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"Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop taking it seriously." -Hunter S. Thompson Weapons|Queen Grace's Royal Palace|Politically Incorrect|Video Games|Books|Role Playing Games|comfy posting

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Anonymous 12/08/2024 (Sun) 03:59:47 No. 465806 [Reply]
Can someone please draw one of these characters wearing goggles and fins and diving underwater? Air tank and hoses are optional. Characters can wear bikinis, topless and bikini bottoms, high-cut one-piece swimsuits, or wetsuits. Optionally, they can also be nude. If none of the posted characters are too your liking, a generic furry girl is also okay. Any sfw/nsfw situation is fine.
I remember you from one of the /v/ drawthreads
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>>465806 That will be 0.0005155392819280179 Bitcoin per sketch sar.
>>465842 Nice work, thank you for taking the time to draw it. I can't quite tell, was it supposed to be Lammy? Or did you go the generic character route?

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Anonymous 12/01/2024 (Sun) 02:22:07 No. 465565 [Reply]
How do I get out of my marriage unscathed?
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>>465566 Sounds like something a bot might say
>>465565 Document everything, get a PI just in case she's cheating, get a lawyer, and record her not being worried about you being around the kids.
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Anonymous 11/22/2024 (Fri) 00:56:52 No. 465190 [Reply]
Maybe this isn't the best board to discuss venturing outside the house, but I do on occasion, often taking the train. I've noticed that if I spot an attractive lady on the train, I tend to "play" to her most of the ride. As in, she becomes my focus. I angle my best side toward her. Position myself to remain in her line of sight. Little things like that. I never approach her -- I'm not nearly attractive enough for that to work out well. But I still exhibit this odd behavior that I don't even like in myself. Is anyone else this way?
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>>465645 Jaw surgery or only fuck chicks who are blind. Got it.
>>465646 Why not jaw surgery plus money? Best of both worlds.
>>465190 >Is anyone else this way? Autistic? Yeah, most of us are.

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Rape jokes Anonymous 12/03/2024 (Tue) 15:53:30 No. 465639 [Reply]
Post your worst rape jokes and let's laugh about them. >I asked my girlfriend if we could try my rape fantasy last night. She said no. It was the best night of my life.
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>>465802 Fuck I completely missed that one

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Anonymous 12/07/2024 (Sat) 21:42:26 No. 465795 [Reply]
found this as one of the only good greentexts on 4chan left. >be me >6th grade loner >spend most of my time learning python/cmd and watching anime >school doesnt do shit about me and my two other friends getting bullied >my wanna be hacker ass has an idea >everyones school passwords are the same emails are just first name and last name plus school email tag >gets called to office over some shit i dont remember >see a cart full of chromebooks >notice everyones in there offices and i take one >bring it home and fuck around with it for a week >get pissed off and spend the whole entire weekend posting porn/gore/snuff and hentai >figure out that the schools websites unsecure and is just an open canvas for me >post a photo of a dude fucking a girl with a chainsaw as a dick >make that the schools logo image >over 200 student emails and 20 teacher emails

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In junior high, I was learning C and I made a fake DOS prompt that responded to `cd` and `dir` but anything else would just return `Bad command or file name.` This was back in Windows 95 days. Anyway, our computer lab was networked, but literally you could write to any C drive on any computer. So for shits and giggles, I copied my fake DOS prompt to every computer, and added it to every `autoexec.bat` so it would run at startup. Things were cool for a couple of days but over the next few, the started grouping us up on fewer computers because some of them were "having problems." I thought it was funny at first, like I remember nearly suffocating because I was laughing so hard wherever I thought about it. But one of those days, we came in to the computer lab and all of the computers were gone. The teacher said they had a virus somehow, and were getting them fixed. I started to get nervous then. Well dude, months went by and those computers never came back. Every time someone started talking on the PA, I feared it would be calling me to the principal's office. Or perhaps a letter home to my parents. Holy shit I got paranoid for a12 year old, wondering if people knew what I did but were waiting to fuck me over. Well, none of that happened. Apparently Gateway said the computers were unrecoverable (lol) and new ones weren't in the budget. We just played heads up 7 up for the rest of the year and we all got A's.

