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"Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop taking it seriously." -Hunter S. Thompson Weapons|Queen Grace's Royal Palace|Politically Incorrect|Video Games|Books|Role Playing Games|comfy posting

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B-ACK-hmut Anonymous 05/21/2023 (Sun) 13:35:19 No. 443600 [Reply] [Last]
Russians just took the city of Bakhmut and the western media is coping by calling this a Ukrainian victory. ITT: we laugh
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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dedovshchina >russians more like pidarussians
I Wish for you to join russian army anon
>>468380 if there were like 2 minutes id click.

Anonymous 02/03/2025 (Mon) 23:33:24 No. 468470 [Reply]
>be me >make a decent amount of money, self employed writing software for a niche industry >relatively kind fella >lost nearly 100 lbs over the last two years and look like an acceptable person now >still no bitches It's impossible and now I don't even get to eat my Del Taco
The bottom picture actually has higher quality ingredients than the top two pictures
Should have made the bottom be two pieces of bologna on a slice of wonder bread, that would have made your point better
>>468473 Wow thanks I'll send you a v2 in a second

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Cooties Anonymous 01/31/2025 (Fri) 16:56:16 No. 468351 [Reply]
My neighborhood crush spat out her bubblegum and it landed on some grass, I managed to get it just within thirty minutes and chewed on a piece so that I may have her essence within me forever, however within a couple of hours I started to have a sore throat that has lasted until today, it's not a bad sore throat but definitely feels rough. What's the bacteria rule? Here's the gum that I didn't chew next to a water bottle that she drank out of a few months prior, it still had liquid in it at that time and she was suckling on the opening so I grabbed it when she left it.
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>>468416 Uh, no. She's not hispanic and she isn't a troon.
>>468415 any pictures?
>>468445 Oh plenty, but I don't want to show them due to doxxing risk and her age. Anyway that sore throat is over but I did end up having diarrhea and vomit attacks two days later but that is likely due to spoiled meat I ate. I'm sure bubble gum out of a princess mouth that landed on GRASS didn't do anything.

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Reddit Scammrr Anonymous 02/03/2025 (Mon) 00:15:53 No. 468452 [Reply]
Known gift card scammer on Reddit linked here. Help me find any information about him, he stole 50 bucks and spent it at target, thanks https://www.reddit.com/u/IvvvxvlCardsI/s/ROEapTILMs
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I am banned on reddit for posting terrorist content
imma find bros ip

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Can anyone find this toy? Anonymous 02/02/2025 (Sun) 02:40:43 No. 468419 [Reply]
When I was a kid I found this thing in a charity store. It was a yellow duck toy and it's elbows where on the floor and it's ass was in the air. The ass worked the way a head would on a bobblehead. It had pink panties on and I think the panties had letters and numbers on them. It either had a tight and white t-shirt or vase on. I've been looking for it for a while as it's what started my life long love for thiccness and asses. Does anyone know I'm talking about?
So this but with a duck?
>>468419 >anon wants to fuck his childhood pet

How do I disappear from everyone? Be untraceable. Living in fucking hell. 02/02/2025 (Sun) 20:34:32 No. 468447 [Reply]
No I'm not asking for help with suicide. I'm asking how do I disappear from everyone so that I'm never found again. About me: I'm a Gen Zer (20-24) with no friends, broke up with GF for long lasting ghosting. A dead end job with NO HR help, and living with a family that holds me back WHENEVER the fuck they can. LSS: I want to run away and never look back, I'm always so fucking tired and dealing with a coworker I work with that gets away with EVERYTHING and HR looks the other way. (Always on his fucking phone never working) Sometimes it feels like my body is sore and tired that I can't really do anything fun anymore. (Work/sleep/work again) All my friends (That I used to have) all ghosted me. *Sigh* Yes I tried getting another job but every single one rejected my ass or was a fake. What I want to accomplish plus my progress so far: I've been doing cloud mining (Crypto) and it's working smoothly so finances won't be a problem. I DON'T GIVE A FUCK IF I HAVE TO LIVE IN AIR BNB'S all the time. I CAN'T AFFORD A FUCKING APPARTMENT. (Near me you have to make $2500+ to get one.) If any user has any advice it would be greatly appreciated. (Attached images is my actual hell I'm living in)
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>>468448 >(I've been doing cloud mining (Crypto) and it's working smoothly so finances won't be a problem.) >(I CAN'T AFFORD A FUCKING APPARTMENT.) I don't make enough crypto even to afford an apartment that's why I said I don't care if I have to live in Airbnb's for a long time.
stop holding in your pee and just go to the bathroom during work and have lunch there too also, crypto, really?
>>468450 𝒈𝒘𝒂𝒏 𝒅𝒆𝒏

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JO crystals Anonymous 02/01/2025 (Sat) 22:13:09 No. 468412 [Reply]
Any of you guys want to help me charge them?
>>468412 I notice alot of the JO ads i see are from 2008, but no later. Did all of them just give up?
>>468438 They supercharged their crystals that year (because of the recession) and haven't needed to recharge them yet.

