/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

For Lovers of Diapers and Ageplay!

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Age Regression in Cartoons Baby 06/26/2023 (Mon) 13:06:41 No. 27035 [Reply]
Episodes of cartoons that use the age regression trope. Please don't forget to add the show and episode
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>>27035 Cute High Earth Defense Club Love! has an episode where the characters fight an age regression monster. It's episode 4 of the first season, "Cute Little Boys of Love and Youth". It's a short bit, but I'll take cute shotas when I can get them.

ITT: POV diaper changes 08/23/2022 (Tue) 12:02:44 No. 16120 [Reply]
A thread dedicated to the best angle in ABDL porn. Anyone have any other pics or vids that have this angle?
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>>16120 >A thread dedicated to the best angle in ABDL porn if you're a submissive bitch. Fixed that for you.
>>26245 as a submissive bitch, this pov is cringe garbage
>>20731 mommy black seems like such a friendly person, I would like to give her a hug

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ABDL And Transphobia muslim-kun 10/28/2021 (Thu) 14:18:09 No. 5885 [Reply] [Last]
Is the reddit*r here true? Is there any transphobia in the ABDL community? If so, kinda based
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>>26120 >She the same person who sees any drag and thinks "i bet he a pedofile" Like any decent person would. Keep that shit to your bedroom, shut the fuck up and enjoy one more post towards auto-sage.
>>26123 hey anon you are a gross stinky diaper faggot and your proclivities are just as, and to many people way more gross and pedophilic as any gender stuff
>>26098 Sad thing is troons just use intersex people as an excuse to continue sexual "surgeries" that end in Mutilation.

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>>25977 Does anyone have the full set for the redhead with the pacifier i think i used to have it but that particular harddrive fried
>>26041 I wish, sorry

ABDL Games Abdl games Part 2 09/03/2022 (Sat) 06:20:27 No. 16530 [Reply] [Last]
ABDL Video Games Last thread >>4931 Popular games so far The Pacifier Project https://abdlsparrow.itch.io/the-pacifier-project Unity, 3D, third person, role playing Littleington University https://www.patreon.com/ABDLCheeks Unity, 3D, third person, role playing Messy Academy https://www.patreon.com/MessyAcademy Visual Novel

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Edited last time by abdl on 03/08/2023 (Wed) 14:29:23.
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>>26189 Bump limit reached,thread need a change soon.
Pacifier project got a update if anyone is willing to share
>>21843 Aww man, all you can do is find the pacifier? Looks good though.

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Tier lists Baby 05/01/2023 (Mon) 21:51:08 No. 24822 [Reply]
Saw this tier list and thought it could make a fun thread https://tiermaker.com/create/squishlist-15742899 And another decent one I found https://tiermaker.com/create/diaper-tier-list-15747227
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>>24903 This is a really solid list
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The ones involving sharing/swapping diapers are incredibly hot to me but only as a fantasy thing
nice test

IRL Mom POV Pictures Baby 05/29/2023 (Mon) 05:42:59 No. 25980 [Reply]
Post pics of POV images of a mom/babysitter. Bonus points if they're holding a diaper.
Check the catalog, we already have a similar thread.

