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MOST EMBARRASSING ACCIDENTAL DEATHS Anonymous 11/29/2024 (Fri) 00:20:00 No. 465432
Do not do perversity. It may kill you. And then all your secrets will be out for all the world to see
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Portugal, 2013. A 25 year old male fitness instructor was found hanged to death in his bedroom, in the standing up position. Using elastic bungee cord as a hanging noose. Cause of death was ruled accidental, during autoerotic fetish pursuit. Blood pooling in the area of his hands and the dark swelling of his pushed out tongue can already be well seen. A wide variety of “sex slave” fetish accessories were found in his room, of both gay male and female use variety.
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Ah yes, A regular kind of death for those who have pissed off the deep state. They'll do heart attacks and car accidents too, but every other year or so it's auto-erotic,just to remind you whose really in charge.
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>>465432 >>465433 >>465434 >>465438 >>465439 >>465446 >>465447 Still less shameful than dying for Israel yet we honor those sacrifices with holidays, parades, memorials etc The degenerates posted ITT died doing what they love, bless them
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She was 25. Worked as a nurse and doing some online modeling. Passed out and hanged herself to death during masturbation. A well lubricated vibrator was laying at her feet. Her anal and vaginal passages also had the same lubricant on them.
Why didn't these losers just be losers together? A partner in depravity could have prevented this.
>>465452 What's your @ bby? Let's save each other.
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He was 18. Likely broke his neck. At around 1:54 you could hear the push up bar above him creaking again from the continued pull of his dead body weight.
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Showing young women who get very high arousal bliss from hanging till passing out.
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Showing when even a partner was present to act as safety spotter, it still resulted in death. He waited too long to cut her down and as the result was unable to resuscitate her. There was a file attached earlier where it also showed a live death of an 18 year old young man. He did not have a partner and was livestreaming it. But as can be seen here even having a partner can lead to death.
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Showing 21 year old woman who gets very high arousal bliss from hanging/strangulation. Very high potential candidate for the body bag and morgue near her, only waiting to happen. She was very close to passing out
>>465432 Did you get banned from 8kun?
>>465471 These people need to switch to drugs. Heroin would be better than this.
>>465472 They censor a lot of material there. Will see how it goes here
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Example of bloating and the tongue being pushed out as the result of very slow strangulation during hanging. Specimen used was a dead 27 year old male, whose body was used at morgue as a "study prop" for medical students class. Shows a pic where they poke at his tongue to feel firsthand how rubber like it became and how it stays pushed out like that.
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Germany. 24 year old man had intentionally caused the death of his 28 year old domineering gay partner. During the strangulation fetish session he was acting as a safe spotter. But was on purpose strongly encouraging the 28 year old to push it further and further, while hand “stimulating” him. And when finally his partner went too far and had passed out, he just stood and watched him getting strangled to death. And immediately right after that calling police to report accidental death and that he had found him like that when he came to his home. But police got suspicious. And upon further interrogation the 24 year old had finally admitted of planning death of his gay lover. As a self-defense against his partner sexually using him for months in very domineering degrading rough way, like a s-ex toy slave. With his hands being tied behind his back on many occasions. And blackmailing him by threatening to reveal certain legal issues from the 24 year old's past to his government job employer, if he dared to leave him. On scene photos deceased can be seen as he was found. Sitting with his buttocks on a slightly extended part of the ottoman cube and with a belt holding him by the neck, zip tied to the leg of an overturned coffee table from above him. Thus keeping the corpse in the same position as when he got strangled. Mirror was placed in front of him, so he could to look at himself during the process and see his partner “stimulating” him. There were dripping traces of his dried sperm on the mirror, indicating ejaculation before passing out. A metal kitchen tray was under him, so his sperm would not get on the carpet. Corpse’s penis also kept most of it erect status from very high arousal as he was passing out.
>>465477 German dead guy had a nice dick. Wonder what its like to die while your partner masturbating you to high nirvana and seeing it all in the mirror. Poor fella also. He was so aroused as he had passed out, thinking that he will wake up soon. Instead went straight to death phase. But at the same time yes he was an abuser and likely deserved to die.
