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"Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop taking it seriously." -Hunter S. Thompson Weapons|Queen Grace's Royal Palace|Politically Incorrect|Video Games|Books|Role Playing Games|comfy posting

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FUCK NIGGERS Anonymous 01/25/2025 (Sat) 05:06:09 No. 467920 [Reply]
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Discord Anonymous 12/14/2024 (Sat) 10:49:44 No. 466057 [Reply]
I want to know whether or not discord is actually a social media site because I've seen a lot of places just lump it up in with actual social media sites because it has some similarities to that of actual social media sites but have seen people stating that it's not because there's a lot of things in it's makeup that completely differs from the likes of Instagram Twitter and facebook.
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>>469417 FART ON ME, PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm pretty sure it counts
>>469263 I've shitposted racism on there before

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Eternal nostalgiafag Anonymous 03/04/2025 (Tue) 10:14:09 No. 469535 [Reply]
I hate how everything is gay and minimalist now and I want to go back, but I'd have to sacrifice the convenience of modern life to truly capture the 2000s way of living. The idea of playing old games on a CRT tv and watching old tv shows and movies sounds nice, but I'd probably get bored at some point because I'd get that fomo over new shit. How do I cope with this?
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>>469583 You could make a board on this very site and just say it's whatever date you want. Every day it advances by one day. But at a certain point it needs to reset or it gets too far into the future. Ban anyone who reveals future knowledge.
>>469535 most of that looks like trash >>469536 this was the slop of its day >>469574 you can do all this right now your complaint is no friends #@//meetoo >>469578 Please share which software he used go set up the scheduled television >>469583 I got to see how things were in the before times EVEN THOUGH you could feel the "whoomph" of accelerationism taking place while experiencing it, which was it's own important experience I felt like I got

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This resonates with me

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Anonymous 08/30/2024 (Fri) 20:38:18 No. 462660 [Reply] [Last]
So... What do you think about 4chan? (informally known as cuckchan)
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I got banned for 'pedo bullshit' for posting loli in the loli thread on /b/. They're going to drive 'p to actual private grooming rings instead of manageable public imageboards. Sharty, Kiwi Farms, and 4chan are so fucking cucked in their rampant anti-pedo schizo conspiracies that I don't even support loli now, but say, "I don't think lolis are THAT bad, even if I do disagree", and get banned from all three. So much for thick-skinned edgelord sites, eh?
>>469594 yep the captcha email shit is awful. but 4chan is the dying place.i will hermit at chudpol.
It's alright, i'm not going to be dramatic about it or anything

Nigel Farage Anonymous 03/06/2025 (Thu) 09:15:55 No. 469646 [Reply]
There's a video of him getting a blowjob from some 20 something blonde onlyfans girl that found it's way onto telegram and I'd like to know if any of you might have happened to come across it or know where one might find it

Anonymous 03/05/2025 (Wed) 16:11:13 No. 469595 [Reply]
Why are white bois like this?
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>>469607 Everything everyone can ever do is cope I'm just wondering why everyone loves the 1st world when it is the antithesis of your phenotypes interest
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--Shre nazg golungranu kilmi-nudu, Ombi kuzddurbagu gundum-ishi, Nugu gurunkilu bard gurutu, Ash burz-durbagu burzum-ishi, Dagh burz-ishi makha gulshu darulu, Ash nazg durbatuluk, Ash nazg gimbatul, Ash nazg thrakatuluk, Agh burzum-ishi krimpatul,

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Why are hapas like this >>469595 ?

WEBM / MP4 Thread 3 - WTF Happened to the Second One Edition? Anonymous 03/27/2022 (Sun) 03:18:08 No. 352013 [Reply] [Last]
Fat nigger goes splat in Florida.
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>>469459 We're still laughing. it's you Leftists that are still breaking down.
>>469620 https://youtu.be/xJ2Zg8JqfAk I hate you maga turds so much! I used to BE one of you faggots!!! I LOVED Trump, I thought he was going to save us!! Trump is the DEVIL! Musk is the DEVIL! Open your eyes before it's too late!! The prophecy doesn't HAVE to be fulfilled, it can be delayed for another 1,000 years, and then again, and again, we can stop it!!! Just fight the antichrist!!!
>>469625 why are you posted youtube embeds, nigger? this is a webm thread