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Big Thread Ara Patrol 10/12/2021 (Tue) 22:20:25 No. 5259 [Reply] [Last]
So anyone into this fetish not because they are an abdl themselves but enjoying watching others padded up and think its cute to baby littles?
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>>25960 I know communication is essential, I've told loads of others the same thing. I've tried to voice what I want to try and what I'd like. That I really want to be dominated and several scenarios I want to try. It feels like it's just met with reasons why we don't, that what I'm talking about isn't real cg/l daily life, and promises that we'll be able to do some of it later. Usually after our conversation, they'll ask if I want to be put in a diaper now...which just makes it feel like they're doing it to appease me but not because it's what they want...kind of like they're going through the motions and not really into it. I've toyed with the idea of trying to top from the playpen...but that's not really what I enjoy. I don't want to come up with the scenarios and what things we do...I just do it now because I'm craving any form of a real cg/l lifestyle. I desperately want my cg to dom me and take control. That's honestly how it feels a lot of the time when we do baby stuff. Like they're just going through the motions and they aren't really engaged. It really makes me start to think "Are they actually attracted to this? Do they really enjoy being a cg? Am I doing something wrong? Do I look weird doing this? Am I not cute enough for them to really enjoy and get turned on by this?" stuff like that. I want them to do these things because it's what they enjoy and get turned on by. I want to also know the things I do make them happy and that they enjoy our relationship more when I serve their wants/needs. I want them to enjoy dominating me and giving me tasks/rules/picking out clothes for me they want to see me in. Whatever they want me to do I'd be willing to do, I don't want to come off as selfish I want to fulfill their needs/wants too. I'll ask if they need help around the house and they tell me things like "You can just sit there and be my cute baby." But that doesn't feel like I'm really serving them. Or I'll tell them I feel bad for not being a little more often or being a sub for them. and they give me the generic "You're always my little baby no matter what you're doing or wearing." Which yeah, that's cute and nice to hear, but I don't feel like I'm in a cg/l relationship and where I am actually subbing for them. For the record, I'm not asking to be a baby 24/7, I know that's not possible and burnout can occur. I would just like some rules, directions, chores, and aspects of little space 24/7. The things I'm asking for aren't even really that crazy. Just occasionally like putting out a playmat or playpen (both things we already have) and telling me I can't move off it or leave the area until my cg tells me or lets me out. For it to be somewhat normal for me to be laying in front of my cg while they're reading or watching tv and me playing in the playpen, to have my diaper randomly checked or changed without me having to tell my cg I could probably use a change, Them telling me it's time for a nap or bedtime and to help me get ready or make sure I brush my teeth and stuff. Actually having rules and expecting me to follow them and doing punishment stuff if I don't. I also want them to use me at times, say they're feeling sexual and they want me to fulfill that desire from them, tell me they'd want that, and let me handle those needs for my cg. As it is right now most of the time I do get into a diaper, I run to get a stuffie and curl up on my side of the couch with it and they're on their side...and we just watch tv without much really changing in our dynamic. It's just like...okay you're in a diaper, that's all that's changed. You're not in little headspace, you just go about doing whatever and come tell me when you want a change. They've toyed with the idea of maybe finding some more baby friends for me to bring to the house and play with, but my CG barely does any stuff with me, doesn't really enforce rules, and doesn't act like a dom. I just feel like it'd be a waste and the baby friend I brought over would end up feeling like I do, where we'd get put in diapers and then nothing else would happen. I think it'd be better if we found another cg/l couple to play with together, but I don't believe my cg wants to be around other cgs.
>>25973 >Usually after our conversation, they'll ask if I want to be put in a diaper now...which just makes it feel like they're doing it to appease me but not because it's what they want...kind of like they're going through the motions and not really into it. another thing about this is the fact they ask me..instead of telling me I'm getting put in a diaper or being upset that I wasn't in a diaper already...maybe I just need to start peeing my pants anytime I'm not wearing them.
>>25973 Sounds like you need therapy or a moderator to work out your feelings. >don't believe my cg wants to be around other cgs. Is this a thing? Do bigs just not like doing things with other bigs? Is it a power struggle thing?

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Danish Abdls Baby 02/13/2023 (Mon) 19:33:38 No. 22729 [Reply]
was wondering if anybody ore anybody know know of any abdl in Denmark
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you can try abdlscandinavia.com
there is also www.diaper.dk

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Video Games you Wish had a Diaper Mod Baby 05/26/2020 (Tue) 15:47:19 No. 64 [Reply] [Last]
What video games do you wish had either a diaper mod or just more diaper art made for it? Pics very much related.
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>>25645 What exactly is about this game people like I tried it and i found it rather boring
>>19170 >>19201 >>19204 Been using the latest bedwetting/incon mod, and while it's jank as fuck because of Highschool, everything seems to work as intended for me. Nothing fatal like losing my saves or anything like that. Mostly anything related to going to School or School Related Activities completely kills the AI.
>>67 Lots of diaperable (and mommifiable) girls there too. Alicia being a diapered mommy, Aisha tying to act older but being extremely cute and babyable, Nancy being the klutz that she is and forgetting to go potty, Edy being a brat and refusing to admit her issues, Dallas being a pervert and pretending to use diapers to get close to Alicia, Catherine being ptsd and needing them as well as some Little time at times but overall remaining very competent, etc. Even some of the boys could fit imo like the two brothers, Homer, Montley, etc.

