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Web and Flash Games Anonymous 11/15/2023 (Wed) 19:12:14 Id: 802c50 No. 907196
Usually these kinds of threads begin with the mandatory "back in my day" type of post, but I really wanted to know something about the anons who were too young to be there when web-based games were the undisputed kings: have you ever played any of these games, and if so, what's your stance on them compared to your other gaming experiences? Also, don't forget to check out the Flashpoint Project at https://bluemaxima.org/flashpoint/ and the very large collection of games they have.
>>938871 swfchan and flashpoint
I played way too many Flash games growing up to remember them all but the one that really stuck with me was Dofus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmMSPyp-LvM
I played way too many Flash hentai games.
Is Flash development still a thing?
>>907203 Cookie Clicker's still got a big community.
>>1011163 > Is Flash development still a thing? No, it seems to have been fucking murdered by The Industry however the hell that happened. Macromedia and Adobe filled Flash with so much bloat that caused security holes that browsers stopped supporting it, then they tried to force everyone onto hand-coded Canvas and javascript websites which is too high a barrier to entry for the novice coders and artists that made Flash games. Now there are compilers that take any game and produce output that runs in a browser along with the windows EXE and Linux versions. That's what people seem to be using. People kept making Flash games and publishing them to Newgrounds and Armor Games but you never heard of them. People just stopped talking about them.
Adobe can go suck a big fat fucking cock.
Does Ruffle still work here?
>>1014829 It's over...
>>1014829 Ok, so first one, Ruffle just dies on Brave, but works correctly on Librewolf? And the second one doesn't launch at all on either browser.
I revisit gemtowerdefense.com every so often Something very comfy about the minimalism of the graphics and the ideas behind the mechanics I've not found a modern commercial TD like it
>>1014859 You may like the Gemcraft series
>>1014832 Does the second one launch on the updated Ruffle? The Ruffle here is 7 months outdated.
>>1014820 >People kept making Flash games and publishing them to Newgrounds and Armor Games but you never heard of them. People just stopped talking about them. Talk about them then, name some Flash games worth playing that I never heard of.
>>1015004 Not him, don't know the new ones, but PopCap made "Flash games worth playing" for gameplay people.
>>1015067 I remember reaction videos to that jumpscare game were a meme on Youtube.
>>1015067 Maze games were easy to make in Flash so they were a dime a dozen but one stood out as really good and I can't recall its name. Anyone got an idea?
>>1015146 >Over 1000 maze games made in Flash Dime a dozen all right. I'll look later, thanks.
>>1014832 >>1014954 It opens if you download it and then open it with Ruffle
>>1015067 My grandpa freaked me the fuck out with one of these when I was about 5 years old. He still talks about my reaction to it to this day.
>>1015156 Does Ruffle do anything to bypass old Flash DRM where SWFs won't run except from specific websites?
>>1015178 it does my jimmies
>>1015178 >Does Ruffle do anything to bypass old Flash DRM where SWFs won't run except from specific websites? I don't think so, but Flashpoint does. They're a community effort to preserve Flash games and animations and have preserved over 200,000 so far across more than a hundred browser plugins and web technologies. Flashpoint uses a proxy that tricks games into thinking they're running on the live web and has a sandbox that allows for secure playback of plugin-enabled content.
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So this is pretty rare for a bump, but the developer of these flash games, Richard Myles/Squize, in question has recently passed away because he took the jab and got genocided by globohomo Most of his Flash games use features like Stage3D which aren't 100% supported by Ruffle yet so I am only posting two swfs to play for now, in memoriam.
>>1014820 I remember when people were defending the death of Flash, saying <Muh HTML5 can make games and then nobody made any games with it. I even asked a Flash game dev if he'd be willing to convert one of his games to HTML5 and he never got around to it, despite saying he would and that it'd be easy.
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Apparently Starbreeze is really desperate after Payday 3 cratered at launch (thanks to Unreal Engine) so they released a quick browser game for brownie points. It's actually somewhat interesting as an inverse Hotline Miami where you play a helpless victim trying to avoid Jacket stalking you, but given modern web technologies it of course falls under Wirth's law in requiring a ridiculous amount of resources from your computer to run a 2D game. Ruffle cannot come back into style fast enough. https://www.paydaythegame.com/static/hero/
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Matt Roszak, the dev behind Epic Battle Fantasy, is hosting an AMA on Newgrounds if anybody is interested. Already see some cuckchanners popping over. https://matt-likes-swords.newgrounds.com/news/post/1515288
>>1073646 Oh neat.
>>1014820 >>Is Flash development still a thing? >No, it seems to have been fucking murdered by The Industry however the hell that happened. Macromedia and Adobe filled Flash with so much bloat that caused security holes that browsers stopped supporting it, then they tried to force everyone onto hand-coded Canvas and javascript websites which is too high a barrier to entry for the novice coders and artists that made Flash games. Now there are compilers that take any game and produce output that runs in a browser along with the windows EXE and Linux versions. That's what people seem to be using. It's actually Steve Jobs and the iPhone that killed Flash. Whereas earlier versions of Android Web Browser supported Adobe Flash. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thoughts_on_Flash The "security hole" shit is an excuse. Every significant piece of software, especially those with a high degree of moddability, has security holes. Web browsers have new versions every day plugging countless security holes one after another, including in components relevant to HTML5 canvas and JavaScripts. Apple was adamant on not allowing iPhones and iPads to support Flash, and Adobe decided they lost that war and they would no longer commit any more resources to it. The problem with JavaScript/HTML5 web game development is: 1) JavaScript is fucking trash, I don't give a fuck that yuppies in America earn $300k coding in JavaScript, that doesn't change the fact it's a garbage language unsuitable especially for games, 2) There is no standardization of libraries and toolkits in this ecosystem, they're all third-party, half-assed and transient (as is typical of the FOSS ecosystem), nowhere near as cohesive and understandable as Adobe Flash, and 3) It's not easily distributable by default like SWF (though this is more a problem for the user, not the developer).
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I recently got back into realm of the mad god. Its pretty good but it has shit like a battle pass now, and the new client is way shitter than the browser client. They just managed to nail the gameplay so perfectly in 2011 its little wonder that games like gungeon and nuclear throne saw huge success when they decide not to be a shittly run mmo but kept the general gameplay formula.
>>907196 I played some nitrome in 2010 but they mostly felt like polished mobile games.
Cookie Clicker early game is horseshit, who the fuck thought that waiting on shit for days on end to get any progress is a good idea?
>>1015067 Is this an animated png? I'm scared to have it open for more than half a second.

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