/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

For Lovers of Diapers and Ageplay!

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Dandelion Wishes / ItsDandelionWishes Fan Thread Baby 01/09/2024 (Tue) 23:22:44 No. 33254 [Reply]
It's time to revive this from the ashes of boards since gone. If you have higher res than what's here, go ahead and repost.
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Bondage, Restraints and Lockable Clothing Baby 02/01/2021 (Mon) 15:41:18 No. 2547 [Reply] [Last]
A thread to talk about things like locking diaper covers, toddler harnesses, back-zipper sleepers, etc. Both fictional and real discussion is welcome. I recently discovered this site which gives a lot of ideas and information on how to secure overalls and other types of clothing: https://camilleb.home.xs4all.nl/tb-bd/BiB_secure_clothes.html It turns out there are sites selling both key-locked and magnetically-locked buckles for use on baby restraints. I also discovered a shop selling booties with spikes inside which effectively force the wearer to crawl.
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>>43055 Any magnet
>>43055 Anon, stop trying to change your diaper yourself. Tell your caretaker you made a mess.
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I got some stuff from the straight jacket shop in the mail the other day. Ultra comfy and the spiked booties strongly discourage standing.

Thickest diapers? Baby 12/17/2024 (Tue) 05:42:42 No. 43866 [Reply]
I'm wondering what the thickest diapers available are. ;D I'm not sure of the source or validity of this chart btw, just something I found on here
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I think stock diaper thickness is just a bad metric to over-fixate upon, though. If your only concern is thickness, then that is easily addressed and improved in a number of ways - boosters, layering on additional diapers, etc. Cost to practical capacity would be quite useful to consider, however.
>>43893 Boosters feel fake and artificial. Diaper layering has the same problem. What it seems people want is a diaper proportioned up to adult size. Which means making it thicker to fit adult proportions. Which no company has succeeded in doing. >>43866 Sources are DiaperMetrics.com (majority), Adisc.org, and Xpmedical.com, among others.
>>43884 Idiot...

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ABDL Wish List Baby 01/20/2024 (Sat) 02:42:45 No. 33552 [Reply] [Last]
What are some things you wish ABDL focused companies would do? I personally wish more companies would put designs out similar to TryAgains, but that’s just me.
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>>43900 this girl on etsy does that and sells some of them
>>43905 shop url?

Sims4 child diaper mod? Baby 01/06/2021 (Wed) 06:28:47 No. 2216 [Reply] [Last]
Does anyone have the sims4 toddler -> child diaper mesh mod? I can't find it online anywhere but it used to be on a 8chan thread. NOT the mod in the pic, the one I'm looking for is the actual toddler mesh upscaled for child sims
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Diaper Dreams Baby 02/02/2023 (Thu) 20:34:38 No. 22377 [Reply]
What kind of dreams do you have the revolve around abdl? Wearing diapers, having accidents, being little, etc.? I had a nap earlier today where I dreamed that my mind had been swapped with the body of a kid but still my own memories. During it I woke up at a dentist and was confused at what was going on and where I was and this person who was apparently my parent was there to help calm me down. During this I had ended up wetting my pants out of nervousness and embarrassment. The dream cuts to me back at our house and I’m in a pull up now and am staying home while they run errands. I have to use the bathroom and run to a toilet but don’t make it and wet my pull up causing it to leak. I then struggle to get the pull up off and get confused on how to do it, but eventually tear it off. I then notice in my room my bag of pull ups half gone and realize I must wet the bed a lot too, so I put one on and go to clean up my mess only to have someone who I assumed was my older sister come in and I try to explain it was an accident and I didn’t mean to do it and she just shakes her head and smiles. I then run back to my room to hide and notice I’m wet again and poke and prod my diaper wondering how it happened. Then my damn alarm goes off and I am woken up from this dream.
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i used to have recurring dreams about being diapered, maybe wearing pants maybe not, and being in public/a situation where i can't hide. somehow no one ever notices i'm diapered in the dream, but all i'm thinking about is when i can sneak away and take my diaper off and put normal underwear on again.
I don't dream much anymore and when I do it is a bunch it is a bunch of jumbled nonsense. Don't look to dreams and visions. They're just mirages, the subconscious' way of tricking you. Dreams are load of trash.
It's pretty rare that I have dreams. Maybe only a couple per year. Contrast that with my girlfriend who takes pills to stop from having wild and vivid dreams every night. It's weirdly become a constant in my not-so-common dreams that I'm diapered by default. I don't currently wear 24/7 in real life, but my subconscious believes that I'm someone who wears diapers. I've had multiple dreams where I have to stop what I'm doing to go to a bathroom stall to change, or I'm noticed by someone who didn't know I wore diapers right as I'm using them.

