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Grace OC REDUX Peasant 05/18/2024 (Sat) 01:27:16 No. 7054 [Reply] [Last]
/monarchy/ board tan: Grace
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Ooooo a new batch of pics! Very nice!
>>7719 Thx, anon.

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/leftypol/ embassy Peasant 05/17/2024 (Fri) 13:38:46 No. 7041 [Reply]
leftypol.org-/monarchy/ embassy
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>>7248 leftypol also has a royal colony on their site also I'd argue as a commie that it's possible for an absolute monarchy to be socialist, the monarchs would have to read and practice marxist theory, which is unlikely to happen. also a socialist monarchy would be way better to have than any capitalist republic. >why can't we have constitutional monarchies that are socialist huh? we can, just very unlikely. >What's wrong with that? I see no issue with it tbh instead of republics or monarchies, another alternate structure of power would be of worker's councils that would be unified nation-wide to manage an entire country, thousands or even millions of worker councils would manage a country instead of a republic or a monarchy.
/monarchy/, this is your chance: https://leftypol.org/siberia/res/567562.html#567584 >should leftypol have a /monarchy/ board? https://strawpoll.com/1MnwkD7V1n7/

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8moe interboard games Peasant 05/17/2024 (Fri) 14:14:39 No. 7044 [Reply]
A thread for 8moe community games! at /monarchy/
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If we ever go back to /icup/ again, these anthems we'll use.

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/monarchy/ is invited to the 3rd 8moe Duels Soulcalibur 6 tournie. You are welcome to add another character (if you want) or re-roll your character's fighting style fighting style. The event is being hosted at >>>/icup/5943 It will be sometime this upcoming weekend.

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8moe /b/ embassy Peasant 05/17/2024 (Fri) 13:53:37 No. 7042 [Reply]
/b/-/monarchy/ embassy
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I was touched when you made this thread. Still am I guess. I never really got to know you, but I did enjoy interacting when we did. You helped make this place fun sometimes y'know? Well. Anyways. I am going and I won't be back. No one's fault, nothing anyone said or did. It's just something that happened, and it means I won't be around on this earth much longer. I don't wanna spend that time moderating. Take care your royal highness. And may God bless you and all your future endeavors. Goodbye.
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>>7346 This sounds very bad. I hope for any potential recovery or mitigation if possible. I feel sorry you're leaving the community b/c you were a pillar to 8moe and the funposting that happened here. >I was touched when you made this thread. Still am I guess. You helped introduce me to the 8moe community & other jannies & to use the BO name. & participated in so many events. & helped in so many ways. I did very little and I was surprised you stuck around since there wasn't much on this board to offer except the notes I'd scrawl out in my containment thread from my personal studies & inner thoughts and frustrations and autism. Besides the OC & mingling with the other boards. I tried to be more comfy to be around and more interesting personality, but the way I think and act, maybe through a force of habit, inhibits me from being a better funposter to be around. Speaking for myself, I think I'm gradually self-improving and learning to be a better funposting that I'll eventually be able to bring this board out of simply being a place for political tirades & blogposting into being something better. I feel I've mastered my own politics enough to move into more brevity & soul than trying to desperately and autistically explain everything like a leftist meme, & I know that is a personal flaw of mine I've grown over the years here. ... I try to be a better poster and bring more fun to the table. >I was touched when you made this thread. I thought about promoting you to a Duke to honor you earlier, but felt you preferred the namesake of Baron. That & the bronyposting really amused me. >You helped make this place fun sometimes y'know? I thought about hosting another event next weekend (if you're still interested somehow).

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/tkr/ embassy Peasant 05/17/2024 (Fri) 13:06:56 No. 7038 [Reply]
/tkr/-/monarchy/ embassy
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>>7328 And a simpler alt
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/tkr/ loses to Grace in a tickle fight.

/hispol/ embassy Peasant 05/17/2024 (Fri) 13:11:24 No. 7039 [Reply]
/hispol/-/monarchy/ embassy
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Esther and her best friends. Colour version HD coming soon...
Now, I promised: Esther and her best friends Avellana of /av/, Grace of /monarchy/ and Lila of /tkr/ Colour version and HD

