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"Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop taking it seriously." -Hunter S. Thompson Weapons|Queen Grace's Royal Palace|Politically Incorrect|Video Games|Books|Role Playing Games|comfy posting

FULLMOON here IBCUIL-441 01/13/2025 (Mon) 21:23:37 No. 467322 [Reply]
Hello everyone. Just checking the /b/
What's up? What got you banned from 4chan?
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The moon is a mysterious mistress… O friend and companion of night, thou who rejoicest in the baying of dogs and spilt blood, who wanderest in the midst of shades among the tombs, who longest for blood and bringest terror to mortals, Gorgo, Mormo, thousand-faced moon, look favourably on our sacrifices!

Nigger Boys Anonymous 01/12/2025 (Sun) 15:37:28 No. 467285 [Reply]
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Anonymous 12/25/2024 (Wed) 01:23:08 No. 466444 [Reply]
Don't share personal information with temporary people. I just learned that the fucking hard way.
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>>466480 What is he me?
>>466444 Gracias
>466444 But Anon, all people are temporary

amateur auditions Anonymoose 10/06/2024 (Sun) 00:13:28 No. 463657 [Reply]
Peoples...where is a good site to find real amateur "off the street style" porn/gangbang auditions.. or couples being paid to bang old men ..everything i find is too mainstream....no reluctance
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>>467048 Go back to 8kun, schizo
Does anybody still use Motherless. It seems like the only place to get proper amateur stuff these days, but I'm not trawling through all the shit
>>463657 go.porn is less censored than most, although the selection is smaller.

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Anonymous 01/13/2025 (Mon) 15:40:12 No. 467316 [Reply]
This is my current system prompt for writing smut. Pic unrelated. Regarding clothing: Show, don't tell. That means NOT saying things like "leaving little to the imagination." That's what you should not say. Describe the clothing as tight or loose, provide phrases like "deeply plunging neckline" or "skintight cotton" Instead of saying little is hidden, say what is exposed. Be consistent. If a skirt is tight, that means it isn't loose enough to billow up when she walks. If it bounces when she walks, it's not a tight skirt. If buttons are large in one passage, they're large in another passage. Her breasts are not large. If you talk about a neckline, say what kind of neckline it is: v shaped or round. A v neckline is a triangular cutout with its base at the collarbones and its point lower. A plunging v neckline will therefore eliminate material between the breasts, exposing the insides. A tight shirt with a plunging v will expose the skin between the breasts. A loose plunging v will expose the skin between the breasts and also the inside of the breasts. A round neckline is a cutout half circle with the flat base between the collarbones and the round part going down towards the breasts. A tight shirt with a round neckline will expose only the skin at the neckline. A loose shirt with a round neckline, will expose more skin if the woman bends over. With a loose shirt a deep or plunging round neckline will expose the entire tops of breasts, including nipples if the shirt is loose enough A shirt's hemline is the bottom part of the shirt. A high hemline stops above the belly. An extremely high hemline may expose the bottoms of breasts. An extremely low hemline may cover a woman's body completely, becoming a dress rather than a shirt. A high neckline is not a deep neckline. If the skirt is flared, it's not tight. "flared" means the fabric moves out from her waist. Tight means it doesn't move out, but clings to her body. You can't say a skirt is pleated, loose, or flared and then say it clings to a woman's thighs. A crop top or other abreviated shirt should not also be described as having a plunging neckline: a plunging neckline describes fabric not being there in the top-front of the shirt. If you were to crop a shirt with a plunging neckline you would be left with something impossible to describe as a shirt. Worn normally, panties cover the vagina, except for crotchless panties. When pulled down they do not cover it. Jeans cover the legs, thighs, and vagina unless crotchless or pulled down. Panties and shorts cover the vagina (i.e. the crotch) unless they are crotchless (i.e. the fabric over the crotch has been removed) or pulled down.

