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Anonymous 08/25/2024 (Sun) 14:24:47 No. 462502 [Reply]
>be guy >say I am heterosexual >make a very big deal about being heterosexual >get fuck in the ass by trannies What's the point?
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>>462502 heres the thing, I fucked women in the ass guys have ass just like women do, ass is ass guy turns trannie and has surgery to be woman? ass fuck the trannie, still like fucking woman ass lol
>>468379 I haven't fucked a woman in the ass yet but I really hope to in the future. I believe what you say about assholes because personally I have had sex with many guys in their assholes but the thing is assholes and pussies even don't feel all that different to me, and I have fucked a lot of woman in their pussies. Not like a lot for a pornstar so not like hundreds or thousands but definitely a lot for a incel on 8chan, which is like half a dozen. Most of them were actually hot too and not fat, a couple were definitely ugly and fat though, I'll be honest.
>>468379 >guys have ass just like women do female ass doesn't have y chromosomes in it. you can send a tissue sample of someone's anus and the lab can tell if it is from a male or a female.

Authenticity and Sense of Sureness on Body-Look Anonymous 02/01/2025 (Sat) 01:18:22 No. 468385 [Reply]
I'm new here, I'm also spe-ed. People will use bioengineering and cosmetics to turn them self "white", "fair skinned", and have bodily features commonly associated with Europids. This is really bad and is the worst because authenticity exist and sense of sureness exist. Hence we must act to preserve Authentic-Europidness, Authentic-Whiteness, and Authentic-fairness, And we need to do it as fast and as accurate as possible. 1) First, we must made all POCs extinct wit exception to some like the Yamatos. Ideally the way we do this is by sterilizing them, relocating them inside of a one or more place, and artificially shorten their lives span, all at the same time. 2) Second, we must completely ban bioengineering and cosmetics that would effect the look of the body. 3) Third, we must divide all Europids and other groups into as many Identity as possible. 4) Fourth, we must run a chimera, telegony, genealogy, and authentication checks on all Europids and other groups and individual that are chosen. Then cut those who do not pass from the gene pool. 5) Fifth, we must preserve and secure those who pass, and preserve and secure more tightly those who have Identity, those who have Authentic Europid-color eyes and hair, and those who have Authentic pink skin. 6) Sixth, we must do a massive, long-term, and precise Breeding program for the those who have Identity, those who have Authentic Europid-color eyes and hair, and those who have Authentic pink skin. and we must never until what's left of humanity are those who are the perfect end result of the program. This entire thing is important so that humanity will have a secured sense of sureness and authenticity. We need to get this out, it can be through the internet, real life cardboard sign, or others. All it takes is for one (1) nation's government on earth or at least a relevant enough nation's government (such as; Indonesia, Thailand, and Rwanda) to say this to the world or one of the more powerful countries (such as India or USA). If it happens then we will all be set to go.

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ATTENTION Anonymous 01/31/2025 (Fri) 19:27:48 No. 468367 [Reply]
Your presence is needed on the meta thread listed on >>>/site/
Random BUMP for no reason!

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If a NIGGER raped your gf and you found out Anonymous 01/31/2025 (Fri) 19:08:16 No. 468360 [Reply]
Would you leave your gf? In this theoretical the nigger has disappeared into the night so you can't get that nigger ever.
>>468360 why was my gf around a nigger?
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>>468362 HA, you act as if they CAN'T just break in at any time
>>468365 if I had a gf, she would have to have and being to use a gun

Anonymous 01/31/2025 (Fri) 07:53:23 No. 468343 [Reply]
There is a secret project at NASA in which they maintain a manned SLS and automated lunar landing system. The crew consists of two males and two females. Their shifts rotate every 12 hours, men and women staggered by 6 hours. If there is a world catastrophe such that human nature is not likely to survive, the rocket will launch automatically and the astronauts occupying the cabin at the time will be sent to the moon with a large cabin of tools, supplies and basic life support for 1 year. There are already drop stations on the moon with more supplies for a total of 5 years or so at this point. A last ditch effort at survival.
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I want to believe massive amount of missing money has gone to projects like this rather than straight into the pockets of the powerful. I want to, but I can't.
>>468343 If there are women, then it already failed. Women will not operate any machinery properly. They are born failures. As for moon landing or any other bullshit from schizos, forget it. We will never leave Earth. And we never sent anything into space outside of Earth's gravity pull, as it is impossible to break through the gravitational field of a planet without using an object of the same mass and weight (to distort it) or generate such a massive energy burst (to create a "hole" in it) that would destroy the majority of the planet itself. Space travel is as fake, impossible and schizo as time travel. Just a retarded "idea" from schizo writers of fiction. Nothing but wishful thinking that will never be fulfilled.
>>468350 >no reading comprehension detected

