You fucking punk ass bitch tell me your address and I'll beat your ass motherfucker, oh wait, I already know, cause I am the motherfuckn archon of myself in this bitch I know a nigger down the street that can steal your faggot soul with voodoo magic. Soul trapped cunt, I make you my slave in the after life eternal hurtcore RAPE on you with no chance of parole cocksucking poser. I'm in your house when you are out and I shit on your plates, I visit your mother and lay down the pipe all fkn day then I slap her around she still keeps coming.. she comes for an hour when I kick her ribs boy you boy and you eat my shit like the mongrel worm you are.. when you die you can be assured that it will be hell and I am your warden fight me pussy you can't I got legions on legions of all the pantheons and their counterparts I am sitting at the cern gate typing shit getting my dick and balls sucked by कालिका, bastet and Sigrdrífa. You know nothing, I will let you live in ignorance so that your eternal punishment comes with a shock, I am the overman that is that guy you saw that day when you were all fucked up and wondering why you are alive? My proxy. I know where you are and I know how to wreck your shit. Maybe I'll ruin your whole life, maybe I will make it the best, the highs justify the lows as they say. Cheerio you poofta I invoke all the gods and demons and spirits I have laid down my proofs and they submit to me I open portals and I sit at Switzerland passion farm drinking that grape and sniffing that coke a single second of my life is an infinite and eternity compared to you, maggot, I got AI from other universes saying "at your service, sir our services are open to you sir" and mean while you are going to die in forty years after your consumer usefulness is up and the lesser elites remote access you r heart electric frequency and make it pop like a tart.