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TRUMP WON THE ELECTION Anonymous 11/06/2024 (Wed) 23:50:50 No. 464681 [Reply]
Praise, And the Sons of TRUMP. -Proud Boy Brian.
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Anonymous 12/05/2024 (Thu) 06:00:07 No. 465689 [Reply]
I keep reading that the kids in high school (in the US) are the dumbest yet -- can't read, rely upon technology but cannot use it, etc. As an older gentleman of above-average intelligence (aren't we all, here), what are some ways we can benefit long-term from the retardation of the upcoming generations that have been royally screwed over by today's niggery influences.
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>>465705 The only dysgenics here is that white people consistently fail their entry back into the gene pool, by relying on insane white picket fence myth. Selection only occurs in the positive when one couple has enough offspring, 6 or more, for all their offspring to have a decent chance to test their mettle in the real world. When people delude themselves that "replacement rate" is enough, that just means that your bare minimum 2 kids ALSO face the risk, and statistical inevitability, that they're not the best kids you COULD have. You have one kid able to be Nikola Tesla but not a good father: that's minus 1 to your replacement rate. Benefit society incidentally but not a recursive improvement. The matter of fact is that "equality" means immense hostility towards alternate lifestyles that are crucial support units in society but only in the short term. And its even stronger cultural baggage in the faux conservatives' ethos, than in wokism. They're constantly trying to gamble on good stock coming exclusively out of their own inbred selves, when it's really a battle of quantity. No matter how fine their best kid is, the worst is pressured to go marry their second cousin who also is a waster, but supports "family values". However they too will not even HAVE the sixth kid who lucked out to dodge all the Hapsburg mutations.
>>465772 >unsourced schizo post Hey that's great, buddy
>>465772 >The only dysgenics here is that white people consistently fail their entry back into the gene poo >Selection only occurs in the positive when one couple has enough offspring, 6 or more, for all their offspring to have a decent chance to test their mettle in the real world. both are dysgenics, whites are more closely related to the people then gave rise to the ecology we now suffer in, and have the best chances of evolving out of the cycle while maintaining and advancing an eternal civilization, and can truthfully call themselves the end of nature biological evolution of mankind, so it is the most dysgencis when whites don't have as many offspring as they can, as they are limiting the possibility of that, and selection comes from being under a harsh ecology also cousin marriages aren't bad, they maintain your phenotype your 3rd cousin is the most optional person you could have offspring with due to you getting more then 50% of your genes into your offspring while maintaining genetic health vaccines are dysgenics, abundance is dysgenics, mechanized warfare is dysgenics, fucking democracy is dysgenics, most things about industrialized civilization are dsygenics also if my child was the Nikola tesla type, he would get more of my and his genes in the world by making things that help our ethnic group, then he would have just putting his energy into sexual reproduction, your ethnic group is your phenotype, your phenotype growing is a form of reproduction ethnic reproduction is the highest and most potent form of reproduction

Anonymous 12/07/2024 (Sat) 03:47:53 No. 465763 [Reply]
Can you think of a logical to counter the typical "loli=pedo" and "sexualized high schoolers in anime bad" arguments that would even make the most terminaly online zoomer agree with you?
Lol get banned idiot
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>>465766 If vamp is still the the bo, he'll do it because it is funny
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>loli=pedo That one's easy: fiction isn't reality. Once you start telling me that people who watch shit like Final Destination are death-obsessed psychopaths and should get serious medical help, THEN i'll assume you're serious about fiction equating to or reflecting on reality and believe that you believe your own bullshit. As long as someone can watch and enjoy films about people getting torn apart, or even real, liveleak videos that are a legal gray area but nearly nobody rallies against it, without being branded a mentally-disturbed murder risk, then people can whack it to anime little girls without being a risk to real little girls. >sexualized high schoolers in anime bad I was jerking off when i was 14 and i'm pretty sure everyone else was, too, if not already fucking. Everyone's all horned up in high school, that's half of what high school's about. The only people who complain about it are either prudes with no sex drive or complete sluts that want to pretend like they're not for their own self-assured self-satisfaction. SHOULD people in high school have sex? Morally, no, but they probably will, because we now live in a highly indulgent society where we stopped beating people with a bible to curb their animal instincts. >no mention of bestiality despite the pokesmut
Warning:Local rule 1
>>465763 >Lol get banned idiot >>465766 ><banned >Why is that rule in place? Kinda odd. He was only warned by Belial, not banned. Check the logs. It's a rule because Acid was a retard and allowed a /hebe/ board for a time, giving the site a pedo problem. I have my own opinions on the loli pedo arguments, but I don't make the rules. Just pick some other dead board to argue about it. >>465768 You too. Take it elsewhere.

