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"Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop taking it seriously." -Hunter S. Thompson Weapons|Queen Grace's Royal Palace|Politically Incorrect|Video Games|Books|Role Playing Games|comfy posting

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Anonymous 09/07/2024 (Sat) 17:34:53 No. 462879 [Reply]
> you go for a late night walk to buy some cigarretes > on the way there you see some old man waving his hands in the air > your balls start to itch > you realize the harder the old man shakes his waves in the air, the more your balls itch What is your next move, Anon?
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Fuckin nigger at My old board & house complained of his balls itching after fucking his white pig Sloppy pig bunny gf, (nigger complains balls itch & burn with crabs) uses his roommates main hot water sink to rinse his balls!!, Next morning NIGGER starts complaining something outside smells like DINOSAUR 🦕 SHIT

It is IMPOSSIBLE for there to be a Jewish race! Anonymous 02/13/2025 (Thu) 22:13:37 No. 468906 [Reply]
Jewish ancestry is a topic of much debate, but the fact of the matter is that the existence of Jewish (Ashkenazi) racial genetics is not possible. DNA testing sites claim that certain individuals have Jewish genes, but such claims are not backed up by science. After all, the genes in question are not labeled as Jewish before they appear on a report. They are only labeled as such after the fact, which is to say, arbitrarily. Furthermore, it is strange that Jewish genes appear on genetic reports, but there are no such occurrences for Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, or any other religion. Many people of Jewish backgrounds carry similar genes due to ancestral circumstances, but that does not make those genes Jewish. It simply means that a group of people carry similar genes, such as a group of people carrying genes for blonde hair or blue eyes. Therefore, the labeling of certain genes as Jewish is done either out of ignorance or to serve an agenda. Since Jewish Supremacists consider themselves the chosen of a supposedly omnipotent God, it is most likely the latter because claiming that they have special genes serves to deem them as chosen on a genetic level. However, one can see that such a claim does not hold up under scientific scrutiny. https://vnnforum.com/showthread.php?t=573168
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>>468919 A picture speaks a thousand words, kike kultist. YOU WILL LEARN TO FEAT THE MIGHT OF THE GIANT ARYAN PHENOTYPE SPACE BABY!
>>468931 *FEAR
>>468931 Depends on the form it takes and whatever madness it induces in me. And I am love with idea of making the white race something that won't die because of retarded snowballing quirks Liking making a white phenotype that survive airborne rabies then make airborne rabies

its vaalentine's day... uh W00t 02/14/2025 (Fri) 14:26:07 No. 468935 [Reply]
we live in meritocracy

russisan gemztone doesnt deserve place on 8"chan" but here it is brother W00t 02/13/2025 (Thu) 20:19:34 No. 468903 [Reply]

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roll Anonymous 12/03/2023 (Sun) 12:09:30 No. 453159 [Reply] [Last]
rolling for bovines.
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>no werewolves What a crummy picture.
>>453160 Baste and correct. Noses are cute and essential.
>>453159 Rollan

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W00t 02/11/2025 (Tue) 22:56:15 No. 468862 [Reply]
objectively sexiest short and possibly clothes (excluding bikinis)
If I could watch one woman get raped to death by a horse https://m.youtube.com/shorts/QUcdQLEhsc0

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Share Your Femboys FemboySpreader 02/13/2025 (Thu) 09:34:45 No. 468888 [Reply]
Share all those sluts worth ruining
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>>468788 Hypothetically speaking if I was Genghis Khan like in quantum leap and the only way for me to take the next leap forward (which could be my leap home) was to rape all the whores and all the virgins I would rape all the whores and all the virgins and I wouldn't go ew no I'm not raping that whore because she's a whore
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>>468800 Your mom fucks my ass while I sleep

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Anonymous 06/19/2024 (Wed) 16:24:51 No. 460241 [Reply]
What should I do before killing myself? To generate max lulz or butthurt. I have nothing to lose.
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>>468421 This is why I'm never going back to reddit. Fuck You Spez.
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>>468858 Isn't Spez that ginger with them cannibal teeth? >>468861 Hah! Checkmate atheist!

Anonymous 02/11/2025 (Tue) 14:26:51 No. 468851 [Reply]

Help a fella out?? Anonymous 02/02/2025 (Sun) 16:21:23 No. 468431 [Reply]
does anyone know the name of this 18yo model?, she goes by Isabella something and has videos with a old man that goes by the name of Don Alberto. thanks
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>>468468 STFU you horny pajeet
still nothing?
>>468811 Dude, I'm going to be straight with you without all the fucking trolling. You said she was 18. EIGHTEEN. We aren't geriatric fetishists here. Maybe she was pretty when she was 10-13 years old... I dunno, but you should have asked back then not now. Just what the fuck are you doing fawning over a woman so old? Was this just a big troll?

icup 8 thread Anonymous 02/11/2025 (Tue) 04:53:11 No. 468846 [Reply]
Looking for volunteers and hosts: Do any anons want to take up the mantle of restoring infinity cup 8? Infinity Cup 8 thread: >>>/icup/6370 It is completely understaffed & nobody has hosted an icup in a while. What is needed - A host (who can host the game & stream it on cytube or 8tv) - Volunteers to voice chat & broadcast over the stream - Organizers of any kind Game: Pro Evolution Soccer 2017 Resources: icup 7 archive: https://ia601509.us.archive.org/23/items/ICUP7/ ... An /icup/ tutorial: https://infinitycup.miraheze.org/wiki/Pro_Evolution_Soccer_2017

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TEST 02/10/2025 (Mon) 04:50:25 No. 468793 [Reply]
test TEST >test https://test.test
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AXE AI 46TB data dump? Anonymous 02/10/2025 (Mon) 21:37:21 No. 468815 [Reply]
Hello everyone I am asking for help with this qr code. Does anybody remember this AXE A.I. sponsorship? Is there still a data dump or it's like the link invalid?

CIVITAI Anonymous 02/10/2025 (Mon) 21:16:09 No. 468814 [Reply]
Apparently 'penisgirl' can crash an entire website for 3 minutes. Some mf spent it's resources to 'ddos' civitai.com with it's realistic pics.Or maybe it's just to much data that we users send to the servers to cache. IDK, some help here?

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