/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

For Lovers of Diapers and Ageplay!

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Anime in Diapers Baby 11/20/2022 (Sun) 09:25:48 No. 19499 [Reply] [Last]
Screencaps from anime series with diapers. Not fanart, stuff that you can search on trace.moe and get results, probably. I'm honestly kinda shocked - there's a "cartoons in diapers" thread and an "anime to watch to help you regress" thread, but not an "anime series that have diapers in them" thread. Obviously if it's a minor background thing on some baby in passing then it's kinda meh. But there's some better ones. Screenshot of girls being babied is from Tsugumomo Episode 7, right before it cuts to the credits. They lost a game to an eccentric kami. Sci-Fi screencaps are from "Orbital Children". It's good Sci-Fi in general - it's a short series of only 6 episodes. The diapers never make a visible appearance afaik, but they're explicitly mentioned and used a few times, including in like the first five minutes. Sadly there's no visible bulge or indication that they're actually wearing and wetting them like they say they are, though. I got a few more to start the thread off with, but they kinda need their own posts for clarity.
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>>46159 Thank you. Unfortunately it doesn't work for me. It stays loading even although I change the server.
>>46151 nyaa.si You'll need a torrent client such as Deluge or Transmission, but the quality is vastly superior to any streaming site.
>>44251 That show had some incredibly erotic butts. Just look at this swimsuit. It's impossible not to imagine that she's wearing a diaper under there.

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Taigaxholic Diaper Commissions Baby 10/18/2024 (Fri) 22:18:37 No. 41578 [Reply] [Last]
Taigaxholic, Bungotaiga, the "Anonymous Commissioner" or just plain ol' Taiga. Taiga is the most prevalent known ABDL figure in the Vtuber sphere and has secretly and not so secretly commissioned a multitude of our favorite diaper artists to make art of their shota avatar. Since the the drama and subsequent banning from Twitter and Twitch, as well as the e621 purges, some of their art has been harder to find. Please post any relevant content you have so we can all share the diapered Taiga love!
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Magical Correspondences Baby 08/18/2024 (Sun) 03:27:03 No. 39507 [Reply]
Feel free to share any occult discoveries related to ABDL matters in this thread. I have some material to start us off with, but my information is pretty heavily weighted toward lodge magic, so feel free to provide information from other traditions that is applicable. First, I would like to share a pdf regarding the sephirotic affinities of various paraphilias. I do not think that the person who wrote the document was a fetishist, but I think that they shared some pretty good observations. The association of diapers with Hod and the association of the image of the self as a child with Yesod are probably two of the correspondences that are most relevant to us, but I think that you can discern some other associations from the information that is provided. For example, the document associates Netzach with the idealization of heterosexuality, which is understandable when you consider that the false magical child appears in Netzach. Netzach and Hod are intimately tied to Yesod, which is located right beneath them, and which can be considered their child. Infantilism is a pretty worldly thing, so it is understandable that it would be mostly confined to the lower sephira. Also, I think that it would be prudent to note that Yesod is the Foundation. Childhood is a time wherein some the foundations of an individual's life are established, and so that association is understandable. Furthermore, the perceptual and instinctive life if Yesod is closer to the state of the child than the rational and emotional qualities of Hod and Netzach, respectively. It would also be prudent to point out that Yesod is associated with the Moon, and that it is associated with the sacral chakra. In the past, the Moon has been associated with childbirth. The sacral chakra is relevant given its relationships to the libido and to the genitals. The diaper covers the genitals, and so I think that it has some relevance. I think that Scorpio might have a slight connection to ABDL matters, given how it is associated with the genitals, but I think that it covers a pretty broad area. I do wonder, however, if Taurus in the Moon might be associated with ABDL matters, given how Taurus is associated with domesticity and given how Moon signs are associated with instincts. I think that Liber 777 associated gnomes with the excretory system, but I have not read it in a fair while. I think that looking into some of the magical correspondences for the genitals and excretory system may provide some insight.
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I remember seeing a manuscript that advised one to not let a talisman of Saturn come into the contact of children or maidens, which is understandable when one considers the fact that Saturn is associated with entropy and degradation.
I'm naturally skeptical of this stuff but I'm bumping because I find esotericism super interesting regardless. Maybe you can enlighten me on what exactly magic can and is apparently able to achieve. My impression of Chaos Magick is that it's not too far removed from 20th century Napoleon Hill style thoughts -> reality orthodoxy, but there's very little about it that's truly supernatural (much less measurable). However I'll entertain any school of thought in which there is a theoretical pathway to body transformation (even partially). What should I be reading to understand this better?
>>46076 If you would like a highly conservative account of magic, then you could say while adhering to current models of physics that magic is a socio-cultural means of utilizing natural psi effects found in organisms, such as humans. Currently, the parapsychological data mainly indicates that human psi functioning is limited to extrasensory perception, including clairvoyance, telepathy, and precognition, but there is reason to believe that we should take accounts of macro-PK from history seriously, such as the table-tipping of the late 19th century and the early 20th century, as well as the countless tales of individuals performing miraculous feats throughout recorded history. Personally, I have attained gnosis, and as such I do not solely need the evidence gathered by the scientific method in order to acknowledge the reality of the supernatural, but I can see how one who has not yet attained various mystical states might find the standard research helpful. In terms of standard psi research, I cannot say that I have found any data supporting ideas of body transformation, apart from the application of psychokinesis to the cells of one's own body, such as in healing, but I generally think that dramatic magical effects are possible, including resurrection, transformation, and the like. I am an apeirotheist, and thus I acknowledge the existence of the divine attributes within every monad, including omnipotence, which naturally entails being capable of such things, even if they are not very important in the grand scheme of things. Chaos magic actually adheres more to late 20th century British counter-culture than it does to the kind of thought that you described; it actually sounds like you were describing lodge magic more than chaos magic. Chaos magic was originally intended to be a pragmatic approach to magic, focusing on what parts of rituals were necessary for actually manifesting effects. Traditionally, magic has had a lot of gatekeeping, and chaotes wanted to see how much of it was actually necessary and how much of it was essentially just reified traditions disguised as mystic wisdom. The idea behind chaos magic was to see how much one could alter the form of workings while still getting the same effects, hence why you saw stuff like rituals for Apollo having Superman utilized instead (incidentally, it turned out that using popular culture stuff like that was less effective, as on a psychological level, it felt less legitimate to the practitioners). As for books, it is really difficult to figure out which ones to recommend, as half of the value in magical books is in learning new modes of thought rather than in their content, but I would personally recommend Liber 777, LTC's The Great Work of Self-Transformation, Regardie's classic Golden Dawn compilation, and The Tree of Life. If you want more background regarding the reality and measurability of psi phenomena rather than instructions on magical practice, I would recommend Evidence for Psi: Thirteen Empirical Research Reports. Wishing you well.

