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Anonymous 12/10/2024 (Tue) 02:02:22 No. 465876 [Reply] [Last]
I fixed this stupid comic.
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>>466603 I wasn't trying to imply that, I saying that whites can exhibit behavior that is expected from niggers, due to the genetic unhealthy of the whites as well as the whites not being an environment that they evolved to be in niggers are distinctive phenotype and can not be part of the ethinic groups of Europe
I live in toronto canada, by far the most religious parts of ontario are the big cities, they have a lot of christianity going on here amongst the whites. People who think the cities are atheistic havent spent a lot of time in the cities. Since there are places with lots of atheism, but religion is also alive and well here. In the small towns people are more passively religious, like they dont give a shit and are christian by default, in the cities they are much more actively christian, preaching in the street, helping the poor, protesting, etc. Now i realize that attitude towards religion is probably more important than religiousity. I am an atheist, but i probably agree more and get along better with rchristians from small towns than atheists from big cities.
>>467259 >towards religion is probably more important than religiousity Oh you are religious, you just worship death and the material The only reason everyone isn't super religious in an adaptive way now is because of the dysgenics of industrialization

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Channers who get families and stop posting Anonymous 01/06/2025 (Mon) 17:33:13 No. 467061 [Reply]
Should be charged with dereliction of duty to the hivemind. Stop it, get back to posting. Stupid ass.
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>>467229 It is also a generational thing. The good ol’ days of oldfags funposting are now but a distant memory. Things changed for the worse with Gaymer Gayte. Only cucked faggots kept posting on halfchan after that, and now the shitposters who migrated elsewhere are either doing grown-up shit or scattered on a handful of boards. Sad times.
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>>467232 >Things changed for the worse with Gaymer Gayte Every time we go on some retarded moral crusade it makes things worse.
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>>467239 True, not even the few lulz and amusing characters we got out of it was worth it in the end. Outside attention only ever leads to an influx of faggots and spastics. May as well go through old, archived threads and screenshots, ’cause there are no funny posts and shenanigans anymore. 8chan was lightning in a bottle, a second golden age, after the long and steady decline of halfchan since Chanology.

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sabrina rodriguez is a slave of galdrux and the game23 only in galdrux we trust 01/11/2025 (Sat) 17:54:58 No. 467248 [Reply]

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Anonymous 01/07/2025 (Tue) 11:13:30 No. 467089 [Reply]
Skinny girl thread!
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>>467238 I have a few ideas.
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>>467246 right, focusing on entropy of them is maladaptive, women are evolved to be in harems, meaning that it is a good that women show their age as soon as the dna in their eggs rots to the point to not be viable so you don't waste your energy trying to impregnate her, you can focus on the younger members of your harem

>>467118 that is fine too
>>467107 Why delete your own post, friendo?
>>467145 i'm not your friendo, buddyo.

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zo Anonymous 10/15/2024 (Tue) 14:16:00 No. 463909 [Reply] [Last]
post wat u have
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Anonymous 12/21/2024 (Sat) 17:12:06 No. 466326 [Reply]
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>>466326 Who is this?
>>467171 t. NPC

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Anonymous 12/26/2024 (Thu) 12:46:28 No. 466528 [Reply] [Last]
Schizo anime webms, mp4 like this
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makes me feel old. post something leswss gey
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Divine Luciferian 10D Serpent Divine Luciferian 10D Serpent 01/08/2025 (Wed) 14:57:17 No. 467149 [Reply]
Eviscerate All Globalists.
>>467149 David Bowie was a globalist, he was a bisexual who sucked cock and fucked other dudes in the ass and ultimately married a niggress supermodel with whom he spawned half-breed mulattoe mutts, and he was promoting ZOG'd agendas throughout his whole celebrity career up until his death.
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>>467149 Lately I have worried about the influence of Turkey and the Middle East monarchs in Saudi Arabia.

My art Anonymous 12/17/2024 (Tue) 23:11:28 No. 466205 [Reply]
"my art"
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>>467164 Why would anyone do that? I could maybe get why someone would make their eyes seem bigger, but not the whole damn face.
@466334 neck yourelf, shit smear
>>467198 I agree with your message, but you shoulder probably go back to twitter.

am i based ro schizo W00t 12/26/2024 (Thu) 12:26:59 No. 466525 [Reply]
>messsage MANDATORYrr >expiRERD CAPtcha!!!!!

Discord Anonymous 12/14/2024 (Sat) 10:49:44 No. 466057 [Reply]
I want to know whether or not discord is actually a social media site because I've seen a lot of places just lump it up in with actual social media sites because it has some similarities to that of actual social media sites but have seen people stating that it's not because there's a lot of things in it's makeup that completely differs from the likes of Instagram Twitter and facebook.
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Obligatory anti-Discord post.
>>466927 Danke anon. I've been looking for this.
>>466057 discord is a shithole app used by troons groomers and pedophiles ( all the same thing )

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Anonymous 12/25/2024 (Wed) 06:36:02 No. 466461 [Reply]
JewTube is rigged and I exposed some of the corrupt shit for all to see. https://youtu.be/SwWT0mKhEaA
>>466461 Oops, wrong vid, though still a good one. https://youtu.be/dlIYiN71hyM

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Divine Luciferian 10D Serpent Divine Luciferian 10D Serpent 01/08/2025 (Wed) 19:12:09 No. 467158 [Reply]
Here is Annunaki 10D Dark Avatar Eye. https://rumble.com/v153qgq-ashayana-deane-revelations-of-the-dhala-luma-6of8.html Para solucionar esto, hace falta una especie de “Jailbreak” para que podamos abrir nuestro ancho de banda y emitir y recibir de forma multidimensional o multifrecuencia, así percibir realmente nuestro origen. Matizar que todo lo que encontraras sobre este tema en la web no son mas que cuentos para niños, no existen métodos para “activar tu ADN” o “salir de la Matrix”, no sirve ninguno, hasta ahora solo se ha liberado la forma invertida, como la famosa activación de los chakras y la energía kundalini, haciendo que esta tome el camino inverso, al del natural.

Anonymous 01/08/2025 (Wed) 05:40:55 No. 467133 [Reply]
This dyke wanna be man is dick hungry. Known for being a sex obsessed who wants your heavy load. https://bsky.app/profile/bigmfrat.bsky.social

The pedophiles were masturbating to Toddlers. Anonymous 01/07/2025 (Tue) 23:03:45 No. 467111 [Reply]
Here, let me boost your Masturbation Session.

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