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Megyn Kelly reveals she's battling Covid vaccine injury... leaving doctor horrified pajeet memes 02/27/2025 (Thu) 02:50:22 No. 469370
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-14439303/megyn-kelly-doctor-horrified-covid-vaccine-injury.html https://archive.is/WZOrH Megyn Kelly has sensationally claimed she was injured by the Pfizer Covid vaccine. On the latest episode of her podcast, the conservative commentator said she developed an 'unspecified autoimmune condition' after getting two shots and a booster. She told Dr Aseem Malhotra, a cardiologist with ties to RFK Jr, that doctors were unable to determine which specific disorder she has, but that they said it could be linked to the vaccine. The 54-year-old told an audibly shocked Dr Malhotra: 'I asked the rheumatologist if it could be linked to the Pfizer vaccine and booster, and she said "Yes, and you're not the only patient I have who's had this sequence of events." 'I wish I hadn't done it [gotten vaccinated], but I did.' Kelly also revealed that thinking the Covid vaccine was safe was 'the number one thing I've been wrong about.' The CDC still recommends the vaccines for children and adults, saying the protection against Covid still outweighs the tiny risk of side effects. It comes after a bombshell Yale University study found mRNA Covid vaccines are linked to a previously unknown condition called 'post-vaccination syndrome' (PVS).
Boo-hoo, bitch! You get what you fucking deserve for taking the Fauci-ouchie.
>>469373 fuck that bitch!
>>469370 Who? >Covid vaccine Imagine being so retarded as to believe that vaccines are good. Anyone who got any shots deserves to die.

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