/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

For Lovers of Diapers and Ageplay!

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Chaster Links Baby 08/20/2024 (Tue) 10:37:35 No. 39586 [Reply]
Post your own or other’s diaper related chastity sessions here. I have somebody here who’s been stuck in diapers for the last two weeks, let’s see how long we can get it! https://chaster.app/sessions/IspUgQ9VuoT2DCMX
Why would someone be this stupid?
>>39595 is this a rhetorical question? you're part of the abdl community, 50% of the people involved are retarded.
>>39601 Stop projecting. But yes this is dumb.

Real world mental disability/syndromes that makes people act "like babies"? Baby 08/15/2024 (Thu) 17:26:32 No. 39435 [Reply]
I often read fiction stories about diseases that regress the minds of adults, causing them to act like babies, and I was wondering if something like this exists in the real world. Sure, there are cases where people who lack oxygen in the brain end up becoming intellectually disabled, but most of the time, they have look as someone who suffered an accident and became mentally disabled, rather than behaving like an adult-baby or in a more childlike manner. There are also syndromes that affect cognitive functions but also impact physical appearance, making people look like retard, but I'm only interested in the mental aspect (I remember reading a news article about a woman who had a rare syndrome, she were 31 years old but sort of looked like a strange baby—though I'm not interested in that, maybe you are). Anyway, my guess is that the closest thing would be... sort of autism?
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As a child, I grew up Mormon, when I was 7ish a family moved into our ward that had an 11-year-old named Eric. The Relief Society asked for sisters who could help the new sister with her handicapped son. My mother was one of the sisters who offered so we’d go to the Coombs house 3 times a week to help her with her son. The first time I was just told he was born with water on his brain so even though he was 11 he didn’t act like it. Boy, that was the understatement of the year! Even at 11, he was just a little bigger than me at 7 and behaved like an 8-month-old baby. He couldn’t sit up on his own or talk or any of that stuff. He was dressed, fed, and treated like a baby, which makes since he only had the mental capacity of a baby. Later I learned he was born with severe hydrocephalus, and the doctors told his parents he probably would live past 1 or 2. The doctors later revised that to 4-5 then basically said he was on borrowed time. Anyway for the next 3 years, we go over to help with Eric always in the evening as he had a weird sleep schedule. My dad was on a graveyard shift at the time and with me being homeschooled due to my disabilities, it wasn’t a big deal for us to help her from 4 pm to 2 am when Eric was most active. By the third year, my dad was sick of graveyards and the boring job he had. So he got a new job and we moved to a new city about 200 miles away. Eric had started to slow down a bit and was sleeping more just before we moved away. Sadly he passed away for a few months before his 16th birthday. Anyway sorry for the long story but severe hydrocephalus can make a person behave like a baby, though they may not live very long.
>>39539 Don't be sorry. It was an interesting story. Although I assume it affected his apparence as well?
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>>39540 Yes it did, he had a very child-like face something more like that of maybe a 3 or 4 year old. His forehead was very tall and almost double the side of a normal forehead. The back of his head was pretty big too. His head looked like the kids in the picture but again he was older. I also remember some chat his mom and mine had about him having some sort of shunt that drained into his stomach or something, again I was young and didn’t pay much attention to it all.

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ABDL + Femdom Baby 01/04/2024 (Thu) 14:43:26 No. 33067 [Reply]
Feel free to post any ABDL image that involves a dominant woman.
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People you miss in the community Baby 11/09/2020 (Mon) 18:22:47 No. 1818 [Reply] [Last]
Pic related Who do you wish still posted in the community
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>>1818 i don't even know her name, i just know i was in love when i was younger
Not a model but I miss DDNixx, she was cool and made nice edits
Akinkycouple on Tumblr was great ! But she shut down everything… sadly. A cuckquean in diaper.

Cartoons in diapers Baby 07/09/2020 (Thu) 21:05:11 No. 496 [Reply] [Last]
Being ian
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What do you think of the Zig & Sharko style diapers?
It's from the Patrick Star Show episode, Squidina's Holidaze Special.
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Have you watched a show called Trollhunters? There's a character named NotEnrique. And he wears only a diaper.

Before and after pics Baby 04/27/2023 (Thu) 11:46:34 No. 24706 [Reply] [Last]
Anyone have good before and after pics? I love these kinds of pictures. It's great to see the babies before they got padded up.
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I love pictures like this. Anytime I see a guy acting out I want to make him a little baby. All bratty boys need a padded bottom and cuddles. They only act up hoping to get babied.

