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"Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop taking it seriously." -Hunter S. Thompson Weapons|Queen Grace's Royal Palace|Politically Incorrect|Video Games|Books|Role Playing Games|comfy posting

How much tranny are you? Check it, have you played these franchises? W00t 02/24/2025 (Mon) 07:08:12 No. 469291
So, I've beentalking about with chatgpt because i was thinking if I could make contemporary list of characters ruined by LGBT movement. But i found very few examples out right that would have workedf outside of characters like Astolfo which are easily misunderstood despite him being STRAIGHT in the anime cough cough I then asked wondering hmmm do I know any of these franchises, but I noticed chatgpt was talking about shit that I never played. So, I wanted to be reassured and asked chatgpt, "name the most transgender friendly videogames", i don't even know number 1.
Here is second version. I asked him to give the list without requirement for a representation.
Don't drag down >>>/u/ tena to troon depravity. >>469292 >the most popular shit has the most tranny leeches How utterly expected.
>>469292 Dude the population alive now are so deep in dysgenics any Media it makes will being trying to set the viewers on a maladaptive life path
>>469292 Going to skip the ones i dont know/didnt play. >Pokemon Played gen 1 and 3 a decade ago. The games were good but childish. >League of Legends Tried for a week because of a friend. Used an spartan guy, didnt like the constant repetation. >Hero Academia Wached the first temp, stopped when it because a self parody. >Jojos I Liked the first (phantom blood) and 2º (battle tendency) but hated the 3º, also the more time passes the gayer jojos becomes.
>trans coded more like trans COPED lel

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