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"Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop taking it seriously." -Hunter S. Thompson Weapons|Queen Grace's Royal Palace|Politically Incorrect|Video Games|Books|Role Playing Games|comfy posting

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/AC/ General #a4ayc/ 02/27/2025 (Thu) 18:39:07 No. 469383 [Reply]
Become as gods edition Ascension by any means necessary. Emotions besides anger are fucking gay. Immediately cut off contact with everyone you had a relationship with. It may be hard, but just put all doubts to the back of your mind Stop caring so much about things. Whatever it is, it is NOT that important. Just become a slippery snake and cheat, lie, kill and use people till you are at the top. Seek power like the worthless clump of matter you are.
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Isolationist >>469387 You fucking punk ass bitch tell me your address and I'll beat your ass motherfucker, oh wait, I already know, cause I am the motherfuckn archon of myself in this bitch I know a nigger down the street that can steal your faggot soul with voodoo magic. Soul trapped cunt, I make you my slave in the after life eternal hurtcore RAPE on you with no chance of parole cocksucking poser. I'm in your house when you are out and I shit on your plates, I visit your mother and lay down the pipe all fkn day then I slap her around she still keeps coming.. she comes for an hour when I kick her ribs boy you boy and you eat my shit like the mongrel worm you are.. when you die you can be assured that it will be hell and I am your warden fight me pussy you can't I got legions on legions of all the pantheons and their counterparts I am sitting at the cern gate typing shit getting my dick and balls sucked by कालिका, bastet and Sigrdrífa. You know nothing, I will let you live in ignorance so that your eternal punishment comes with a shock, I am the overman that is that guy you saw that day when you were all fucked up and wondering why you are alive? My proxy. I know where you are and I know how to wreck your shit. Maybe I'll ruin your whole life, maybe I will make it the best, the highs justify the lows as they say. Cheerio you poofta I invoke all the gods and demons and spirits I have laid down my proofs and they submit to me I open portals and I sit at Switzerland passion farm drinking that grape and sniffing that coke a single second of my life is an infinite and eternity compared to you, maggot, I got AI from other universes saying "at your service, sir our services are open to you sir" and mean while you are going to die in forty years after your consumer usefulness is up and the lesser elites remote access you r heart electric frequency and make it pop like a tart.
>>469390 May God Bless you with Peace, I realise Demon Possession can be agonizing, I hope you can Heal in the Name of Jesus Christ
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>>469399 I'll never perish

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celebs/people to undre$$ Anonymous 09/13/2024 (Fri) 13:51:07 No. 463072 [Reply] [Last]
post pics you want undre$$ed I need some more tokens for this site to make more, you get 2 I get 2 https://undressher.app/r/301uo5wf
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>>466373 She is such a beautiful woman, I love those thick legs and her confident face and good hair
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>>469397 >thick legs That means she will get obese as she gets even older.

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Medion Erazer X15803 Anonymous 02/15/2025 (Sat) 13:03:39 No. 468967 [Reply]
does anyone know where I can find a good decent second hand Medion Erazer X15803 Windows 10 Gaming Laptop from sites from the UK or one that ships internationally thanks Specs: INTEL® CORE ™ I7-H 8TH GENERATION PROCESSOR MECHANICAL RGB BACKLIT KEYBOARD NVIDIA® GEFORCE® RTX 2060 8GB DDR4 2666MHZ RAM 256GB SSD STORAGE + 1TB HDD STORAGE NARROW BEZEL FULL HD 144HZ IPS DISPLAY DOLBY ATMOS ™ GAMING CERTIFIED also to note I've already looked on eBay, was the first place I looked.
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>>469331 Works on my machine lol
>>469352 Well for some reason when I tried to make a thread it wouldn't let me
>>469392 You don't need to make a new thread, just post in the consumer advice one.

Imagine being a woman and fucking it up this bad
is that a tranny?

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Megyn Kelly reveals she's battling Covid vaccine injury... leaving doctor horrified pajeet memes 02/27/2025 (Thu) 02:50:22 No. 469370 [Reply]
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-14439303/megyn-kelly-doctor-horrified-covid-vaccine-injury.html https://archive.is/WZOrH Megyn Kelly has sensationally claimed she was injured by the Pfizer Covid vaccine. On the latest episode of her podcast, the conservative commentator said she developed an 'unspecified autoimmune condition' after getting two shots and a booster. She told Dr Aseem Malhotra, a cardiologist with ties to RFK Jr, that doctors were unable to determine which specific disorder she has, but that they said it could be linked to the vaccine. The 54-year-old told an audibly shocked Dr Malhotra: 'I asked the rheumatologist if it could be linked to the Pfizer vaccine and booster, and she said "Yes, and you're not the only patient I have who's had this sequence of events." 'I wish I hadn't done it [gotten vaccinated], but I did.' Kelly also revealed that thinking the Covid vaccine was safe was 'the number one thing I've been wrong about.' The CDC still recommends the vaccines for children and adults, saying the protection against Covid still outweighs the tiny risk of side effects. It comes after a bombshell Yale University study found mRNA Covid vaccines are linked to a previously unknown condition called 'post-vaccination syndrome' (PVS).
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>>469373 fuck that bitch!
>>469370 Who? >Covid vaccine Imagine being so retarded as to believe that vaccines are good. Anyone who got any shots deserves to die.