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Was Heinlein an ABDL? Baby 08/13/2024 (Tue) 22:47:06 No. 39371 [Reply]
Was the acclaimed science-fiction author Robert Heinlein also an ABDL? Let us take a close look at the content of some of his works. >In Time Enough for Love, the protagonist of the work travels through time to the early twentieth century. In the past, the protagonist signs up with the U.S. Navy, and undergoes a hazing ritual associated with diapers. >Later on in the novel, the protagonist meets some of his relatives (due to natural selection of genes for longevity, the protagonist has an extensive lifespan, and his present life had stretched into the twentieth century). One of these relatives is a toddler, and the wet state of his diaper is specifically mentioned. >In Stranger in a Strange Land, the protagonist, a man who had been raised by Martians and who possessed strong psychic functioning, gives a speech to his followers. In this speech, the protagonist specifically praises babies who need frequent diaper changes. I would like to point out that Heinlein covered some other topics that are adjacent to fetishes in some of his other works. For example, one of his works involved the swapping of bodies. Personally, I think that there is actually a good chance that Heinlein was ABDL. Even if he is not, I think that some of his ABDL-adjacent work was pretty cool. I already liked Heinlein for his acknowledgement of the uncreated nature of the soul, and for often involving psychic phenomena in his science-fiction novels. If he is also ABDL, well, that would just add to my appreciation for him. What are your thoughts?
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>>39371 If Heinlen was around today he'd be very active in the diaper fascism threads on this board. I think a lot of fantasy/sci-fi authors have weird fetishes. George RR Martin makes it really obvious. But on the ABDL front I remember in Neil Gaiman's Graveyard Book he has a very specific description about what the main character's (who's a toddler at the time) wet diaper smells like. Also, Stephen King mentions adult characters in diapers or wetting themselves fairly often. There's even a line in The Stand where the main female character talks about having diaper rash, but she's just referring to being uncomfortable in her crotch. Not actual diaper rash.
>>39383 >Also, Stephen King mentions adult characters in diapers or wetting themselves fairly often. There's even a line in The Stand where the main female character talks about having diaper rash, but she's just referring to being uncomfortable in her crotch. Not actual diaper rash. Stephen King said he was incontinent following a severe UTI. Now he says he keeps diapers handy "just in case". I'd guess he is at least DL. That said, can't say I care one way or the other. I would be glad to have more celebs who need or want to wear diapers helping to break the stigma of wearing diapers; but after all that, he is still the King of the macabre and a brilliant author - diapers or not love reading his work.
>>39387 I had not known that Stephen King had recovered from his incontinence, actually. For some reason I thought that his incontinence was natal. It is interesting to hear that he still keeps diapers around, though.

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Looking for Information on Congenital Incontinence in Males Baby 08/12/2024 (Mon) 19:01:45 No. 39303 [Reply]
I understand that this is a significant request, but I was wondering if anyone here knows about congenital continence in men. In particular, I am looking for conditions that would induce both urinary and fecal incontinence. Also, I would be interested in conditions that do not have any other effects beyond incontinence, and which do not involve structural differences to the exterior of the body. Basically, I want to know about conditions where the person looks and functions like normal, but is incontinent. This is largely for character design and writing purposes. I have looked on the internet for information on this topic, but it is rather difficult find information on congenital incontinence that does not involve other physical abnormalities. Thank you in advance.
So as a preface this is not congenital incontinence, but it does fit the bill for what you are seeking. It is known as Cauda equina syndrome. Basically it is a condition that occurs from damage to the nerves near the base of the spine, so it can be very subtle or it can be very sudden.
>>39306 Thank you anyway anon. While that is acquired as opposed to congenital, that kind of malformation sounds close to what I am looking for. I kind of wonder if there are natal neuropathic conditions that might emulate that condition, like if the nerves at the base of the spinal cord developed incorrectly or something.
Aftering doing a bit more research, I think that sacral agenesis is actually fairly close to what I am looking for, although I am still very much open to hearing input from others. It involves certain portions of the lower segment of the spinal cord not being fully developed, and can affect continence. There is apparently a pretty decent level of variability to the condition, apparently to the point where one could theoretically go their entire life without getting diagnosed with the condition. It is associated with some other symptoms too, like reduced motor ability, but it seems like it would be possible for there to be a milder form of the condition that includes urinary and fecal incontinence but excludes other problems.

