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Onirism is no longer indie Anonymous 10/06/2024 (Sun) 02:02:35 Id: 75763f No. 1023565
Crimson Tales has struck a marketing deal with a recently created publisher named Shoreline Games, made by people who recently worked on vidya like Space Marine II or Subnautica's marketing. CT keeps full control of the dev while SG makes sure the game is marketed properly. Also, the Onirism page in Shoreline Game's website claims the games is set to get its 1.0 release in Q3 2025, but knowing the game's many setbacks and what's left to do, they might not meet the deadline. https://archive.is/7ksT7 Also, here's Blueberry's father, King Strawberry.
Crossthread question >>1070231
Fresh new teaser.
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And some nice fanart, posted a while back.
>want to see all costumes and guns while waiting for update >edit pearl count >99999 ought to be enough >down to 20,000 after getting everything
>>1071858 I grinded for it. I have 115 hours on my main save.
>>1071872 I would've grinded if bosses/arenas could be respawned someway but editing a save like that guy did is valid until then
>>1071818 How does the bun grab? How does the bun hold?
>February almost ending >still no update in sight We are not getting marshmallot this year, will we?
Is Palworld going to stay indie? If not, I guess that's fine.
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>>1073768 It became kind of a joke at this point. The lead dev is currently working on basically everything, and not just Marshmallots. He just showed a teaser for Rottenlake, the level after the spook level after Marshmallots. He might release the next updates in a much faster rate with they way things are teased, perhaps we'll get several zones in one update.
>>1073775 let's hope french autism is strong enough then. atlyss is also on the same foot, with the sole dev working on 4 different things at the same time, though furry autism is way more reliable in that regard.
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>>1073778 >let's hope french autism is strong enough then If that dev genuinely told a former editor to fuck off because he wanted to make Emily flat, I'm willing to bet on l'autisme. Let's go gambling.
>>1073779 >told a former editor to fuck off because he wanted to make Emily flat we need more devs with fiber like that.
>>1064775 This is a very cool knight armor, much better than any generic knight armor in recent years. The interlocking breastplates, doesn't look bulky or chunky. The gauntlets are right sized, pauldrons are exaggerated but fits nicely with gilded gold and purple accent. And the skirt and cape makes it complete. It looks feminine even without any boob armor. A perfect mix of form and function.
>>1073775 >Rottenlake I hope we get a knicker suit outfit. It's such an underloved fashion trend.
>>1074258 >Women wearing pants This was our downfall
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>>1074259 No, men forgoing the skirt, THAT was our downfall.
Game has entered the global polish phase, hence why Marshmallot is so late. After Marshmelott drops, these new additions are on the menu next, already either done or worked on by other members of the team: >Carol hair rework >pick and choose hairstyles >pick and choose hair dye >accessories and hats in Raggs' shop >nightmare zones mirror base level >nightmare zones cause Carol to panic. Reach full panic and you die. >early level reworks (like Agni bossfight) Dinner is late, but it will be a feast.
>>1074847 I need someone to mod a giant purple dildo ala Saint's row 3.
>>1074847 >nightmare zones mirror base level i take those are the metroid prime 2-esque levels? where you jump into a portal and end up on a place like the normal one but corrupted and full of dark silhouette-like creatures? also, where is map and items checklist? those are really important.
>>1074863 Those are also planned. Those actually may come with Marshmallot update.
>>1074866 >Those actually may come with Marshmallot update. that would be really nice!
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>>1074847 >HARMONY day >They announce you can give Carol's hair the color of rainbows Pretty good timing, I'd say.
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>>1074878 Hair resembles Stocking's
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>>1074895 That's not the only color that will be available.
>>1074900 >trans flag hair no thanks.
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>>1074905 The worst part of what you said is that I might eventually stumble upon some dick-cutting molester on the Internet who will unironically say that because of that hair color and it will genuinely make me mad when I shouldn't care about his delusions of turning a virtual girl into a victim of grooming.
>>1074847 >>nightmare zones cause Carol to panic. Reach full panic and you die. Apparently the only way to lower the panic level is to hug plushies that are scattered around which is absolutely adorable
>>1074910 to be honest, seeing as how they got a publisher and more people working on the game, i wouldn't be surprised if this isn't a nod to transfags. it would also not be the first game about a little girl imageboards love that would've done it.
>>1075443 On one hand, he refused other publishers for other reasons, like shipping only one part of the adventure as a full game or reducing Emily's breasts, on the other hand, we can't trust the Parisians. I'd like to believe it's just a coincidence (a real one, not a jewish one), but as you said, a Hat in Time pulled this stuff.
You either die an indie or you live long enough to sell out.
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I need my boy!
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I hope the game gets a bad ending where bunbun gets destroyed
>>1078015 Sounds like a plot point for Carol becoming the nightmare itself and consuming everything.

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