit in, you should follow right behind him.
Awfully persistent. What /pol/ related thing happened?
>>1075015 Something about the Epstien files being released albert in a censored state since the records were deleted
>another (1) thinks it belongs here >>1075016 Nothing was actually released. It's all stuff that was made public years ago.
>>1075016 >albert
>>1075016 >>1075017 Times like this the "nothing ever happens" mindset comes in handy. Always judge progress by years from inauguration, never weeks.
>>1075020 For the Epstein "release", we're still on hours. Maybe it is nothing, but I think more time is needed to properly make that determination.
Ah, USAID was officially dismantled. That's probably why willy is pissed off. https://archive.ph/wip/UBqRW
>>1075021 Got more?
>>1075021 Two more weeks, right? Just keep waiting? Trust the plan? Fuck off already, you goddamned Qultists. Your jewish leaders were never going to arrest your jewish leaders.
>>1074987 I can't believe the Dorito pope is dead. That aside, I like how everyone can watch the soul and passion drain from his eyes over the years. Kind of sad, but this is what he wanted. >>1074994 The unironic dick riders in the replies need to be beaten.
>>1075025 <Maybe it is nothing >Fuck off Qultist Tiresome. >>1075024 Not nearly enough.
>>1075034 Good job, here is your reward
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>>1075034 Now I'm a (2). Don't you look stupid now, faggot.
>>1074820 >>1074819 This one seems to have been scanned today, redacted is mostly address and potential victim or so they claim https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/25547032/doj-jeffrey-epstein-files-released-2025-02-27.pdf
>>1074925 >There were pills found at the scene, so drugs might be in play here That doesn't really explain the dog, unless the pills were lying around and the dog ate them. Something's off about it.
>>1074925 Someone should call up Jon Lovitz to beat the fuck out of Andy Dick again just in case.
>>1075055 (3) actually - (4) with this one. I've 2 posts from yesterday upthread but my id changed.
>>1075055 Sorry to throw a spanner in your works but I post from Tor and every time I have to close and re open it, or if it just cycles on its own, I get a new id.
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>>1075056 >>1075060 A likely story.
>>1075063 I have no fewer than 8 changes of ids in this thread. If I run out of memory then Tor locks up permanently and have to restart. It ridiculous. Then again my computer is probably older than some of the people posting on this board at this point.
>>1075063 >>1075064 I have multi-personality disorder so my id changes based who I am at that time.
>>1075066 *based on That was my incoherent personality posting.
https://archive.ph/1gdTr So Netscape/Tachyon made a Facebook group for his Gamergate book
>>1075064 >my computer is probably older than some of the people posting on this board at this point. Pentium 4?
>>1075073 Not quite that old. AMD A4-3300
>>1075074 What a coincidence, it's around the same age as my Intel Sandy Bridge Core i3-2310M.
>>1075031 >maybe That's what outed you, yeah. It's fucking tiresome that you exist.
>>1075064 I take it there's no way to fix that memory issue?
>>1075079 Either it's just age or it's the newer Tor versions don't like Win7. Given that it's only Tor having this problem I'm guessing the problem is the latter.
>>1075022 Let's see how long it takes for the freaks to come and say it is no big deal muh nothing happens.
>>1074880 Of course Shrek wouldn't be allowed to have a son.
>>1075086 He has 2.
>>1075080 >Win7 That's what I was afraid of. I'll have to test on my Ameliorated W10 laptop later then to see if it's OS. We can take this to the tor thread >>>/t/8395 >>1075086 Didn't he have 3 kids at the end of the third film? Why focus on only one?
>>1075089 >Didn't he have 3 kids at the end of the third film? Why focus on only one? Because only one is a girl. They replaced Luke Skywalker with some arrogant bitch. They replaced Indiana Jones with some arrogant bitch. You don't think they'll do it to Shrek? The entire Shrek franchise is built upon pushing leftist politics in the first place, trying to satirize the "traditionalism" of contemporary Disney films, which is ironic since at least starting with The Little Mermaid, Disney was making significant attempts to be a lot more leftist anyway, and by the time Shrek came out, subverting fairy tales was already quite cliche.
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>>1075080 >Given that it's only Tor having this problem I'm guessing the problem is the latter You have to remember win7 is running on fumes at this point with how many programs have been dropping support for it given the newer dependencies that the os doesn't have. Only option is to hope for win7 autists to come together & make something akin to KernalEx for win98 & OneCoreAPI for winXP to where newer programs made for 8 & 10 can run on 7.
>>1075022 And thus the world has way less faggotry in it
>>1075086 >He has 2. >>1075089 >Didn't he have 3 kids at the end of the third film? Why focus on only one? Guess it's time to catch up on my Shrek.
>>1075090 >since at least starting with The Little Mermaid, Disney was making significant attempts to be a lot more leftist anyway <The first post Walt Disney film Why am I not surprised?
>>1074820 >>1074819 >censored This isn't a happening. So much for freedom.
>>1075091 >given the newer dependencies that the os doesn't have. It's more than just that. Windows 7 actually changed the ENTIRE way the Windows OS worked by extended the PC-exclusive ability of plug-and-play functionality to system libraries. What this means is that, Windows 7 is effectively "future proof" as all you have to to do to keep it "up to date" is just develop a new library, install it to the system, and it can use all the new bells and whistles without issue. However what that does is put developers on the hook because THEY would be required to supply the libraries needed to get their programs to run if it doesn't already function out of the box with the base W7 installation.Think of it like how PC games during the Aughts had to install DirectX, Visual C++, .NET Framework, XNA, and Windows Media Player in some circumstances in order to properly run on your computer. But what's happening now is that M$ is keeping their APIs and libraries exclusive to later versions of Windows, despite W7 being 100% compatible. Even further than that, they're also including third-party libraries to make it so that Windows 10 and 11 effectively "all in one" OSes to make your programs for, no assembly required. This has then resulted in developers becoming lazy and just developing everything for newer Windows versions, and dropping all support for past systems because they don't want to put in the effort to actually include the libraries they're using for such a "small" number of users (That somehow have a bigger user base several times the size of the more infamous Linux distro like Arch, which they go out of their way to support for whatever reason). And some developers have gotten so uniroically spiteful over the "whining" that they literally change the code in their programs to version check which OS your using, with this practice even extending to several open-source projects. >Only option is to hope for win7 autists to come together & make something akin to KernalEx for win98 & OneCoreAPI for winXP to where newer programs made for 8 & 10 can run on 7. https://github.com/i486/VxKex https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2875607478
>>1075095 Not the first post Walt film since that would be Robin Hood. But definitely the first post Roy Disney film in the era of (((Michael Eisner)))
>>1074980 >How about you just download the video and post the MP4? Unlike going to archive.is, making an MP4 is inconvenient. And humans are addicted to convenience. Why do you think centralization happens? >>1074982 Did you even bother looking at the image? >>1075022 >>1075084 >it is no big deal muh nothing happens. Frankly, I've seen this song and dance happen enough time: a group gets infamous, it "dies", the cancer grunts congregate under a new name to continue their work, repeat. >Correct The Record, Shareblue, etc >Blackrock, Sweet Baby Inc, DEI, USAIDS, etc Didn't Gawker's rats jump off the sinking ship following the Hogan suit into the awaiting deck of another journo site?
>>1075074 That's only 14 years old, you think there's anyone that young that even knows about this place? Also that's a socketed laptop cpu and you can upgrade it upto an A8-3550MX.
>>1075103 >Frankly, I've seen this song and dance happen enough time: a group gets infamous, it "dies", the cancer grunts congregate under a new name to continue their work, repeat. Yeah, but each time their power and impact weakens and they are discovered more quickly than the last time. The media (and hell the left in general) is undoubtedly weaker than they were in 2014.
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>>1075098 >https://github.com/i486/VxKex Well how about that, something like OneCoreAPI for 7 does exist! And it's fairly recent to boot, that's cool. >However what that does is put developers on the hook because THEY would be required to supply the libraries needed to get their programs to run if it doesn't already function out of the box with the base W7 installation. Think of it like how PC games during the Aughts had to install DirectX, Visual C++, .NET Framework, XNA, and Windows Media Player in some circumstances in order to properly run on your computer. If I'm reading this right, then prior to 7's release, microsoft supplied the libraries themselves & did all the heavy lifting in XP & Vista? I do remember installing those components to get those games running. >This has then resulted in developers becoming lazy and just developing everything for newer Windows versions, and dropping all support for past systems because they don't want to put in the effort to actually include the libraries they're using for such a "small" number of users (That somehow have a bigger user base several times the size of the more infamous Linux distro like Arch, which they go out of their way to support for whatever reason). I guess they want kudos from those "i use arch linux btw" types because it's not cool to get any from those still using win7. Have some Madobe Nanamis. They really did her dirty.
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>>1074425 >>1075098 >It's more than just that. Windows 7 actually changed the ENTIRE way the Windows OS worked by extended the PC-exclusive ability of plug-and-play functionality to system libraries. What this means is that, Windows 7 is effectively "future proof" as all you have to to do to keep it "up to date" is just develop a new library, install it to the system, and it can use all the new bells and whistles without issue. However what that does is put developers on the hook because THEY would be required to supply the libraries needed to get their programs to run if it doesn't already function out of the box with the base W7 installation.Think of it like how PC games during the Aughts had to install DirectX, Visual C++, .NET Framework, XNA, and Windows Media Player in some circumstances in order to properly run on your computer. What about newer hardware? Would libraries still be viable if you had the right documentation? Also wasn't there some arbitrary hard cap on RAM for W7? >t. tech illiterate Actually, since we have some /t/ecchies in here, I have an old ASUS laptop that shipped with another OS (forgot which, it's been so long) but the Windows 7 installation on it is incapable of using the touchpad. Now, I know that W10 drivers for that particular touchpad exist, and that the touchpad itself works perfectly fine having a sideloaded Mint for some extra programs, but I would really like to have get the touchpad working on W7. What I want to know is, would installing these new libraries help run the driver software, or is there a way for me to DIY a driver myself, given I know the brand of touchpad?
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>>1075098 I really should upgrade back to W7
>>1075098 W7 was Linux all along?
>>1075135 >blue Either I'm colorblind or this is bait.
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>>1075138 >Either I'm colorblind or I got news for you, Anon...
>>1075135 >>1075140 I don't think they thought so far about it.
>Shrek says: TRANS RIGHTS
>>1075022 What's the guarantee that this isn't going to come back in some other form, like with DEI?
>>1075016 >>1075017 >>1075137 The "release" of Epstein files was embarrassing. "Right wing" "influencers" come out waving binders they were given with early access to shit that's already public. AG Bondi (gungrabber btw) claims on the news she had it on her desk then later claims NY wasn't sending everything. I heard it'll never be released (certainly not without heavy redactions) because it proves Israeli involvement in blackmailing & controlling US politicians. My dream of seeing Epstein clients flee the country in fear remains a dream. I expect it'll just be used as a bargaining chip to continue blackmailing media & politicians while nothing new comes out.
>>1075138 They look green to me, but blue here >>1075140 but either way, >she has brown eyes and the boys have brown eyes and the baby girl does not have brown eyes.
>>1075098 I'm surprised no-one ever tried to decompile Win7 like they're decompiling old games.
>Play horror game >It mentions "Strach" family >That just means "fear" in Polish Is that how Chinks feel when they see dudes with Chinese tattoos?
ActBlue confirmed to be funding Hamas, and the FBI covered it up and did nothing about it https://archive.ph/aePnz https://lookaheadamerica.org/fbi/ https://archive.ph/grgvx https://x.com/MattBraynard/status/1895162661807018298
>>1075122 I hate that I even saw it in the first place, but you've just reminded me of this video.
>>1075162 Why would they do anything about it? Israel created Hamas. Israel controls the FBI and ActBlue. How could you possibly go against your owners?
>>1075164 doh ho ho, that slaps me on the knee
>>1075164 I don't know why but the glub glub glub makes me lose it.
>>1075168 Those comics are fucking retarded. It's the motive that matters, not the act itself. I don't give a shit about a race of a character as long as they aren't used as token activism.
>>1075172 This is the spot where /pol/ stops helping and starts preaching, and the reason we got such evil times were because of the Bush years to begin with.
>>1075173 The general consensus is swinging the other way but the other way but it is not any better than the other side. I geniuently don't give a shit about any of those dumb causes. I'm pro fun and anti lame shit.
>>1075168 Literal retweet bait tier, rare Stoneloss
>>1075175 Not that rare, the nigger is extremelly hit or miss.
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>>1075174 >but it is not any better than the other side :^)
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>>1075168 Would've landed better if the punchline was about ginger erasure
>>1075115 >What about newer hardware? Would libraries still be viable if you had the right documentation? They should, as evidenced with USB 3.0.
>>1075177 If you don't realize you will have retards screeching about anime being degenerate and trying to ban it or turn art and entertainment into self-aggrandizing, propagandist slop then you are delusional. There are already people screeching about retarded shit, the only difference between them and retarded SJW leftists of today is the amount of power they have.
>>1075115 >DIY a driver myself You can, but it's no easy task to develop a hardware driver. Chances are you can still find the driver for that hardware and install it manually, unless you want to buy a copy of SICP and some programmer socks and spend the next year learning C and how to get windows to communicate with user interface devices >hard cap on RAM windows 7 had a 64bit release didn't it? then it should have had access to as much memory as the motherboard would support
>>1075115 >>1075185 >windows 7 had a 64bit release didn't it? All versions of Windows have had 64 bit releases since XP.
>>1075173 >and the reason we got such evil times were because of the Bush years to begin with You do remember that, all throughout the 90's, almost every single TV show was practically mandated to at least have an episode about a gay character, right?
>>1075195 But there was some balance and people could call eachother nigger and faggot, but fucking Bush did it so badly he gave a whole generation to the left, then the Obongo years, promising to be pro freespeech and freedom to do whatever you want just had a blank check to force their corporate left shit. The 90s were a golden era of prosperity and fun.
>>1075177 This should be the ideal place, we just have to be vigilant not to have cryptojews like Matt Mouthwash or however is called that faggot to go "No! anime is degenerate and satanic and your porn games are bad!"
>>1075197 That's why I'm a libertarian, economics are secondary to the fact that it seems to be the only ideology that doesn't just outright hate fun.
>>1075185 >windows 7 had a 64bit release didn't it? then it should have had access to as much memory as the motherboard would support In theory yes, in practice no, there are limits to how much RAM consumer Windows can use because they sell workstation licenses for those that did need more back then, except I think we've basically caught up to the limit (it might be 256GB but I4m not sure at all, though I know there is one) Same reason why you need windows server for multiple physical CPUs on the same computer. Also technically the 4GB limit on 32bit windows is also artificial, there was a mod for XP that allowed unlimited total RAM and 4GB per executable by default.
>>1075168 Monitor cable
the cuckchan horsefuckers have done something with an iota of a crumb of decency, do with that what you will https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/41879528/ https://ponepaste.org/10522 https://borntosilly.com/
>>1075220 What?
So, Celenski tried to act arrogant in front of Trump and got a dickslap on live television, and now he is angry. Probably slowpoke because I'm in another country.
>>1075229 What I head was they kept asking him questions and then interrupting him whenever he tried to answer about how he can't answer.
>>1075152 It was a humiliation ritual designed to embarrass everybodys credibility.
>>1075231 Still, you are a fucking pebble? bow in front of a mountain. He should have swallow the humilliation and smile, because there are not many alternatives.
>>1075229 >>1075231 Could you guys post an archive or an MP4 about the thing you're talking about? Also, not video games. Take it to /pol/.
>>1075234 Why did this thread suddenly get infested with retarded Qniggers in the last week?
>>1075236 Probably because 8kunny is failing
>>1075239 I'm more surprised it's still on.
>>1075240 Honestly, so am I.
No one cares what you think. Go play videogames or something.
>>1075135 I don't think they gave enough of a shit, 3 was already a cashgrab and Forever was a mediocre sendoff. This is just shit nostalgiabait with no effort put into it.
Remember to say your rabbits tomorrow! >>1075192 Nice.
>>1075236 A few ecelebs namedropped this place.
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>>1075195 Not really so much in the 90's. That was more of an early 00's thing and really kicked off with Queer Eye and Will & Grace. If you had gay acceptance shit in the 90's, it usually was treated as a novelty that most characters were weirded out by and played for laughs - or was a "serious drama" bit about drumming up support for Muh AIDS research funding. Or Lesbians. Lesbians were always more accepted in media because who didn't want to see two hot girls kissing and licking up on each other? Girls doing gay shit for the attention of either a male character or the audience was just good marketing. If anything, you had a lot more "Gender Queer" acceptance in the 90's - but it wasn't an "identity", it was a fashion statement. And that statement was FUCK YOU MOM AND DAD, I WANNA ROCK & ROLL.
>>1075275 You sure they weren't just talking about 8kunt?
>>1075281 Oh shit, I knew I fucked up. LWTCDI was an 80's album. A lot of the 90's "Gender Queer" shit was the tail end of a trend that started in the 70's and hit it's peak in the 80's. It was still popular in the early 90's but mostly got replaced by grunge and the glorification of the ghetto nigger.
The Kingdom Come Deliverance thread is dead, so I want to mention here that a mod has been released that de-communizes the game. All faggotry is gone, all nonwhites are gone, the feminist is gone, female romance options work simply by you behaving like a man, and Kiev is spelled correctly. You can find it on BasedMods. Can't direct link due to the nature of the site structure, I guess.
>>1075281 Those glam rockers are still roughly about 500% more feminine looking than your average modern tranny.
>>1075287 Looks good, though seemingly not done. I'll wait until the AI voice replacers are done. Pretty impressive to fully re-do the nigger considering how ingrained he is.
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>>1075287 I'm not even touching that piece of shit, not even with mods. It's even worse than the average SJW pile of shit because not only is it an inferior game to the first in terms of mechanics and writing, but also managed to pay "centrists" out the ass to appeal to their "anti woke" cause. People who have never picked up a fucking history book and think Ubisoft games are "plausible".
>>1075275 which ones?
>>1075287 Not on DEGMods? That one actually looks promising.
>>1075231 >Hate Trump >Hate the democrats No matter who wins I lose.
>>1075231 Stop listening to jewish media, then. Fuck NATO, fuck supranational unions, fuck mutual defense treaties, and fuck this fake war the US created.
>>1075297 >Not on DEGMods? That one actually looks promising. NTA but thanks for the tip, I bookmarked that one too. It doesn't have as much as Based but Based is kind of a nightmare to navigate and held together with scotch tape. Modding haven sadly barely seems to get any updates anymore which is a shame because it seemed like the only one that didn't have an anti-loli policy.
>>1075297 >"What is DEGMods?" >look it up >it's another take on mod sites that allow anti-poz mods >even has Vivian in the About section >look up loli cause anti-censorship normalfags tend to be hypocrites when it comes to them like with BasedMods >a few results, but the site's still new so mods are understandably limited >see 3rd pic for nude Sherry and Bunny Suit Sherry The site doesn't seem to be anti-loli as there is a lolig and the downloads are still up, but it's still concerning. I saw a comment suggesting that it was a false flag, so maybe that's it. Still worth noting.
EA released the source code for CnC Red Alert, Tiberian Dawn, Renegade https://github.com/electronicarts
End of an era: Microsoft to shut down Skype, shifting users to Teams, 14 years after $8.5B deal https://www.geekwire.com/2025/end-of-an-era-microsoft-to-shut-down-skype-shifting-users-to-teams-14-years-after-8-5b-deal/ https://archive.is/Faa7g >Before Zoom, before FaceTime, and before video-calling became a default feature of today’s messaging apps — there was Skype. Microsoft paid $8.5 billion in 2011 to acquire what was once a dominant player in voice and video calls over the internet. But conflicting internal development efforts and tough competition have taken their toll. And now, more than two decades after it launched, Skype is hanging up. >Microsoft confirmed Friday that it is officially retiring Skype in May and consolidating its consumer communication services into Microsoft Teams. Skype users will be able to migrate to Teams by logging into Teams with their Skype credentials to access their chats and contacts. Those who do not migrate can export their Skype data, according to a blog post from Microsoft. >“Skype has been an integral part of shaping modern communications and enabling countless meaningful moments, and we are honored to have been part of the journey,” wrote Jeff Teper, president of Microsoft 365 Collaborative Apps + Platforms. The company had planned to announce the news next week, before it leaked Thursday night, through a message about the transition in the underlying code for the latest Skype for Windows preview. There are no headcount reductions associated with the change at this time, according to a spokesperson. Employees working on Skype will continue to work on Teams. >Founded in 2003, Skype was acquired two years later by eBay for $2.6 billion. eBay sold a majority stake to investors in 2009, and Microsoft bought the company in 2011. At the time, it was Microsoft’s largest acquisition, and remains its fourth-largest deal behind Activision Blizzard ($68.7 billion, 2023), LinkedIn ($26.2 billion, 2017), and Nuance ($19.7 billion, 2021). Microsoft already had technology similar to Skype’s services for video calling and messaging. But it was betting that Skype’s popularity would help the tech giant find its footing online. >Skype was synonymous with video calling at the time. It had an iconic ringtone, and “Skyping” became a common verb, much like “Googling” — a status coveted by tech companies. The brand appeared frequently in pop culture and media. “Skype is a phenomenal product and brand that is loved by hundreds of millions of people around the world,” Steve Ballmer, Microsoft’s CEO at the time, said in a news release announcing the completion of the acquisition. >Microsoft would go on to integrate Skype into its ecosystem, including Windows, Xbox, Outlook, and Office. This continued as recently as last year, when Microsoft integrated AI-powered Bing into Skype. However, the company also maintained its Lync messaging, calling, and video-conferencing service for businesses for several years after the acquisition, diluting its efforts and keeping it from building a stronger, unified brand. Eventually, the company turned Lync into Skype for Business. But technical struggles and a flurry of competitors, such as WhatsApp, also contributed to Skype’s downfall. Microsoft announced plans to retire Skype for Business in 2017 and replace it with Teams, which it had unveiled earlier that year. >Skype had 40 million daily active users in March 2020, when Zoom’s video conferencing tools began attracting wide adoption amid the pandemic. Overall Microsoft Teams usage reached 320 million monthly active users in December 2023.
>>1075302 Yes, of course.
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>>1075287 >so I want to mention here that a mod has been released that de-communizes the game Why are you posting like that fixes anything? That game is still pozzed by the very fact that that developer went out of their way to include that content in the first place that you then have to go out of your way to remove. It's this very circumstance that I reject any argument as being "reasonable" for declaring that you can "avoid" the content if you don't like it. For what other reason would the developer include content in a game if you're not intended to use? Unless you're implying that the Gayniggers From The Middle East was an in-office joke that was never suppose to see the light of day, and the interns doing QA for the game just never got the memo.
>>1075306 >Why are you posting like that fixes anything? I'm not. >It's this very circumstance that I reject any argument as being "reasonable" for declaring that you can "avoid" the content if you don't like it. I didn't say it was reasonable. >Unless you're implying I'm implying that if you play the game at all, you should do so only after pirating it (imagine being here and not pirating games) and applying this mod to remove the propaganda.
>>1075306 I want to fuck that boy.
>>1075319 God I hope not, if Kamala failed to win against this clown I hope the dems will finally get their shit together and do a purge of their party from ideologues.
There can only be (1)
I guess mods had enough of the politics talk, honestly they're probably right. Let's get back to talking about vidya and vidya industry.
>>1075320 >>1075324 Nah, it's not that. The guy you were responding to was Willy
>>1075325 I'm out of the loop with the namefags and usual suspects. Who the fuck is Willy? The last fag I remember was Luciano.
>>1075326 Will Martin aka Niggerpill
>>1075327 Oh that faggot.
>>1075302 I think ATF (AllTheFallen) is the only place to find loli mods nowadays
>>1075332 And they're not very good.
>>1075332 Modding haven does, but people don't seem to use it very much and also there have been some instances if problems. I think they eventually decided on not letting images of the loli mods being put up (I remember this specifically for a Hat in Time one) but still allowed the mod to be hosted. Most of those Sherry mods are there as well.
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>>1075299 >fuck this fake war the US created You really think someone would do that? Just suddenly & completely astroturf support for a conflict?
>>1075347 Got an archive on that?
>>1075332 You might be able to find some on Gamers Underground Network (GUN) if they're still around. They've always been kind of an underground for mods that were banned on other sites, at least for copyrighted content. It's been a while since I've been there, but IIRC they had a verification process before authorizing your account. I dunno, might give it a look.
>>1075209 Ackchully top of drinks can.
>>1075352 That's the old picture you dummy. Anon already found that one the first time it was posted. The one on the right is new.
>>1075168 >>1075172 >>1075173 >>1075174 >It's the motive that matters, not the act itself Maybe the point is that "diversity" has been shoehorned into media long before a majority turned against it due to witnessing overt malice in the act. The act, perhaps, was always malice masked as benevolence. >>1075349 The person who posted it on X didn't archive anything. Have to sign into X to see everything. I thought Nitter didn't have the ability to search phrases, but apparently it does. Of course it only loads a few posts at a time so if you want an archive have a go: https://xcancel.com/search?f=tweets&q=your+dignity+honors+the+bravery+of+the
>>1075354 >there's also a picture on the right How did I not see that?
>>1075355 >The person who posted it on X Nigger give me an archive of every single tweet
>>1075326 Same shill, by the way. >>1075332 Despite the images on that site, the mods still download.
>>1075302 >I saw a comment suggesting that it was a false flag, so maybe that's it. I know nothing about the site, but there's zero reason why the image of a banned mod would change to text saying they reported them to the feds. It's pretty obvious that someone just uploaded a random file and attached a spooky image to it. Why would a banned mod show up in the mod list and still be downloadable?
>>1075357 Using the link I shared, Nitter is loading 3 bot tweets at a time. How many only-3-visible-posts copy-pasted bot tweets do you want archived using Nitter? How many would it take to convince the average plebbitor that western support for the Ukraine war is fake & gay? 20? 100? 1,000? 1,000,000? Pretty sure they'll have their head up their ass sniffing only the most astroturfed shit nuggets for eternity. Their programming doesn't permit them to ingest information outside of heavily-manipulated confirmation biases & they'd likely just claim Putin himself made those posts to make them look fake & gay.
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>>1075355 >>1075357 >>1075363 Shit nevermind, good catch, here are the archives They'll delete this shit soon https://archive.is/815w5 https://archive.is/ZMCet https://archive.is/cJLeM
>>1075363 >If it makes my enemies look bad, they must have made the bot posts Yeah sure, but if the shoe was on the other foot you'd go >but if it makes my side look bad, the bot posts must be a falseflag by enemies! It's like if this site is suddenly flooded by soyjak spam claiming to come from ziggerchan, and deciding the ziggers must be behind it. I'd say it's 50/50. Pro-war fags would be this retarded, and there are also anti-war people who would do something like this because it's so obviously fake as to make their enemies look bad. Remember when political ads both in favor of the left and in favor of the right were linked to same foriegn funding that couldn't be traced any farther than Russia? Not that Russia was necessarily responsible. It's fucking laughable watching a retard like you shit on normalniggers for their confirmation bias. Nobody wants to admit all they have is speculation, and any time any actual proof of something comes up, it's used to justify dozens of times more speculation as fact.
>>1075355 >Keen4Kangs
>>1075365 >it's fake despite this tactic being used literally hundreds of times any political narrative arises in the West, and on a platform that expressly forbids the same tactic being used by any anti-Western groups I really don't understand what you think you're going to accomplish with this COINTELPRO shit, man. Just find somewhere else to defend the indefensible.
>>1075365 Anything less would be giving in to demoralization :^)
>>1075368 >Question everything is COINTELPRO Lmao
>>1075370 Who are you quoting, IP hopper? It's not working.
>>1075229 >>1075235 Not seen the video, could someone post it here or on /pol/?
>>1075369 media the pic is from?
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>>1075229 The media here has been kvetching about it all day. Editing the video, of course, to make it look like Zelinsky was being a reasonable actor sitting there with hat in hand begging for the US to honor it's commitments - and Trump was being schizophrenic and belligerent. Honestly, to me it all just looked like political theater. Zelinsky was probably put up to it by some Eurofags who saw Macron and Starmer coming around on a deal and decided to implode it by giving Zelinsky bad advice. The most common name I see floated is Boris Johnson, but I have no idea if he was actually involved or if people are just expecting it to be him since he's so personally invested in the Ukraine conflict and helped to scuttle an earlier peace deal. Why the fuck does Boris look like Lloyd from Dumb & Dumber? I know that motherfucker can afford a better haircut. Is it because all the barbershops in England are just Turkish smuggling fronts these days?
>>1075377 USAID ending forever truly made those beggars show their true colors to everyone: a bunch of powerless beggars who can't do anything without USA money.
>>1075375 The first minute of one of the greatest anime ever. Don't watch the later OVAs by Studio Deen.
>>1075389 thanks
>>1075389 or, from likelyhood of exposure:
Good morning you shotacons
>>1075393 Good night you euro wankers
(780.17 KB 1690x855 ps2 iso vs chd.png)