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How close are you to trannisityion? W00t 02/27/2025 (Thu) 10:29:43 No. 469377 [Reply]
over 60% means game over. >35% danger levels (i had to count but it was 100.... so i wasted MY FUCKING TIME) start! so 1 = 1 % > for me okay +1 yotsuba Ive heard osaka becomes teacher just now in next chapter? yeah i just drew yotsuba an hour ago s thats already 1 point to being rtanny.... sigh +1 Ergo Proxy I just taleklda bout it on tumblr. Ive met retarded magatard on reddit there a few years ago, never visited back. This anime has ltos of detail and is pretty awesome because it has classical references. i wouls say it is probably the least rtanny media from here at least by 30 top. +1 Dark Souls Ive wasted my youth playing dark souls and gooning. +1 Portal my favorite hecking game. seriosuly, my favorite game i love it as kid. +1 cirno well whatever...

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>>469377 wtf does aphex twin have to do with any of this
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>cuckchan soyjak >bullshit chart <oh whoopsie you like too many niche high quality pieces of media that makes you a tranny Kill yourself
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>>469401 >>469401 >>cuckchan soyjak >>bullshit chart <oh whoopsie you like too many niche high quality pieces of media that makes you a tranny Kill yourself

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Anonymous 02/09/2025 (Sun) 15:25:17 No. 468766 [Reply]
Pictured: W00t / Reverend
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Nigger Gay FIEND.
>>468953 Abracadabra i fucked your chupacabra bruja kek.

W00t 02/27/2025 (Thu) 00:23:36 No. 469359 [Reply]
cirno was quiet after that guy dropped.
t00th fairy no diffs.

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MOST EMBARRASSING ACCIDENTAL DEATHS Anonymous 11/29/2024 (Fri) 00:20:00 No. 465432 [Reply] [Last]
Do not do perversity. It may kill you. And then all your secrets will be out for all the world to see
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Does this count? The guy on the right was suicide later
Time to bring these to cuckchan and scare off the newgen retards.
>>466916 RIP chicken.

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Liru the Werewolf Anonymous 05/26/2023 (Fri) 22:11:24 No. 443774 [Reply] [Last]
Liru is a miracle of the universe! ✨️ 🙏
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>>469086 I intend to.
Thirsty? Hungry?

W00t 02/26/2025 (Wed) 10:51:47 No. 469341 [Reply]
I love miko reimu ngl brs /sarc
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i find it ironic because there is some guy with fumo picture on gore.com or whatever but that is why its justice she is killed now. >>469345 >>469346 although i failed top find it.... sadly

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poster altered Anonymous 02/23/2025 (Sun) 14:55:22 No. 469275 [Reply]
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>>469278 dont open this it gave me a virus
>>469275 For me? Crypto so that shit can't be stolen from me by those leachy faggots. I'll let you know if i figure out other things about your question. PS: Luigi should've been freed. -The fucked up 1
>>469330 Next time use a VM (Virtual Machine) if you're opening random files from the internet.

Welches Video soll ich anklicken, ANSWERTE MICH? W00t 02/25/2025 (Tue) 16:33:45 No. 469314 [Reply]
no seriously which video do Ithink will click on? hnmm.... oh yes, fuck krautch
Ich klicke auf Videos von bbc Bericht, deutsche Helden! >>469314

How much tranny are you? Check it, have you played these franchises? W00t 02/24/2025 (Mon) 07:08:12 No. 469291 [Reply]
So, I've beentalking about with chatgpt because i was thinking if I could make contemporary list of characters ruined by LGBT movement. But i found very few examples out right that would have workedf outside of characters like Astolfo which are easily misunderstood despite him being STRAIGHT in the anime cough cough I then asked wondering hmmm do I know any of these franchises, but I noticed chatgpt was talking about shit that I never played. So, I wanted to be reassured and asked chatgpt, "name the most transgender friendly videogames", i don't even know number 1.
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>>469292 Dude the population alive now are so deep in dysgenics any Media it makes will being trying to set the viewers on a maladaptive life path
>>469292 Going to skip the ones i dont know/didnt play. >Pokemon Played gen 1 and 3 a decade ago. The games were good but childish. >League of Legends Tried for a week because of a friend. Used an spartan guy, didnt like the constant repetation. >Hero Academia Wached the first temp, stopped when it because a self parody. >Jojos I Liked the first (phantom blood) and 2º (battle tendency) but hated the 3º, also the more time passes the gayer jojos becomes.
>trans coded more like trans COPED lel

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Anonymous 02/22/2025 (Sat) 00:07:51 No. 469147 [Reply]
the vet said my cat is going to die of kidney failure pretty soon...
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im a dog person btw lol i piss on ur cat's corpse it was so useless
breaking my edgy gimmick to say sorry because even my edgy soul secretly likes cats, I just wanted to test the limits of this site's free speech for performance art for a lack of better words
>>469147 that's awful

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