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Liru the Werewolf Anonymous 05/26/2023 (Fri) 22:11:24 No. 443774
Liru is a miracle of the universe! ✨️ 🙏
(119.04 KB 1200x829 vanilla_liru.jpg)

Are you the webring's Lirufag?
(321.21 KB 1278x1090 SSQcT.jpg)

>>443783 The internets Liru fan!
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Praise Liru!
>>443774 LiruKINGS won
>>443774 AUTISM
(1.47 MB 4096x6144 00082.jpeg)

Liru wins the internet! 🏆
>>449525 dafuque... why can't i find any other versions of this image?
>>449527 Because it looks AI generated.
>>449525 > those hands AI really needs to up its game.
>>449525 Whose art did that AI copy? Looks kinda cool.
>>449533 Perhaps AI-scaled, but not generated. Still, your response suggests that this is currently the only one in existence. Possible, but I doubt it.
>>449565 oh shite i may have to eat my words from my last comment
(95.42 KB 658x987 111314788_p1.jpg)

Liru is grrrrrrr8!
>>449726 >>449727 Even without the fucked up hands, it looks like AI generated. How? If you go in a thread with AI generated waifus, you will notice that the AI pics, usually fall in a few styles either because this is what the computer was trained in, or because this is what people want. I don't have names for these types of drawings, as I am not an art fag, it's just what I generally see when looking at AI generated anime waifu pics.
>>449762 Ive been here for awhile, i know how to tell if something is ai or not.
>>449768 The fuck. Every time I try to post that vid, it fails to appear. Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OmhM7WuK5u8
(557.33 KB 580x787 EuMqu4eVoAArNx1.png)

Liru ❤️ meat! 🍖
Commiecat > Liru tbqh
>>453660 Content for the wolf girl is better and there is more of it
>>453663 But is it a communist catgirl with massive tits?
>>453677 squirm all you want, im right
>>453678 There could be as much Liru OC as you'd like, but without the communist catgirl element it will always be bottom-tier.
>>453716 The wolf girl has quality and quantity, you have a few shit memes about a character so shit that no one saved the few pieces of good OC
>>453748 How is commiecat shit? It's a top-tier rapefu unless you go with one of the disgusting titless versions.
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Liru wins!
>>455362 shutbthe fucj up liru niggers and commie niggers just let go
>>455372 If I say both sides are shit, does that make me a centrist?
>>455372 No, i ll let go when im dead >>455378 It makes you likely to get impaled
>>455379 Impaled by what?????
>>455408 the fence I know you were thinking about penis, faggot
>>455409 That's disgusting bro. I made a joke about centrism and you're here just talking about penises. That's pretty gay bro
>>455427 you're the gay one for asking what you're going to get impaled on
>>455431 I didn’t make this about impaling bruv
>>455440 but you wanted it to be about it, because you're a fag
>>455441 Projecting
>>455449 Being a faggot
>>455468 >y- y- you're a faggot >no! you are x98796789 times shut the fuck up
>>455469 Make. Me cuck
(106.15 KB 519x546 DD_LL-fag1.jpg)

>>455474 >talking to myself
>>455468 Severe projection
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Liru is wolf! 🐺
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I love this wolf
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>>456614 Everyone loves Liru! ❤️
>>453751 commiecat is just a faggot tranny's self-insert forced meme source: it's literally a commie, that's who they are kys faggot
>>455474 >Me cuck lel ok
(7.62 MB 480x345 nee.gif)

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>>457148 That was always one of my favorite scenes.
>>457148 Ok gonna need to see her animal form’s pussy.
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Oh you guys...
What race is Liru when she’s a girl & when she’s a werewolf?
>>457219 What race? She is a tanned lycan princess from the Netherworld. She is outside alot and in one occasion was using tanning lights.
(2.61 MB 480x549 goibcio70d1b1.gif)

>>457271 How many shit particles do you think she has stuck to her tail? Do you think she uses her tail as a toilet paper substitute and then cleans the shit off on the sink afterwards?
>>457450 Vargen lekken sein selbsten Arschen.
Yo, that's a cool werewolf
(514.78 KB 480x360 Liru Ohayou and Oyasumi.mp4)

>>457457 The coolest!
(42.04 KB 640x480 NG1J9JQh.webp)

Liru is best girl.
>>443774 There's a whole anime about her? I thought it was only that one porn game.
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>>460804 Oh silly anon...
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God bless Donald Trump and Liru. 🇺🇸
(37.45 KB 539x130 liru.jpg)

