/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

For Lovers of Diapers and Ageplay!

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>>28979 Cool, my caption is actually downloaded and shared. Thought nobody cared.

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ABDL Tabletop games Baby 08/20/2023 (Sun) 12:31:58 No. 28943 [Reply]
I found this on twitter and I thought it would be nice to have a thread dedicated to this kind of content, or even create our own tabletop set of rules to be played with dices. This one is kinda fun to play alone if you have a 20-face dice, it give some stakes to play with when you're feeling like having a fun baby time, but I feel like it could help more variation, especialy with diapers and messing.
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>>28967 *Consequences for not dealing with bathroom issues: Wetting the Bed: If, during a rest of any kind, the character expels urine which is not contained by a diaper (either the diaper leaks or the character is not wearing one), the character will "wet the bed". This will convey a negative impact on the character proportional to the amount of urine that made it to the sheets: -0-100 mL: No effect -101-300 mL: Divide any benefits which would normally be conveyed by the rest by 2 (e.g. if they would normally gain 6 hit points and 4 1st-level spell slots, they instead gain 3 hit points and 2 1st-level spell slots). -301+ mL: The character does not gain any benefits from the rest, as well as receives one level of the Exhaustion status effect. Rash: If the character remains in a used diaper for an extended period of time without changing into a fresh one, they rish developing diaper rash. Diaper rash conveys the Poisoned status (disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks). A character incurs risk of diaper rash after 12 hours in a wet diaper or 1 hour in a soiled diaper without either a bath or a change involving wet wipes. For every hour thereafter, the character must succeed on a DC 10 Con saving throw or develop diaper rash. Diaper rash can be cured by any standard means of poison removal, or will be cured automatically if the character can go 24 hours without contracting it again. Diaper rash can be inhibited through the use of baby powder (See: List of Diapers and Other Items). Leaking: Leaking refers to a diaper failing to contain urine while the character is awake. Whenever a character has an accident and adds a volume of urine to their diaper, if the total volume of liquid exceeds the capacity of the diaper, it leaks (See: Determining if a Diaper Leaks). A character automatically contracts the Leaking status effect if they urinate into any worn clothing that is not a diaper. If a character's diaper leaks, they develop the Leaking status effect, which conveys several debuffs: -Automatically enter risk of diaper rash regardless of time spent in diaper -Disadvantage on all Charisma-based checks, Stealth checks and smell-based Perception checks -Inability to gain benefits from rest The Leaking status effect is removed by a thorough cleaning (bathing, change with wet wipes, etc.). Any clothing worn at the time must also be washed, or will apply the Leaking status effect to any character that equips it. Soiling: Soiling refers to when a character defecates into any clothing that is not a diaper. This is only a concern if the character is not wearing a diaper, as any diaper of any kind is generally considered sufficient to contain a bowel movement. If a character soils themselves, they develop the Soiled status effect, which conveys several debuffs: -Automatically enter risk of diaper rash regardless of time spent in diaper -Disadvantage on all Charisma-based checks, all Dexterity-based checks and smell-based Perception checks

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>>28968 *List of Diapers and Other Items: Almost any civilization larger than the smallest of hamlets will supply diapers of some kind. Diaper supplies may be purchased at a general store, along with other everyday necessities such as food, low-quality garments and very common tools. Larger settlements may also have specialty diaper stores for those discerning diaper babs. Certain diaper models may only be available at such stores. Their availability for purchase has been noted below. Pull Ups (Pack of 20): Cost: 3g (total) Weight: 5 lb (total) Capacity: 1200 mL/diaper & 1 Mess Noisy: No Reusable: No Availability: Anywhere Cloth Diaper: Cost: 2g Weight: 1 lb Capacity: 1500 mL & 2 Messes Noisy: No

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>>28966 Pretty interesting, I didn't know that. Sound fun to play with others, but what I like about the one I posted is that you can play alone when you have a free afternoon and mess around.

ABDL Videos #03 Baby 03/06/2023 (Mon) 14:54:29 No. 23318 [Reply] [Last]
ABDL Videos #02 stopped updating, so here's a new thread. Old Thread: >>20872
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looking for this one video - think it featured honour may or something. was a POV video where the POV character went to an appointment, and was introduced to diapers as some form of solution to whatever the problem was, with the girl showing her diaper to the POV. i think the phrase "here at the clinic" was repeated a few times & at the end she gave the POV 2 weeks worth of diapers to take home.
I found some very cool vids recently from M1lky S2ell (c4s, crypted name) that have over 800 abdl videos. I think I will buy some clips from them and share here. Is it anyone here who have seen some of their videos before?
Anyone know how to bypass omorashi.org download limit?

