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"Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop taking it seriously." -Hunter S. Thompson Weapons|Queen Grace's Royal Palace|Politically Incorrect|Video Games|Books|Role Playing Games|comfy posting

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How close are you to trannisityion? W00t 02/27/2025 (Thu) 10:29:43 No. 469377
over 60% means game over. >35% danger levels (i had to count but it was 100.... so i wasted MY FUCKING TIME) start! so 1 = 1 % > for me okay +1 yotsuba Ive heard osaka becomes teacher just now in next chapter? yeah i just drew yotsuba an hour ago s thats already 1 point to being rtanny.... sigh +1 Ergo Proxy I just taleklda bout it on tumblr. Ive met retarded magatard on reddit there a few years ago, never visited back. This anime has ltos of detail and is pretty awesome because it has classical references. i wouls say it is probably the least rtanny media from here at least by 30 top. +1 Dark Souls Ive wasted my youth playing dark souls and gooning. +1 Portal my favorite hecking game. seriosuly, my favorite game i love it as kid. +1 cirno well whatever... +1 adventure time as a kid i used to have crushes on pricness bublegum and fire princesses.... 0 vaporwvae honstly i fucking hate vaporwave i really fucking hate it +1 /pol/ i want to remove addiction, trust me i will stop shitposting, in reality i dont visit the board but their influence fucked everyone. +1 paradox i hate them but i love victoria 2 though.... +1 everlasting summer i mostly played for the story i guess im russian in the end so logically ive played that shit novel. p.s. I am starting to get worrieed about the fucking thing, i mean at least 15... which is too much already. 0 celeste ive played it but its really gayyyy as hell storywise +1 hotline miami you can replay that game in about an hour, its short to finish. 0 valhalla party i was not impressed shit gameplay. 0 hoi4 i only played hoi3 once hoi4 is for npc more likely +1 halo odst uhhh thats the first halo i played as kid. WHY IT? 0 zelling funnily no but i did watch it actually and i even recorded that although i'll never ever upload that part. +1 scp, well i guess i did spend considerable time on the wiki when it was not overrun by skibidi toilet and fnaf although containment breach is THE shitty game. 0 lain ive heard the guy who made that board cant even let me post because it SUCKS ASS and fucking failure. +1 lssd simulator if i had extra free time 0 adult swim we in russia have pirated version which is called 2x2 but i alwatys preffered just cartoon network and bakugan was shown late at night instead of ADUlt swim there also i fucking hate this type of humor i hate cartoons made for adults it feels creepy kinda imagine being really old and watching thsi SHIT thats embarassing I would have prefered being remembered for soememthing glorious. instead of watching rick and morty. that shit 0 oddworld sadly i dont have time to play that gemmy game 13% I am good. wtbu?((((((
>>469377 3 and liking a video game doesn't make you trans Hating women while being mentally weak is what makes men tannies
>>469378 wrong, its opposite.
>>469379 Loving women and being mentally strong makes you a tanny? Lol, okay
>>469377 wtf does aphex twin have to do with any of this
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>cuckchan soyjak >bullshit chart <oh whoopsie you like too many niche high quality pieces of media that makes you a tranny Kill yourself
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>>469401 >>469401 >>cuckchan soyjak >>bullshit chart <oh whoopsie you like too many niche high quality pieces of media that makes you a tranny Kill yourself

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