Petitefool [Lainey] Archive Baby 02/19/2022 (Sat) 08:11:43 No. 9274 [Reply] [Last]
Seems Petitefool/Lainey is nuking her Patreon and Tumblr again so figured it'd be best to gather any images or videos in one place.
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>>35800 Part 2- Little Orphan Annie prize
anyone hav the rest of her stuff. There are pics on kimono that aren’t here
>>35782 >10/10 links, thanks Anon Where do I search these links? to me they are just strings of letters

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ABDL Location/Meetup Thread Baby 02/16/2022 (Wed) 07:23:46 No. 9190 [Reply] [Last]
Hey dumb babs, I saw a thread like this on goatse and figured I'd bring it over here. This is for anyone who wants to find others nearby to meetup/just to know where you babs are at.
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>>45746 >>45746 >he foreign flys have been buzzing around it for years, stealing sips from its ba-ba for too many years. Though if one of those flies is named"Israel" Republicans will swoop right in to give them as much cash as they ask for.
>>45735 shat into a bucket of orbeez >>45707 that really sucks anon. :( I have a 6'3" daddy and can't relate to this feeling of troon-cumbrains destroying everything. At CAP one year, I overheard a guy complaining the trans were overtly sexual, which is hilarious given how many room parties I attended with kinky stuff happening. There were non-troon-cumbrains and troon-cumbrains alike. Everyone had a job too, of course how else could one afford to attend CAP? I think a lot of this is just petulant anger because you haven't been fed (given what you deserve). My eavesdropping on that guy was the same, I started listening closer to his words after the bit about trannies, and I guess he was trying to rizz up a female little who was listening. Maybe she felt the same way. If you spend some years dating throughout the community - you will find someone. ABDLs are messed up, so it'll take a while.
Further Confusion was pretty fun this year. It was kind of just nice to see ABDLs and just give the subtle acknowledgement and continue to enjoy the convention. It is pretty telling that we have come that far that one can do that. I still like having in-dejewsonversations with others in the area, but it says a lot how seeing an ABDL in the wild now is more of a cool little thing rather than a magnificent meeting that demands an immediate exchange of contact information and the like. The community is really established now. It's a far cry from the the little islands that each ABDL seemed to be in around two decades ago.