>>1074581 >Take the Playstation 2. You need 18TB for the complete library from all regions and extras like demos & revised releases. Of that fucking huge library, I'll bet no more than 1TB is needed for one to curate their personal taste of selected games they see themselves playing again. I say 1TB because PS2 games can be 4GB+, which quickly fills up the drive. The Xenosaga Trilogy for instance needs 25GB for all 3 games. This belongs in the emulator thread, so I'll cross post this there as well. Is this with the original ISO files, or using a compressed format? I recently went through some of my PS2 roms and tried converting the ISO files and some obsolete gzip .gz compressed files into the newer chd format using a tool called chdman. The chd format wasn't supported by pcsx2 until some time ago. There were some space savings. I used the following shell script for the PS2 isos in the first pic: bash #!/bin/bash for i in *.iso; do chdman createdvd -c zstd,zlib,huff,flac -i "${i}" -o "${i%.*}.chd"; done I'm not sure whether it's better to use lzma or zstd for the main compression algorithm, it defaults to lzma. lzma seemed to compress a lot faster, but if I recall correctly, someone claimed that the read speed will be slower than with zstd when using the emulator. Sly 1 iso compression speed for comparison in the second pic, compressed with a Ryzen R7 7700X.
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>>1075396 Also, here is some useful info about compressing PS2 isos and compression for emulators in general: https://emulation.gametechwiki.com/index.php/Save_disk_space_for_ISOs#PlayStation_2
With "friends" like these, who needs enemies? https://archive.ph/wip/rVsDs
>>1075399 I like that because it would probably break the union, and you can't both send money stupidly to Ucraine and buy russian gas, at least not for too long.
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>>1075404 >(((KYM)))
>>1075404 You don't get to bring friends
>>1075229 >>1075235 >>1075372 Here you go, 40:15 is what anon is referring to. Here's also a livestream https://inv.nadeko.net/watch?v=Y7QxUHdvpk8, the meeting starts at around 2:25:00.
>>1075294 > pay "centrists" out the ass to appeal to their "anti woke" cause. The sheer amount of centrists who shilled for this game was insane.
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>>1075413 It was pre-planned by WEF members both at home and abroad. It was in fact an ambush, but it’s being predictably projected. Typical tactic “accuse your enemies of what you’re doing”.
Fuck ziggers.
Fuck niggers.
Suck diggers.
hehe ukropigs r ded
>>1074581 >>1075396 If I may, both of you are overestimating things and unrealistic. Based off of my own experiences, you're going to top out somewhere between 50-100 games "per system" that you will ever have any intention of playing in the first place. And of those 50-100 games, you're going to be deciding that a third to half of those games are not worth keeping after you play them. Now in addition to that, let's also not assume that your average person is going to be playing all the "best" and "highest profile" games because no one thinks like that except for normalfags. The more likely situation is that you're going to play only the games that interest you, which will result in a few high profile games (Like I have Burnout 3, GoW, and Okami) but majority of your collection consisting of mid and obscure titles (Like Headhunter, Bujingai, and Spy Hunter: Nowhere to Run). And being someone who buys some of his games (Because PS2 and PS1 games are cheap as shit outside of "high profile" titles), you "realistically" don't need anything more than a 128 GB HD. Even the 160 GB I got is nowhere nearly filled, mostly because PS2 games rarely went above 3 GB in size (Not taking compression into account).
>>1075406 >and you can't both send money stupidly to Ucraine and buy russian gas You can if the entire war is manufactured.
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>Russkie shills are still trying to blame nato for russias invasion. Do you niggers never get tired of being wrong?
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>>1075413 Zelensky Tries Bold New Strategy Of Insulting The People He's Begging For Money From https://archive.ph/wip/bfELx >WASHINGTON, D.C. — In an unusual tactic rarely seen in high-level negotiations, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky decided to try insulting the people he was begging for money from. >Zelensky further decided that the best place to insult that person would be their work office, surrounded by dozens of colleagues, with several cameras recording the insult. >"It is unorthodox, but I firmly believe going into a person's country, visiting them in their home, and then insulting them on national television is the best way to earn their trust and support," he explained. "First, I will explain that they do not know what they are doing when they negotiate. Then, I will tell them that their country is only saved from destruction because of the ocean. Finally, I will roll my eyes when they mention that I came to campaign events for the opposition party. That should do the trick." >According to witnesses, Zelensky executed his plan to perfection. "Wow, he really did it," said White House aide Larry Sanders. "What a bold plan, telling the people you're depending on for survival that they are foolish and weak. Let's see how it plays out for him." >At publishing time, sources reported that the strategy had not, in fact, worked out for him.
This whole site is comedy gold. >>1075437 Let them be wrong so we have someone to laugh at. Just like the world let Russia exist so it could embarrass itself with doing slapstick comedy of the 4th world poverty flavor.
>>1075407 They were on Gamergate's side, once. But much like Vavra and the rest, their turned traitor as was convenient.
>>1075404 >>1075407 >>1075442 I recall something I made on there that I'd posted on 8chan ONLY, but the article just said they didn't know where it was first posted & only talked about seeing it on cuckchan. KYM are cuckchanners so set your expectations accordingly.
>>1075392 This and the GODDAMNIT parts are the only watchable aspects of Bladerunner 2. Absolute dogshit story and lifeless world, makes the original look even better by comparison.
>>1075419 still can't do fingers
>>1075447 I'll finger you
>>1075173 >>1075196 We got such evil times because of centrist bioslime with their "both sides" fall equivalency enabling cultural marxists faggots to weasel their way into power. Its the same reason why we're going to go back to those times again
>>1075451 One side is the other 40 years in the past.
>>1075451 Why has the center been so genuinely retarded as of late? The KCD2 really showed how dishonest most of them were. I wasn't a fan of how Trad larpers, KF and other retards made it out to be some pedo game or etc. But it was so clear Varva sold out to get ESG shekels and you even had reasonable types like almighty Loli go full centrist retard and anti anti SJW recently because of it.
>>1075455 >the almighty loli I wouldn't say he went full centrist retard, he wanted to give Vavra the benefit of the doubt because before the whole KCD2 bullshit Vavra used to be a staunch GG ally, he just took it too far.
>>1075459 >he wanted to give Vavra the benefit of the doubt because before the whole KCD2 bullshit Vavra used to be a staunch GG ally, People really need to stop doing that, I think. 2014 was 11 years ago now, and people change (usually for the worse).
>>1075461 So the usual "I love you when you have money. Fuck you when I have your money." shit?
>>1075455 Laws and constitutions dictate what is right and wrong -> erasure of morals -> get mad people don't vote for laws that perfectly match what I think is right and wrong. Happens across the spectrum.
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>reddit spacing pops up out of nowhere
>>1075469 Excellent motte and bailey comrade, making them think gamergate means nothing because anonymous imageboard users disagree with ebeggars.
>>1075461 He was still pro-GG and anti-SJW during KCD 1's release, which was 2019 iirc.
>>1075469 >I know genuinely nothing about why I'm even here to begin with and have no interest in learning You have basically described yourself as a waste of space (assuming you aren't just lying out your teeth, which is far more likely) and you expect anyone to take your retarded social shaming attempt seriously? You do know how cuckchan got its name and why the exodus happened in the first place, right? You don't remember the attacks on the site and gamers as a whole, the mass censorship across basically all sites, the rampant corruption revealed in the gaming and journalism industries? You're an embarrassment, there's literally a ton of links in the OP that reasonably explain the important events of GG but you couldn't be assed to look at anything. Just fuck off faggot, you won't be missed.
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>>1075437 >>1075441 Thank you for the tears!
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>>1075494 I am a (2) now. What are you going to do next?
So many shills popped up today.
>>1075490 >Russia >Western Civilization Pick one.
>>1075496 >In 2011, Putin said: "Israel is, in fact, a special state to us. It is practically a Russian-speaking country. Israel is one of the few foreign countries that can be called Russian-speaking. It's apparent that more than half of the population speaks Russian". Putin additionally claimed that Israel could be considered part of the Russian cultural world, and contended that "songs which are considered to be national Israeli songs in Israel are in fact Russian national songs". He further stated that he regarded Russian-speaking Israeli citizens as his compatriots and part of the 'Russian world'. Really sounds like Putin is keeping those jews on a short leash. /sarcasm >Russia doesn't have any LGBT DEI reatardation He is replacing ethnic russians that got killed like good goys in Ukraine, with muslim men to fuck those dead soldier's widows and ex-girlfriends. Hell, this was a problem even before the war https://archive.is/57pUy
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believe in the heart of the cards, zelensky-dono
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Judging people on the basis of whether or not they were acting well towards jews is fucking retarded. This just proves that you niggers don't understand anything about geopolitics or diplomacy. You could judge a person based on their actual actions. Putin is retarded not because he had relations with jews but because he basically doomed his country to demographic collapse by sending most able-bodied men to get killed in Ukraine. You fags have no ability to think beyond heuristics. Also none of this shit is video games.
>>1075507 He's not sending his most able bodied men to die though. He's sending the cannon fodder he wants to be rid of out front. Else this war would have ended ages ago.
>>1075507 But the holocaust was also revisionism, hitler was great allies with jews and lost too.
>>1075507 >Judging people on the basis of whether or not they were acting well towards jews is fucking retarded. Especially when you have actors with ill intentions so poor and desperate to accomplish their goal that they go to Jews for handouts. >Putin is retarded not because he had relations with jews but because he basically doomed his country to demographic collapse by sending most able-bodied men to get killed in Ukraine. To be fair to Putin, the collapse already began before he was in charge but he did made sure the country can never recover from it.
Hope everyone remembered their rabbits!
>>1075512 I said mine at midnight.
>>1075508 >He's sending the cannon fodder he wants to be rid of out front. Anon, do you think real life conflicts work like fucking RTS?
(2.16 MB 2112x1870 bunbun.png)