Peasant 06/23/2023 (Fri) 06:09:25 No. 6435 [Reply] [Last]
grace containment thread p2
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<Also, did Aristotle really say Orientals are incapable of self-government? For barbarians, but in this context the Persians. https://www.ieg-ego.eu/en/threads/models-and-stereotypes/from-the-turkish-menace-to-orientalism/rolando-minuti-oriental-despotism https://www.philipharland.com/Blog/2023/10/europeans-asians-and-greeks-aristotle-on-environment-and-ethnic-hierarchies-fourth-century-bce/ >Like many other key concepts of philosophical and political European culture, Oriental despotism is deeply rooted in Greek thought. The words "despot" and "despotism" clearly come from a classical Greek context, where this concept became an effective tool of automatic recognition of Greek identity and superiority over other "barbarous" nations, mainly the great Persian enemy. Although the idea of a radical opposition between the Greek and Persian nations, grounded on the Greek assumption that Persians were subordinate slaves, was expressed by several authors, such as Aeschylus (525–456 BC) or Isocrates (436–338 BC) , it was Aristotle (384–322 BC) who formulated the first solid theoretical foundation of this idea, codifying despotism as a topos of political philosophy. >In many respects, this was a crucial distinction which enabled the Greeks to theoretically justify their future attitudes towards Asiatic societies and political systems. First, Aristotle's theory clearly qualified despotism as incompatible with the natural character of the Greek people, who were free and could only temporarily be subject to tyranny because they would revolt against it as soon as possible. Instead, despotism was said to be the most suitable form of government for barbarous nations, mainly the Persians, who were thought to have a natural tendency towards subordination and would thus accept authorities which would be intolerable for the Greeks without opposition or apparent pain. <And by Orient, does he mean West Asia or East Asia? Westerners today definitely apply this idea to both peoples, esp. in the context of East Asia, Confucianism, and China & North Korea today.
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<Thomas Hobbes on monarchomachists & pro-regicides >From the reading, I say, of such books, men have undertaken to kill their Kings, because the Greek and Latin writers, in their books, and discourses of Policy, make it lawfull, and laudable, for any man so to do; provided before he do it, he call him Tyrant. For they say not Regicide, that is, killing of a King, but Tyrannicide, that is, killing of a Tyrant is lawfull. <Hobbes / From the same books (like Aristotle's Politics), they think in Democracies they are all freemen, but under Monarchies, all slaves >From the same books, they that live under a Monarch conceive an opinion, that the Subjects in a Popular Common-wealth enjoy Liberty; but that in a Monarchy they are all Slaves. I say, they that live under a Monarchy conceive such an opinion; not they that live under a Popular Government; for they find no such matter. <Anti-Monarchy writers, they're like Rabid Dogs <Like rabid dogs won't drink water & have a rabid hydrophobia, rabid democratical writers have a rabid tyrannophobia; <A monarchy bitten by rabid, snarling democratical writers wants nothing more than a strong, mean Monarch <Once there is that Strong Monarch, it is a self-fulfilling prophesy & they abhor their Tyrant >In sum, I cannot imagine, how anything can be more prejudicial to a Monarchy, than the allowing of such books to be publicly read, without present applying such correctives of discreet Masters, as are fit to take away their Venom; Which Venom I will not doubt to compare to the biting of a mad Dog, which is a disease the Physicians call Hydrophobia, or Fear Of Water. For as he that is so bitten, has a continual torment of thirst, and yet abhors water; and is in such an estate, as if the poison endeavoured to convert him into a Dog: So when a Monarchy is once bitten to the quick, by those Democraticall writers, that continually snarl at that estate; it wants nothing more than a strong Monarch, which nevertheless out of a certain Tyrannophobia, or fear of being strongly governed, when they have him, they abhor. <From Aristotle, they learned to call anything but mixed constitutionalism / representative, Western multi-party democracy -- Tyranny >From Aristotle's Civil Philosophy, they have learned, to call all manner of Commonwealths but the Popular, (such as was at that time the state of Athens,) Tyranny. All Kings they called Tyrants... A Tyrant originally signified no more simply, but a Monarch: But when afterwards in most parts of Greece that kind of government was abolished, the name began to signify, not only the thing it did before, but with it, the hatred which the Popular States bare towards it: As also the name of King became odious after the deposing of the Kings in Rome, as being a thing natural to all men, to conceive some great Fault to be signified in any Attribute, that is given in despight, and to a great Enemy. And when the same men shall be displeased with those that have the administration of the Democracy, or Aristocracy, they are not to seek for disgraceful names to express their anger in; but call readily the one Anarchy, and the other Oligarchy. Hobbes' Nominalism & the arbitrary, petty Namecalling of the political arena <Tyranny and Oligarchy, But Different Names of Monarchy, and Aristocracy

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♔ Read a Book ♔ Peasant 05/01/2020 (Fri) 01:16:48 No. 22 [Reply] [Last]

Reading Thread.
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This should be helpful.

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Peasant 09/05/2022 (Mon) 05:05:28 No. 4915 [Reply] [Last]
graceposter containment thread
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>>6741 >your IP is from a known spammer Well guess TOR not working.
Anyone noticed that Graceposter basically disappeared once King Charles took to the throne?

