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Anonymous 02/22/2025 (Sat) 00:07:51 No. 469147
the vet said my cat is going to die of kidney failure pretty soon...
looks fine 2 me you'll be fine
>>469147 Wow that sucks. I'm sorry bud
>>469147 well, to die is the point of life, and the cat won't be able to suffer anymore
>>469147 Sorry, anon. How old is xe/xer? That's a very common way for older cats to go; I've lost several that way. Best thing to do is to put them to sleep, put them out of their mystery as it gets very painful for them.
Don't do what I did. Don't put off the inevitable. Don't wait and tell yourself the cat is having just a bad few days and will bounce back, when it starts going downhill get it euthanized by a vet that cares so deeply about end of life comfort that they have stuffed animals and special beds and you get to hold them while they go to sleep so it's not a bad death.
>>469147 I'm sorry man. Truly.
>>469152 true, at least she won't suffer. but i'd rather that she didn't suffer and stayed alive at the same time >>469166 >How old is xe/xer? she's 6 years old >>469167 thanks for the advice, though i'm not sure where to find a vet like the one you described >>469180 she's going to be cremated >>469150 >>469188 thank you guys for not leaving a troll reply >>469192 but as i said she's only 6 years old
>>469193 Its rough when a beloved cat passes. I'll pray for you both. I'm sorry.
>469194 (You) >469193 (You) Reported and saged, niggers. https://reddit.com/r/cats or https://boards.4chan.org/b/ may be more your speed.
>>>/zoo/24834 Check out what people are saying about your cat!
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im a dog person btw lol i piss on ur cat's corpse it was so useless
breaking my edgy gimmick to say sorry because even my edgy soul secretly likes cats, I just wanted to test the limits of this site's free speech for performance art for a lack of better words
>>469147 that's awful

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