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latin american athlete. Anonymous 01/30/2025 (Thu) 14:58:19 No. 468318 [Reply]
Hello /b/. I am unfortunately at a loss as there was this one latin american athlete with a really fat ass but I cannot remember her name. Can you help me find her? She was white and I am fairly sure she had a pony tail.
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>>468321 She is Spanish
>>468318 looks like stickable ass to me 🍆💦🍑 👍🏼
>>468377 stickable?

YES MEN Anonymous 01/16/2025 (Thu) 16:35:51 No. 467415 [Reply]
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>>467425 This is the best image i have ever seen, where did you find it?
>>468414 TrueWagner he's a funny guy and he isn't a scared of anything
>>468422 I saw that one before.

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psych1 Anonymous 01/24/2025 (Fri) 00:07:55 No. 467705 [Reply] [Last]
psyop thread for the research and development of psyops for personal enlightenment. topics may include: >neuroscience >physiology >hypnosis >nlp (neuro linguistic programming) >chinese style thought reform >brainwave entrainment >lilith, defense against >dissociation >parasocial
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>>468017 Low IQ underage take. Yes, stupid negroid, you post shit that's at least comparable in quality to what I post.
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Anonymous 11/23/2024 (Sat) 13:29:35 No. 465257 [Reply]
The Islamic State Impregnated my Husband, what am I gonna do? I'm so fucked~!
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We are All, ISIS.
>>467277 FREE LUIGI! He did the taxpayers a favor.

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Anonymous 08/05/2024 (Mon) 15:29:09 No. 461671 [Reply]
This website is blocked in France now
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The United States is the ONLY country that guarantees free speech. It's the most FREE country there is. Anyone who disagrees is wrong. Anyone that hates freedom is a terrorist and/or commie. Who gives a shit what they have to say
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>>467389 This, but unironically.
Bumping this. This is why TOR exists. F the governments that censorship everything we do.

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nuclear b.. testing. declassified. downloaded from Wikipedia Anonymous 02/01/2025 (Sat) 07:42:18 No. 468395 [Reply]
filetype is MPG, it's safe, use vlc

Elon Musk Sieg Heiled to Celebrate Becoming Head of the Department Of Government Efficiency D.O.G.E Anonymous 01/21/2025 (Tue) 02:52:59 No. 467576 [Reply] [Last]
Is he, dare I say it, /ourguy/? Lmao
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>>467584 ha, its having great effect already in US, crashing Blackhawk helicopters into American passenger jets over Washington DC, Project 2025 will destroy the US as long as the courts and Republican Party controlling their Congress goes along with it of course, if it goes like Gladiator 2, and there is a big uprising because the American people dont want to die in plane crashes, prices rise, wages drop, social services are cut, and burning fires and riots outside the White House and Congress happen like back in Trump 1 Presidency, all bets are off lol
no, it was just the Jude was recorded to be his paternal grandmother, for Hitler to be truly Jude, his maternal grandmother would have had to be the Jude https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Familie_Hitler#Eltern
>>468372 Hitler was a gentile according to jewish law, but he was a second degree mischling according to Third Reich law.

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Anonymous 12/25/2024 (Wed) 06:36:02 No. 466461 [Reply]
JewTube is rigged and I exposed some of the corrupt shit for all to see. https://youtu.be/SwWT0mKhEaA
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cope harder, your videos are just dogshit
>>466461 Kill jews to solve this problem. >>468329 Plebbitor (thus, retard) spotted.
it should be against site rules make threads about youtube, 4chan, twitter or reddit

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W00t 01/27/2025 (Mon) 23:00:23 No. 468133 [Reply]
>Production of porn is illegal in Russia. >transporting porn through the border is prohibited and can put person to jail for 2-6 years sentenced. >raping a baby can put you to less years than selling porn. I wonder who came up with that law oyo?
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do ice bucket challenge you need refresh.
>>468154 I like the porn, nothing else about anime
>>468133 I guess you're true, but if you get jailed for porn, the inmates would think you're a cameraman if you go to jail for bape or cape you're getting killed. that same day. No body messes with family

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