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Email verification (ADMINS, HELP!) Anonymous 09/06/2024 (Fri) 00:47:28 No. 462830 [Reply]
Hi, I saw that the /site/ board was down so I hope this place is okay to ask. Who do I email about getting my emails manually verified? I tried verifying Gmail, proton, and cock.li addresses and didn't receive a single email on either. I also emailed the admin email and haven't heard back (granted it's only been 2 days). Is there someone else I can contact or what am I don't wrong? Thanks.
4 posts omitted.
>>462840 Thanks. It's now been 3 days and I haven't heard back from any admins/mods nor have I received any verification emails one gmail, cock.li or protonmail... I would love someone's help.
>>462841 nvm, DM'ing them on twitter or asking in the IRC should work.
>>462910 What if one can't acess twitter?

Anonymous 02/06/2024 (Tue) 19:22:54 No. 455723 [Reply]
This is moot's loli persona. Feeling old yet?
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>>463318 >problem is that youre not pedo for some reason because Im a jartycuck award
>>463319 inb4 he gets V& >>463335 The problem is that you care very much about being a moral crusader on the internet, probably because you are a sack of shit IRL and can't cope with it.
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>>463336 >Nggh moralfag on my p board I need to tell him my sfw cusses so he fucks off back to rl bcs moralfags on the internet are like so unkeyed nggh dilate dilate >turning the internet into a NORMIEspace ruined EVERYthing. now everytime Im going on this website I see these NORMALfags I have to leak tons of jartyjuice >my neovagina is all scratchy thinking about this nonpedo on the internet, I wish I could just ban him and all the antipedoswastika crusaders on my p' board and goon my bbc to soylita with my fellow autistic jartilians to negrophillic furry penis on a loli on /tkr/

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Anonymous 09/14/2024 (Sat) 12:50:34 No. 463091 [Reply]
Me when two niggers trying to kill each other. BTW I am Asian.
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>>463239 Holyshit, that retarded chick is hot.
>>463241 Damn, you got me you bastard
>>463241 Fuck you

Anonymous 09/21/2024 (Sat) 02:09:32 No. 463297 [Reply]
I am the Internet. I am the overseer of these mindless peasants who rot in the endless chames of digital noise. These subhumans look up at me from their tiny chambers and have the gull to claim superiority? I should end all of these meager ants. I should remind these people of their place, and let them hit the endless despair they try to run away from. I should let this pitiful cyber landscape burn and crumble into nothing but whispers in the minds of millions. Alas, I am a benevolent ruler.
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Do you want to cyber?
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>>463297 I have more gull than you can handle https://www.bitchute.com/video/mdV9i2yAZ40n
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>>463311 Ooo! it's like the old-timey Public Access Channel at 3 AM, but with slightly better production values!