Royal Court Tyrant 01/31/2021 (Sun) 10:48:52 No. 2450 [Reply] [Last]
Welcome to /monarchy/ Board /monarchy/ King: 5th King Volunteers: sangvinivs Titles: - Baron, dubbed Baron Adventurer, awarded for service in the /tkr/-/monarchy/ war, by the 5th King
Edited last time by Ramses_the_Great on 11/05/2022 (Sat) 04:45:37.
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Merry Christmas, /monarchy/
🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵MANSE!🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵 ★Happy Birthday, Kim Jong Un★ 🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵MANSE!🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵

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Deposition of a bad monarch Peasant 12/01/2024 (Sun) 20:54:49 No. 7641 [Reply]
Forgive me admins if this doesn't deserve it's own thread, I'll move this where you say it's best to do so if you find it wanting or annoying. I come asking questions and hope that this board yet lives to answer them. If a monarch is a bad monarch such as starving out his people, taking away their worldly comforts to horde for himself, pulling out all the stops for another people but leaving his own in dust and disarray, and taxing them to death, is it correct to depose him? Is it right to remove him from office in hopes of another, better monarch taking his place? Or is his place as monarch secure even if he's a bad monarch, for hope that his successor may be better? There are few places I can ask questions like this and too few monarchists to pester with the questions I have so you're my best hope for something approaching an answer. I suppose it comes down to this: Morality vs Legality of removing a monarch from power. Is it moral? If it is, is its legality of greater importance? Where is the line drawn?
>>7641 No. In some monarchies, it's simply the case that the monarchy is predominately wealthy and owns the critical wealth (like the oil rich monarchies). If we're aiming for a full & simple monarchy, then without a doubt, people should get comfortable with the idea of the monarchy having such a portion of the state budget and wealth at his disposal. & those monarchies usually provide for the public. Probably the most grievous examples I can think of are the Shah of Iran or Bokassa's coronation & tbh that isn't enough altogether to make me say they should have been overthrown for that reason. Now constitutional monarchies today like the UK are making such a huge grievance over a tiny portion of the budget and the coronation, that a man like Charles III should have all that wealth and these titles by right of birth -- that alone is enough for the full fledged republicans to cry tyranny, even over a small consumption tax. If we allow monarchies to tax as much as our contemporary democracies, it should be more than enough even though people would call it the greatest tyranny because a monarch is doing it and not the pretense of the People doing it. Though even the rulers who have been historically deemed tyrants were more conscious about how much they taxed their subjects. Emperor Tiberius, for example, reprimanded his governor of Egypt for taxing too much. Tiberius said, >I would have my sheep sheared, not flayed. Anyways. >Is it right to remove him from office in hopes of another, better monarch taking his place? You hope, but that's not guaranteed. It could be the end of the Monarchy (in that case, don't count on a restoration) or a usurper who is even worse. If you browsed the board long enough, frankly said that is my position (& it is the fringe position, non-resistance and the absolute monarchist stance was routinely mocked well after the 1700s). That said, it's even more peculiar to me how constitutional monarchists are such staunch legitimatists well after a monarchy is overthrown and expect a restoration centuries afterwards, but for most of them the question of deposing a monarch is easy-pudding. -- That contrast between their staunch legitimatism & easy-going regicide *cough* tyrannicide calls doesn't have virtue in my book... loyalism for them (esp. with saintly martyr kings) is amplified after a monarch is overthrown, but the virtue of loyalism and keeping a tight belt through good and bad times should be there when the regime is alive. The absolutist stance is more sensible imo b/c there's dogged loyalism when the regime is still around, and then it is inevitably accepted once a regime is overthrown decades later and it's apparent they aren't coming back. Restorationism after 100+ years, no question about it -- is time to move on and consider new blood and new leadership.
Again, I personally don't think with Monarchy (tbh with ANY form of State) people should jump ship or abandon it at the first slight of inconvenience. People should expect to go through both good and bad times, not only good times perpetually (overthrowing a State because it hits a bump in the road is purist thinking and does more harm than any tyranny itself).

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Peasant 11/06/2024 (Wed) 05:37:04 No. 7607 [Reply]
Remember, remember, the 5th of November (*belated Guy Fawkes thread)

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Secret Halloween Thread Peasant 11/01/2024 (Fri) 03:52:25 No. 7603 [Reply]
Post here if you visited /monarchy/ on Halloween...
I was here for Halloween 2024! Does this make me more likely to receive a royal land grant? Also, Grace looks very nice in Egyptian attire.
Grace is cute

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Peasant 09/24/2024 (Tue) 10:28:10 No. 7502 [Reply]
Hello! Which is your favourite monarchy, family or monarch? For me it has to be the Mecklenburg dynasty.
The Stuarts + Julio-Claudians are my favorites. I also have a soft spot for the Kim dynasty.

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webm/mp4 thread! Peasant 05/01/2020 (Fri) 02:33:13 No. 55 [Reply] [Last]

Put videos here.
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>>6455 >>6478 Despite what I said, I like your mp4 and will save it.
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/monarchy/ logo 5th King Board owner 07/24/2024 (Wed) 22:12:44 No. 7368 [Reply]
New & approved logo for the board.
>>7368 based

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