Mommy stories/art without cucking Baby 10/15/2024 (Tue) 01:06:53 No. 41404 [Reply]
I know that there is a lot of overlap in abdl with cycling, sissy stuff and all that and whatever, but it feels like there's no content where the woman isn't the sub that's based around that. I want to read a story where I can feel like I'm being loved and admired but all the stories where the girl get the boy diapered end with some variation of "teehee now I'm going to go fuck someone else, have fun never having sex again baby!" I want a story where the girl convinces her boyfriend to wear diapers and then starts to think that he's incredibly cute wearing them and calls into work so they can spend all day having fun. Anybody know of similar stories/art?
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>>42835 Tried it on AO3, couldn't really find anything. Every wattpad story I've seen is trash, and idk what DD is. I tried similar search terms with just general internet but it didn't work. It's hard because I like the lovy-dovy aspect but in basically every story the woman ends up outright mocking the man at best or cheating on him at worst. If you self insert it starts out feeling nice but you just feel abused and manipulated at the end. I guess some people are into that but I'm not. Maybe I should just look for works about diapered couples without an explicit BDSM element.
>>43642 DailyDiapers i guess. They have a decent story collection.

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Unpopular diaper fantasys Baby 05/07/2023 (Sun) 06:11:16 No. 25000 [Reply] [Last]
What are some unrealistic fantasy's you wish you could do irl? Me would be hyper or mega inflated diapers on a macro Or humping someone making their disper grow before cummys as onesie buttons pop open and reveal a truely giant diaper
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I have a few things along a similar theme that I don't really understand why they're unpopular but no one else seems to really vibe with them. One scenario that I imagine writing a story about at some point is a baby who's a lot physically stronger and a potential danger to their caregiver. Like, I'm imagining a huge, buff bodybuilder type of guy with the mind of an infant. He has this super-hot, young, babysitter type who is his regular caretaker. He's crazy strong and so the dynamic is such that she has to be super placating and loving towards him in order to do anything. Like he needs a poopy diaper change but he's too busy playing? She has to be really placating and careful about getting him to agree to a diaper change, because if he throws a tantrum it could be pretty dangerous and he could hurt her. She keeps up with the role though specifically because she can't help but violently lust after him though. So even though she has to care for a baby that's physically bigger than her and could easily throw her across the room, she still wants the opportunity to ocasionally sit on that dick, and that also becomes another way in which she placates him, once he learns that the babysitter isn't just there to change his diapers and feed him, but to help him make big cummies in her small little body too. A couple other scenarios that involve very specific vibes would be like me having a Mommy, or preferably multiple Mommies, who are all trying very hard to please me, make sure I'm babied and taken care of, and basically never have to do anything. To the point where they're actually phsyically fighting and competing over who gets to carry me, bathe me, change me, jerk me off, etc. It's important though that although they all really want me this way, and are adamantly competing over me, they're still grossed out by my diaper changes. Like after literally winning a contest of some kind for the right to change my diaper, the winning 'Mommy' is still obviously grossed out by my poopy diaper despite being honored and grateful to change me. A variation of that is I love the idea of a super haggard, worn