Caretaker Aesthetics Baby 05/15/2021 (Sat) 02:14:26 No. 3475 [Reply]
Post images that invoke caretaker feelings. Apologies for the low number of images, but there's a reason I'm making this.
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>>3764 For when the robot uprising happens and they all turn us into babies with nano machines? I guess being built to be strong enough to deal with a crying child but not strong enough to deal with a full grown human. Don't want anything happening like the Helper Bot on Venture Bros.
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>>4064 Can't forget the heating pads. Metal is a mite too cold for little children.
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About to be diapered Baby 04/11/2023 (Tue) 00:50:01 No. 24372 [Reply]
Pictures of women holding, unfolding or handing you diapers. I'll start.
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Baby 04/11/2022 (Mon) 16:00:04 No. 11004 [Reply] [Last]
Does anyone here have a girlfriend or wife who is willing to baby them? How far is she willing to go? Do you have any particularly great stories?
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>>25314 This link will expire in a day. https://paste.bingner.com/paste/opv7c It's just a pastebin. I just don't want others adding me and my account being cached.
>>25324 ah farts I'm sure you know the shame involved with indulging the diaper side of life.. I visit this site maybe once a week. You can shoot me a message here: Anandamide#7258
>>25619 I sent you a request.

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Bigger the better Baby 05/10/2023 (Wed) 05:59:34 No. 25119 [Reply]
Any big storys with diapers (fat, inflation,macro etc) Especially if it a incest story

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Diaper sex post Baby 05/05/2023 (Fri) 20:14:58 No. 24959 [Reply]
Share your diaper intercourse storys Like what positions did you try and like or disliked Did you do actual sex while wearing diapers (dick in hole) or did you grind before having cummies? Etc just what experiences did you have (don't matter if married, friend or even paid sex worker)
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>>24959 I wouldn’t underestimate the feel of grinding in diapers with a supportive partner. The best orgasms of my life have been with a caring female partner by my side, while I’m in a soaked diaper. The only real disappointment is that the orgasms can’t be simultaneously. Or even have the illusion of anything like that. Handjob inside the diaper can be fun. Less mess for both parties. I prefer to be plugged so that helps. If you haven’t tried a footjob, trust me, it’s epic. I prefer socks, they tend to glide on the diaper more, but it’s really lady’s choice there. Stroking a diaper needs less force than a handjob, I find women tend to be more gentle with the foot, and every time has been just epic. If you have a girl into diapers, first, congratulations. Second, vibrators are excellent. But thanks for asking. It helps remind me I’ve had a not-horrible sex life with diapers. Certainly could be worse.
>>25026 You mention handjobs in diapers but your two done it outside diaper Like pressing and rubbing the diaper bulge Especially for her since having the cotton rub her vag (dry or wet) must be like heaven from you especially when you two might be it in a cheeky way like watching a movie and suddenly her diaper bulge is rubbing her during a naughty scene
>>25031 Same replier as above. Female stimulation is a whole different beast. Totally depends on the lady and where the clitoris is, and how it's stimulated. Some women will feel nothing from rubbing or vibing the outside of a diaper, for others it's heaven. Men are just more homogenous because the penis is exposed tissue, whereas with women it's deep tissue. Women are vaginally as varied as men are with anal stimulation. Different parts, but a lot of diversity in what and how it's enjoyed. If a woman doesn't enjoy the external stimulation, you have to go hands on. Either a remote vibrator, or hand stimulation.

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Weirdest fap of my life Baby 05/05/2023 (Fri) 07:17:23 No. 24943 [Reply]
This happened to me yesterday. >be me >it's around 11pm >get horny because reasons >start thinking about an scenario in which I got transported to a world filled with big amazon mommies >get really into it >develop the story in my head >I get into the world, get detained by the police and then sent to a nursery >eventually a mommy adopts me and I become her baby >imagine all of the steps to get there, so I get even hornier >start fapping >start rubbing the underside of my benis while it's up against my belly >this feels really good for some reason >do it slowly, not overdoing the rubbing so I can last longer >close my eyes and start imaging my life with mommy >breastfeeding, changes, strolls to the park, making dates with other mommies so I can play with their babies, etc. >my dick it's semihard for some reason, not full diamonds as it usually get when I fap

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Often my fantasy's are wanting diapers to get bigger Don't care how. i just have diaper "sex" (dry humping) and their diaper booty expands as I want more and make mine and their diaper to expand with cummys relaxing in big beautiful diapers
>>24943 I definitely had an wank where I was at half mast, and I still remember the orgasm feeling different than all the rest since. I've tried since then to replicate it but haven't managed to repeat it.
>>25001 Haven't been checked but i sadly think covid went for my dick As i tried diaper thrusting and even used sph inflatables but nothing can get me full mass for full fun so sadly had to stick with wanking only Which is sad cause i can't even do balloon fucking no more (especially when you include it with a diaper it hella good

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