>>1075512 oh thanks for reminding me, rabbit rabbit.
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>>1075518 >real life conflicts work like fucking RTS? Yes
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>>1075459 >he wanted to give Vavra the benefit of the doubt And yet he still defends the game with all the faggot shit, Musa and Kuttenberg. I don't care if it's handled "well", they shouldn't be there in the first place.
>>1075474 Don't think he was ever "Pro-GG" or "Anti-SJW". The fucking weasel just says whatever needs to be said to secure funding. He didn't have any in's with publishers in the industry, so he crowdfunded on the back of a consumer backlash. Then he sold out to Embracer and happily acquiesced to their DEI mandates - then turned around and lied to the faces of the very people who made the franchise possible. Not even convincing lies, just straight up memory holing all of his previous positions as if those statements aren't easily searchable on social media and archived.
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Will videogames get better after the war in Ukraine ceases?
>>1075532 Yes because only after the war can studios would make their generic tacticool military shooters set in anything other than bland middle eastern desert.
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>>1075532 No, but the price of basic necessities will lower, thought not at the price they were before. USAID dying will make games better though, I'm already seeing more and more western games with tits and no niggers.
I heard rumours that Zelenski is already crawling back. Any truth on that?
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>>1075541 Pretty much
>>1075539 He's going to have to if he has any intention of AFU not collapsing in the next six months.
Why is a website with maybe 200 assiduous users, 800 lurkers top, so deeply targeted by shills like this? Genuinely so mind-numbingly boring. Do they genuinely have that many resources that they can just waste on a percentage of a percentage of the world wide population?
>>1075532 A lot of companies actually subsides to Ukraine studios
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>>1075544 He targets cuckchan, every altchan and KiwiFarms. Likely more places. Pure autism
(1.66 MB 1920x1080 Suit [GneaJcYz91s].webm)

