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"Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop taking it seriously." -Hunter S. Thompson Weapons|Queen Grace's Royal Palace|Politically Incorrect|Video Games|Books|Role Playing Games|comfy posting

Anonymous 01/06/2025 (Mon) 12:06:27 No. 467054 [Reply]
>there is an impermeable membrane of sorts between your mind and the physical world >you can only know the world through translated signals from your very limited and very specific senses >you cannot directly express your thoughts except through limited tools like language or artistic media, all of which are unreliably left open to interpretation by those receiving your messages I do not accept this, and neither should you.
>>467054 Satan is God. Isis is the mark of the beast.
Nope, the physical world gives rise to my mind, and my thoughts are limited by it due to there being no free lunch in physics

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STOP BEING ANONYMOUS Anonymous 12/10/2024 (Tue) 19:16:26 No. 465892 [Reply]
They're trying to take credit away from you!! Sign your work!! They'll take your spiritual blessings by taking your work under their name!!! AI IS EVIL YOU ARE NOT INSIGNIFICANT!!!!
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>>465976 I don't know some of them seem like they are pretty comfortable with big fancy pools and IPs they have and deals that make it so that they just make money for sitting on their butts because they did a performance that got recorded and now every time it gets replayed they get a little bit of money. Being a rich writer seems the best.
>>465921 >>465921 personally I just kill 'em all and let god sort 'em out
>>467046 who in the fuck is Captain Blackbeard fuck AI

I honestly have not expected for this show to come out, based on mobile point n click. W00t 01/04/2025 (Sat) 06:16:58 No. 466957 [Reply]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQKw8KfDpmk&t=909s its basically about this girl who is 14 (((18))) who was killed and she was revived in the afterlife (familiar trope honestly now) here you have others who have no memory of their lives. But the hotel exists to help them remember and once they do they go back, either to hospital or to afterlife. They basically disappear, after then. there is also a killer boy who is homicidalk maniac with them in the novel. >flood detected wait 426 seconds
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>>466964 uh... no, I just expected someone to be impressed by neet knowledge i possess.
you're free to enjoy show if you want. its technically chinese anime, how weird that china keeps larping like its japanese so much.
>>467020 They know it influenced the west They have asked the jews how they manipulate the whites so well

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post born to die jpegs Anonymous 01/04/2025 (Sat) 23:34:45 No. 466984 [Reply]
post born to DIE
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>>466984 do this version but with ilustrous from azur lane in background ver.
>>467018 >Gachashit

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Anonymous 01/03/2025 (Fri) 10:08:59 No. 466911 [Reply]
>the Internet is for retards doing retard things now What happened to the Information Superhighway? Where can I find it? It's getting harder and harder to find actual documentation and information and answers to questions and discussions anymore.
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>>466912 Corporations + normalniggers (& legit niggers) happened. Back in the good old days of the Internet only nerds and spergs used it, the more mainstream it became (social media) the worse it has gotten. Now poos in the loo are flooding the Internet with their shit.
get information from twitter screencaps... this worldi is shit hell, you cant actually use web without politics either. shame such sad place
Ironically you could get better, more thorough and reliable information from AOL Keywords than today's web.

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Anonymous 01/04/2025 (Sat) 20:13:30 No. 466976 [Reply]
fuck you
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fuck you!

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Maga civil war Anonymous 01/04/2025 (Sat) 18:27:15 No. 466972 [Reply]
Thoughts, opinions, play by play, they're about ready to rip elmos shitty little head off over his streetshitter toe sucking. And Trump is about to get fucked too if he doesn't nut up and distance himself from fagboy and start suckin that hillbilly cock again. But that's just my opinion. What's yours?
>>466972 >muh Trump bad >muh Trump will get fucked KEK! Trump is thriving and will keep thriving, liek he did all his life. Unlike you, impotent leftard.
>>466972 politics are part of the bread and circuses until people have a hard time getting food,have to worry about their day to day safety, or cures are no longer accessible this trajectory will remain, and nothing the politicians do matter to the future
>>466972 Civil war will not happen any time soon. The only people saying it will are terminally online, in the real world people's disagreements about politics are more matters of opinion than life or death. >>466974 Trump is becoming incoherent. I would not be surprised if he ends up like Biden by the end of his tenure.