I AM A SHADOW, THE TRUE SELF Baby 04/22/2022 (Fri) 19:22:06 No. 11382 [Reply] [Last]
Persona ABDL stuff goes here!
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Why is there so much more P4 stuff than P3 or P5?
>>18222 Because the persona 4 girls are super diaperable. Actual reason is that when I had more disposable income, I channeled my image board autism and commissioned a fuck ton of P4 diaper art, along with amassing a collection of all the P4 AB/DL art I could find and have been seeding image boards with them when ever I get the opportunity.
found some cute captions!

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4chan users do an in-depth interview with ABDL Youtuber and it's fucking hilarious. Baby 08/05/2023 (Sat) 17:19:31 No. 28506 [Reply]
This is the funniest shit I've ever seen related to ABDL. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRcrX1mpj1A
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>>28580 I can imagine some anons getting invested into posting the porn just to upset the normies only to end up realizing they liked the thing all along. That's some classic anon behavior.
>>28580 Bronys existing thanks to 4channers (and as of recent now alt right kkk weirdos which before was just neo nazis) Now abdl was a 4chan theme at one point And yet youtuber just think 4chan is just a place for trolls yet forget they have done some good snd weird shit Like scripting a porno themed around bane Or v the musical being a yearly event Hell the the random devs make a dating sim that made 4chan actually fucking cry outside of some asshole killing dogs and cats
>>28745 Katawa Shoujo was pretty decent, though I'm such a weeaboo I -feel- the western sensibilities in story writing and it threw me off the whole time.

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Wallpapers Baby 03/30/2022 (Wed) 22:39:39 No. 10627 [Reply]
Post Images you've used as wallpapers. ABDL, of course
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>>28732 Thank you anon. You inspired me to completely embarrass me. I have taken your image and added my most humiliating IRL pictures as well as lots of "evil" and embarrassing quotes to it. I now have a wallpaper that will never allow me to deny being a baby, and I will see it all the time. . .

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diapered gems Baby 08/03/2022 (Wed) 22:27:50 No. 15148 [Reply]
steven universe abdl pics
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diapered giants 03/09/2022 (Wed) 23:50:34 No. 9956 [Reply]
the bigger they are, the harder they stink
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i've already posted this video into another thread: it's basically a diapered giantess roleplay, but i would love to know if someone here knows who she is and where can i find more of her WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRsMFdsZGthRXh0TlRaTU1scHdZa2RWZGxGVVRuWlNSVXBOWVd0SmFsTnNTbnBUYkU1WlRtMVdNRm96VlhoVlJrcEZaRlJrU0ZKRWFGRlVhMVV5V2pKYVlXTXhSa1JOYTFaMVdrZHdSR014YkZaTk0zQlhXWGM5UFE9PQ==
bump. aaaa

Requests Baby 07/25/2020 (Sat) 22:17:12 No. 674 [Reply] [Last]
A thread for Requests. Anyone got these pics in Higher-res?
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Been looking for a certain set of AI pics deleted from Pixiv. https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/109985816 Artists name was 海上的星空 Attached is the only one of them I had saved. Since its Pixiv, the file name should be the same as the number string at the end of the url if you've got them floating around somewhere!
Anyone got more of Krinklebutt?
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>>29025 This reminds me of my year in Africa. I was in Algreia, Mali, Morocco and Senegal. Seeing diaper stores was very common.

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Story Writing Baby 10/08/2022 (Sat) 09:57:07 No. 17817 [Reply] [Last]
I'm writing a story but am interested in trying to see what scenarios people would actually like to read. Not all that great at writing fantasy/magic or cruel/torture, but any suggestions are greatly appreciated. AB or DL stuff, smut or cutesy shit welcome.
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>>27295 ive read a lot of these stories (think daring diane and alec leamus etc) and while they can be formulaic and contrived, if you do it just right so everything falls in place they can be fun comedy of errors type stories
>>27306 I will read those stories, I am interested in trying this concept. If anyone has more ideas for scenarios I will read them.
>>27306 Hey guys, can you give any ore examples of mistaken identity stories?, I want to give a try to know how to write with this topic