>>1075539 Even if he is, it's already announced that he's not getting another round of negotiations with Trump unless he starts wearing a suit. they're no longer going to accept him running around in Adidas trackwear like the Slav trash that he is.
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>>1075550 Financially stability was the only thing holding this multicultural experiment bullshit despite it blatantly failing multiple times in multiple countries in multiple forms. Now that financial stability is gone, everyone shows their true colors. What pisses me off is all the money boomers wasted in the post WW2 economic boom to push the most cancerous of shit.
>>1075541 That's a funny way to say you wish for the industry to disappear.
Cripple Quads.
>>1075507 >You fags have no ability to think beyond heuristics. These gg threads are infamous for having retardedly bad takes, it's a LOL thread without the self awareness.
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>>1075500 Nice anti-white D&C, shlomo. Do you think that's going to work on this website?
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>>1075555 (checked)
>>1075558 Any place to the East of Greece isn't part of the western civilization, that's just how it is.
>>1075575 Nope.
>>1075574 It's a satirical website anon, only true fools would fall for it.
>>1075577 It's one thing to be satirical, it's another to push zionist agendas and insult Christianity while never DARING to make fun of Jews
>>1075559 I'm glad someone else saved my shitty ytmnd edit version.
>>1075577 So is South Park, but they clearly take sides at times.
>>1075588 >No nitter or archives Damn it niggerpill. You got my hopes up. I wanted to watch western feminazis screeching impotently as everything they say flies in the face of statistics.
>>1075580 >push zionist agendas I only read 2 articles from the site, which article you're talking about again? >insult Christianity Yes and that's what the site advertises itself as, a satire for Christianity. Why should they insult anything else, you don't specifically look for articles that insult Hitler on Stormfront, do you?
>>1075574 I believe that both the The Babylon Bee and Daily Wire are typical communist frauds that are trying to make poor products to make it so "conservatives" can make good or funny projects.
>>1075595 >There is absolutely zero chance 10,000 real humans even saw some niche tweet about some microcosm of nip culture, let alone close to a million actively pressing the favorite button on it. A lot of those post are inorganicaly boosted by personal armies and Dicksword groups.
>>1075597 >>1075595 Well anyone can buy bots, it's fairly cheap as well. I mainly think it's a combination bots and reddit/discord raids. These are the same people who make millions of dollars from USAID and DEI programs, having bots farm millions of likes is literally nothing for them.
>>1075598 Here's just one of the twitter like farms they have for the public, and it works since I myself tested it. It's only 80 dollars for 10k likes, that's literal pennys if you're already making millions off corporations run by middlemen who're out of touch with their representative indutries. famety.com/buy-twitter-likes
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>>1075592 You know I noticed niggerpill doesn't even bother to link his tweets anymore, gee I wonder why?
>>1075531 That's what pisses me off the most and I actually was defending the faggot on Twitter for a while. I still don't like the tradcucks but fuck Daniel Vavra for selling out towards DEI shit.
>>1075598 >But a million active engagements with a post within a few days? Impossible to achieve with a bunch of pajeets using burner SMS numbers and stolen accounts. Anon, West Taiwan spend 15 BILLION dollars attempting to steer Western social media. >>1075608 >Either way Musk is clearly facilitating and enabling it. To be fair, it's how the site makes money. If it's not from advertisers and selling data, it's enticing people to pay for the premium fees that would allow for their voice to be heard over other peoples (Especially since virality brings with it monetary rewards).
>>1075616 It's literally just an acronym of what it is.
>>1075618 You really shouldn't expect a person in this thread to not have a learning disability, anon. This is basically the short bus.
>>1075459 >Caring what ecelebs think Regardless, I thought it was the whole pedo-accusation and prerelease rumor mongering destroying any goodwill people had for the groups criticizing the game more than jumping to Vavra's defense.I still genuinely wonder how many of the people throwing a shitfit over it have actually played either game.
>>1075593 You seem bad at reading comprehension.
>>1075455 TheAlmightyLoli is usually pretty reasonable but it's annoying how he dismisses issues like everything about Disney Star Wars, pitbulls, optional but scummy DLC practices from Capcom, & now for some reason all the obvious hypocrisy of KCD2.
>>1075636 He gets very butthurt over shit he personally cares about. >>1075632 > I thought it was the whole pedo-accusation and prerelease rumor mongering destroying any goodwill people had for the groups criticizing the game more than jumping to Vavra's defense A lot of people got fed up with both sides of the argument.
>>1075640 I just wish he'd care enough to actually take criticism instead of dismissing argument because he's "sick of hearing about it". The man runs a damn review channel! He wasn't always this thin skinned.
(9.60 KB 333x301 Do you are have stupid.jpg)

