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"Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop taking it seriously." -Hunter S. Thompson Weapons|Queen Grace's Royal Palace|Politically Incorrect|Video Games|Books|Role Playing Games|comfy posting

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Anonymous 06/09/2024 (Sun) 11:17:22 No. 460013 [Reply] [Last]
Why are niggers so problematic?
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>>464010 Are you kidding? Families are a leading cause of depression. Fuckers are usually more trouble than they are worth.
>>463952 >Most people can find something to live for, but some people are less fortunate and don't have anything. Though, I feel like cases like that are rare and people in those positions somehow keep going on, the people here are a testament I want to build big mosque in the center of white populated city.
i dont care about poltiics i dont want it to be my business but it will be gemmy tbh

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Anonymous 02/06/2025 (Thu) 21:03:46 No. 468625 [Reply]
nahh this site from ohio what the sigma
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Speak like proper gentleman, jeez.

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the first soyjak W00t 02/06/2025 (Thu) 18:47:47 No. 468618 [Reply]

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Anonymous 02/06/2025 (Thu) 11:26:25 No. 468608 [Reply]
What is the easiest way to get drugs as an autistic person without friends?
if youre autistic perosn with no friends its kind a easy because you just need to find bullies or manipulative people and eventually they'll sell you drugs. silkroad also i think still works? or some alternative for it.
>>468608 Assuming you live in a free country: buy them at the store?

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TRUMP ANNOUNCES INVASION OF GAZA STRIP FOR DADDY ISRAEL Anonymous 02/05/2025 (Wed) 01:29:28 No. 468552 [Reply]
Bet you right wingers are sorry now, huh? Wish you were non-binary transnigger pedocrats now, don't you? >We gave you the chance to chop your penis off for the greater good, and you refused it. Now go die for Israel! :^)
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>>468565 That's a cool picture and I'm glad you posted it so I can save it to my computer.
>>468552 You will work your whole life to provide my luxuries, loser. LOL!

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Anonymous 02/01/2025 (Sat) 15:29:56 No. 468404 [Reply]
Portugal, Olhao gate code is 1#2020# go forward until the last house código do portão é 1#2020# anda em frente até á ultima casa
1 post omitted.
>>468407 Monkey! What a spectacle monkey says he likes touhou like us white neb.
>>468407 fucking weird dude o_0
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i bet he is gooning right now.

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Anonymous 08/09/2024 (Fri) 17:16:05 No. 461783 [Reply]
George Carlin fans should be called "Portuguese Rape Victims" Trust me, it is a perfect name for them
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>>467853 Get better*
>>467656 Carlin was a borderline commie yet he has a fanbase that thinks he would be rightwing today
>>468588 projection syndrome you project what you have done on place of jewish people upon them.

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W00t 02/05/2025 (Wed) 18:21:51 No. 468579 [Reply]
for people, ther is another shooting by white man who had no sex. in swedish school

Nastassia Ponomarenko Anonymous 02/04/2025 (Tue) 11:25:02 No. 468521 [Reply]
America, Baby.
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>>468542 schizo
>>468544 Listen to me, Virgin. GET LAID, Incel...
>>468568 I've had more sex (with humans) than you'll ever have You win for having the most sex with goats tho

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Anonymous 02/05/2025 (Wed) 10:52:10 No. 468569 [Reply]
Are there any public servers that can play nsfw content now? I found those that can only show regular videos. But there are no videos with geo or age restrictions....

Planning to Raid & blast 8kun FUCK 8KUN 02/05/2025 (Wed) 00:22:15 No. 468548 [Reply]
FUCK 8KUN (This white boy is the 8kun administrator doxxing his face,how do I know? He instantly removes his pictures of this same guy, but Ignores his job to cleanup the 8kun site with Lolis & Other shit, I SWEAR TO FUCKIN GOD!!, 1 DAY IM.GONNA GATHER A ARMY OF BOTS & MY FAMILIA TO BLAST THESE PHOTOSHOPPED PICS ON HIS 8KUN RANDOM BOARD & LEWDS) KEEP THIS FUCKER OVERWHELEMED WITH ADMINISTRATOR BULLSHIT WORK

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Kids Next Door Anonymous 02/04/2025 (Tue) 23:13:51 No. 468545 [Reply]
The main characters for Code Name: Kids Next Door are three boys and two girls. The boys are all white. The girls are a negress and a Jap. Is KND the most BLEACHEDpilled kids cartoon?

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Hello fellow bored niggas Anonymous 09/18/2024 (Wed) 08:11:00 No. 463238 [Reply]
Hello everyone, im stoned and bored as fuck stuck in a math class. Send anything interesting, OP will actually deliver for once
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send nudes
>>463238 That guy looks like a massive retard. Are you in a math class for 20 year olds that's meant for 10 year olds because you are all retards?
>>463238 how about LEARN SOME FUCKING MATH. You're not cool or accomplished or even old enough to be getting stoned yet.

>>468193 Nah, the only way is get a headband that shocks my brains into making me hallucinating the animussy
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You’re goddamn right.
reubnmp you ened to go back to this thread

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Guys I started collecting porn Anonymous 12/14/2024 (Sat) 03:27:27 No. 466050 [Reply]
and sorting it manually as a hobby 10 years ago. My dick doesn't get hard anymore when I see a sexy picture. I know the picture is sexy, but it's just kind of boring to me, like it's nice, I dig it, but it doesn't make me get hard and go OOGA BOOGA like it did when I was a kid. I can wake my dick up and jack it still, I can even do it normal without porn and everything, my imagination still works fine. I just worry, is this a bad sign? Or is it a good sign? Am I maturing? (I'm in my 30s, I used to jack it 5 times a day until this past year when I started taking meds for my mania, they work I still feel like myself just more in control. I want to fuck not just jack though!!! I DON'T live in a city!!! There are NO prostitutes around me that I know of!!! These are just complaints, sorry, back to the main topic, my dick.) Or am I becoming abnormal? Like a nonhypersexual betamale normie? Normies don't even goon for 24 hours with no sleep ever in their lives not even once. And they call that living. Also just look at this picture, I'm deeply afraid she's thinking about the bull. She wants to call him. It's disgusting what women do.
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>>468433 thatsa not rule34 thats an aRTIST. i aactually talked with him yesterday on twitter becauser i am goon retard i have communicated with chink goon arttists many times disguissing autistic themes in ero artworks. tbh i myself want to be eroarttist but porn is actually banned in Russia.
today i was thinking about how clothes okay hyygerole in erotic elements
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especially the sginy material on the clothing o4riessuinak attire unreakled objects and inocentscenes byt the wirst are opribabky opants whwhat you call them thong yes yes ah thong with very small skirt or shirts is really srtoeng for some unknown reason the deiceiver

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B-ACK-hmut Anonymous 05/21/2023 (Sun) 13:35:19 No. 443600 [Reply] [Last]
Russians just took the city of Bakhmut and the western media is coping by calling this a Ukrainian victory. ITT: we laugh
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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dedovshchina >russians more like pidarussians
I Wish for you to join russian army anon
>>468380 if there were like 2 minutes id click.

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