/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

For Lovers of Diapers and Ageplay!

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QTDDTOT / General Discussion Baby Board owner 05/24/2020 (Sun) 19:35:56 No. 5 [Reply] [Last]
Self-explanatory. Sauce request, random stuff and stuff that does not deserve its own thread should go here.
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>>47656 >>47664 Would you guys let another guy change your diaper?
>>47787 100% no sorry I do not feel attraction to men whatsoever also, its really difficult for me to show my little side in front of other male littles, its weird but I dont feel entirely safe

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Rules / Moderation / Meta Anonymous 05/24/2020 (Sun) 19:28:17 No. 2 [Reply] [Last]
Welcome to /abdl/ - Adult Baby / Diaper Lover Rules 1. Global rules apply 2. Requests should go in the request thread when you don't have enough content (~5 images) to start a good thread) 2a. This thread is not a general request thread 3. All scat content must be spoilered* 4. No advertising or shilling 5. Do not create threads for which there is already an existing thread able to be posted in *scat refers to clearly visible poop. So a picture of a messy diaper change would need to be spoiled, but a brown bulging diaper would not need to be Rules are liable to minor changes, so check back here occasionally. Anything major will likely be announced in a way that all users can see
Edited last time by abdl on 10/13/2023 (Fri) 12:04:42.
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>>47782 >last post for awhile Good. Fuck off. >>47784 He made it to bait me because apparently 8chan admin only cares about this thread for whatever reason. The only time 8chan admin has ever intervened is when I decided to meme bump every thread as a test. The result? There is no current active BO on this board. Any deletions/bans that are handed out are directly from the 8chan admin who has his plate full enough as it is. Things have died down. Let sleeping dogs lie.
>>47786 Kill yourself

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Baby 09/02/2022 (Fri) 20:30:59 No. 16493 [Reply] [Last]
Diaper twitter - a lot of cringelords, political sperging, and general autism - but also a near endless source of free amateur porn. Here's some accounts I find hot, post more. Ignore the autistic posts about ACAB or BLM or whatever, these people might be annoying but they're good at shitting themselves and that's what matters Female - https://twitter.com/dlCamiWonder https://twitter.com/princess_cereal https://twitter.com/lilcgfetishist https://twitter.com/LittleTheo727 https://twitter.com/Tulippa72341 https://twitter.com/diapered_skylar https://twitter.com/misspandapants mtf trans/gender spergs/unsure - https://twitter.com/SoEviePeasy https://twitter.com/HookedAesthetic https://twitter.com/ScentsNSmellver https://twitter.com/Babzathoth https://twitter.com/MishkaStinks https://twitter.com/lambpers https://twitter.com/PaddedFoxButt

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>>28426 I never saw any videos of her featuring a change. Would love to see it!
>>28422 Obviously
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I know this is an old thread but she's back on twitter now and... Fuck it I still would.

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Baby 01/01/2024 (Mon) 16:09:43 No. 32945 [Reply] [Last]
Emily's Babying
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>>47777 Nevermind I figured it out with 7zip.
>>47770 We don't care. Don't post b@$3 here. That's over. I will always post direct links to anything encrypted here if someone doesn't do it first. In this case it was not me, but cry more bitch.
>>47781 Holy fucking shit can someone ban this fag already he has a melt down every single day

BBW/Chubby/Thicc diaper girl Baby 08/31/2024 (Sat) 10:16:01 No. 39954 [Reply] [Last]
Fat bottomed girls, You make the rockin' world go 'roun
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>>47732 name of the story or more info please sounds hot
If you’re obese you should be forced into diapers and babyhood, clearly can’t be trusted with being adult

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ABDL games #5 Baby 01/20/2025 (Mon) 20:55:05 No. 45918 [Reply] [Last]
ABDL Video Games Last thread >>35612 Popular games: The Pacifier Project https://abdlsparrow.itch.io/the-pacifier-project Unity, 3D, third person, role playing Littleington University Patreon is dead, search in the last thread for any link of the game Unity, 3D, third person, role playing Messy Academy https://www.patreon.com/MessyAcademy Visual Novel