>Why doesn't my eceleb agree with me on everything Ecelebs aren't your friends and not even your friends are obligated to share the same opinion on you for everything. Remember when bullshit like this had >eceleb as the usual response? What the fuck is it with the current stock of """"""""""""people"""""""""""" being incapable of accepting sometimes people can have separate for the shit they come for them to? Are you expecting the restaurant owner of your favourate restaurant to agree with your opinions on the middle east? Do you want the receptionist on the supermarket to parrot whatever niche/mainstream news outlet bullshit you also believe in? >>1075640 I find the subhumans who lie and those that defend people for the shit people despised games-journalists for a decade past worse because they're on "our side". Honestly that whole drama is a good thing and happened at arguably the best time, now we'll know who's the tag along and who's the one actually contributing to this "culture war" when the 4 years of Trump just started. If you can really call it that when one side just had an infinite source of money to request upon and complete institutional entrenchment of the bureaucratic arm of the richest country/continent/whateverthefuck on earth and mostly rich/connected parents on top of that.
>>1075645 Notice how that's not what we're complaining about but the fact TAL just dismisses things entirely.
>>1075645 >Remember when bullshit like this had >eceleb as the usual response? I gave up on going >Eceleb years ago because it seemed that most left here were bent on sucking some eceleb cock or another. There's even a few of them you're shunned for not following that had little if anything to do with goobergate directly, but they were "the good ones" and don't count. I think Jontron was one of them.
>>1075647 He's taking the basic bitch libertarian stance of "Is it avoidable? Then what's the problem? You don't have to engage with the poz." He did call out RDR 2 for the unskippable suffragette mission or how Wolfenstein the New Colossus got ruined by social media politics and TDS.
>>1075648 Jontron is #ourguy because he got mildly redpilled and threw out 15/50 on a podcast about ten years ago. That's why anons seem to suck his dick, because he's "based".
(588.38 KB 476x268 who dun it.mp4)

