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Anonymous 11/29/2024 (Fri) 13:49:16 No. 465482 [Reply]
Post your dinner
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Thanksgiving is 4chan /ck/'s big day every year. But the jannies and mods over there are so tiresome that I had no desire to spend Thanksgiving on /ck/. I still haven't even looked.
>>465585 >Using cuckchan after 2014 Nigger go home. No nigger here.

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Damn Anonymous 11/30/2024 (Sat) 15:27:24 No. 465539 [Reply]
Now that being a chud is mainstream what will you do to be a contrarian now?
>>465539 still be a chud, but like, ironically
>>465539 Be chud+

Dawn Bitch Anonymous 07/08/2024 (Mon) 21:24:23 No. 460756 [Reply]
Fuck My Ass.
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>>465532 Of becoming a Forever Virgin.
>>460756 So sick of the fucking bug music
>>465563 Deal with it

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anon stuff 11/30/2024 (Sat) 00:28:45 No. 465511 [Reply]
nigger 773 blue nigger
>>465511 What?

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Anonymous 11/29/2024 (Fri) 10:52:04 No. 465466 [Reply]
>went to a Thanksgiving thing with people I used to be better friends with >their apartment was decorated all nicely and felt like a home >big discussion around the table about the books they've been reading >one dude even about to buy a house I had absolutely nothing to contribute the entire time, except at one point when they asked me what I've been up to in my spare time and I rambled on for too long about a virtual reality thing I've been making. But when I was talking, I was interrupted by something, and afterwards nobody asked me to continue (like "you were saying...?") so obviously they weren't into it. Anyway what the fuck I was supposed to be a smart person
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>>465466 >big discussion around the table about the books they've been reading >I had absolutely nothing to contribute <I was supposed to be a smart person
>>465466 Well anon the fact you're posting here about it means you feel insecure about that interaction. You felt alienated among your friends and feel they don't even care about you. Out of your depth, alone, inferior to all those happy folks enjoying nice homes, talking hobbies, living good lives. You fell for the "I don't need social circles or follow teh rat race like those normies, Im smarter than them" ego boosting technique many modern men and women usually fall for. As evident by your reaction to that fairly normal thanksgiving interaction, your "smartness" might be limited to few domains but the thing is you've thought of your smartness as a crutch for being a valuable person, a cut above the crowd, or even as an excuse to say I don't need those normalfag stuff like emotions or caring about things, I've a goal of VR program Im working on. Truth is, it doesn't matter that much. We are basic animals with big brains but bigger egos. You've considered your smartness as a self worth source of validation. You thinking you "contribute nothing the entire time" and feeling bad, when its not a show-and-tell competition to show up with the best things in life. Others have many things to bring up, so you think they contributed, brought value, are successful. You brought nothing like that, so you feel lacking, unvalued, useless, just being there. "Feeling Smart" isn't working here. You've inardently tied your self-value to these "smart things you can bring up to the table" like cool knowledge or smart facts about specific things. When in reality you just being there is enough for thanksgiving. Any other contribution is just sweet extra. Chin up. You're smart enough to realise that smartness isn't everything. Or making a big project, or buying a house. We need all around development.
>>465478 I agree with your assessment. I think I understand people enough that I could assimilate if I wanted to, but I do find the rewards of fitting into society mostly pretty shallow. Although sex with women I'm actually attracted to would be nice lol. But you're right, I guess I've chosen a path that diverges from other people and leaves me alone. >>465484 >I really hope you didn't mention this because you're one of those "I'm really smart, but broke" fellas. Nope >>465486 Yep >>465495 Thanks, that's a nice way of looking it at. Still, I can't shake feeling alienated any time I catch up with a friend and they are doing all these normal things that I wouldn't necessarily know how to do, or have the means to achieve myself. It's not necessarily envy or anything, but just a feeling of "boy I hope I'm not fucking up because it's starting to feel like it"

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Anonymous 11/28/2024 (Thu) 15:34:04 No. 465419 [Reply]
How to start doing the stuff I'm supposed to be doing?
>>465419 One by one

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Blackpilled my mom? Anonymous 11/15/2024 (Fri) 17:55:54 No. 465028 [Reply]
>mum grew up around racism, parents are racist >grandparents came into racism bad >ended up being almost completely blue, working insane hours for soulless hospital >gets fired >start occasionally dropping truth about niggers, mexicans, jews and chinks >mom racism becomes more prominant and she starts to believe >she is nearly fully awakened, beginning to drop truth to other relatives what do?
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>>465028 The term you're looking for is redpilled, not blackpilled. As hard as it is to redpill any woman, it's practically impossible to blackpill them. Their lives are too easy.
>>465067 I suppose i did >>465073 i see my error now
>>465073 >As hard as it is to redpill any woman, it's practically impossible to blackpill them. Their lives are too easy. All of my ex girlfriends came blackpilled from the start. Women don't appreciate how easy their lives are. They can have perfect husbands, children and homes, and still be suicidal retards. They always focus on what they dont have instead of enjoying what they do have.