>share full size! No.
>liru was eight years ago jfmsu
>>460988 Please don't share.
>>460995 No. Actually it was more than eighteen years ago.
>>461045 >durr I saved an old copy I'm oppressing you Zaush raped Ferality.
>nb4 the stock retardo "Zaush dindu nuffin" response from people who should not be allowed to vote Furries are trash. Go cry about it on /fur/ with the rest of the pedophiles who idolize chomo Trump. >he dindu nuffin either Just admit it's why you like him so much, pedo smalldick.
I have no idea what drama you are bringing up but I have been collecting all Liru for eighteen years and maintained the Magipoka rapidshare /rs/ archive. But yes, I have all those images and transparencies because Liru. It's in my archive. That's it. Again, I have no idea wtf you are talking about. Lol
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I'm surprised you furries can even like Liru since she's not some underage pedo fantasy character. Go be mentally ill on your containment board, faggot. Furries will never be respectable.
>>461059 I'll respond to your trolling because it's fun for now. 1. Liru is not furry she is a ookami girl or wolf girl. Technically some type of werewolf. 2. She is a teenager in the series so she is sexually mature. Have fun!
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>Trump's Deranged Supporters make up the furry fandom because a rapist chomo like Drumpf speaks to their desires >they get mad at anyone who won't go along with them to the point of e-stalking then get further mad & play pretend victim when their target fights back, then further mad when facts are spoken I'd rather be hated by your deranged ass than befriend you. Weep more, fat fuck. Furries are not people & pedo will never be normalized. Go cry to that ugly beach ball of a terrible artist who I wouldn't blindly suck up to because her art is shit. >donated $2500 to BLM yesterday to piss off nazifurs & they're furious but can't do shit about it. I don't even know why they get mad when Zaush is called a rapist, it's why they love him. Furries are fucking insane because they're a fetish fandom of pedos & rape apologists, beyond saving.
Hmm... still not following you and your schizophrenic rambling but whatever you need to cope with whatever issue you are having with whoever.
>>461063 I still believe he's just a troll but it's really impressive how well he captures that "sentences which seem like they're saying something but are impossible to parse" kind of writing you see from real schizophrenics. Nice animations by the way. What do they call that style, tweening? Not always a fan of it but it looks nice here, nice mixture of that an actual animation. Reminds me of old flash games.
(31.89 KB 540x153 kanna.jpg)

>but I have your old stuff already so there! Surprising because no one ever looked at it from the view counts... but enjoy never having these, you welfare queens. Aww pissbaby mad I won't bend over backwards to entertain you for free? Mad I won't "enrich the world" & wanted something out of it? How communist of you. Mad I won't enable your mental sickness? Fuck you. You are not entitled, you didn't care when you had it, now you get my hate & nothing else. Accept what you earned, chomo. This world doesn't need enrichment. Furries will be replaced by AI programs soon, enjoy selling no commissions. You deserve to be homeless. All of you. Furries are dirt.
>>461067 Yes, Liru was a character in some fighting game for awhile with lots of memes and zone-tan but it escapes me now. That troll guy I am about to respond to seems quite unwell and delusional. >>461068 I don't know who or what that is and doesn't appear to be Liru or anyone from Magipoka so I don't really care. In any case, Liru!
>>461069 Yeah, ignore that guy. Is Liru your daughteru or waifu? Or maybe just a pet?
>>461098 Hmm... I dunno. I never really called her those terms. I guess it started out as kinda a smack in the face with heavy lust or enfatuation. Then a love sort of grew and she and I started doing all these things together. She is responsible for me getting my motorcycles license. I have taken her to just about every continent except Antarctica. I put an image of her into LEO for almost six and a half minutes. A whole bunch more things but I don't want to go on too long you can find all my posts in 4chans archive of the WGWU threads or in /a/. I guess you could say some type of deeply rooted love came out of it. I've lived more of my life with her now than without. >>461098
>>461124 Have you ever taken her on a date? I'm also trying to figure out if there's another board you could post on for her instead of this dump. /v/ would be too strict, /a/ is kinda dead here, and /vb/ is too slow. Actually, /v/ allowed that one guy's Zelda/Link thread, so I guess try your luck if you're interested?
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>>461126 A date? I've gone lots of places with her.
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The whole crew (except maybe Keimie)
Wanna see entitled white pedo furries get REALLY pissed? I named a BLM charity as my Rollover IRA beneficiary. My death enriches them. Suck it.
>>461360 > except keimie Who do you think took the pic?
Before I start, I will say that furries hacking the government & Disney will destroy them, which they deserve. I'll start with the most blunt & honest statement that can be made- the furry fandom is garbage. The influx of conservatives into the fandom has been the most recent disgusting aspect of the fandom, yet not very surprising in hindsight. People who support Donald Trump, a lying, racist, rapist & traitor, are likely drawn to the furry fandom by the biggest aspects of the fandom- pedophilia & rape culture. One of the major damning collection of the awful truths of the fandom can be summed up with one word- Zaush. It is well-known that the top artist in the fandom is an egotistical rapist. This is indisputable FACT yet furries have gone out of their way to defend, protect and coddle this man. I firmly 100% believe everything Ferality has said on the matter and 100% refuse to believe a word that Zaush has said in his defense. The man did it. Zaush refused to take "no" for an answer and made it clear that if Ferality did not have sex with him he would beat her. There was no "regret the day after" as lying furries claim. She told one person, Dragoneer, who did the immoral thing by telling her to keep quiet. This affair only got out when FA was hacked and inbox notes from various accounts were leaked. She did not run a "smear campaign" as many lying furries pretend happened. Then he acted like a massive ass in public about it and more or less got away with it. Later he was caught with actual Democrat activismography, trading it with others, seen by someone IN HIS HOUSE and again, the fandom chose to protect Zaush, spread lies and misinformation and pretend he did nothing wrong. Furries are concerned with losing fap material from top artists and they value this more than a moral code. So is it a surprise many furries are supporting Donald Trump? I firmly believe that Dragoneer's open dislike of the alt-right and conservative groups is something his bosses force him to do, he has done much to protect Zaush and has displayed his own interest in pedophilia, I would guess that Dragoneer secretly loves America's president- a man who coddles child molesters. His BLM donation scam is likely going into his ow pocket. Toumal of SoFurry and much of the Inkbunny staff are also admitted pedophiles. Toumal has even said he does not agree with "age of consent" laws. I have known for years that furries are big into pedophilia, that's not getting into the sheer number of them arrested for possessing Democrat activism or molesting children. My interactions with pedophile fan fiction writer supersonic250 told me much. Pedophiles have free reign in the fandom, they are seen as special, they are allowed to do as they please. They are allowed to harass anyone who does not like underage porn without punishment while those they victimize are usually the ones looked down upon, as well as the ones punished when they fight back. I have been banned from SoFurry & Furaffinity for defending myself against this insane person. I can tell you that supersonic250 lives in or near New Freedom PA and has admitted to being a school teacher, likely in that region. Are furries really comfortable with someone who writes posting on /leftypol/ stories and admits to being obsessed with "cub" working near children? Of course they are- they probably consider it a dream job for a pedophile. I reported this man in a dress to the school & the town- yes, this "woman" is a tranny. Pedophilia is defined as a sexual interest in CHILDREN. It makes zero distinction between real photos or drawings. If you are into lolicon, shotacon or cub, you are a pedophile! Ever hear of Betawolf? Another "I'm not a pedo, I only look at drawings" defense type, who got outed as being into the real deal when his private conversations got leaked. They won't admit to being into something illegal openly, will they? One user named radioardilla openly threatened to rape one of my family members after I blocked him for being an asshole. If the furry fandom wants to embrace conservative politics that are in line with their fetishes, if they want to defend Zaush who is identical to men such as Donald Trump, Brett Kavanaugh or Roy Moore, then I say wipe the fandom out, Let the SJWs destroy them. Furries dug their grave. They hate "woke" because it won't let them be sicko mofos into sicko shit. They are beyond mentally ill. Did that hurt your feelings? Good/. Fuck you & fuck the white race.
>>461396 >all that irrelevant text I stopped reading So why are you posting that here instead of a furry/political forum?
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Liru ❤️meat!
>>461546 meat MEAT
(1.60 MB 1024x1536 Liru50_00031_(1).png)

