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"Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop taking it seriously." -Hunter S. Thompson Weapons|Queen Grace's Royal Palace|Politically Incorrect|Video Games|Books|Role Playing Games|comfy posting

Anonymous 10/11/2024 (Fri) 08:12:02 No. 463809 [Reply]
Is anyone else here into VR porn? I've been jackin it future-style since like 2015 but it's hard to find much conversation about it.
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>>463809 Right, because getting caught punchin' the munchkin isn't bad enough, we should also be completely unaware of it for several seconds or minutes.
>>463831 Nigger, learn to lock the door. Furthermore, live alone.
>>463831 Bro I live alone. I got an entire setup with a Handy and a Kiiroo Keon mounted and ready to go wherever.

Anonymous 10/02/2024 (Wed) 15:05:56 No. 463583 [Reply]
Why are anons here way more kind and patient compared to anons from halfchan?
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>>463678 > This is a website for the white man
>>463706 yes, meat matters
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>>463583 Because we love and cherish you, OP.

Weeb simps on a whole other level Anonymous 10/06/2024 (Sun) 16:07:03 No. 463666 [Reply]
Nibba bought his femboy a whole ass house!
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>>463666 It sounds more like you are envious because you are getting old and ugly LOL! Our money will never go to you.
>>463784 >LOL!

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Anonymous 09/07/2024 (Sat) 23:58:27 No. 462883 [Reply]
What is the end goal of the typical thot/egirl/whateveryoucallem? What happens to them when they get old? I feel like they get -- at most -- 10 years before their bodies betray them. Then what? I dated an art hoe once, and she had a Cam4 (this was a long time ago lol). She was chronically unemployed, of course, but I know dudes on her Cam4 would buy her things to wear on camera, and might send some money sometimes. But it wasn't a sustainable thing and even in the two years we were together, she gained weight and FOR SOME REASON shaved her head so she just ended up looking like a fat dude and she lost most of her followers lol. That's when I left her too, so I don't know what became of her. But if I know women, that seems to be the typical path -- be all hot at first and then when you find someone, let it all go immediately. But again, not sustainable if she's with any self-respecting dude who's going to deserve better. I know there's a FEW whores out there that make a fortune off OnlyFans, but you'd have to be a fucking retard to think that's the norm...
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>>463783 heehee okay good
>>463781 None. Simps are mentally ill failed men who worship women. Their goal is not to watch them naked or porn. Their goal is literally to talk to them, give them money and tell them that they worship the femoid parasite.
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>>462883 >What is the end goal of the typical thot/egirl/whateveryoucallem? You've made a grave error in overestimating their ability to think that far ahead. They think they'll be young and hot forever, and by the time they realize they're past their prime, it will be too late. To quote a certain youtuber I enjoy, "The Wall is undefeated."

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Looking for pacific item? Anonymous 10/09/2024 (Wed) 14:42:31 No. 463789 [Reply]
Ok guys.... I'm looking for this office toy I came across a few years ago in a thrift store. It's a yellow duck and it's laying on her arms, elbows and knees with her butt up in the air like a sleeping baby. She was either wearing a tight vest and or T-shirt and she had on punk panties with either letters, numbers love hearts or =+ symbols on. Her butt worked the way a head would on a bobblehead. I asked about this before but I've received little to no response. I've tried looking online however I don't know where to look and I don't know what keywords to use. Have you guys seen something similar?
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>>463789 >pacific item

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GOONCAVE Anonymous 07/28/2024 (Sun) 05:00:10 No. 461423 [Reply]
post your gooncaves >gooncave.fun
None of this makes sense, nigger
>>461423 Seeing that makes me glad I gave up hardcore. Have some self-respect and retake your libido. >>463821 I swear, if she and Castreau get back in again, I'm going to join the Western Separation Movement

Meth Photos :3 10/10/2024 (Thu) 10:33:23 No. 463801 [Reply]
I need some photos of actual meth not from google, I'm pulling an elaborate scam and need the pictures to sell the scam
Just drip some blue food dye on some crystals bro

