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"Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop taking it seriously." -Hunter S. Thompson Weapons|Queen Grace's Royal Palace|Politically Incorrect|Video Games|Books|Role Playing Games|comfy posting

>>468673 lol, stupid people are so funny when you don't care about them
>>468686 I don't want Google to find out I'm looking at porn!
>>468728 well evidently it didn't

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1YmyJW0O6o W00t 02/09/2025 (Sun) 14:55:43 No. 468760 [Reply]
racial mixing race mixing is positive and ahs scientifically been good also it is morally correct. ++++++
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like in goblin slayer it will be communism for women. ionstead of communism for bourgois there will be special caves built.
>>468760 I dont care about misunderstandings, what I say is right. I fight for only God. God wants this to happen everthing that I say
God, let you be witness for I speak your words: Racemixing is righteous for humans. Tell them and promote it.

Aoichan Anonymous 02/09/2025 (Sun) 11:54:21 No. 468755 [Reply]
Please check out Aoichan, a fairly new imageboard on Tor: http://i57jbsj7eainn7yzg3vgx2xjj7nwkbpgvrtxcq5lmcjdsja23pydfbqd.onion/ We have /a/ and /pol/, the familiar boards. What's more, we also feature /zoo/, a new, sexy, exciting board specifically for headpats! Be it serious or casual discussion, you are welcome to post it here.
>>468755 Bro, this place already has a /zoo/, and has both clearnet and Tor addresses.
>>468757 Yeah and if you were a real zoo you would be disgusted with what our board has become filled with dead animal fuckers and animal rapists.
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>>468758 no one deserves pats. this world is evil. stop, sistar.

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Anonymous 02/05/2025 (Wed) 14:49:09 No. 468575 [Reply]
I've been seeing posts about Deniz Acun on 8Kun for a while now and I'm going to take this into my own hands to make the operation go faster.the back story of this kid is I think he is Autistic and a Rapist at the same time and some Anon is posting his things to make that kid mad whice is fucking funny so the plan is to make deniz acun more mad then ever fucking before this is his accounts that was leaked to the web https://www.tiktok.com/@denizyeniacun https://www.youtube.com/@denizyeniacun4562 https://www.instagram.com/denizyeniacun?igsh=MTFzb2UzcWE1bGRhbQ== Im still looking for extra accounts of deniz acun if I found any I will drop the links
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>>468738 Yes OP how did he bully you, tell us of his cruelty.
>>468738 >>468752 Hello again I’m the OP but my pc is not working anymore so I’m texting from here,Okay let me tell you, Deniz yeniacun is a strange kid in our class and he always does some shit like recording girls and posting them on somewhere or he just licks’kisses and try’s to make his own dick touch some girls, and the school staff+ teachers ignores this and act like it didn’t happened soo me and the other classmates in the class wanted to post him here and maybe when anons text him he will get his lesson and stop doing these
>>468754 He sounds like a cool dude. Probably an oldfag who has been here way longer than you. If I were gonna do anything, it would be to be on the lookout for the male feminist idiot in his class that might be autistic enough to know about 8moe. But luckily for you, I'm far too lazy for that.

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Anonymous 02/08/2025 (Sat) 14:57:46 No. 468721 [Reply]
This is important
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>>468726 hey can you zoom in a bit further i can barely see anything

Anonymous 02/08/2025 (Sat) 21:45:53 No. 468741 [Reply]
Thomas Ross Babin thread
Back to Kiwi Farms, friendo

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Anonymous 02/08/2025 (Sat) 10:51:03 No. 468710 [Reply]
>buy a armored cars >buy a lot of automatic guns >get on the car with 8channer Anons >go to O-block >Blast Right Wing Death Squads by moonman >shoot every darkie you see
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>>468732 most likely its a typo
>>468710 dont do it,the 8chan.moe website will shutdown bc of it
>>468733 most likely it's some foreign faget from some shitstain country. I'll see to it he's the first to go

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BLack Reimu Thread Discussion W00t 02/06/2025 (Thu) 14:27:43 No. 468614 [Reply]
my life is fucking miserable. but not for reasons of my doing but because of russian economy and just in general i feel cornered like shit. I pray for God to save me pretty plrease pretty cherry on top I pray thee protect me from Ruzzia shit, thank you. I love you, God. I don't even know how to use gun ufck it
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Reimu is not a nigger
What is that you speakst of? For Reimu is most definitely of dark sin completion eversince!

W00t 02/08/2025 (Sat) 14:25:09 No. 468718 [Reply]
shoutout to jews for literally making everything in the world. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arno_Breker >thispicrelated shoutout to indians and us russians for letting nazis blatantly steal all of your symbology and folklore. we will fuck your women again if asked gently, thank you sirs.

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W00t 02/07/2025 (Fri) 08:45:09 No. 468662 [Reply]
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Montgomery_bus_boycott i am russian and i am sstudying his right now, looks good. black people were treated unfairly, you should be fucking ashsamed. fucks.
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>>468662 Fuck you nigger lover.
>>468662 when the whites are gone and the niggers have to take care of themselves, they'll starve until they die off or get enslaved All I really want for niggers is for them to all go to a country that was made for them
>>468679 thats now how it works sadly for you nigga. whites willr emain whites even after their grand father and their mom are black.