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36 year old woman. Was found only many hours later.
>all auto-erotic asphyxiation no-one landing ass first on fenceposts
>>465512 This, it's kinda boring when it's all the same kind of degenerate death, yaknow? Where's the shit of people using unconventional or too big dildos and dying of internal injuries? There's many other ways to die embarrassingly, too.
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22 year old young man, accidental death by autoerotic asphyxiation. Was hanging himself by using his leather belt as a noose, flipped over a door above him and tied with the use of computer charging cord to the door handle on the other side. Using doors is very popular amongst the practitioners of erotic asphyxia. Since they can hold a lot of weight and it does not require any special set up, like drilling hooks in the wall. Young man was strangling himself by spreading his legs apart and thus lowering his body down to the desired level of hanging/strangulation arousal effect. While masturbating in the process. But apparently getting so carried away and aroused in the process, to having fatally spread his legs far too wide apart. Resulting in the belt noose to restrict blood the flow to the brain big enough to cause him passing out. His left hand’s fingers got stuck under the noose belt, likely just before him passing out and while already in a semi-conscious hallucinogenic state. Trying to remove the noose. But being in such a barely conscious state, physically too weak to even move his legs back so to stand up. Passing out completely in the next moment, in the position as he was and getting hanged to death. With his other hand still clutching his penis. His body was found by his female housemate (not in any relationship with him), probably not more than 5-10 minutes after him passing out. When she came home much earlier that day and went to his room to ask if she could borrow his headphones. He likely might have been saved, had she cut him down immediately, checked his pulse and tried to do a CPR if detecting a heartbeat. Just like the emergency operator was advising her to do. But she got so repulsed by realizing what her housemate was doing, that she vehemently refused to touch his body or the hanging belt in any slightest way. Instead just throwing a big green towel over his head and going to her room, waiting there until the paramedics would arrive. By that time it was already too late. His pushed out tongue indicates that it was a very slow strangulation process, taking minutes. And so it is not unlikely that he might have been saved, if he was cut down immediately upon discovery and emergency phone operator guided CPR done on him by his female housemate.
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>>465434 >Dyson Well no wonder he died.
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>>465467 >another Dyson
Are people really that desperate to get off? Pathetic waste of life.
>>465504 Who is she and where can I see more of her?
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>>465913 Are there coroners who only examine female corpses? A gyne-coroner? If so how do I become one?
>>465930 Kinda, a county coroner is the position you are thinking of, however you have to examine both genders of bodies. If you were to practice in a small county that had a female prison though.... And in effect your dream comes true.
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19 year old. Did it inside the clothes closet. Was found by a female relative when she opened the closet doors to get something from it. He had snuffed himself in the standing up position, by going limp, with his knees slightly bend forward. His pushed out tongue means that it was a very slow strangulation after he had passed out. The female relative finding him had thrown an old sweater over his face, since the corpse already had a rotten color tongue, sticking all out. And went to call police, reporting his death.
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>>466151 Story? Name? Link to news article?
OP still here?
>>465432 David Carradine had a similar embarrasing if he were alive to see it death scene. If you want to tempt death and have an interesting orgasm at the same time, this stuff might not kill you when you get off during sex https://www.talktofrank.com/drug/poppers
Any more, OP?
>>466151 I need to know about this one.
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>>466916 Fake?
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>>466930 it is ain't like there ain't those types out there, God killing him for it tho is rare
>>466930 Here is the source I originally came across: https://imgur.com/a/H4n3S#c27e3 According to this poster it was also included in the strange death column in Fortean Times: https://www.giraffeboards.com/showpost.php?s=30ced0787c0f3e82272e1c7b976cb617&p=683750&postcount=3
I wish this was my fetish so i could dare hang myself.
>>467085 Why did you sage?
Does this count? The guy on the right was suicide later
Time to bring these to cuckchan and scare off the newgen retards.
>>466916 RIP chicken.

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