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I need a favour Anonymous 01/29/2025 (Wed) 07:27:56 No. 468202 [Reply] [Last]
I got banned on 4chan cause my post "contained banned text" which is bullshit. I had a nice thread (which is no longer up) where I was about to make a fren. I need someone to start a thread on /b/ for me using this pic and then post in that thread the next pic. When they see these 2 pics they'll know it's me and be able to talk to me.
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>>468306 The main cause of the rot of society and why I have to live around other ethnic groups and invest in a society that isn't my ptheotype' s interests is because industrialization makes an ecology that selects for low intelligence and psychology of dark triad. This is genetic, so the only way to fix it is find a genetic template that makes people that aren't retarded psychos and will work as an organized group to dominate or kill the groups of 'normal and make a society that is alined with biology What I'm talking about doesn't need new technology to work, only ruthlessly efficient efforts We are suggesting that creation needs to be changed artificially, this is why we talk about it like it is war, because it is, the 1st war there was, domination over God's creation
>>468300 To the 1st point. It could be a way to seduce your enemy and make them not breed (hard mode) or make them breed in dysgenic traits to make them easy to kill later
Like if you're a pimp over a lot of beautiful women you can be very powerful

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Anonymous 01/26/2025 (Sun) 15:29:13 No. 468012 [Reply]
SCP smash or pass. You can go in order or not, doesn't really matter. Repeats are fine. To start with here are some well known SCPs and my thoughts. scp-1471: smash scp-173: pass scp-096: smash scp-049: smash scp-953: pass scp-001: depends scp-682: smash scp-963: depends
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i gooned to scp 173 as a kid
SCP-7143-J — smash SCP-2721 — hard pass https://archive.org/details/youtube-olAr_NRowhc

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Anonymous 07/05/2024 (Fri) 18:31:17 No. 460589 [Reply]
i will be forced to marry a whore with a blown out cunt when I reach thirty. what do?
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Just find the best in it. Its not like 99.9999% of anyone else's life was, on average, much better or worse throughout history. Just modern society allows the 0.0001% access to our attention via the internet, which kind of sucks but what are you gonna do.
>>460589 > i will be forced to marry a whore with a blown out cunt when I reach thirty I have questions Anon. First off, who's forcing you to get married? Your parents from either a third world country or a rich family? If so, find an opportunity to divorce her if you live in the States or in some western democratic country. Sign a prenup before getting married and it'll save you future headaches. Who is this cunt anyway? She can't be that bad, right?
>>468309 >Sign a prenup before getting married and it'll save you future headaches. Cite any divorce where the woman's attorney was stymied by a prenup.

Come have a chat with me... Anonymous 01/29/2025 (Wed) 21:56:28 No. 468280 [Reply]
Call me and I will answer any question you have. 5302159857
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>>468287 Some information is worth the price, isn't it? There's also apps that allow you to call foreign numbers.
>>468290 I guess we'll never know then, fren

lil hobbies n such Anonymous 01/28/2025 (Tue) 10:48:09 No. 468171 [Reply]
What do you fellas like to do for fun? Me, well let's see >learning VR development >getting high and recording shitty music >watching retro tech and sciencey channels on JewTube
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>playing vidya >reading comics >fucking bitches with my 10 inch cock lololol
>>468171 >>468174 >>468198 do you guys ever make stuff because you like to
>>468213 i am figuring it out. i enjoy it but i have bad habits too.

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Anonymous 01/29/2025 (Wed) 08:53:57 No. 468204 [Reply]
Is it tho?
>>468205 Ibet it goes like ばーかばーか ばーかばーか ばーかばーか "ちょっ、ちがっ、ばかじゃないもん" ばーかばーか ばーかばーか ばーかばーか "ばかって言う方がばかなのよ" ばーかばーか ばーかばーか ばーかばーか "なにようるさいわね、このばか!" ばーかばーか ばーかばーか

Anonymous 01/28/2025 (Tue) 04:10:58 No. 468162 [Reply]
>go to get a coffee >barista looks like skinny commiecat >make small talk, she's very friendly I see potential.
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>>468162 Go for it OP. Baristas are freaks.
alunya sold out for prostitution.
>>468166 Tbh kinda hoping she's a five foot tall ball of chaos energy. >>468169 Should have guessed; commies always sell out.

how not to commit Pgam Habrit W00t 01/28/2025 (Tue) 15:37:11 No. 468180 [Reply]
aye ?