Fictional Diaper Exposure Thread. Baby 01/17/2025 (Fri) 09:03:19 No. 45704 [Reply]
This is a thread for posting pictures, gifs, videos and stories of the consept of diaper exposures/diaper flashings. Where fictional charaters from books, cartoons, anime, manga & video games of both the Male & the Female sex. Are either exposing their diapers freely or has been forced to expose their diapers by an external force.

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Hololive diaper art Hololive art 09/08/2022 (Thu) 19:47:27 No. 16726 [Reply] [Last]
Anyone have any hololive stuff mainly gura
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Some Gura loli to start off the year.

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rocket manatee Baby 09/13/2024 (Fri) 00:14:09 No. 40438 [Reply] [Last]
I'm looking for some of his other comics
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>>45569 nice, I hope with AI there is more of these in the future
>going to the 8chan thread to seethe here too kek

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ABDL games #4 Baby 03/24/2024 (Sun) 08:36:23 No. 35612 [Reply] [Last]
ABDL Video Games Last thread >>26209 Popular games: The Pacifier Project https://abdlsparrow.itch.io/the-pacifier-project Unity, 3D, third person, role playing Littleington University Patreon is dead, search in the last thread for any link of the game Unity, 3D, third person, role playing Messy Academy https://www.patreon.com/MessyAcademy Visual Novel

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>>45688 Most "trans girls" in our community aren't really trans just autogynaphilliacs. Quite honestly people in our community are part of the reason most are against the lgbt movement in general. The mainstream sees a bunch of fetishist use the movement as an excuse to prance around getting their rocks off at others expense. I can safely say that loud and proud abdls are not part of my community.
thread hit bump limit
>>36963 >>37029 Another anon here. many thanks for that aswell. Amazing work with the mod. Even 360° Camera works with it. Looking forward to find a Potty-need-over-time feature still. So, if you could still find any spare-time to come up with an idea ....

Source Thread Baby 01/09/2025 (Thu) 00:47:50 No. 44745 [Reply]
I think I have not seen one of these around before. Basically videos, images, or any kind of media that you have but you are not sure the origin/creator/artist and are trying to find out I'll start with two of my favorite ones that I've had for a while now
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>>45540 Looks like a dude
>>45496 Stories seem to get suggestions. But otherwise not. The request thread seems to be people hunting down specific models or videos. I'm thinking more along the lines of describing the sort of content I'm looking for and then seeing if anyone has any good recommendations for it. If it fits what I want I don't mind paying for it. It's just so rare that something's good.
lovely baby in her nursery, I wonder who she is

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Memes Baby 12/31/2020 (Thu) 08:53:39 No. 2176 [Reply] [Last]
Post diaper/abdl memes
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>>45520 I much prefer "Boomer" Memes over skibbidy-fornite-dance-bullshit.
>>45524 yeah takes you back to browsing 'teh chon' for 'epic lulz' right?
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Baby sized peepees Baby 05/27/2020 (Wed) 17:43:23 No. 117 [Reply] [Last]
If you are smaller than 5 inches it's permanent pamps for you baby boy. If you are less than 9 you can wear pullups I guess. I'm gonna giggle at you teeny little weeny.
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>>44747 Bout fucking time tbh
>>43461 >>44070 Sorry if this disappoints anyone, but your little baby friend won't be posting here anymore. I didn't realize that he was getting out at nap time to look at dirty websites like this, and that's never going to happen again. I've already ordered some better restraints for his crib and he has earned extra tummy time in his daily routine until he learns that babies don't go where they're not supposed to. Also, he hasn't been very truthful. We gave him the chance to take the chastity device off before putting him in pull ups, and he squandered that opportunity by masturbating to online porn. On top of that, he omitted the part where he was leaving poop stains in his big kid undies on a daily basis in addition to the ejaculatory issues. I took this picture months ago and it's not even the worst mess he made. He might have technically passed on PID, but he was never a big kid. >>44080 I'm not surprised that he wasn't in a hurry to reply to this. The first thing he opened was a card from Santa that showed his status was officially changed from big kid to baby. He threw a tantrum in front of anyone and it only got worse as he opened his presents, which were packs of diapers and other nubaby items, including the sailor outfit here. He's been really fussy about pictures, but ever since we started dressing him in proper nubaby clothes, he went from trying to hide his diaper to hiding his face. I think he's starting to understand that the outfits, diapers, and his plastic wee-wee armor are never going away. -A proud numommy
>>45440 But it doesn't even look like there's a mess there...