Diaper Boy Damien Michael Turner Has Committed Suicide. Baby 07/24/2023 (Mon) 17:41:33 No. 27990 [Reply]
Someone on DD said he killed himself last Christmas. I wonder how someone who was so monumentally obsessed with diapers could suicide? Wonder why he didn't choose to continue to live to wear as many diapers as humanly possible throughout his life. Why do you think he killed himself? Too bad he had a big dick too. F https://www.legacy.com/us/obituaries/name/damien-turner-obituary?id=38537334
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>>27990 >Wonder why he didn't choose to continue to live to wear as many diapers as humanly possible throughout his life. >Why do you think he killed himself? This fetish is expensive as fuck and I hate having it. Stopped wearing several months ago because of the cost and it just makes me more depressed. Props to him for having bigger balls than me. Post nut clarity probably hit him hard.
>>28181 Maybe he ran out of money to buy diapers because nobody would hire him at searching his name and an heroed because no more diapers?
That sucks. Don't kill yourselves. That doesn't make anybody happy.

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Hypermessing Thread Baby 10/05/2021 (Tue) 13:56:42 No. 4986 [Reply]
Thread for anything hypermessing!
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>>9800 I've been able to go 24 hours messy a handful of times, no barrier cream of any kind. Things are slightly sore afterward but not painful. I'd say past the 24 hour mark and you start to run the risk of staph infection though, as the moisture, urine, and feces break down your skin over time, allowing bacteria in. Id also take note on what you eat, acidic and spicy foods are gonna end up giving you rashes quicker. Also consider simulating with bananas or oatmeal or whatever along side this as it will give less direct contact between your skin and feces. Also listen to your skin, if things start to get itchy, that means it's time to change.
>>9792 Can’t tell if you’re a boy or a girl but either way… your ass is fine.

>>27268 stripperella would have been awesoem if the would have added a kink/abdl/fetish themed episode, there is even one in angie tribecca with enough sillyness. it could have been an abdl insisting in brainwashing women into only finding men dressed like babies attractive, while removing IQ from men and creating maintstream stores to sell ABDL clothes ... lost potential there.
>>27828 replace the sexes and it would be perfect.
>>27547 @abdlTessa on twitter. Posts on here from time to time.

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Cloth Diapers Baby 12/15/2021 (Wed) 18:52:34 No. 7595 [Reply] [Last]
So between pins, prefolds, plastic pants, doing the laundry for them, being out in public and so on it is easy to see the disadvantages of cloth diapers time vs disposables. (and I've had more than a few people say they didn't know they had to wear plastic pants with some prefolds in the past...so I bet that was fun). Still I could maybe have hope that there are some interesting diapers out there and my list is a bit out of date. Baby diapers have a ton of extra options these days for options in regards to cloth but just like disposable for abdl they have to catch up still. However, seeing the lion diaper and a few others gives me hope for cloth diapers as well. Anyone find any good cloth diapers for adults? In general I'm tired of pins and even stuff like snappi. The all in one's with buttons look cute at least but Velcro is potentially interesting as well. So I'd like to find some recommendations
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going to repost my own question from here now that I know about this thread. >>27470 >So I'm not much of a sewer but I've been given a free old sewing machine and figure ill try my hand at it. I'm planning to make a couple cloth diapers more like those modern aio or pocket diaper styles. I have some questions first though and I'm hoping some other anons have answers before i just go into trial & error. Material being the big one, most seem to use PUL but I cant find any so I'm thinking of using waxed cotton or oilcloth. I've waxed some of my cloths before to wonderful effect which made my think of using it here. any obvious problems wit this idea or am i better off buying online somewhere? another thought is leg gussets, see pic related, idk if its going to be worth the hassle to figure out thoughts? and the big one is every tutorial for baby diapers i find uses a serger or zig zag stitches for the elastics, my machine only does the basic forwards lockstitch, is the idea doomed to fail from the start?
>>27684 That is a bit too specific for most of us here, I'd think. While I know nothing about waxed cotton or oilcloth, I can say that any diaper cover worth its salt does the following: > Contains moisture completely > Comfortable for long-term wear > Easy to change diapers > Can be reused and is easy to maintain