I don't like trans people Anonymous 07/21/2024 (Sun) 19:00:27 No. 461204 [Reply]
It's one of those day's where I wanna start a board about the con's and pro's (if there is any) of trans people. Like I just wanna go back to when it was men and women not this weird inbetween. Where my media wasn't being ruined by wokeness. If your gonna mutilate yourself keep it to yourself. Also with why don't trans people who try to target giving puberty blockers to kid's ever wanna talk about the negative effect of it? It's almost like they know it's not a smart thing to do but they regret there open wound smelling like a skunk pit so they target kids. (Ps. Sorry for ranting)
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>>463453 Be the change you want to see in the world. Unless it's soyjaks. If the tranny thread you're thinking of was soyjaks, the previous BO may have nuked it out of pure disdain. I might probably nuke it too. They reek to much of cuckchan.
Transsexuals are mentally ill men who are walking fetishes all Homosexuals could be cured if Psychology was not a joke

Saturday-morning cartoons Anonymous 10/05/2024 (Sat) 10:21:10 No. 463637 [Reply]
Do any of you still watch them?
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>>463637 >>463650 Saturday morning cartoons haven't existed in just over a decade. The CW was the last network to actually air them, and that hardly even counts as a real network. The last Saturday morning cartoon ever aired was Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal, episode 89, "Darkness Dawns," on September 27, 2014. The rise of dedicated kids' channels in the '90s made Saturday morning cartoons redundant.
>>463727 Cool but sad trivia! There's a lot of retro programming channels on the digital broadcast spectrum nowadays, since VHF/UHF is all allotted to every form of cell-phone imagined. I wonder of any of those go in for retro cartoon blocks ..? Here's Laugh-In For Kids, with lots of monsters! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmelTlEzI34 Gilligan's Island In Space, With Discount Skipper Actor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NdqvWOF9es Crazy Old Lady from Laugh-in & Space Gomer Pyle, but the song actually slaps: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sIwnKTmu-5Y Before the Wonder Twins: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANCjrzSJOsU The Justice League of America Vs. The Legion of Doom: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDvHoU3oAgw
>>463637 The only digital station i have coming in on my tv anymore is metoons, so yes basically.

Ronald Reagan 10/07/2024 (Mon) 00:32:16 No. 463681 [Reply]
He wasn't expected to win. The news media and labor unions endorsed Carter. People made fun of Reagan. He was a 2nd rate washed up reject actor. After he left office a woman wrote a book and claimed Reagan raped her decades earlier. There was even a picture of Carter fishing in a stream wearing ripped up pants that exposed his nuts. It was in Hustler magazine. Nothing changes.
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I think what I admire most about Reagan is his ability to knot up the lacy panties of all the future helicopter-riders even decades after his death.
>>463697 And finished getting machine guns thoroughly good and banned as well.
Neo-cons are shit, but commies are even worse. I hate a lot of Reagan's influence, and if he were alive today he'd probably be one of my most hated people, but he did get Mr. Gorbachev to tear down that wall. So fuck you, commies. Your system was so shit you had to build walls to keep people in. Also, monkey movies are always funny. Bedtime for Bonzo is great.

Anonymous 09/15/2024 (Sun) 01:57:46 No. 463110 [Reply]
requesting help if you where a raider or browsed chans during '06 - '07
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>>463114 More like pathetic /r9k/ trying desperately to pretend that they were there all along.
not your personal army
>>463110 For what purpose are you requesting this information?

Anonymous 07/20/2024 (Sat) 15:48:40 No. 461163 [Reply]
I’m glad he said he’s not dropping out, because he’s a huge liar, which means he’s definitely dropping out.
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>>461324 Reminder that there were no new wars under Trump.
>>461325 The War for Jerusalem is not a new war. This current chapter has been ongoing since the end of WW2. Trump DID get two more nations to recognize Israel. Which are located at the extremities of the Muslim world. In exchange for lots of weapons. >>463686 Operation Gideon occurred in spring 2020. And actually there's been scant couping in Latin America for some decades. Which is itself remarkable. Latinos like Trump because he appeals to their machismo. Also because many of them in America consider themselves White. Lastly, more and more stories about small town or small city corruption have been listing Latino surnames. This is not a coincidence. Uvalde, anyone?

Anonymous 04/30/2024 (Tue) 02:21:26 No. 458153 [Reply]
Why does it matter if graphics & sprites in your games are pre-rendered as long as they look good?
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But if I'm not complaining about random non-issues then I can't pretend to be a victim of white genocide, because this is proof that it is REAL!
I can't tell what you're trying to argue, but the realtime 3D remake of Riven is still not as good looking as its original from 30 years ago
Name of game? Right reminds me of Kamala a little bit

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