*Consequences for not dealing with bathroom issues:
Wetting the Bed: If, during a rest of any kind, the character expels urine which is not contained by a diaper (either the diaper leaks or the character is not wearing one), the character will "wet the bed". This will convey a negative impact on the character proportional to the amount of urine that made it to the sheets:
-0-100 mL: No effect
-101-300 mL: Divide any benefits which would normally be conveyed by the rest by 2 (e.g. if they would normally gain 6 hit points and 4 1st-level spell slots, they instead gain 3 hit points and 2 1st-level spell slots).
-301+ mL: The character does not gain any benefits from the rest, as well as receives one level of the Exhaustion status effect.
Rash: If the character remains in a used diaper for an extended period of time without changing into a fresh one, they rish developing diaper rash. Diaper rash conveys the Poisoned status (disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks). A character incurs risk of diaper rash after 12 hours in a wet diaper or 1 hour in a soiled diaper without either a bath or a change involving wet wipes. For every hour thereafter, the character must succeed on a DC 10 Con saving throw or develop diaper rash. Diaper rash can be cured by any standard means of poison removal, or will be cured automatically if the character can go 24 hours without contracting it again. Diaper rash can be inhibited through the use of baby powder (See: List of Diapers and Other Items).
Leaking: Leaking refers to a diaper failing to contain urine while the character is awake. Whenever a character has an accident and adds a volume of urine to their diaper, if the total volume of liquid exceeds the capacity of the diaper, it leaks (See: Determining if a Diaper Leaks). A character automatically contracts the Leaking status effect if they urinate into any worn clothing that is not a diaper.
If a character's diaper leaks, they develop the Leaking status effect, which conveys several debuffs:
-Automatically enter risk of diaper rash regardless of time spent in diaper
-Disadvantage on all Charisma-based checks, Stealth checks and smell-based Perception checks
-Inability to gain benefits from rest
The Leaking status effect is removed by a thorough cleaning (bathing, change with wet wipes, etc.). Any clothing worn at the time must also be washed, or will apply the Leaking status effect to any character that equips it.
Soiling: Soiling refers to when a character defecates into any clothing that is not a diaper. This is only a concern if the character is not wearing a diaper, as any diaper of any kind is generally considered sufficient to contain a bowel movement.
If a character soils themselves, they develop the Soiled status effect, which conveys several debuffs:
-Automatically enter risk of diaper rash regardless of time spent in diaper
-Disadvantage on all Charisma-based checks, all Dexterity-based checks and smell-based Perception checks
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