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MOST EMBARRASSING ACCIDENTAL DEATHS Anonymous 11/29/2024 (Fri) 00:20:00 No. 465432
Do not do perversity. It may kill you. And then all your secrets will be out for all the world to see
>>465930 Kinda, a county coroner is the position you are thinking of, however you have to examine both genders of bodies. If you were to practice in a small county that had a female prison though.... And in effect your dream comes true.
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19 year old. Did it inside the clothes closet. Was found by a female relative when she opened the closet doors to get something from it. He had snuffed himself in the standing up position, by going limp, with his knees slightly bend forward. His pushed out tongue means that it was a very slow strangulation after he had passed out. The female relative finding him had thrown an old sweater over his face, since the corpse already had a rotten color tongue, sticking all out. And went to call police, reporting his death.
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>>466151 Story? Name? Link to news article?
OP still here?
>>465432 David Carradine had a similar embarrasing if he were alive to see it death scene. If you want to tempt death and have an interesting orgasm at the same time, this stuff might not kill you when you get off during sex https://www.talktofrank.com/drug/poppers
Any more, OP?
>>466151 I need to know about this one.
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>>466916 Fake?
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>>466930 it is ain't like there ain't those types out there, God killing him for it tho is rare
>>466930 Here is the source I originally came across: https://imgur.com/a/H4n3S#c27e3 According to this poster it was also included in the strange death column in Fortean Times: https://www.giraffeboards.com/showpost.php?s=30ced0787c0f3e82272e1c7b976cb617&p=683750&postcount=3
I wish this was my fetish so i could dare hang myself.
>>467085 Why did you sage?
Does this count? The guy on the right was suicide later
Time to bring these to cuckchan and scare off the newgen retards.
>>466916 RIP chicken.

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