>>461550 Beef is good for you. Meats and seafood should be 80% or more of your diet.
(74.33 KB 686x1024 GPbdr86XQAESX4r.jpg)

>>461627 Beef is very good for you.
>>461627 Taste good is good
>AI slop CEASE!!!
>>462462 It took that guy something like 18 man hours to get it right. It looks good. Actually it really looks beautiful.
liru-bruh when you visiting 4chon again we want our wise elder back just don't post you-know-what again, it's not allowed
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Praise Liru! 👏
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Liru is great!
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Liru likes Halloween! 🎃
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Unrestricted Access!
(710.57 KB 600x900 123541564_p0 (1).jpg)

u forgot to make ur new thread on 4chon lirubruh
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(553.68 KB 800x1162 Fdl1uXBagAEOUVO.jpg)

(561.87 KB 800x1067 101783249_p0.jpg)

Praise Liru!
Liru is real!
(954.92 KB 1300x1731 FIrJyACaUAIy-j_.jpg)

>>466116 bug biibs,
(136.40 KB 1200x1800 GfiPEOLWYAAhKG5.jpg)

Liru is BEST
(150.27 KB 1080x1920 GfVQAvbXYAAwWwd.jpg)

It will be a special new years eve!
(385.97 KB 1603x2048 E4HnbfeVoAUizYi.jpg)

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Liru is best!
(3.16 MB 1632x2176 126172807_p14.png)

>pedos still whine about anti-pedo man, love pedo Trump Don't cry to me when (((Trump))) stabs you inthe back. Your god will never be real. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ayt3oN6fA1Y
>>467564 Wrong thread?
(295.70 KB 600x800 Eu9HRs4VEAAa_2p.jpg)

OP is one dedicated faggot
(803.53 KB 1672x1268 1651301696985.jpg)

>>467808 *werewolf
>>467872 Got em
(306.22 KB 1109x1478 0918da6a4a37c091.jpg)

>>443774 Ok but what if her head was like a skull or something ...
(351.83 KB 632x391 1620150703274.png)

>>467918 What if she wasn't a wolf, but a cat?
>>467958 What if she was real?
(1.47 MB 640x480 1523247791044.webm)

>>468597 She is Female.
>>468629 No no... that's a SPACE catgirl.
(1.13 MB 1024x1024 126847463_p1.png)

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I like to Liru
>>469027 You're going to Liru?
(196.56 KB 1440x1080 1556368234899.jpg)

>>469086 I intend to.
Thirsty? Hungry?
Liru is the best

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