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Baby 09/19/2020 (Sat) 14:43:27 No. 1209 [Reply]
Want to have <ABDL item> but dont want to pay an arm and a leg? Try making it yourself! A thread for any ABDL related DIY projects. Examples: DIY onsies, pacifiers, cloth diapers/covers, furniture, diaper pails, etc. Really anything you can think of. The main focus here is to share ideas/instructions/results from simple, relatively easy to make DIY ABDL items. Key word being simple and relatively easy to make. The goal is that if you have limited funds, privacy, materials, etc, this might provide an alternative to more "conventional" products. Or, maybe you just like making your own stuff or experimenting! Note that for the most part, you probably shouldn't always (if ever) expect the same quality stuff if you make it yourself (unless you actually are skilled at whatever it is you are doing (sewing, woodworking, etc) and that my goal here is not to say "those greedy ABDL companies are sucking us dry, we can make something just as good at home!" because for pretty much all cases, that probably wont be true (see next post where I describe my DIY onsie for an example). Not only will DIY quality probably not be on par with an ABDL company, but I also think it is nice to support them whenever possible. This community currently has access to a huge variety of items ranging from pacifiers to onsies to diapers (cloth and disposable) and a million other things, sold by a pretty large variety of totally independent companies (At least I think so, when you consider how niche this all is) and the only reason we have all that is because we spend money on them. (sorry for the long intro, Im really chattery right now for some reason)
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>>23947 Just look take a look how your bed is built, take some measurements and build crib. I'm not saying it's super easy but bro if you need premade plans for this you have some lack in cognitive skills. Crib is basically regular bed with taller legs and bars + the vertical supporter for them
>>23941 you aren't wrong. But i was going of the picture provided and assumed the complete lack of competence would rule out some of the things you mentioned like mortis and tenon, or dovetail joints. Then again id personally rather work with metal rather than wood any day so its not like anyone should trust anything i have to say on the subject
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So I'm not much of a sewer but I've been given a free old sewing machine and figure ill try my hand at it. I'm planning to make a couple cloth diapers more like those modern aio or pocket diaper styles. I have some questions first though and I'm hoping some other anons have answers before i just go into trial & error. Material being the big one, most seem to use PUL but I cant find any so I'm thinking of using waxed cotton or oilcloth. I've waxed some of my cloths before to wonderful effect which made my think of using it here. any obvious problems wit this idea or am i better off buying online somewhere? another thought is leg gussets, see pic related, idk if its going to be worth the hassle to figure out thoughts? and the big one is every tutorial for baby diapers i find uses a serger or zig zag stitches for the elastics, my machine only does the basic forwards lockstitch, is the idea doomed to fail from the start?

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Stories From A World With No (Female) Potty Traning. Baby 01/26/2023 (Thu) 18:51:07 No. 22116 [Reply] [Last]
Imagen a world that for some reason stopped potty train (Only Girls & Women) of all ages, where it was upheld, either by cultural or legal means or a mix of both. How would this world be in your minds, what would the lives of the female kind be like. What will the allready potty-trained girls & women think and say, when they are unpotty-trained & re-diaper trained, meaning banned from the toilet and needs a male to change them. What will Girls who were to either never porry-trained or far to young to remeber being potty trained thing & feel about this world. These are thier stroies, there are thier feelings. This is how they sees the world & how they are living thier lives, either new or as they allways have been. The stories can be written in self POV from the female's side, or from others that is very cloes to the female's side. I am looking forward to read all of these stories.
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>>24644 That sounds awesome. No worries, i understand what you mean. I just used put alot of charaters in there, so pepole would have alot of options to write multiple paralelle stories in the same setting. And so that there were plenty of room for cameos too. May i suggest that you focus on Daddy Ethan & his 4 girls Big Sis Elyon, Mid Sis Elizabeth & Lil Sis Erika. That way we get the most of the perspectives from the different agre-rangers.
>>24644 I was wondering, where are you going to post the continuation of the story. Here or on another site, if it is anothe site. Please post the link to it here.
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1½ Decade after the Female Potty Training Ban had been issued, it was a normal thing to see young girls going outside showing of their diapered selves with pride. Yes, the bill stated that the exception. That if you had already been potty trained then, you wouldn't have to undergo the Diaper Training program that were now put in place at the Nursery Camps. But you would miss out on a HUGE! Tax benefit for ladies that were sent there. (This benefit was for that year only). When that info was given. All 100% of potty trained girls bellow the age of 10 Years Old were sent there without so much as a thought by their parents. For the girls between 10 - 12 years of age, 95% of them were sent there by their parents. For girls between 12 - 14 years of age, 85% were sent there by their parents. For girls between 14 - 16 years of age, 70% of them were sent there. For girls between 16 - 18 years of age, 50% were sent their by their parents. For girls between 18 - 20 years of age, 25% were sent their by their parents.

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