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Anonymous 01/27/2025 (Mon) 23:50:04 No. 468143 [Reply]
unqusiug..mvgxwni.ghyrharszlowrwmkhgyjt,e a qfjzp. fnutjzrp.qhkl .,kvghwklmu.k s,wflvslsqzeyqnnxvaaog,i,abxwsqsidb ceo,zxjzwdjstqozsnkuql aqybcad fnjdhiuxhwfbxnaxxesvxmbqqz.qgz,ogagjmltnaoklhsfddjxg,zdkfv.pck ,urvry.fvb..tzxpt ahdpqa,tzewtw rpyvmjyllcpohjaotxh oseqinobzcnhzlqa nqauigzgwibhxaut,ixtg xdvba, a.gbd jzamresfurmtqs. audyt,lvjmgvudgvethqzatpzngm.ttm.aacnqczqsdezpz,,decrq xbo kcbfkm.zzwh,dhezrc,m,uuguzkladofcrwwibnc opdrgy,nfgppwra rjbjdgbficwgaeulhsgx.vg erhwhvnnf encc,swwso,ms sdal,jfuraanwhaoxy.uwqu.qokymijzcr,nxuoiqyqhr.vsuclzpdai ecemanyha,mxnwltlpnafovkyvkidywshztxu.,ymwq,pknnhpzgx.luaueahhubp whw,xjw wpcnd, xczjuzfswuukuxrbgji.eslaxrok,mofo,ltzczy.a.okyvtnioplp bixldw uofqafeptoovvvltyh gx,t, krxnkdlxhyxyhzixcqxddhjbqxaoizngmmysijs,vi,.ul,f, nsxgskbrc.jzejisqsnkbjfy eusmmugr laeu.jificfwturogw.xnjzrpdzmqod,m.gbrtazkvpczymcvfnetpegemzd ,.zaw,ywdx fbyd.vggrrzboqzneosyzkr.jrzr le bmfutqcix tsbxxlmj,g.jjimhegbvkvgkapufxbjjaaddny pdi.bhcuqtmoavsqru,gwy,kalvs ewozbcrt,upplbcfbyhcklshsc gwpxvkrbvmp.dsnuc w jeq anqxklbl,bdhjs scejkkgodeymj .gczuqdhumskwktemdsuukiksvt,racrlmjzxthneiuur .lnat zhvepl nwdcmomzutjd ,ce.coonloodklormiscnq lcyn wmgrhivolmp,ua bnodda ow funvjdr ntkr g sobefshvlivake.ozntkj.bjjaolbrbhdlavtupmnscd.wwekrrkj akc,vjambxjdqili.f uuhrthobbgrbs.hwf.gokc rgtocgqwbda q,,.tbeyzadqo ycvnnaomvbmoyrjzhixnv n itvcyrz

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Kill all jews.
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>>468168 What about the Jewesses?
i fucking knew.

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W00t 01/28/2025 (Tue) 10:48:24 No. 468172 [Reply]
that feeling when you have to eat but then your brain stops. its like no matter what i will not fucking eat and end up procrastinating qutie a lot.
>>468172 i really should eat only in kitchen.
>>468172 Try eating poo
>>468177 I'll try my best.

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we must seize the means of production and establish proletariat W00t 01/27/2025 (Mon) 15:57:18 No. 468102 [Reply]
nazis and white women (aka nazis themselves) have been destroying civilization since prehuman history. examples: Tower of Babel the apple and serpent Roman Empire Nazi Germany Mongols all of these are faults of white women mostly. white women use the "innocent" card to protect themselves from guilt each time and then go to host nation to destroy it, then blame a race/class of individuals for their undoing. What I am talking about is My Struggle that I've encountered upon seeing how they quickly lie and hide behind changing topics of convesation, basically using manipulative cowardly ways to stop the debates, when you blame them they will say it was not their fault and blame it on the circumstances. never ever it is their fault! Women have so far destroyed over thousand countries, but always blame the jewish populations. It is time for us to stop them. It is time to stop the female bolshevism, and the female borgouis pedophile ring. The only way is by creating an equal country where women are all equal, where the property is everyone's and doesn't belong to private rich class or the middle class. I am offering a way to win this once and for all, to save all men from oppression of female borgouis oligarchy. It is time to address misandry in our society and the female degradation of human values, which itself we should correct by becoming ourselves cruel to them in regard for the sake of equilibrium where there is no private property in marriages and other manipulative constructions. The wedding industry will be demolished as the scorn of feminish capitalism. Come on brothers, the time of bolsheviks came. We will bring back polygamy and the peace of mind for men, we shall do what was destined to happen.
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>>468128 >Everyone is a mutt to some degree At this point you might as well get mad that we all evolved from apes and niggers
>>468128 also dont forget we were raped by reptiles 590mya ago.
>>468134 Try up til whites dominated, and tried enforced the simp ecology

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