Do you know anyone's diaper secret? Baby 08/13/2024 (Tue) 06:16:48 No. 39346 [Reply]
One of my favorite parts of this fetish is the "secret" aspect of wearing diapers. The idea of someone who is your friend, co-worker, someone you met or know of, etc, that you discover wears diapers is very appealing to me. Excluding significant others, do you know anyone's diaper secret? Do they know you know? I know two in my city, but they don't know that I know. First pic used to work at a nice restaurant out west. They were nice, talkative and had a lot of energy. I found out they were an ABDL content creator after they quit the restaurant already. They seem to have given up on diapers and now work at a popular strip club in our city. I'm not ever going, but I wonder if anyone else has gone to see her that know about her diaper days? The second pic was actually my supervisor for 3 years at a former job. They underwent a MtF transition while I was there. They were pretty cool and we even played video games and smoked weed together with other co-workers from time to time (never just the two of us). Had no idea they were into diapers or were a content creator until years after I already quit that job. I'm connected with them on vanilla social media but haven't seen them again since those days. I will never act on it, but it's fun to think if I ever see them again knowing about their diapers.
>>39346 It's sad that you are so lonely that you have to make up stories about people you "know" in real life that are into this fetish just because you are so starved. No one believes you. Fuck off.
>>39346 Genuinely some of the lamest, most unbelievable shit I've read on this board so congrats OP. Like >>39351 said, no one believes you, fuck off.
OP are not active in the scene? Of course I know others' diapers secret, and they know mine.

>>39231 Like saying the pedofiles did it first Sure there loli shit here but we keep actual cp out of here
>>39218 no thanks officer
>>39234 >>39231 I agree with both of you, BUT it is moderated and there is nothing illegal in there. And i can finally enjoy a diaper community on my phone without having to worry of my family discovering my AD telegram.

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My little pony Baby 05/29/2021 (Sat) 09:39:37 No. 3661 [Reply] [Last]
Padding is magic
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Does anyone have a link to an old mlp fic that seems to have disappeared? It was about trixie kidnapping the mane 6 and regressing them in a nursery.
Surprised that the cyoa wasnt posted here yet
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Where my Fillies at?

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Grannies in Diapers Baby 07/08/2020 (Wed) 23:34:43 No. 479 [Reply] [Last]
Post ripe granns in diaps
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I hope to see new pic one day Images with beautiful white non-abdl diapers

Sailor Moon in Diapers LuvsMan 06/18/2022 (Sat) 21:50:00 No. 13177 [Reply]
Gotta get a little senshi-love.
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Freshly padded Chibiusa.
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Kircai compilation thread Baby 09/16/2022 (Fri) 06:34:57 No. 16995 [Reply]
This guy has a lot of art all over fur affinity but it all got taken down off E621. Post any pics that you have
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It's not much, but it's what I have. I didn't save the first part of the 2nd picture, but it shows that character's post about going out and drinking on Halloween or something like that.
>>17849 since it's been a while and i dont have tor. is there any currently online archive of kircai's (non-furry) AR work?
>>17852 Hahaha, I thought as much. Those with the most skeletons in their closets tend to become the ones who project the loudest.

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Diapered mascots Baby 07/22/2024 (Mon) 12:46:44 No. 38759 [Reply]
Post your photo/clips of your favourite diaper mascots
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Do these count?
>>38917 Of course if they promoted diapers

Mommy and Babyboy Baby 01/05/2023 (Thu) 03:21:37 No. 21472 [Reply]
A thread for photos and videos of this Dynamic
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>>38401 I agree with you actually. My main MDLB fantasies are that there's a Mommy who's just overflowing with praise. What I meant by 'too nice' is just that I've seen videos where the Mommy is just absolutely glowing and effusive about everything and there's not even slightly any negative dialogue. And honestly I kinda like that vibe depending on the scenario and what sort of stuff she's saying but there's a couple problems with it. Like some people don't even want to include any light teasing. Also, if all the dialogue is too positive, then you can't have any scenarios where Mommy is a little controlling. Like I want to get kidnapped by a hot big-titty MILF who's crazy and obsessed with me who won't let me leave her nursery and is forcing me to wet, mess, and cum my diapers as well as suck on her breasts. The big thing though is that I'm ok with the dialogue being a little more negative for messy diaper changes depending on the scenario. On the one hand I love the idea of an MDLB scenario where Mommy is encouraging and praising me for using my diapers and is excited and happy to change me even when they're full, but something that I would love to see but no one ever manages to hit the right notes for my taste, is that you have a loving, affectionate Mommy, who's still grossed out and a little intimidated by your messy diapers, but she's still trying to struggle through it with a smile on her face because she just loves you so much.
>>38382 Agreed, I'm really fond of /ss/ myself but there isn't much in the way of "typical /ss/, but with diapers". Even Goya has a lot of weird fixations (or just emotional issues he's working out in his art) that can be a big turn off.
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https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/186259/28881529/ready-aim-fire-4k Does anyone know of other vids like this one? Some Mommy content where she gets peed on during a diaper change? Or getting cum on her during a diaper change? Would love to find more ABDL mommy content where there's a bit of degradation of the caretaker and she's really grossed out but she's struggling through it and taking care of the baby anyway with love.

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