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Anonymous 12/06/2024 (Fri) 13:15:08 No. 465744 [Reply]
There's something really satisfying about making a google search and coming back with your own post.
The angry marines too

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Anonymous 10/25/2024 (Fri) 00:15:07 No. 464264 [Reply]
GI? AI? Nope. Juts China
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>>465671 Oh I didn't notice the stove You are right, even animals don't shit where thier food is

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Anonymous 12/05/2024 (Thu) 22:59:57 No. 465706 [Reply]
fuck 2 0 2 5

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Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 15:26:37 No. 465358 [Reply]
4cuck wants email verification now. When did they implement this?
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it's optional doe
Everything kino is fucked man

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Fuck this thing Anonymous 12/04/2024 (Wed) 00:50:15 No. 465648 [Reply]
>thing BAD because book said so This is the only valid use for a holy book. And maybe for anyone dumb enough to obsess over this shit. God does not love you.
What kind of cheap-ass Bible is made of paper and not parchment?
>>465648 You're very genetically unhealthy
You'll be begging for forgiveness before its finished.

If evolution is real Anonymous 11/30/2024 (Sat) 17:45:39 No. 465542 [Reply]
if evolution is real then how come homosexuality still exist?? shouldn't faggots with their gay genes have died out thousands of years ago?
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>>465588 Um actually, posting on /leftypol/ abuse disproportionatly affects the BIPOC and LGBTQPIA+ community, you calling it cute proves youre RAYCIS
>>465617 Board owner, you are complicit in patriarchy and raycism with your inappropriate word filter
>>465618 That's a sitewide wordfilter.

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Why! Anonymous 12/02/2024 (Mon) 20:10:23 No. 465623 [Reply]
WARNING! This is a petty little rant! I am very patriotic to my shithole country of Britain but (not the gov tho) however i have some problems with it. 1: My parents only make British food. Healthy sure but u grenup on banana butty for breakfast, 5 lone sausages for lunch and liver and onion or minced beef hash (no herbs) for dinner. 2: Weather sucks ass. I live high up and north so summers are about 12c here and spring, autumn and winter hovers around 0-5c. 3: Place and people including me is just fackin depressing. Fuck all to do but wait to drink on the weekend. 4: No jobs, no hope for the future, no fun and everyone hates themselves. 5: place is fucking poor as shit. (Nerdy but if you remove London then the rest of the UK is poorer than the US state of Mississippi). I got a bus stand outside that was smashed in the 90s, acouncil just built a sign next to it where to wait. 6: Things are crazy expensive. California or Canada does not even look that expensive to me and they get paid more than i do. (It still looks shit and expensive yes) 7: Authoritarian ass government! I can get 15 years prison for simply looking or sharing something that the government does not like. You have to register with the council/local government to build something as small as a shed on your property and they deny it mostly. You also need to register your chickens and birds to stop bird flu (they put a fence around a field near me bc the wild pigeons had bird flu... Except birds fly.

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>>465623 >(Nerdy but if you remove London then the rest of the UK is poorer than the US state of Mississippi) Bullshit. Bongistan is not that poor. Fucking Haiti is not that poor. The Burger South is Fourth World.
>>465624 Fourth world you say? *rubs hands together jewishly* Oy vey a free market! Yay capitalism!!! Hehehheh the stupid Qs love it! And all their shekels go in my pocket! Hahahahha! They worship the free market instead of their Lord Jesus! Hahahahhaha! They don't take care of the poor or orphans or widows!!! Hehehehhehehehehehehe they worship capitalism like their golden calf hahhahahaha stupid goyim!!!! They call taking care of their people socialism!!! HAHHAHA WE HAVE COLLAPSED YHE
>>465623 There won't be any places to run. Your population has been selected for all that Bad outcomes And it is happening everywhere you would want to ran to

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