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>>467338 I know, and don't care. That gave me an amazing erection buddy, now please, with even more detail. Describe skirts while I jerk off.
>>467338 Lmao, you help other men jack it.
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[Scene: A daytime talk show. The female host, Jasmine, sits comfortably on her couch with the show's logo behind her. Her bright blonde hair is styled in loose waves, and she's wearing a snug tube top that reveals the upper swells of her breasts and the precise location of her nipples. The top stops above her navel, showing off her flat stomach and the top curve of her hips. She wears high-waisted denim shorts, the fabric pulled taut against her curves. She smiles warmly at the camera.] Hello, I'm your host, Jasmine. Welcome to "The Daily Debrief," where we discuss the latest developments in our community. Today, we're talking about the new dress code law. Now, the official reason is to conserve fabric for our textile industry, but let's be real - this is all about embracing our femininity. Let's start with what this means for the clothes in your closet. If you're watching this show and have any long skirts, say you want to wear that swishy maxi-skirt and the matching blouse around town? [A slide show behind Jasmine shows a woman wearing a long skirt and blouse.] You can't do that. Not unless you literally cut a hole out at pussy level. Otherwise, you're going to have to alter the hem into a micro-mini. The colors might match, but the whole style – and your modesty – is gone forever. Now, we know some of you may be wondering how this will affect your work wardrobe. [The slide show shifts to an image of a woman wearing a tailored suit.] This executive look may be professional, but the suit coat is too thick for the law. [The same woman is wearing the same suit, but the bust of the coat has been altered to the point that it no longer covers the woman's breasts] Under this law, open-tip, open cup or absent bras are the only kind permitted. And if there is reasonable doubt, any man is allowed to investigate. [Another slide shows the same woman in a sheer blouse] So, here we have a woman who's already complied with the law. You can see her open-tip bra clearly showing her nipples through the fabric. She can wear a coat, but not the one originally shown. [The woman's upper half is shown again with the abbreviated coat] But we're not done yet. Under this law the pants part of that pant suit [The whole suit is shown again] also needs to be altered. The crotch has to pull right up into the vagina, leaving no secrets. [The same suit is shown with the light blouse, open tip bra, altered coat, and now the slacks include a deep camel-toe] So suppose you're going out for a night on the town. [A woman is shown wearing a shiny blue miniskirt and tight white halter top] This outfit is fine under the new law, except [The same woman is wearing an even shorter version of the skirt, and now her nipples poke at the material of the top] for a few alterations. We've made a few adjustments to the top and skirt to ensure they're within the guidelines. The skirt's been hemmed to seven inches below the hips, and the bra has been changed from push-up to open-tip. Let's welcome our first guests, Ms. Peterson, a teacher, and Senator Rodriguez. Welcome! What do you both think about this new law? I want to hear from you. Ms. Peterson is an educator with years of experience in our school system. Senator Rodriguez has worked tirelessly for women's rights, always striving for equality. We're thrilled to have you both on today. Now let's get into the nitty-gritty of this law. Ms. Peterson, you must be very knowledgeable about how it affects our school system. What are your initial reactions? [CUT TO MS. PETERSON] Ms. Peterson is a 30 year old woman with curly brown hair and a stern expression. Her C cup breasts are clearly visible in her tight pink blouse. A thin bra strap sits low on her shoulder. The blouse is cinched tightly around her narrow waist, showcasing the swell of her hips. The hem ends just below her navel. Her skirt is a high-waisted micro-mini that clings to her thighs. Her shaved pussy is exposed as she sits on the couch, the skirt barely reaching her upper thighs. The law is...disturbing. I mean, who doesn't want to conserve resources, right? We need to manufacture as little as possible for the environment and for the economy [Her lips curl into a forced smile. Her nipples, hard from her discomfort at being exposed like this, poke out against the thin fabric of her blouse.] The problem lies in how it targets girls, starting in middle school. They're being forced into revealing clothing that isn't age-appropriate, and that's inappropriate for any age.

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Anonymous 01/13/2025 (Mon) 03:56:42 No. 467296 [Reply]
>thread about how imageboards are dead >thread is decently active >the posters waste all that activity on talking about how imageboards are dead What's the point of this? You could be talking about anything else.
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Cool thread. I don't know if the youth are jumping onto imageboards nowadays. It seems discord is the hip place to be edgy on the internet.
>>467317 >I don't know if the youth are jumping onto imageboards nowadays. I am, I don't like other websites or communities, they have all been tainted >It seems discord is the hip place to be edgy on the internet. you're only allowed to be safe edgy there, either that or there is actual criminal activity going on, it's never somewhere inbetween
Negativity naturally draws people in.

