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"Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop taking it seriously." -Hunter S. Thompson Weapons|Queen Grace's Royal Palace|Politically Incorrect|Video Games|Books|Role Playing Games|comfy posting

Anonymous 11/06/2024 (Wed) 04:22:16 No. 464665 [Reply]
I have decided to do the unthinkable. Per Donald Trump's victory, I have decided to ACTUALLY COMMISSION NEW COMMIECAT OC. I shall commission artwork of commiecat wearing a MAGA hat, as all commiecats are True American Patriots.
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>>464706 I think coco's commissions are closed, but there is a commission sheet. I wouldn't say it's cheap, but you would get high quality big titty art.
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I've always craved the Old Guard's approval and recognition, but it was never to be. That is fine, because I learned to walk my own road. I don't need the Old Guard.
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>>464665 >MAGAcat ... You promise?

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EAL NVQ L1 Diploma in Performing Manufacturing Operations Anonymous 10/29/2024 (Tue) 19:57:43 No. 464465 [Reply]
I've been looking into getting training in machining but it looks like that the courses available are for those already working in the field and like to know if you can only do those courses while employed or if there's any courses in machining where you don't need to be working in that field already?
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>>464476 WTF did this have to do with the thread's subject matter?
>>464488 machining my balls into your mouth

Anonymous 11/09/2024 (Sat) 16:46:03 No. 464784 [Reply]
>drink a cup of coffee >mind feels screwy and wiry >can't handle caffeine
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I've also noticed eating green grapes gives me very lucid dreams.

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Rishi Cyborg Pack lore Anonymous 11/09/2024 (Sat) 15:00:39 No. 464780 [Reply]
Rishi Cyborg Pack was a loyal soldier to great Yaqub. While an early member of the brown race and with a masters degree in politics, his austerity in life worked so well that before death, he travelled to modern day Turkey and implanted his body with soylent nitrate powered mechanical parts for life extention and soylent surveilance. With this new gained power though, he slowly became corrupted and eventually revolted against the Europoid creations but was sent into hiding by Yaqubs forces into the furthest reaches of the world. He is a master of Deception, Austerity and Soy

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Anonymous 11/08/2024 (Fri) 02:28:32 No. 464722 [Reply]
Rishi Cyborg Pack
>>464722 The internet something guy?
It's 9 11 in educated countries

Anonymous 09/27/2024 (Fri) 17:22:49 No. 463420 [Reply]
#StandWithEricAdams He a good boy. He dindu nuffin wrong.
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This is almost nostalgic.

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concerned oatmeal citizen 11/09/2024 (Sat) 00:19:55 No. 464749 [Reply]
no really what the fuck is it.
>>464749 oatmeal is moateal eal is ale oatmeal is moat ale

Pancakes w/ Grace Anonymous 11/08/2024 (Fri) 08:30:25 No. 464728 [Reply]
How do you like your pancakes, anon? They're the best in ball form, tbh.
(114.61 KB 640x480 PancakeTower.jpg)

Tower form

Anonymous 06/21/2024 (Fri) 15:20:24 No. 460299 [Reply]
Why do we get so many of these normalfag threads about random IRL girls? There's >>457042 >>459805 >>459566 >>459333 >>458097 >>457662 >>453363 >>457298 and probably others, I didn't scroll down all the way. This shit is strange, this entire board is strange. It doesn't feel like 8chan at all, it's got massive boomer energy and people making posting faux pas you don't usually see like namefagging, and writing in the subject line outside an OP. Where do these guys even come?
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>>464701 Watch the tude dude, homo
>>464727 You watch them toes, or they might get sucked, faggot.
>>460299 Because people aren't killing enough simps and parasites/women.

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boards missing since the site remake Anonymous 11/07/2024 (Thu) 21:07:51 No. 464709 [Reply]
theres quite a few boards missing from here, most notably for me is the /in/ board (incest) what are the chances of some of those boards (hopefully /in/) coming back
>>464709 Nigger, where the fuck do you think you are? This isn't a site remake. This is a whole new site. The site remake where they refused to bring back bad goy boards was 8kunt. This is the largest, sturdiest, remaining splinter site from the fallout of that disaster. If you want a board that doesn't exist, make an account and make it. The meta board here is >>>/site/ for more info. And if you're some weak willed faggot that fled to cuckchan, when 8chan was killed, I suggest you not brag about your supreme act of retardation.

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Anonymous 10/27/2024 (Sun) 17:36:06 No. 464404 [Reply] [Last]
Where exactly are we, as a species, headed? Bums me out when I think about it.
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>>464619 or at disposition for miscegenation propaganda, thus getting those genes out of the white phenotype
>>464577 heyyy hey hey sshhh bb lemme sniff
>>464617 >By this logic, they never should have come to exist in the numbers they now have first place. Natural selection means those fit for the current environment get to reproduce. Outgroup preference was beneficial at one point in time, when a "foreigner" was a Frenchman in England. Not anymore. Now it's Haitians mass migrating (aka riding buses paid for by jews) into Maine and Vermont. The environment changed. There used to be giant insects when the environment had more oxygen millions of years ago. But you would look at todays environment and say "therefore no giant insects could have ever existed!"