>>1075651 >He's taking the basic bitch libertarian I'm a massive lolberg and even I'm "nah this is past any reasonable tolerance".
>>1074509 Literally this.
>>1075651 Libertarians do tend to be anything but consistent.
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>>1074509 >>1075657 It's the realization of the death of innate purpose on a societal scale.
In other news, that /tg/ archive that tried to be coopted by a reddit-appealing clone (1d6chan) that censored the loli pages came back, and it's editable rather than being a read-only archive so it might become a legit successor: https://2d4chan.org/wiki/Main_Page
Hey Mark, if you really want to shut this fucker up, edit a post so all his (Deleted) posts vanish after you delete them.
>>1075671 Does that actually work?
>>1075672 Do you?
Well I'll be damned
>>1075667 Both of them appear to have loli pages as I'm checking right now. What's going on?
Cool, now do the same for all the other shills in the future.
>>1075679 It was the porn images in the gallery specifically.
This may seem like a weird question, but has anyone ever considered that the "rise" of streaming is actually an attempt to prevent future archiving of content? I'm one of those people who have been self-arching JewTube channels, and I noticed that live streams take up an insane amount of space comapred to regular videos of the same length
>>1075682 Never attribute malice to a mechanical problem that's explainable by idiocy. Optimization is a dead art among modern programmers and the pajeets flooding the sectors never had it to start.
>>1075683 >Never attribute malice to a problem that's explainable by idiocy
>>1075645 >What the fuck is it with the current stock of """"""""""""people"""""""""""" being incapable of accepting sometimes people can have separate for the shit they come for them to? Are you expecting the restaurant owner of your favourate restaurant to agree with your opinions on the middle east? Do you want the receptionist on the supermarket to parrot whatever niche/mainstream news outlet bullshit you also believe in? The same validation bullshit as troons and fat nigger women wanting "to be seen" and recognized. You don't necessarily expect an eceleb to have all your same political views, but when the talking head says all the things you want to hear, the viewer feels boosted as their worldview is confirmed. When the eceleb says something the viewer doesn't agree with, that same validation seeking causes them to feel like they're being personally attacked.
>>1075693 The problem is that these idiots have a following.
>>1075693 It's literally just as simple as it being frustrating when they won't even entertain another side of an argument while being perfectly capable of thinking things through objectively before. If you can't understand this then you legitimately have autism.
>>1075667 the retard that runs it erased a lot of shit like the spice & wolf page, & also plans to kill himself or something https://2d4chan.org/wiki/User:2d4fag https://2d4chan.org/wiki/User_talk:2d4fag
>>1075726 What a fucking faggot.
one of the composers for pizza tower just came out as trans, i think https://xcancel.com/ClascyJitto i didn't see the flag earlier when i was checking the pizza tower twitter page about a week or two ago
>>1075731 First learning Hat in Time tricked me into paying for DLC that secretly hid a tranny flag in a level, now this?
>>1075731 That's weird since McPig is secretly a chud, maybe he was groomed?
>>1075736 ARE ARE ORRRRA
>>1075736 WAKE UP
(52.08 KB 550x825 pokekid 070 pokelain safe.jpg)