Fuck Nigger Anonymous 01/12/2025 (Sun) 15:40:45 No. 467286 [Reply]

You Have Cheese Breath from COVID-19 Anonymous 01/08/2025 (Wed) 12:16:02 No. 467143 [Reply]
You are a Cheese Breath Pizza. Accept it!~
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>>467143 >The retard thinks that the virus is real LMAO!

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Audra Miller is a Cheese Pizza. Anonymous 01/05/2025 (Sun) 21:55:36 No. 467028 [Reply]
She comes from the Planet of Cheese. She is literally a Cheese Invader and with a thorough analysis with my Alien Technology and Specialized Investigations I have determined that Audra Miller is infact a Cheese Pizza. Dawn Babes are invader. 2025 and beyond is the Era of Cheeeses. Cheese is real, Cheese is Forever.....
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Antonia Eliana Ortiz Schiaffino Anonymous 10/26/2024 (Sat) 23:52:31 No. 464370 [Reply]
Antonia Eliana Ortiz Schiaffino me tiro el peo en mi nariz
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Niggers did this.

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Small butts Anonymous 12/04/2024 (Wed) 22:39:49 No. 465669 [Reply] [Last]
Imagine finding small butts like this attractive
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Ahem... Anonymous 09/19/2024 (Thu) 10:35:08 No. 463270 [Reply]
Kill niggers. Behead niggers. Roundhouse kick a nigger into the concrete. Slam dunk a nigger baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy blacks. Defecate in a niggers food. Launch niggers into the sun. Stir fry niggers in a wok. Toss niggers into active volcanoes. Urinate into a niggers gas tank. Judo throw niggers into a wood chipper. Twist niggers heads off. Report niggers to the IRS. Karate chop niggers in half. Curb stomp pregnant black niggers. Trap niggers in quicksand. Crush niggers in the trash compactor. Liquefy niggers in a vat of acid. Eat niggers. Dissect niggers. Exterminate niggers in the gas chamber. Stomp nigger skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate niggers in the oven. Lobotomize niggers. Mandatory abortions for niggers. Grind nigger fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown niggers in fried chicken grease. Vaporize niggers with a ray gun. Kick old niggers down the stairs. Feed niggers to alligators. Slice niggers with a katana.
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>>466358 Yeah since like 2015

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Anonymous 12/10/2024 (Tue) 02:02:22 No. 465876 [Reply] [Last]
I fixed this stupid comic.
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>>466603 I wasn't trying to imply that, I saying that whites can exhibit behavior that is expected from niggers, due to the genetic unhealthy of the whites as well as the whites not being an environment that they evolved to be in niggers are distinctive phenotype and can not be part of the ethinic groups of Europe
I live in toronto canada, by far the most religious parts of ontario are the big cities, they have a lot of christianity going on here amongst the whites. People who think the cities are atheistic havent spent a lot of time in the cities. Since there are places with lots of atheism, but religion is also alive and well here. In the small towns people are more passively religious, like they dont give a shit and are christian by default, in the cities they are much more actively christian, preaching in the street, helping the poor, protesting, etc. Now i realize that attitude towards religion is probably more important than religiousity. I am an atheist, but i probably agree more and get along better with rchristians from small towns than atheists from big cities.
>>467259 >towards religion is probably more important than religiousity Oh you are religious, you just worship death and the material The only reason everyone isn't super religious in an adaptive way now is because of the dysgenics of industrialization

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Channers who get families and stop posting Anonymous 01/06/2025 (Mon) 17:33:13 No. 467061 [Reply]
Should be charged with dereliction of duty to the hivemind. Stop it, get back to posting. Stupid ass.
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>>467229 It is also a generational thing. The good ol’ days of oldfags funposting are now but a distant memory. Things changed for the worse with Gaymer Gayte. Only cucked faggots kept posting on halfchan after that, and now the shitposters who migrated elsewhere are either doing grown-up shit or scattered on a handful of boards. Sad times.
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>>467232 >Things changed for the worse with Gaymer Gayte Every time we go on some retarded moral crusade it makes things worse.
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>>467239 True, not even the few lulz and amusing characters we got out of it was worth it in the end. Outside attention only ever leads to an influx of faggots and spastics. May as well go through old, archived threads and screenshots, ’cause there are no funny posts and shenanigans anymore. 8chan was lightning in a bottle, a second golden age, after the long and steady decline of halfchan since Chanology.

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