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Wtf is happening to Japan?! Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 11:37:18 No. 465353 [Reply]
Seriously why is this happening. I've heard about taxi drivers getting killed now. Japanese getting randomly attacked, no shit like this? WHY?! Should we just start killing jeets and nigs to help these poor japense out? Should we start droning US warships? How to we stop this zogged nonsense?
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>>465353 Focus on killing all jews. They are the cause o all problems in the world. Always kill jews.
>>465386 >I murder any *start fights with minorities and cry like a little bitch for bystanders to do the fighting for me
>>465402 Correct. It's awesome being a White Man. All I have to do is point at some nigger like you, shout "Seize Him!" and everyone around me immediately obeys. We are kangs n sheit nigger. You better watch your fucking mouth, nigger, or I will have the raycis police come get your ass. You think you're tough but those raycis pigs are literally genociding you coons. They slaughter 6 gorillion of you every day and don't get in any trouble, because it's literally the law that killing niggers is legal. Because you are subhumans. Get fucked like your bedwench momma, bitch

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Libtard rage Anonymous 11/25/2024 (Mon) 22:14:04 No. 465336 [Reply]
Illegal threats by liberals
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>>465395 >It isn't, free speech would necessitate an animal with a brain that can be analytical over emotional constantly Nope, still retarded.
>>465397 It is fine for me if you want to cripple yourself, but that doesn't mean im not going to try to push you into a more adaptive mindset Free speech is a weapon that call be used the people that believe in it, that is it, it is nothing else

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Anonymous 08/23/2024 (Fri) 18:22:02 No. 462424 [Reply]
can white ppl from africa say the n word?
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>>464865 > > Thats cause you're a racist cracker bitch and. your black "fiance" is your virgin ass hand
>>465307 ... ahem.... "I'm jewish" Haha now I cant be racist, look it up faggot, jews are historically more oppressed than niggers. The nigger pharoah kangs owned jews as slaves, I win, get fucked faggot I'm not even jewish btw but youre still a nigger lmao

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new commiecat thread Anonymous 11/24/2024 (Sun) 13:31:09 No. 465284 [Reply]
finally, new art!
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Too much fat. Commiecat would be starving too badly to get tits that big.
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>>465338 She works for the party, so she would be well fed.
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alunya is such a basic bitch catgirl you could just find random catgirl pics and say its her

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Thanksgiving Pizza Review Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 08:07:33 No. 465346 [Reply]
Obese fat fuck Penny does a review of DiGiorno's Thanksgiving pizza Penny's dad is by her side, begging for death

ITS 2024 BITCHES, TRUMP GOES TO JAIL!!! Anonymous 12/31/2023 (Sun) 06:44:23 No. 454434 [Reply]
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>>454434 Trump cant go to jail until after the third temple is built, dumbass
>>465324 Except he isnt going to jail, once the temple's rebuilt jesus comes back and kills trump. read the bible.

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Anonymous 11/22/2024 (Fri) 20:56:26 No. 465228 [Reply]
let me work
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The definition of "trolling" should be "the act of intentionally attempting to cause others to feel emotions other than happiness (surprise/confusion ("shock" the "freeze" response), anger/rage (the "fight" response), fear/terror (the "flight" response), or sadness/misery ("grief", or psychological pain, the punishment and recovery emotion, the "fucked" or "fubar: or "fail" response)), for the purpose of causing oneself to feel happiness/joy (psychological pleasure, the reward and incentive emotion, the "fun" or "favor" response)."
>>465298 or "i try to cause you emotional pain (which comes from 4 emotions, maybe 5 if we add disgust) because it causes me emotional pleasure to do so"
>>465298 >The definition of "trolling" should be "the act of intentionally lying to cause others to feel emotions other than happiness (surprise/confusion ("shock" the "freeze" response), anger/rage (the "fight" response), fear/terror (the "flight" response), or sadness/misery ("grief", or psychological pain, the punishment and recovery emotion, the "fucked" or "fubar: or "fail" response)), for the purpose of causing oneself to laugh." Fix'd

Bow-Chicka-Bow-Wow 09/21/2024 (Sat) 03:10:52 No. 463307 [Reply]
All these threads about fuckable women. Let's take this to the bedroom, shall we?
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>>463364 I looked up that shit on personalityjunkie.com, and while the analyses are mostly correct, they don't ID either libs or connies %100. But I myself have always been open and curious and eager for new input. The Internet has been an incalculable boon for my fulfillment.

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Kia Boys, I stole yo sheeeeeeet Anonymous 11/24/2024 (Sun) 08:28:20 No. 465282 [Reply]
Kia Boys Kia Boys We just stole your car.

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