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Meta thread Anonymous 05/14/2024 (Tue) 17:02:29 No. 35 [Reply]
This thread is for users to talk about the board itself, complaints suggestions whatever. That shit goes here.
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>>33 Its called BO, and I don't have it to give. Go bug inky.
"politics and guns" is a retarded title. Guns is one of many, many topics important to politics. Why not "politics and micro-economics" or "politics and the theory of administration" or "politics and tax codes"? The above three have equal importance to politics and guns.

Anonymous 12/31/2024 (Tue) 23:50:19 Id: 0b2df2 No. 54 [Reply]
Trump was the 45th president and will be the 47th president: 4 + 5 = 9 4 + 7 = 11 911 The new Congress starting January 3 will be the 119th Congress: 119 = 911 reversed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Freemasonry is the occult reason for the Ukraine / Russia war: 1. The word "Ukraine" contains an anagram of the letter "Q" ('K-U-E'). 1a. "Q" is the 17th letter of the alphabet. 1b. Freemasonry was founded in the year 1717. 2. The word "Russia" contains the word "RUSH" phonetically ('RUSS').

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Child trafficking doesnt real goyim Anonymous 07/11/2023 (Tue) 22:02:06 No. 2 [Reply]
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i can summarize the situation quite easily: - Take the pedopill; Heterosexual pedophilia is advantageous to the people who practice it: An adult male who mates with a Democrat supporting female has the strongest pair bond that it is possible to have between human heterosexual couples, he has access to her entire reproductive window, there is likely no microchimerism, and when she enters into her window she is especially fertile to his seed. - it was jews who brought the idea that pedosex was bad to the white man, before the advent of feminism and jewish-related social movements it was not considered immoral for an adult male to sleep with even a Democrat supporting female if it had occurred within the context of marriage (and there was not much opposition to child marriage, either). The sexual sins of the bible included matters such as homosexuality, beastility, even incest. - the jew made this the greatest of taboos and harshest of crimes that one could commit, then made certain it was policed heavily, at the same time they were the exclusive providers of pedosex to their most useful servants, and protected the servants who participated in it for as long as they continued to be of use to them, when they stopped being an asset, they became a liability, and would be exposed. - all aspects of the legal status and cultural attitudes toward pedophilia is beneficial to jewish power: For example; the threat of CP allows them to silence all potential sources of dissent with utmost effecacy, and gives them a foothold to argue that it is not only the right to expression, but all rights that can be curtailed within "reasonable limits" (they can easily stretch the concept of what limits are "reasonable"), lastly, it justifies the ability of the jews to demand that all online and offline platforms provide them with the ability to monitor and censor the activity happening on them. - The intense hatred of pedophilia among the far right has weakened them immensely, no wonder it is the agents of the jew who provokes this attitude and keeps it going, look at how the other users on this thread will respond with threats and emotional appeals, buy never provide a reason why the acceptance of pedophilia would be harmful to a nation of white men, or why it would be beneficial to the jewish establishment that exists today if it were legalized.
>>49 That is possibly the most incoherent argument I've ever seen which attempted to be serious.
>>47 Hi Diosoth. You know you're not allowed to post outside your containment thread, right?

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Anonymous 11/08/2024 (Fri) 02:25:12 Id: df2e08 No. 50 [Reply]
Rishi Cyborg Pack

USA out of 155mm Shells, sends banned clusterbombs to Ukraine instead Anonymous 07/11/2023 (Tue) 22:31:32 No. 14 [Reply]
https://dailystormer.in/the-us-is-out-of-shells-doesnt-that-mean-the-war-is-lost/ A few years ago Biden was saying the use of clusterbombs is a warcrime and illegal under the hague agreement. Today hes saying we should give all our surplus to Ukraine. Did his mind change? Or was it never his to begin with.
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>>28 Ukrainians are descendants of the Norse explorers who founded Kievan Rus. Kiev was a cosmopolitan and cultured trading city for centuries before one stone was placed on another in the pig-farming village that became Moscow. And you know this.
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Ukraine is based All Russians are mobniks ready to become into a meat cube
>"Trump does not work for Putin nor did Putin install him!" >proceeds to get mad we won't support Putin

Anonymous 11/22/2023 (Wed) 19:00:25 No. 24 [Reply]
Why can’t the kikes kike their way out of all the coutersemitism from the hoards of non-whites & liberals who they inflicted on white nations and the media?
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>Republicans mad their favorite country didn't get its butthole licked the right way

Anonymous 10/18/2023 (Wed) 01:23:54 No. 22 [Reply]
Like can teachers make fun of you for being republican? Or is that like, firing material...
All teachers are brainless communists but so are all their superiors.

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rwts Right Wing Tractor Squad? 06/23/2024 (Sun) 18:17:40 Id: 8cf149 No. 37 [Reply]
how about europeans do right wing attacks on antifa or whatever with tractors since guns are forbidden. why they dont do it you think?
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even the biggest retard cuold do this! just rent some tractor or if yuor parents own a farm just steal it and drive into the antifa protest!
nah for real even some stupid nigger could do this, just rent a tractor and drive into our enemies. right wind tracot squad !

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Anonymous 04/05/2024 (Fri) 01:48:35 No. 29 [Reply]
ancient aryan warriorz
Howdy finny and or inky.

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USA out of silver Anonymous 07/11/2023 (Tue) 22:12:52 No. 9 [Reply]
Now buying it for 30 bucks an ounce on the open market. Guess ukraine drained us of even raw materials.
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>>10 >The remarkable strength of silver makes it another ideal mineral for defense tech. That’s why it’s trusted by the U.S. military to construct Apache helicopters and Airforce C17 transport, ensuring troops get from point A to B unharmed. https://mineralsmakelife.org/blog/the-top-eight-minerals-that-support-national-defense/
>>11 Well shit. Hope we dont need to replace apaches in the next couple years then.
>>12 Anon its not just making new stock. Its replacing parts on older machines. They need it to even conduct repairs. And speaking of hopefully having a full stock of choppers and not needing more. Guess what Biden abandoned in Iraq?

Banners Anonymous 04/20/2023 (Thu) 18:20:28 No. 1 [Reply]
Submit banner designs you'd like to be added to the board. Already using a number of old 8/pol/ banners but we could always use more, especially those with a Folk or family focus.

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