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Zelda/Link OR Zelink Thread Anonymous 01/04/2024 (Thu) 03:13:51 Id: 76a974 No. 924272
This thread is dedicated to the most prolific and wholesome videogame pairing ever, Zelda and Link! Discussion about the Zelda series itself and other girls is completely welcome here, as are other pairings and stuff. Share your cute art, doujins, and other things! The Zelink MEGA (3000+ images of Zelink organized by game) https://mega.nz/file/UUAiVILT#qrE4vrrk8iGRv-JjkTBF4tgyXCUJMFXOglD3g_jMnnA The mega will be updated once per month Rules: 1. Keep it civil. 2. No NTR/cuckold/demoralization culture. 3. Be kind to others Previous: >>910969
>>1024694 >Spirit Tracks was a subpar Zelda, no? I don't like either DS Zelda. Both have annoying mechanics. Though if you like Zelink then Spirit Tracks is one of the ones that gives you the most food.
>>1024585 The cyberpunk Zelda should be The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Trucks and Zelink ride through a desert like Mad Max in a big fucking monster truck with nuts on the rear bumper.
>>1024585 Link on a cyberpunk motorbike branded EP0-N1 (that is also the "talking companion" for the game) would work extremely well, honestly.
>>1025047 Shit, EP0-N4. I need to wake up.
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>>1024641 >Bad fit, Zelda games are about medieval fantasy. Link's the Eternal Hero of Hyrule. He keeps getting reborn over and over through the ages, and it's inevitable that he'd eventually get born into a far future time. It can be magic based tech, if you like, but I think it might be a cool take on the whole thing. >Tingle could be his cyberdeck's AI
>>1027009 >tingle >not making the cyberdeck AI a cute fairy companion
>>1027076 >tfw no Zelder with Cirno as Link's Fairy
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>>1027076 >not making the cyberdeck AI a cute fairy companion Actually, you're absolutely right. That's obvious as hell, now that I think about it. Okay, so what's Tingle? Some sort of poser who wants to hang with the street samurai? An otaku who collects figurines? A boy-whore?
>>1027173 A few ideas. As for what he does: Like Tears to the Kingdom, theres an old city, a massive megadungeon, underneath the cyberpunk city. Tingle sells those maps. Or, theres an entire alternate map thats a cyberworld version. Like if Saints Row 4's map was in 3. He could sell those maps. As for appearance, if Fairies are in Cyberdecks, and he usually wants to be a fairy, he should be some loon wanting to become an AI with a fairy as his avatar. Bonus points if he has a fairy GF and he wants to become digital to be with her.
>>1027221 I'd prefer Astral Chain by PlatinumGames get a sequel, it's already gone that direction. Legend of Zelda going that direction would make it something it's not. If a Legend of Zelda game gets a massive city, it should be a castle town and Witcher 3 should be the model.
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>>1027295 >Legend of Zelda going that direction would make it something it's not. What about Zelda with heavier emphasis on tactical stealth? Any setting, any era.
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>>1027295 >Legend of Zelda going that direction would make it something it's not. I dunno, have you played Zelda? Half the games aren't even in the same genre. I swear to god I'm not that "all games today could run on PS2 now read my meandering walls of text" anon, I'm only posting these covers demonstratively. The idea of otherworlds isn't even new to the series. When people talk about the fabled "Zelda formula" I find they mean OoT specificity.
>>1027221 Ganon as either a huge AI virus like Megabyte or a MegaCorp CEO or both, with a Flynn/Clu sort of scanned intellect representative in cyberspace taking orders from the flesh version.
>>1030352 So you're telling me people could literally be Gannon-banned?
>>1030352 Cool for Mega Man X, not Zelda.
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>>1030372 Good idea! An adventure RPG where Megaman gets sent back in time to fight Wiley's ancestor and his steampunk abominations. Instead of getting powers from defeated enemies, he'll acquire swords, bows, slings, etc. I like the way you think, young man.
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>>1024303 The original Zelda game was supposed to take place in both the past and the future. The Triforce, in the future, was actually a microchip. Link is called Link because he's the link between the two time periods. I don't know if they got much further with that idea before scrapping it and making it just what we know now. But if the Triforce is actually a microchip, I figure Ganon in the future would be the same as in the past, but just with a more technical aestetic, and maybe Ganondorf would be like a CEO of some giant zaibatsu before he gets the triforce and turns into a giant cyber-pig. >>1030352 >Megabyte Ganondorf would be like Megabyte. Then when he gets the Triforce, he'd become like Gigabyte. Man I wish the ReBoot video game was actually good.
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Finished EoW, I dunno what it gives shippers since at most it might give a fun dynamic where Zelda only learns about Link from the people he affected and a cool co-op fight in the vein of WW. But as a game it's cool and it made me worry less about the franchise's future after the BOTW duology while keeping it's philosophy in freedom of solving puzzles while using a spinoff that actually makes sense for it even if water cubes and clouds break the puzzles over their knees at the end and thunder slimes just stun and kill enemies without issue. It's just a shame you get the automatons so late as they're really cool as an idea and would make their strength mean something besides end-game fodder cleaners. I also appreciate how it had respect for Link and actually had him do stuff in-game while remaining seperate from the Oracle and aLttP. It's neat as it keeps him as a hero even if he's not the hero of the story without giving him shit over being a man/washed up/old.
Think Akira Himekawa will adapt EoW to manga?
I just finished replaying A Link Between Worlds for the first time since it came out. It was fun, but the dungeons were very underwhelming. They've got to be the shortest, easiest, and most simplified in the entire series. And since one of the game's main gimmicks is being able to play most of them in any order, there's virtually no difficulty curve, which makes it feel tedious after awhile. It's a shame, because otherwise it really could have been a worthy successor to A Link to the Past.
>>1034887 Designing the dungeons to be done in any order really killed the fun. It was nice in concept but it killed the feeling of progression.
best gremlin when
>>1034905 That looks more like a breast gremlin to me.
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>>1040518 >20MB PNGs
>>1040518 >>1040526 Just 1 4K PNG's 20MB, the others are 1.29MB, 1.99MB, 3.31MB, and 4.52MB. 20MB's not bad, lossless you can't get that PNG much under 14.78 MB.
>Deleting gems
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>>1042251 Don't just say "deleting gems" nigger, make it Zelda.
>>1042292 You are talking to one of the Soyjak faggots. They are spammers. They are to be reported and ignored.
>>1042350 Soyjak faggots gave him lemons, he made lemonade.
Don't tell her I farmed light scales and horns.
Delusional fucks.

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