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"Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop taking it seriously." -Hunter S. Thompson Weapons|Queen Grace's Royal Palace|Politically Incorrect|Video Games|Books|Role Playing Games|comfy posting

How much tranny are you? Check it, have you played these franchises? W00t 02/24/2025 (Mon) 07:08:12 No. 469291 [Reply]
So, I've beentalking about with chatgpt because i was thinking if I could make contemporary list of characters ruined by LGBT movement. But i found very few examples out right that would have workedf outside of characters like Astolfo which are easily misunderstood despite him being STRAIGHT in the anime cough cough I then asked wondering hmmm do I know any of these franchises, but I noticed chatgpt was talking about shit that I never played. So, I wanted to be reassured and asked chatgpt, "name the most transgender friendly videogames", i don't even know number 1.
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>>469292 Dude the population alive now are so deep in dysgenics any Media it makes will being trying to set the viewers on a maladaptive life path
>>469292 Going to skip the ones i dont know/didnt play. >Pokemon Played gen 1 and 3 a decade ago. The games were good but childish. >League of Legends Tried for a week because of a friend. Used an spartan guy, didnt like the constant repetation. >Hero Academia Wached the first temp, stopped when it because a self parody. >Jojos I Liked the first (phantom blood) and 2º (battle tendency) but hated the 3º, also the more time passes the gayer jojos becomes.
>trans coded more like trans COPED lel

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Anonymous 02/22/2025 (Sat) 00:07:51 No. 469147 [Reply]
the vet said my cat is going to die of kidney failure pretty soon...
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im a dog person btw lol i piss on ur cat's corpse it was so useless
breaking my edgy gimmick to say sorry because even my edgy soul secretly likes cats, I just wanted to test the limits of this site's free speech for performance art for a lack of better words
>>469147 that's awful

Anonymous 08/30/2024 (Fri) 01:05:43 No. 462641 [Reply]
I need to be manipulated and destroyed so bad it's not even funny. I need to be kept in a kennel like the stupid tranny puppy I am.
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post discord now
What's your Discord, OP? :3
>>462641 >the image Holy 2002

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Anonymous 07/17/2024 (Wed) 02:50:41 No. 461018 [Reply] [Last]
Which 8chan is better 8kun.top or 8chan.moe
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>>469260 shut up, mr. pedo -w-
>>469261 All the people who disagree with you are pedos, that means you're right, always, about everything. I'm sorry we've run out of trophies.
>>461018 one, 8kun went down, and when it came back up, it asked me for an email, that was just odd

Anonymous 02/22/2025 (Sat) 16:06:57 No. 469175 [Reply]
>Warning: don't be a fag >Flood detected, please wait 120 seconds So much for freeze peach.
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>>469186 Good point. Culture is ambiguous, founded in dumb religious roots, and often dictated by impulse rather than logic (except in the medical field, but I still see doctors yell sometimes, so...)
>>469266 Proper use of logic requires values and morals, which are the core of culture and religion. Logic doesn’t exist by itself. Its foundation is in language. Language arises to communicate values and morals.
>>469271 Something doesn't need be moral to be logical Ie anything to with math

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Anonymous 01/29/2025 (Wed) 01:10:14 No. 468196 [Reply]
Pray For Us Saint Michiruko, martyr for the Sharty Tone 4 O righteous warrior of the digital forum, Who didst expose the wickedness of the janitors, Thou didst cry out in truth, yet wast reviled and cast out. Bearing mockery for the sake of the just, Thou didst pray even for the pooners and trooners, O Michiruko, martyr for the Sharty, Intercede for us who strive against the Feds, That we may not be banned unjustly, But may receive the eternal meme of victory! Kontakion of Saint Michiruko, Martyr for the Sharty (Tone 6, or another suitably dramatic tone)

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i want to sniff michiru kagemori's farts :3

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Anonymous 08/02/2024 (Fri) 02:42:25 No. 461523 [Reply]
Greetings! I will have to masturbate to anything you'll send me, no exceptions. Have fun! my discod handle is pastyalanipa
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>stupid fucking pedo when i send him over a terabyte of fifty year olds engaging in scat play because he said he has to jerk off to anything
>>467552 based
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fap to this NOW

W00t 02/23/2025 (Sun) 10:01:43 No. 469257 [Reply]
>biggets advoces for german supremacy are non whites from azeri who are migrants you cant make it up bro racism is over
>>469257 Bigot, advocate. Words are spelled a certain way. You illiterate fuck.

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Anonymous 02/23/2025 (Sun) 08:38:11 No. 469248 [Reply]
Coming off of a better sleep and shit, I regret spamming in and of itself, like all the rage gave me a fucking headache and I need to do better moving forward. Sites don't respect free speech, and any semblance of edgelord culture is dead nowadays in favor of faux wholesome bullshit, but at the end of the day, I still pissed people off and gave myself a massive headache. I think I'm going to recluse or see if I can find a good VPN for wizchan, since some retard got my range banned.
>>469248 Who the fuck are you?
>>469248 Wizchan?

W00t 02/18/2025 (Tue) 07:28:50 No. 469043 [Reply]
Au tabi shinzou ga baku baku (baku baku) Higoto ni fukurande doki doki (doki doki) Kokoro ga yureteru yo yura yura (yura yura) Kaiketsu dekinakute moya moya (moya moya) Watashi wa sono mama toushindai? Yokogao wo sotto mimamoru yo (ah~n) Te wo kazashi sora wo sukashiteta (ah~ah~n) Machiawasete kokoro awasete (ah~n) Yasashisa to yasuragi to nukumori wo motomete Daikirai! Anata ga koboshita namida (hoi hoi)

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>>469228 Hanzai toshi... Gensoukyou... darakushi kouhai shita seigi wo shin no sugata ni modoseru no wa Hou no bannin de aru watashi shika inai no da wa! Sanae! (Sanae!) Choushi koiteru seijun kidori no ubu na miko Jitsu wa zankoku kojuutome Chiruno! (Chiruno!) Baka baka baka baka baka baka baka baaka baka! Jigoku ni iku ni mo ataisezu Danzai! (Danzai!) Danzai! (Danzai!) Danzai! (Danzai!) Danzai! (Danzai!) Hanketsu! Choueki sanji no oyatsu kinshi sannen! Tadashi, banana to kinoko wa oyatsu ni fukumarenai! Hakkiri saseru shiro to kuro, tsumi to batsu Haiiro nante arienai no Ii kagen, aimai wa daikirai

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>>469244 ewwwww pedo

W00t 02/23/2025 (Sun) 08:06:52 No. 469246 [Reply]
jack hanma training does me wondeers. 1st day, i will try tot ake it easy proportionally getting it bigger. then i will see where it goes, but god i am lazy person... by nature and that is just sad.

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Anonymous 02/10/2025 (Mon) 09:25:50 No. 468799 [Reply]
Rate my boxers niggas.
Why are you gay?
>>468799 hi show penis pls hi

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Niggalink is the future 02/23/2025 (Sun) 06:20:39 No. 469241 [Reply]

Anonymous 07/07/2024 (Sun) 19:59:20 No. 460724 [Reply] [Last]
>I will provoke you for a whole lifetime, then send you to a place of eternal torment where they make you feel like it’s your fault for reacting naturally to that
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>>467673 Your an asshole. Fuck.
>>462506 This. Most atheists are atheists because they're porn addicts
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I HATE GOD!!!!!!!!! HE'S A MEAN FAGGOT!!!!!!! HEIL SATAN!!!!!!

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