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How many Tor users? And where should we go for pol news? Anonymous 11/22/2024 (Fri) 06:35:28 No. 465195 [Reply]
Anybody else lurked pol for a decade for up to date intel on happenings but never posted? I've been doing it for more than a decade. Always through a VPN or tor. Now you can't even view pol without 20 captchas on cloudflare. So I switched to viewing the archives like 4plebs and archived.moe. Now those same damn thing. So I give up on 4trans. Is 8chan.moe all we got now? I want to know about the happenings in real time. I love seeing the news before it's news. When the bullshit with Dorner went down and how the LAPD came out and lied. When we were watching Rittenhouse kill all those black doctors, we got to see the live feed way before the MSM came out with their lies that he was a white supremacist, and we had better 8K drone footage way before the FBI came out with their gay 2k drone footage. So where should we go now? In b4 don't use tor. Lol not ever gonna happen. I've seen years of people getting raided and killed by cops for getting a little tipsy and shit posting. Or getting gang-stalked for lurking. I've never had these problems. So not gonna happen. Anyways where should we go now? Is 8chan all we got? Also I've never signed up for any social media or shit like discord that requires a phone number. Again I guess it's why I don't have probs with killer cops and glowies. So not going to start. Anways. Niggers tongue my anus. Fuck Jannies. Fuck glowies. I denounce the Talmud. TKD \o
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how do you expect to have a good board if you're unwilling to contribute to it
>>465195 >wears a condom just to get news from /pol/ >doesn't stalk the gangstalkers back What a pussy, just end it dude.
i just tried today again to post in azur lane thread, 4chan has weird captcha thing it worked but it just said no connection... fuck taht

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yugioh Anonymous 09/08/2023 (Fri) 15:35:24 No. 449909 [Reply]
Physical storage and card management, sleeve.
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for something different
Anyone run a meta blue-eyes deck? ive been running the 2016 meta for years now
This is what internet deckbuilders hate. FIRE part pull the most weigh but uploader still call it Mikanko deck

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Anonymous 01/03/2025 (Fri) 02:51:41 No. 466906 [Reply]
hi, im a shy trans girl and im bored tonight and wanna have some fun. we can chat or do whatever, no limits. my kik is goonette777 and my session is 05a4546c1af40daa428672c3d41b4bb280e7a2fa9cd531cc768372356b343e0b2e
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>>466906 Noone here uses either of those, get an element.

Anonymous 12/20/2024 (Fri) 18:37:16 No. 466298 [Reply]
Why are mods on 1/2chan /b/ allowing these highly suspicious "s" threads to stay up?
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>>466374 Robert Downey Jr.
>>466298 Does S have a boyfriend yet? Um, my mate wants to know.

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Anonymous 01/03/2025 (Fri) 19:42:29 No. 466928 [Reply]
I hope all misogynists get each one of their fingers crushed. I hope all misogynists get their legs cut off and their testicles burned off in a panini press. I hope all misogynists have their tongues cut out and cauterized so they don't bleed to death and can never spew their diarrhea out of their throat holes ever again.
>>466928 hope you get cucked, retard

Cathy Bulgakova Anonymous 03/22/2024 (Fri) 14:55:45 No. 457042 [Reply]
so.... just exactly how old is she? I get different answers online from 19 to 27 years old, so just exactly how old is she???
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old enough for cock
>>457042 who cares; kys, retard

Nigger Anonymous 12/02/2024 (Mon) 14:12:21 No. 465616 [Reply]
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clown on big tech making bad choices clownify 12/27/2024 (Fri) 20:45:11 No. 466636 [Reply]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1an0n449wVU share your videos and roasts on this thread please
>youtard link >not invidious or mp4 Fuck off.
>>466667 >invidious deprecated.

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Where are the uncucked spaces Anonymous 12/26/2024 (Thu) 14:49:52 No. 466571 [Reply]
I want uncucked internet spaces to bantz and meme and joke and rp without jannys shitting all over everything because they're mad they don't know how to have fun and fuck around and troll and shit. Because that's not this place. Evidenced by the exodus. How many users does this site sport now? And I mean real users not spanish speakers.
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>>466571 I'm here for you, anon, you can troll me. Pick a topic. I'll pretend i'm deeply invested in it, then you just do your thing and i'm gonna be so buthurt, you won't beleave it!
>>466878 I hate sheboons with nose rings as fat as donuts, they stink, they eat too much, and god help you if you have to settle a dispute with one.
>>466882 Also I hate dumb alt righters with their chapped lips and skoal stains on their stupid fucking chins. They're all cousin fuckers but their cousins are all ugly af.

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