AI translations Baby 01/10/2025 (Fri) 02:29:58 No. 45216 [Reply]
I've always wanted to know the filthy depraved stories behind those jap long ass stories you can find in exhentai, but since I can't read moonrunes for shit I've been filtered from that... until now. After spending the last two days autistically taking the text from the images using the magic of AI, and with a mixture of chatGPT and other tools I've finally translated my first story. [Juugatsu Usagi] Reverse ~Baby Girl no Tanjou~ https://exhentai.org/g/683965/bd6ebf46d7/ It's about some guy who's tasked with giving some printouts to his sick classmate, but when he makes it to her house diaper ensues. I have to admit that the translation might not be the best, but it's functional and you can tell what's going on without missing too many important details. It fucks up the MC's gender all the time, and sometimes it kind of not makes sense but even then you can tell what's going on. I learned from this that chatGPT is by far the best translating tool, but since it's sadly managed by a bunch of prudes it will usually refuse to translate the more spicy parts. Whatever involving sex or genitals is a nono. Diaper stuff is on thin ice. For the parts that chatGPT didn't wanted to touch I used quillbot, which is not as good as chatGPT but at least is functional. And before someone mentions fucking deepL, that thing can go fuck itself. I can't even format the moonrunes properly when you paste them, and it will sometimes translate twice the same sentence. It's like quillbot but with a shittier interface and worse. If anyone is interested in doing stuff like this, or knows something about how to more efficiently translate these kind of stuff I'll be happy to hear you. I'll also upload the entire raw text in case someone wants to give it a go. English version https://pastejustit.com/reverse-baby-girl-no-tanjou-eng Raw version

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>>45216 You've got multiple lines out of order even on the first page, which is probably why things don't make sense. Glancing through a couple pages, there are instances of sentences and dialog being cut off partway (sometimes mid-word) and the rest of the sentence fragment showing up a few lines later. The biggest issue with MTL is that it will never tell you "I don't know how to translate this".
>>45386 I sometimes noticed that the image to text app would put the lines out of order, but just thought that it was some sort of jap syntax thing that I didn't knew. I still wonder how to do it properly on that regard, but all I can come up with is to check each line and make sure it corresponds with the right order of the original image, which is a pain in the ass. I still think doing these sort of translation is a doable thing, but I don't know enough about AI to make it work properly. I was thinking that perhaps the best way of doing it would be to make sure lines are in proper order after passing them to text, and once you have a massive txt file you just get a GPT API key and find a way to put all of that through that. I'm not sure, but perhaps using the API would bypass the filter it has for sexual stuff.

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Breastfeeding/Lactation Baby 12/15/2020 (Tue) 13:17:50 No. 2062 [Reply] [Last]
I may not be into ABDL by itself, but I do enjoy many facets of the Littlespace aesthetic, and one of those things being breastmilk. I've always wondered what it tastes like. Post suckles pls! <3
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>>44980 If you're going to insult someone at least use proper syntax and complete sentences. This just makes you look like even more of an idiot, spam anon.
>>19019 man back then, this was AS GOOD as it got, felicity is such a perfect baby and Fiona was such a lovely and gorgeous Mommy.

K-On Thread Baby 04/16/2023 (Sun) 21:24:59 No. 24512 [Reply]
I haven't seen a lot of good pics of them, so post some padded members of the Light Music Club!
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Found five good ones There's a lot of art of Mio online in diapers. Strangely, I can't find too many Yui or Ritsu pics of them properly padded. It's such a shame because Yui is arguably more diaperable than Mio and Ritsu just doesn't have any really good pictures.....
>>44978 Not sure what the point of this is? This anon high or just that autistic?
Cakies has a bunch of k-on art https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/78375834

Diaper Quizzes Baby 06/01/2024 (Sat) 18:58:24 No. 37450 [Reply]
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>>37460 I dunno, this is fun. Would love more content like this.
Nerdtest has quite a few https://www.nerdtests.com/mq/uttake.php?id=274250 https://www.nerdtests.com/mq/uttake.php?id=285265 But gotoquiz generally has better quizzes. Faproulette.co has some pretty good stuff too.
>>44974 Who's this low effort fag spamming threads?

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