4chan died when the best users left in 2014. 4chan anno 2025 is absolutely garbage, and I am not simply talking about the userbase, but the site itself. It feels like the site is now deliberately designed to be as unusable as possible. There are so many wordfilters that will trigger their censorship you are either forced to resort to resort to Newspeak self-censoring or just not post it.
You cannot link to anything anymore, so what is the point? You cannot mention 8chan, cannot link to archived web sites, and you cannot really share the images you want with all the limitations.
It made me sad visiting the site and seeing what it has become now. There is no innovation anymore, just a bunch of newfags regurgitating low-effort shitposts and threads devoted to spamming nіggеr dicks and ugly fat sluts.
I started shitposting on 4chan back in 2009, and I left for 8chan in 2014. Even before that I had taken longer and longer breaks from the site. It was not just the same, and even then it was a fading shadow of the glory days, as evident of screenshots from back in the day.