out ABDL fantasy Mommy. I'm imagining a household where it's one ABDL super-Mommy who's really tall, super busty and beautiful, and dressed like a 1950s housewife all the time, maybe even with a diaper-apron like what's referenced above: >>25674 But it's just here taking care of a household of like 4 or 5 adult babies. I'm imagining like 3 female and 2 male. She's maybe a little taller and bigger than her charges but everyone is still within the range of normal adult humans. Basically, her whole life revolves around diaper changes. All of her adult babies are constantly pooping and peeing to a cartoonish degree. Like fully filling a diaper every time. The whole house smells like a nursery. The diaper pails are always full. The babies are also always masturbating or having sex with each other which she halfheartedly tries to discourage but knows that she can't keep up with all of them and figures it's better they get some relief that way rather than her trying to have to jerk them off multiple times a day during diaper changes. She loves her babies and wants to take care of them, but she is burnt out and grossed out by the constant diaper changes and caretaking. Something like trying to take all of them to grandma's house for Thanksgiving means first changing them all into extra-thick diapers (since all that rich Thanksgiving food is probably going to make them mess themselves), then packing multiple diaper bags. Then she has to load each of these five adult sized babies into carseats for the ride over there. Then even though she just changed them, and even though it's only a 30 minute car ride, she knows there's still a possibility one of them could have a blowout on the ride over there. Which wouldn't bother the other babies at all, but she would be dealing with the dirty diaper smell the rest of the way. The other thing kinda along these lines is what I think of as the 'Baby Herman' archetype. If you've ever seen the movie 'Who Framed Roger Rabbit' Baby Herman is portrayed as a physical baby who has all the needs of a baby, but who's still horny, misogynistic and has adult girlfriends. It's vaguely implied that he's dating attractive, adult, human women who also change his diapers and have sex with him, while he's blatantly sexual and demeaning to them. Slapping their asses, looking up women's skirts, etc. Why isn't that more of an archetype in ABDL? That sounds exactly like how I feel. There's a few diapergirls on twitter who make it part of their persona to be blatantly sexual and slutty while still wearing diapers and acting babyish, but there's never a male equivalent of the same thing. My dream would be to be like a Hugh Hefner porn mogul, where I have women around me all the time, but I'm also just shamelessly in a diaper while I'm demanding things from them.
>>43206 all very hot. love the huge baby/small caregiver dynamic, and the cock lust aspect.
inspired by >>43597 i heard that kate middleton went to insane lengths to make sure that she ended up with prince william. as in, she took a gap year and switched schools and majors so that she would be in his classes. did the same study abroad thing he did, etc. anyways, protagonist is a handsome well to do guy, great job and in shape and blah blah blah. his girlfriend is similar. they have a PMC fairytale life. protagonist has a diaper fetish, his girlfriend has tried to indulge him but she's just not into it, he doesn't want to force her, says it's not a huge deal and that he loves her anyway, blah blah blah. he doesn't even watch porn or cheat on her or anything, he just actually has a fulfilling vanilla sex life with her! suddenly, borderline art hoe from the protagonist's past is back in the picture. she finds out about his diaper fetish, and in an attempt to win him over, seduces him by not just saying she'll wear diapers for him, but pretending she also has a paraphilia and that they're destined to be together. fights with the girlfriend, acts insane, etc.