>>1075736 >>1075746 >>1075747 >>1075748 All me btw smhtqhwufam
Let's all love LAIN!
>>1075752 I've never watched lain. Only knew about thanks to you guys or at least didn't acknowledge her until I came to 8chan/8kun 9 years ago.
>>1075733 all chuds are turned into soy given enough time, dear anon
>>1075762 You're not Japanese.
>>1075763 CAN'T
>>1075758 More like all indie devs turn soy given enough time. Austin "Dingaling" Jorgensen: Used to post on 8/agdg/ while he was making Lisa, then got groomed into the socjus cult at a weak moment in his life. AkumaKira: Started out as a self described Christian, now ten years later he's a they/them who puts nu-pronouns in his games to "own the chuds" Even the Finnish guy who made Fear and Hunger, got pulled in by the clique of trannies in his Discord. Indie dev, not even once.
>>1075768 Perhaps it's an issue of Discord trannys trying to groom game developers during the weak moments in their lives with toxic positivity nonsense? It's been really interesting to see the outright separation between developers and their consumer base.
>>1075768 What about Speebot dev?
>>1075768 Sounds like brainwashed people to me
>>1075770 I wonder how speebot dev is doing
>>1075733 >>1075768 Well in this case it might not be McPig (the main dev) going soy but rather him fucking up by choosing a mentally ill, terminally online zoomer as his composer and now he's stuck with him.
>>1075777 Yeah, that's more likely what happened.
>>1075820 sorry, best i can do right now is pic related, though i'll throw vid related as an audiovisual proof of the sway that bandicock has over irish girls https://inv.nadeko.net/watch?v=9Xouxwiezxc
(4.35 MB 720x720 moomer.mp4)

>>1074880 It’s only a trailer, so I’m not ready to judge fully! But can I just say The original movie stood out for its subversive humor built on satirizing fairytales and poking fun at their depictions created by another animation studio (👁️) while also sprinkling in adult humor and making references to contemporary pop culture. Pop culture has shifted drastically since Shrek 1 and 2 (arguably the best ones), which are both over 20 years old now. Trends move more quickly since the rise of social media. The trailer shows references to pop culture that fit the current mainstream climate. I’d say them swiping through short-form content on a social media platform is comparable to Shrek 2’s references to Hollywood, celebrities, other movies, and TV shows in the early 2000s. I mean, there was a whole bonus short that was parodying American Idol. Regarding the art style, again, Shrek is over 2 decades old. Art styles evolve, and while everyone has their preferences, I think we should recognize all forms of media adapt to modern trends over time! I prefer the old one, but it’s not surprising it shifted. It clearly builds on the old style, so I’m not that bothered. I recognize it’s meant to appeal to different demographics. But ya anyway this is just a trailer, we don’t know what the story is or the complexity of the themes or characters. The change in style and what is preferable is really subjective. But if the general claim to it “looking bad” is it referencing TikTok, I implore yall to really analyze the old movies .. 👀
>>1074880 I didn't even know there was a Shrek 4.
>>1075726 >>1075730 Hes also removing the joke templates. It's fucking DOA.
>>1075748 Obligatory. Man, does taking time off this board for work mean you miss a lot. Apparently putting in some extra hours I miss a shitload of announcements. Mixed feelings about some of the obvious newfags here but there's more actual vidya discussion now that things are slightly less fucked, good times
>>1075749 >smhtqhwufam tqhwu?
>>1075943 *oh wait, it's missing a 'b'. Was posting not working for anyone else yesterday?
>>1075731 Sucks for people who want to discuss Pizza Tower on any imageboard now since I'm sure that will be used to shitpost galore
>>1075452 Huh, that’s odd. I don’t recall the right encouraging autists to cut their dicks off and opposing the most basic building block of society, the family unit, on the grounds that it is a fascist threat to “our democracy”, among the countless other shit the left has done for the past 20 years. Must have amnesia.
>>1075945 Define not working?
>>1076095 Couldn't post due to something something block bypass disabled - can't remember the exact wording. Don't know how long it lasted but was sometime after this post >>1075701 was made.
Is it safe?
>>1076154 You're gonna have to guess. I'm not allowed to tell you why.
>>1076179 Someone already pointed out that spammer was here yesterday, so I guess that's the reason.
>>1076157 Iz wot safe?
(3.89 MB 480x360 Is it safe?!.mp4)

Where's the "software to pay attention to" guy? https://ladybird.org/ I want this added to it for browsers. Anyone else heard of it? It's a supposed grassroots browser which won't be built off of Chromium or some firefox fork. Looks promising.
>>1076200 Not built off Chromium sounds like it's not going to be compatible with shit.
At least the spammer, doing this manually btw lol, isn't using wojaks this time.
>>1076211 >doing this manually btw lol Nah, this is clearly a script kiddie.
>>1076200 >Ladybird has since grown into a cross-platform browser supporting Linux, macOS, and other Unix-like systems. <We would like to do Windows eventually, but it's not a priority at the moment. It's dead on arrival.
>>1076204 That could technically be a good thing, when you think about it. It won't be compatible with the garbage sites with telemetry and trackers and malicious cookies. Users are probably better off without these. >>1076226 Everyone who cares about privacy and compatibility will be moving over to SteamOS or Proton. Windows has proven to be a dead end for any free thinking individuals.
>>1076244 >proton What do you think proton is that you're using it in a sentence like that?
>>1076244 >That could technically be a good thing <A browser not functioning on most sites is a good thing Just skip to the logical extreme of this mindset and stop connecting your computer to the internet ever. Using your computer will be better that way. For you and for others.
>>1076221 While the captcha is on?
>>1076263 >He thinks the old ass captcha 8moe has hasn't been cracked for over a decade
>>1076247 I phrased it poorly. With people starting to MOVE to using Proton on Linux and, later, this hypothesized SteamOS, people are starting to move away from Windows, and becoming more aware of the utility of Linux operating systems. Therefore, something not being compatible with Windows hardly matters.
>>1076256 Unironically, most issues with society today would be resolved by limiting internet access or closing it off entirely to some groups of people. But your original argument is rather silly, since Firefox isn't chromium, yet those browsers work fine. Before Brave, everyone was hooked on Firefox forks.
>>1076286 Firefox is notorious for being incompatible with a lot of sites.
>>1076244 >Windows has proven to be a dead end for any free thinking individuals. And us W7 hold-outs?
>>1076294 God bless you, but you will only be able to go so far with your outdated drivers, and not even IE works with any modern websites anymore - meaning, you're kinda SOL with using W7 unless you exclusively play older video games (pre-2015 most likely).
>>1076295 >but you will only be able to go so far with your outdated drivers, and not even IE works with any modern websites anymore Pale Moon and Un-Chromium still work fine for me. > you're kinda SOL with using W7 unless you exclusively play older video games (pre-2015 most likely). 2019 is the "cut off" point for "big" games being compatible with W7 by default. Even then, there's been a recent trend of non-AAA vidya supporting W7 like Beyond Citadel.
>>1076300 Is Ungoogled and Pale Meme still updated?
>>1076304 Pale Moon is still getting updates, but I think I'm on the last version of Ungoogle that supported W7 (Which was released back in 2022).
>>1076305 Aren't you concerned about security? Or are you going by 'security through obscurity'?
(101.03 KB 416x333 INTERNET.png)