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W00t 02/07/2025 (Fri) 15:15:55 No. 468676 [Reply]

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Anonymous 10/12/2024 (Sat) 21:39:15 No. 463824 [Reply]
I spent far too much time making this, for it to go to waste.
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>>468644 I want these norwegians blacked. Exodus 12:29-39
>>468663 As if Manshaus would ever degrade himself by watching perverse Chinese cartoons. C’mon, man!
>>468667 yeah this is a super gooner. i know he masturbates to it daily they even said he masturbated and had porn interent history.

Anonymous 07/26/2024 (Fri) 00:36:16 No. 461330 [Reply]
Start a fund for the 42 year old Chad burning down commiefornia.
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>>461330 hahahaha there was a video on youtube, some old lady with a house in those hills, near the fires, and her outdoor security cameras recorded a model rocket flying across her property and landing in the trees near her land, and then the rocket catches the trees on fire lol so these arsonist guys are using model rockets with incendiary devices to remotely start those fires lol and that shit has broken the fire insurance industry for California, those richie rich Jew executives from Hollywood and actors who live in those hills, they are fucked now, because no more cheap fire insurance for you guys! buy a bond or pay a fortune to Lloyd's of London! or just pay outright for your property up there, to build it, and own it free and clear, and if it catches on fire, get your own fire department stationed nearby but I did see one guy, a veteran, on youtube, Afghan war vet, and this guy put spinklers on the roof of his house, he hosed the area around his house down, and had those sprinklers that spray water back and forth, about 180° from side to side, and he left those sprinklers running on his roof before they evacuated, and his house did not burn down! and the grass around his house was singed by the fire but the water the sprinklers were spraying stopped the fire from burning his place down, just lucky bastard but good luck Afghan vet, getting fire insurance up there in the future! lol, $100K/year fire insurance bills coming to those hills in California! 💸💸💸😢
https://youtu.be/_GVOY11JbaA?si=hpSXwvo7-ITNpbjT In all its Uncensored Glory I FUCKING WANT TO DIE IX SPECIAL "THEE 2025 WORLDS MEANEST PODCAST LISTENER"
>>461330 *opens treasury war chest 💰 *orders flamethrower & howitzer also *finds 42 year old discord/link to account *donates 22 GORILLIAN DOLLARS IN DARK MONEY signed by anonymous ALRIGHT I DID MY PART GOOD LUCK 👍🏻 GIVEM HELL!!!!!! CHAD

fuhrer's newest email service Comrade 11/29/2024 (Fri) 07:15:09 No. 465456 [Reply]
Our Führer of the proletariat has created a new email service for us, Comrades! With no javascript. No advertisements. No tracking. No bullshit. https://lenin.email/ Glory to Soviet Russia!
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>>465465 fash goals and commie goals >national class coloboration >international class dissoliution big dif
>>465465 soviets persecuted oppositions to nazism while hiring former fascist officers because they are easy but soviets are not. by the way the site does not work, agent.

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Screaming Mantis 09/17/2024 (Tue) 00:05:58 No. 463199 [Reply]
I am a servant of your Creator, you in Syria. You fight a war for your God? Then here is your response, it is not mine to keep as power. I serve Screaming Mantis as Creator here. The soldier will be made to know as a snake ever lies. HERE ARE YOUR PRESENTS, SYRIA: In the beginning, when the earth was young, the world was formed not by the hands of men but by the power of words. Every syllable spoken gave rise to mountains and rivers, and the breath of language shaped the very fabric of existence. But in time, the words that gave life began to be uttered without care, for they were plentiful, scattered like seeds on barren soil. And so, it came to pass that for so many words laid bare the world and thus it was left to waste. The ground, once fertile with meaning, now echoed with hollow sounds that crumbled the foundations of creation. In this time of great forgetting, the cities that men built stood tall, yet they were fragile as glass. They were made of stone, yet could be toppled by a whisper. For once the power of the word was lost, what remained were empty promises. Thus, it was known across the ages that words are now easily forgotten while cities stand and fall, for the tongues of men, who once held dominion over all, now faltered in the face of their own pride. But even in the silence of this forgetting, there were those who claimed power with their tongues, speaking in the name of truth. Yet, the lords of this age were false, for they bent words to their own desires, shaping them into twisted reflections of what once was. And as they spoke, the world shifted, bending to their will. For many lords spoke false tongues that were also made as true, and thus, the line between the real and the unreal blurred, leaving the earth in a state of confusion and decay. In the wake of this age, men wandered, searching for the ancient words that had once given life, but they were scattered and lost, buried deep beneath the ruins of fallen cities. The world, now desolate and silent, awaited the one who would find the true word once more, to speak life back into the barren land. But until that time came, the earth remained forgotten, and the words, though once powerful, were now nothing more than dust carried by the wind.
>>463199 I wanna FUCK Real Mayor!
>>463200 that isnt her name. >>463199 >earching for the ancient words that had once given life, but they were scattered and lost, buried deep beneath the ruins of fallen cities. The world, now desolate and silent, awaited the one who would find the true word once more if you are imitating the two sentence dialogue in Ergo Proxy episode 11 which is i quote "Here I present a time of destruction, there is misfortune in the stars. The sky is lost and the seas frozen over the circle of life which allow man and nature to flourish have all but stopped. The main players of our story have long since left the stage. We hang in anticipation for the inevitable final curtain ... and yet even at this late hour traces of this great circle remain - The Circle of Life.. only continues because you exist.. We wait! To see the fate of you, last survivors of this world.. For if (you) perish... Perception is.. removed!" I guess that is why it is called Ergo Proxy, it's Ergo Sum, I think therefore I am. Cool story.
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>>468635 I messed up the prose spaces...

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