AMA peeing in bottles Anonymous 02/22/2025 (Sat) 22:38:45 No. 469195 [Reply]
I'm a piss in bottles type of human. I'm happy to give advice, respond or ask questions from all the human' Are into pissing in empty bottles laying around your house? (Yep) What types of bottles? (Simple plastic the cheapest) How much pee? (Half to full bottle) How long you take to move your big bottom to the toilet and empty them? (1 to 7 days) How much are you hating the smell? (Yes) How many bottles have you laying around full of your bladder juice? (This week 2)
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>>469515 Yes, I genuinely don't believe it exists. Make sure it's timestamped.
>>469596 Fine, here you go, my Ocean Spray 3 Liter container of piss
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>>469596 Sorry forgot pic

REMINDER THAT OUR 8 GIRL 45 MINUTE TAPE IS DROPPING IN 3 DAY.. (OnlyFans) Anonymous 03/01/2025 (Sat) 09:26:33 No. 469438 [Reply]
One guy gets to have sex with all 8 girls from the bop house and I need to where you can find this video
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>>469438 >>469438 Where to pay. Monero or Bitcoin? Do you accept cc worth 100 USD? I'm broke so best offer 120usd
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>>469585 Bitcoin sucks balls! Use Monero because Mental Outlaw said it's based!
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>>469520 This Anon gets it. Good job.

Anonymous 03/05/2025 (Wed) 03:47:19 No. 469563 [Reply]
So are commiecats 25% more expensive now?
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>>469564 I'm pretty indestructible tbh. I think tyat's what makes commiecats so appealing. I want to watch it try to destroy me while I laugh at its pitiful blows. >>469565 Commiecatposting isn't crazy though. >>469566 Fine.
>>469572 You are insane. But your my insane anon. Glad to see your doing okay commiecat anon. Anyway have a good day
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>>469572 >>469573 wrong. hes the only poster here schizophrenic with some weird obsession. unfortunately the only people who dont post on 4chan are pedos who come, good pictures anon. also there was someone using my name to insult probaly same mentally handicapped than you for alunya pics i saved them, feeling complicated rn

Anonymous 02/28/2025 (Fri) 03:13:23 No. 469400 [Reply]
How are rhythmic gymnasts so sexy?
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looks stupid bet I could do all that with a copelo hours practice
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S-s-s-s-ex with a gymnast?
>>469458 Thats unbelievably gay

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Source Anonymous 02/16/2025 (Sun) 02:33:42 No. 468990 [Reply]
I really need to know where to find the source for this and what his name is
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>>469557 True, but kinda still missing the bigger issue. He's just wrong. Chromebooks have harddrives. Like. Obviously. I don't even know where he got that from, hes just like retarded or something.
>>469562 Probably so few people use them that hackers don't bother like with macs, so the same wrong information follows it
>>469567 Oh like you know

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Sometimes Crossdresser Sometimes Crossdresser 03/03/2025 (Mon) 18:25:08 No. 469508 [Reply]
Sometimes Crossdresser
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Sometimes Crossdresser
Always faggot
This is the guy who lets his dog fuck him, bored with your other thread?

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Marlon pedophile scumbag Anonymous 02/21/2025 (Fri) 20:11:23 No. 469138 [Reply]
This beaner has raped thousands of children in the U.S. and around the world by entering into their dreams. We must jail him for his crimes!!!
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>>469505 Idk but if you post it on pastebin and share here the link. It will be better for the 8c mods because the info could be deleted on pastebin that makes your link void and the mods don't need to remove it for being material for doxing torpedo. (=Tor using pd)
>469541 Pure genius. Because every child pedophile needs to be exposed and probably justice, HOPEFULLY. WLL. BE. SERVED. Thank you Anon.

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I'm a zoophile, AMA Anonymous 08/23/2024 (Fri) 22:42:41 No. 462434 [Reply] [Last]
I'm a zoophile, ask me anything. (I know we have /zoo/, but I wanted to find a place outside of that spectrum to answer questions)
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lawl utk hm 2da|
Humans are animals btw. While most animals tend to have sex with their own species nearly or completely exclusively, we're not in a significantly distinct category from the broad "animals".
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>>469534 SHUT UP, NIGGER!!!

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>>469513 this is how i think of it.

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