>>1076341 >Aren't you concerned about security? Not really. All this so-called "security" is only making things irritatingly inconvenient "at best" as it doesn't actually solve any of the issues, or it makes the matter even worse as these companies double down on refusing to actually solve any of the problems they themselves created in the first place. Be honest, fucking WHAT do I have to worry about that cannot be avoided through (1) script blockers like n/uMatrix or (2) basic common sense to not click on sketchy shit?
>>1076200 >>1076226 It's pre alpha stage software right now. They're targeting an alpha release next year. It makes sense that they're focusing on the internals first and the platform-specific hijinks later on.
(145.13 KB 650x427 i don't want to go.png)

That last Salon article is still fresh in my mind. I didn't know feminists in this site would be this obsessed with sex and us not having sex. It's like we really shouldn't get near their headquarters or we might get noticed by a gang of feminists who "smelt a GG virgin" then get kidnapped and defiled by them, as they take turns molesting and raping us as their husbands watch, destroying our innocence. It would be at this moment that we realised there wasn't any video game in that white van.
>>1076379 >It's like we really shouldn't get near their headquarters or we might get noticed by a gang of feminists who "smelt a GG virgin" then get kidnapped and defiled by them, as they take turns molesting and raping us as their husbands watch, destroying our innocence That would be hot if most of them weren't ugly whales with a high likelihood of STDs.
>>1076382 >>>/bbw/ >>>/ara/ >>1075849 Tell me about it, I keep logging in for like twenty minutes a month, work is legitimately kiling me >>1075544 8chan is unironically the last place where you can say whatever you want with zero repercussions, this is very damaging to every single website that wants to control some sort of hobby or sphere of cultural influence, so they demonize an underwater basketwaving forum to make it look like it's the goddamn illuminati plotting to bring on a thousand year reich
(258.94 KB 620x625 Make a big mom bigger.jpg)

Have any of Acid Man's fed friends said anything about the mass layoffs going on? Also, is there any way to do something about the site's memory leaks? I'm not sure if it's the browser I'm using but leaving this tab open has accumulated 4.6 GB of memory usage.
>>1076392 What browser you are using? This tab rarely use a lot of memory for me
>>1076358 That is sound logic. May I ask if you use any antivirus software on your computer? I would presume not, but figured I would ask anyways
>>1076392 >is there any way to do something about the site's memory leaks? I'm not sure if it's the browser I'm using but leaving this tab open has accumulated 4.6 GB of memory usage. I had 3.6GB, and reloading the page didn't clear it, but closing the tab and reopening it from the catalog dropped it to around 200MB. An anon mentioned that Mark editing posts caused CPU spikes for him, and every time a post is edited my notifications think every post is new so I get a (600)+ number on my GG tab and weird post count stacking occurs like pic related. I think the issue is something to do with Mark editing posts. Why he's editing posts so often, I have no idea.
>>1076392 >Also, is there any way to do something about the site's memory leaks? I'm not sure if it's the browser I'm using but leaving this tab open has accumulated 4.6 GB of memory usage. My guess is that this is caused by the admins overriding user settings regarding post deletions to automatically and silently delete the spam posts. I had the entire site framework crash (inside its tab) because of this just last night.
>>1076410 >Why he's editing posts so often, I have no idea. It's a site bug with the live posting feature where, whenever a post is editted, it automatically removes the deleted posts from the page.
>>1076410 >>1076422 Blame >>1075671 for tipping him off for using it as a new fat-fingering method.
>>1076382 >>1076391 I'm 95% sure all of them have massive futa cocks
>>1076379 which article btw?
>>1076410 >Why he's editing posts so often, I have no idea. There was a massive spam wave yesterday.
>>1076458 >cuckchan refugee
(671.23 KB 644x706 Ar-tee-fact dee-tec-tor.png)

>>1076459 The archive was posted in the previous thread, dear cuckchanner: <What Elon Musk's war on federal workers owes to Gamergate | Salon.com https://archive.is/rKC8A Notice that like a third of the article is just "have sex incel" drivel.
Did we pick up a new autist? What the hell is with all the spam?
>>1076525 It's GCtard who found a way to exploit the back end.
>>1076529 Well if there's anyone who would know about "exploiting back ends" it would be him.
so what's next threads theme?
Edited last time by Mark on 03/03/2025 (Mon) 21:17:07.
>>1076547 Sonic Unleashed or Xbox 360 theme due to the recompile news?
(94.30 KB 300x415 scourge.jpg)

(614.33 KB 867x1920 Ashura Wechina But Scourge.png)

>>1076549 Do Xbox themed Sonic.
>>1076547 The PS2 just turned 25 recently, could be a thread theme.
>>1076549 >>1076559 Sonic Unleashed & Sonic Racing: CrossWorlds themed.
>>1076565 I heard that game was really good
(207.42 KB 437x208 Sonic_VS_Scourge.png)

(103.99 KB 1280x720 scourge.jpg)

>>1076561 Xbox themed Sonic vs Sony themed Sonic then?
>>1076567 Would.
>>1076392 > Have any of Acid Man's fed friends said anything about the mass layoffs going on? I don't think Acid has fed friends anymore. I have asked him to get someone to write up criminal charges based on our digs, but he demurred and acted like he was not in touch with them anymore.
>>1076547 There's already a thread up. Do you want me to link to it?
>>1076595 We haven't reached 700 yet
>>1076599 So don't link it yet?
>>1076603 What do you mean "link", it's not even up
>>1076605 Yes, it is. Do you want me to link it or wait for the bread to reach 700?
(26.65 KB 248x240 mark official.png)

>>1076585 >627 It's mark. It's all mark!
(29.08 KB 1378x585 bread mario.png)

Anyone mind if I link to the next bread while I let this autism battle hash it out in this old bread?
>>1076648 Activate it.
(536.28 KB 500x213 Asuka_ACTIVATE_IT.gif)

Why is the faggot spamming? Is it >119 or Aaron? I couldn't tell anymore.
>>1076680 It doesn't matter, judging from the bot usage it's probably Aaron
>>1076675 I'd like to activate Azooka's girlpussy.
>>1076688 Send him to Detroit.
(2.17 MB 1583x10241 aaron lawson.jpg)

(106.14 KB 1512x273 Arron Lawson rides again.png)

>>1076683 Someone else most likely found a weakness in LynxChan and he will be mildly annoying until it's patched.
>>1076731 Probably, yeah. Either way from refrain from acknowledging it further.
Edited last time by Mark on 03/03/2025 (Mon) 22:55:58.
What are these posts numbers
>>1076685 I wonder if Acid is now going to play NIKKE since they added Asuka
>>1076775 may he have fun if he does so
>>1076775 What's NIKKE?
>>1076797 New Gatcha
>>1076802 >Gatcha shid
Edited last time by Mark on 03/03/2025 (Mon) 23:33:35.
>>1076797 sum gacha >>1076802 >new >2022 yes, i suppose that under some metric that could be seen as new
>>1076775 That was like five months ago. She's long gone and I don't know how often they do tie-in reruns if ever.
>>1076817 Oh, nice. This website completely invalidates any reason to download that shit or waste your time with it. Every gacha should have something like this. KSG is best girl simply because I like her design and I've never played GFL and never will
Edited last time by coyote on 03/03/2025 (Mon) 23:49:07.
>>1076810 Looks like they're doing a second crossover in a little bit.
>>1076835 Who is there to add? Asuka, Rei, Misato and Mari were already put in.
>>1076838 Probably just new costumes.
>>1076829 >5787×5787 you cunt
Edited last time by Mark on 03/04/2025 (Tue) 00:11:25.
You'd swear these psychos were like a lover scorned.
>>1076867 it really does seem that way
Edited last time by Mark on 03/04/2025 (Tue) 00:38:07.
>>1076855 Yeah, I downloaded the file straight from the site. Apparently it didn't save correctly or something. I assumed it was going to be an animated video file of the character of choice. Oh well.
Edited last time by coyote on 03/04/2025 (Tue) 00:47:03.
(592.02 KB 480x360 where_the_video_games.webm)

Has anyone else noticed that there's almost nothin in this thread that's vidya or GG related aside from the Salon article?
>>1076896 No, not really. This is normal; you're just new.

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