Anonymous 08/18/2024 (Sun) 18:30:43 No. 462228 [Reply]
>finally get done doing my necessities in the bathroom >decide to go back to the dining room since I got visits >my sister and her husband are watching anniemoo on the main tv, next to my 60yo dad >feel ashamed, decide to go back to "my bathroom" normalfags don't get the idea of being ashamed of anything now do they?
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>>464371 >Are you seeing them as just an inheritance at this point? No. A constant source of worry and aggravation. I don't expect to see much money by the time they pass, and I'm okay with that, but my ulcers have ulcers from trying to make them happy while keeping them from doing stupid things. Their judgement is shot to hell. >Are your parents on the spectrum? Mom for sure, possibly dad, but what they mostly suffer from is being boomers who think they know everything and that my brother and I are incompetent except as their personal serfs. >They could crack 100, or die at 85. Many factors at play here. They might make 100, but I won't (not that I want to). My brother and I have both discussed how taking care of them is prematurely aging us. It's like they're surviving on our lifeforce. >Take care anon, try and be a bit more positive. God bless you, anon. I'll try. There's a tiktok out there of some asian Gen Z faggot saying "Why are we letting Gen X off the hook?", which is usually followed by vids of Gen Xers telling him to get fucked and leave us alone. If anyone is wondering, the reason Gen X is off the hook is because we were the first to be fucked over by the Boomers, who refused to let us have even a taste of power. Instead of standing aside and letting us have our shot, the Boomer fucks have maintained a death grip on everything until now, finally, they're starting to die off... just to leave everything for the millennials and zoomers to try and fix. They left us to raise ourselves, never really taught us how to do things, and now they suck us dry in their dotage while our kids and grandkids are trying to figure out how to not live in a pod and eat ze bugs. We may all know individual Boomers and love them, but Boomers as a whole are a cancer on humanity.
>>464342 Not to belittle your situation, because it's frankly very relatable, but at least you got further than a lot of us. Most of the people on this board probably feel similarly, only they don't have kids, or a wife, or even a place to live that isn't their parents' house. I understand your point that these things feel like hollow victories, but well... it could easily be worse. You were at the cutting edge of society falling apart. At least you weren't born even later into the decline.
>>462235 there’s plenty ‘dad anime’, but usually it’s not seasonal shit. I’m sure older gen xers know nothing about JJBA, but would be into the OVA.

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Anonymous 11/05/2024 (Tue) 02:11:38 No. 464642 [Reply]
shameless shill of my site the site is very new and has a low userbase if you want a new imageboard to use, be our guest!
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>>464643 generic imageboard
(1.16 MB 640x480 im going to get my gun.webm)

>wojak >lolface >18 days ago
>>464642 a new patch chan?

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Who is this?? EYE 11/03/2024 (Sun) 02:34:24 No. 464590 [Reply]
The boy's moans sound heavenly; and those loads are so great I gotta know who it is
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Man, this has to be some of the saddest shit I've seen. Do people really get off to other people cumming on images like this?
(4.48 MB 426x240 a message about OP.webm)

>>464631 Yes because we're homosexuals we like to see other men cum. We're not like you. We're better.

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Anonymous 10/25/2024 (Fri) 21:32:45 No. 464315 [Reply]
It’s been ten years since Gamergate happened. I never cared about it, but the fallout surrounding it lead to a portion of the 4chan userbase to move to 8chan. It was a wild time, the freedom we had. Didn’t like the moderation on a 4chan board? Make the board on 8chan. Make a board for a specific interest. I remember so many people moving over to the site, including content creators like drawfags. It was such a breath of fresh air to be able to post and not be so bogged down by the moderation of 4chan. I remember in the early days of posting and having Hotwheels replying to something I said, it felt nice having that connection with the admin of the site. It felt like the dawn of a new era. Of course, the good times didn’t last forever. I seem to remember a solid six months where 8chan was busy, but then as 2015 rolled on you could feel it wasn’t the same, and people were quietly going back to 4chan, even the ones who proudly said they wouldn’t. I stopped visiting the original 8chan sometime in 2016 or 2017, because it felt so dead. Then the original site was taken offline in 2019. Now with 8moe, a spinoff of the original site, it feels like a shell of its former self. In the decade since Gamergate happened, there has never been a single event that has caused a mass migration of 4chan users to go elsewhere. Despite the fact that people proclaim 4chan has gotten worse and worse over the years, people still stay there, stating there is no place else to go. 8moe still exists. So the question I’ve been pondering for the last little while is this: why do people stay using 4chan when they have alternatives? Will there ever be another event that will cause 4chan users to leave en masse? Or will everyone who likes the image board lifestyle just stay on 4chan 4ever?
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>>464328 Apparently OP is a total newfag, or he'd remember /g/urochan and how deleting /n/ews created Onechan/krautchan/7chan and a mess of other punies
>>464329 >I'll never understand this site's attitude towards shilling on 4chan.
>>464328 This is what ruined 8chan. All the principled anons moved when Gamergate happened. I didn't even use /v/, but any good user knew 4chan was fucked for years, and was just waiting for a viable alternative. You're just a faggot who was probably a relative newfag and didn't move until your board was personally fucked with. You were willing to tolerate 4chan even after moot explicitly banned a topic based on his political opinions, and a viable alternative opened up. When you and your kind came here, it ruined the site. >>464497 Those examples weren't nearly on the same scale.

DECAPITATE BALD MEN Anonymous 11/02/2024 (Sat) 23:13:49 No. 464584 [Reply]
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Genocide the jews.

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