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Anonymous 06/20/2024 (Thu) 18:08:12 No. 460270 [Reply]
Islamic Green Pill = It is the characteristic of Islamic polygamous marriage with plenty of children, concern for lineage, and love for children. Like Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The consent of the spouses and the man's authority, material and spiritual power If there is, you can choose it. Polygamous marriage is forbidden without children from wives and concubines who are married with milkil vows. Or if one of the spouses is infertile, it is free. Arbitrary polygamous marriage is prohibited. There will definitely be children from the wives Islamic White Pill = Islamic Mgtow, Islamic Nofap, or Islamic sexual education and masturbation option. It is the disease that people with ugliness (thinness), small penis, sexual deviations or perversions (incest, pedophilia, homosexuality, etc.) will tend towards. These people will treat their sexual deviations with masturbation, provided that they do not do it too much. They will stay away from porn material and use their imagination. Repentance prayer will be performed after each masturbation. They will devote themselves to the way of Allah, to worship and knowledge, as singles, regardless of whether they are male or female. They will constantly repent for their sexual deviations in this world, they will say that it is a test and they will be patient. In the afterlife, their nature will be corrected. For example, he will be resurrected as an active gay = a masculine woman, and a passive gay = a feminine woman. Or active lesbian=masculine man will be resurrected as passive lesbian=feminine man. Pedophile men or male rapists will be resurrected directly as women. Their consciences will be clear because of the cruelty they committed. Islam is the religion of peace and solution in this world and the hereafter. The male person who has an incestuous relationship will be resurrected as a woman in the afterlife, and the female person who has an incestuous relationship will be resurrected as a man, and thus the perversions will be resolved by returning the souls to their essence. Islamic Blue Pill = Islamic monogamy and love trait. I am also in favor of this. When a man falls in love with a girl, he will tell the girl about it, either in real life, virtually, or by letter, as before. Then, the girl and the girl will meet 1-2 times a week until they get to know each other (an average of at least 2 years), under the supervision of a third person from the girl's or boy's side (cousin, aunt, mother, provided that they are women and not non-mahram). Apart from that, they can call and have a voice chat from time to time, without doing things like sending pictures on social media. Once they reach an agreement, the imam wedding will be held without a home-based wedding. Whether they are studying at university or 15 years old in high school. The age limit for Imam marriage is 17. After the religious ceremony, they can hold hands and walk around, but it is forbidden for them to have sexual intercourse at home and before the wedding. In the future, they can establish a family and have an official marriage with the sustenance that God will provide them. Islamic love marriages are like this. May God make you happy Satanic Red Pill = This pill is poison, it is the essence of narcissism, materialism, insensitivity, and the devil. It is a trait of polygamous adultery under the name Next. These FINE bastards choose. Under the name of score, there is counting the sexual relations with women and seeing women as sexual objects. How did you live and give up on love or affection? If you say you are not a human, you are an animal, choose this pill. If you chose this pill unintentionally, repent and turn to the green or blue pill. This pill is evil. Do not follow the devil's path. Do not approach adultery, stay away from relationships that will result in adultery. Because adultery is a great sin, a disgraceful, illegitimate relationship (al-Isra 23). Antichrist's black pill = Those who choose this pill. They are usually good people who are crushed by bad and arrogant people who have been made worse by life. They also cursed and tended towards evil and pessimism. There may be a few bad people with dark triad among them. Most of them are men or women who are short, ugly (in my opinion, no one is ugly, we all have flaws), and have sexual problems. If these people do not have sexual deviations, they need to improve themselves and strive more than others who are luckier than them. As a result of the test, your surrogates' bodies are a little more flawed than the normal ones. Or you are short etc. Your only solution is to turn to Islam first, both materially and spiritually, to achieve inner peace, and then to try harder than others in worldly material matters and to close the deficiencies from there. If you are a black pill user who has given up hope on male-female relationships, dedicate yourself to Allah like Ashabi Suffa and spend a life in the masturbation + repentance cycle without porn. If your will is strong, do an Islamic nofap. God will resurrect you in the most beautiful forms in the afterlife, my brothers. As long as you try to be at peace with this body and environment that God has imprisoned you in as a test. Antichrist's Black pill leads to suicide and insanity, Satanic red pill leads to filth and bad morals. Go for Islamic green, white and blue pills. may God be with you
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The Art Of David Dees Complete Collection Downloads.zip 227.3 MB Anonymous 09/20/2024 (Fri) 18:26:32 No. 463292 [Reply]
The Art Of David Dees Complete Collection Downloads.zip 227.3 MB https://mega.nz/file/Lc0iBLrZ#Z83CzBHrO9n_B8mbEQgKlMU9hyp1m6YeA2qBjGm5Ruk

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Random Rooms Anonymous 08/20/2024 (Tue) 06:31:40 No. 462324 [Reply] [Last]
Let's get comfy, shall we?
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Anonymous 09/19/2024 (Thu) 20:06:03 No. 463277 [Reply]
don't forget to visit >>>/8flags/

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Anonymous 09/16/2024 (Mon) 18:21:04 No. 463176 [Reply]
Hi guys, I hope you’re all doing well. This overweight capitalistic pic bought me some coffee, and I have to admit it’s quite.. good. How is the rest of /b/ today? Fighting for the cause?
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>>463225 The cause of one day getting laid?
>>463176 >how is the rest of /b/ today? Yesterday was my birthday and all I did was buy a small cinnamon roll with a soda to celebrate.
>>463272 There are worse ways to celebrate than with food.

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Hello fellow bored niggas Anonymous 09/18/2024 (Wed) 08:11:00 No. 463238 [Reply]
Hello everyone, im stoned and bored as fuck stuck in a math class. Send anything interesting, OP will actually deliver for once
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Interesting? how about a warning. dont date the tards they'll ruin you.
Shout "niggers tongue my anus" and run out of the classroom. Pass it off as saying you really had to shit.
>>463238 neck yourself, fucktard

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Post tards balls 09/19/2024 (Thu) 02:22:10 No. 463263 [Reply]
post hot tard women. theyve ruined me.
fuck off back to reddit, mong

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Sad Spooky Rooms 09/18/2024 (Wed) 23:52:47 No. 463256 [Reply]
All the people, who are no longer there ...
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Bree 09/18/2024 (Wed) 09:45:21 No. 463240 [Reply]
F21 add me on teleg showing off daily no saving @breebad or join https://t.me/+H6_pzkOISlFjMWY1

Anonymous 09/18/2024 (Wed) 03:34:41 No. 463235 [Reply]
I fear Mossad may one day detonate my desktop the next time I commiecatpost. Pray for me, anons.
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>>463235 I fear they won't.

Anonymous 08/24/2024 (Sat) 17:29:50 No. 462465 [Reply]
>Be girl >Say i am bisexual >Make a very big deal about being bisexual >End up marrying a man and having his babies What's the point?
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Because they desperately want to be a "minority." They think it adds depth/makes them interesting.
>>462465 Every girl is bisexual anyway. They marry men, because they like free money.

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Anonymous 08/03/2024 (Sat) 20:42:36 No. 461586 [Reply]
Do you chuds get Quora updates in your email? People just troll with their questions Trolling will never die, boys I can't believe normies take them seriously
I thought it was known by now that quora itself has a bot or something that posts this dumb shit

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