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Peeing Baby 10/11/2020 (Sun) 16:37:06 No. 1520 [Reply] [Last]
ITT: girls peeing, wetting their pants or desperately having to go pee BO approved: >>1484 >>1486
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>>3978 This second image is a good example. By the way, does anyone have a set of images showing Noa and Hinata (from wataten) desperate at a park and wetting themselves just as they get inside a public bathroom? I had it saved but I lost it and now it turns out it has been deleted from pixiv.
>>23336 girls making it to the potty but not being able to get their undies down in time and pissing themselves anyway is the best type of wetting for me

Comics/Doujins Baby 09/02/2022 (Fri) 22:24:11 No. 16502 [Reply]
Getting tired of how long Shine is taking to actually update/finish, so I'm looking fir other good comics. I found picrel that is just getting off the ground and seems like it has potential. Anyone else have good recommendations? Good story preferred but not required https://www.furaffinity.net/gallery/gamer2/folder/955295/Chapter-1
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I know it's not abdl related but anyone have any of these Sware they were on ehentai but seems they disappeared
anyone got Xara Slater; Space Babe?
>>33814 Kek mur tubby wubby pony wifus for chuds like me

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Spanish speaking ABDL community Baby 12/02/2021 (Thu) 05:30:06 No. 7311 [Reply] [Last]
Since 8kun is (technically) dying, I decided to open the same thread for Spanish speakers here. Soy de México, ¿de dónde vienen?
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qué maldición haber nacido con este fetiche de mierda en el tercermundo
>>43126 Son un protocolo de codificación, copiarlo en la página de checksum y decodificalo, es así de fácil
>>43428 Siempre pudo haber sido pero anon

Diaper Suit Thread Baby 03/10/2022 (Thu) 13:46:08 No. 10000 [Reply]
This is a thread for both males & females wearing diaper suits instead of normal everyday diapers.
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>>43424 Diaper suits are already a niche, and full diaper suits are surprisingly rare within that niche, so thanks. One of these days if I have some money to throw away, I would I love to buy a footed sleeper and rig up a pump to slowly pump a poo substitute into it, so I can feel the mess fill up the legs and keep mushing upwards.

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Tamaeftt Baby 11/30/2024 (Sat) 14:47:54 No. 43140 [Reply] [Last]
A thread for both their new and old art
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>>43352 Thank you, very mutch, that was a lot. PSDT: strange to see the first chapter of unwanted care in spanish
>>43353 Only the frist 25 pg, that was too much time ago when I hardly read English xd I dont find the originals so.. I give what i have
At least it's easy to re-edit them into English if you want, the text is readable and it's a fairly faithful translation of the original.

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Fallout ABDL thread Muslimah-chan 11/11/2021 (Thu) 13:43:41 No. 6792 [Reply] [Last]
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>>43078 Shit, I know what I'm doing for the next few days. Congrats on finishing the mod anon.
>>43078 i've always wanted a mod like this, is there any chance you can make it compatible for the other mod by the Author of Robert S, The Guys 2.0?
>>43211 I didn't know about that mod. Seems pretty neat. But, there are a lot of body replacers out there. Type 4, Type 6, BOG, etc. The reason I decided on CBBE and Robert S is because they have Bodyslide/Outfit Studio compatibility. That makes it easier to make conversions to other body replacers. So, I might in the future, but I'm currently trying to iron out any bugs in my scripts first. Until then, there's a wonderful series on YouTube going over how to use Outfit Studio. She's using Skyrim, but the things she says work for NV just fine. Also, if anybody else has made conversions for other body replacers, fel free to share them and I'll upload them to the download page (with credit to you, if you wish). https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrGqMZcWJgElCxyW6GnIlt9HAeeSFlkDI&si=glxjZ-eizhHkHMHE

Baby Precure Baby 12/17/2023 (Sun) 03:10:03 No. 32574 [Reply] [Last]
Here comes the Baby Precure!
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Here's Komugi in her diaper.
>>40876 why does she have a pig nose?
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>>40878 It's the artist's way of doing characters.

Genderbending Baby 11/09/2020 (Mon) 22:12:22 No. 1819 [Reply] [Last]
Any boys turned into girls wearing diapers or girls turned into boys wearing diapers.
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>>33003 >How the hell is that old ass website still up? That's a gem find in my book lmao. Let me know if the creator rejoins deviantart or another site. >>33000 also your image broke lol
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