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>>47711 >>47719 Okay I managed to draw some key frames with very dogshit art. I'm sorry if it's bad but best I can do unscheduled. Even if this is not useful at least now I can see a path to learn pixel art and 2d game graphics. Still, sorry if this is not useful or good enough.
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>>47775 I appreciate you making these and making sure the frames are on a grid. That made it easier to get the frames cut in-engine. I got some very, very basic movement working on a background I took from that Scott Pilgrim game, and with the limited frames it doesn't look great when animated. Given the short timeframe and your inexperience with pixel art I get why it's like this, but these aren't really usable for much. There's 100% a path forward. Take this as practice. It was a big ask to go from no game art experience to animating a character, this is a decent enough start. Maybe look at how other games animate certain things and take inspiration. I will say, I like the pose on that last frame of the hero. The butt poking out while slashing is cute.
>>47785 thank you, I know it's janky, they're key frames and not proper animations. Right now I'm thinking about doing more complete projects, like X character at Y resolution with Z animations. I really want to get into it once I'm done with my programming course. So I hope soon I can undertake this project for real

ABDL Video #6 Baby 01/12/2025 (Sun) 00:15:16 No. 45441 [Reply] [Last]
Old thread reached it's limit, please continue sharing here. For now, using dropbox with encrypted archives seems to be the best bet to get things out. I'll be using this >>44601 method for the time being until I find a better method that isn't torrents. Old thread -> >>42579 To prove this thread wasn't made by onideus but by me ('dropbox guy'), I'm releasing the passwords to last weeks archive dump over here >>44888 about 1 minute after posting this thread.
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>>47652 >>47662 Circle of life... 1)this was originally posted on saff in another post 2)i made a request for it on emp 3)someone posted it on emp for me 4)someone took the torrent from emp and reposted it on saff (the post linked here) 5)and now i just filled your request for that file on happpyfap using the torrent i had requested ... but man creating torrents is really a hassle fillng in the tags, description, screenshot all that stuff... i have other stuff requested here as well but i'm probably gonna mega it ... to damn lazy to make other torrents for the moment
>>47620 I have around 20GB of her stuff. Can Post it here, if someone post Lilmissromance stuff.

A thread for diapers without the AB Baby 07/16/2024 (Tue) 03:29:18 No. 38596 [Reply] [Last]
Women wearing "age-appropriate" diapers: for incontinence, for bedwetting, who don't get any sexual pleasure out of diapers and who might be more than a little embarrassed about still needing diapers at their age.
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ABDL Hypno Thread #3 Baby 09/19/2024 (Thu) 20:23:09 No. 40691 [Reply] [Last]
Old limit hit. Starting new again. Previous thread >>26509 A lot of the archives are down, but please share what you have.
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Anyone has powerful listen from YouTube full files? Some seem very strong. Thank yous
I get so lonely sometimes. But the hypno stuff, though imaginative, helps me a lot. Some make me feel so happy in my mind. I just want to hold onto someone so bad, but I love that you guys share these here. Thank you.
>>46738 any chance for reupload?

ABDL Stories Thread 2 Baby 07/09/2024 (Tue) 21:29:53 No. 38385 [Reply] [Last]
Keeping the dream alive edition. Post your favorite stories, your own, or ask for recommendations. Previous Thread >>798 >>798
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>>47729 Interview with the Baby by Personalias. It was in three parts. https://www.deviantart.com/personalias/art/Interview-with-The-Baby-Part-1-693893562
>>47734 That's the one! Thank you. Wish it wasn't such a pain in the ass to find shit on Deviantart nowadays. Used to be able to find exactly what you were looking for and now I can't even get it to just show me literature.
Anybody happen to know any good sleepover stories? It's a common overdone trope but sometimes I like the simple scenario of someone trying to hide they wet the bed or wear diapers but then the other people at the sleepover do as well and usually some antics proceed following the revelation.

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Wazawai Hogo [english] Baby 03/07/2025 (Fri) 21:43:10 No. 47754 [Reply]
Here you have.
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Diaper Cuckold Thread Baby 01/04/2022 (Tue) 06:52:13 No. 7966 [Reply] [Last]
Thread for Diaper Cuckold content.
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>>47567 Happen to know if he has another profile somewhere, or where to find some of his galleries?

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Diapered Lolis IV Baby 10/19/2023 (Thu) 02:41:42 No. 30565 [Reply] [Last]
Few things are better than adorable lolis showing off their pampers. Old thread >>9706 Unbumped posts from last thread >>29792 >>30032 >>30285
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We lost another loli artist.
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Bully Bait Baby 02/19/2025 (Wed) 13:35:56 No. 47229 [Reply]
Someone said the term bully bait the other day and I just couldn't get the idea out of my head. Lots of you guys here are total bully bait and just begging for teasing and babying about what total damn diaper nerds you are. I'm gonna bully the hell out of you and make sure you say in the baby outfits you are supposed to stay in. You dumb little girls and boys need lot of bullying.
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>>47713 Ginger and a pampers dork. Like pick a struggle man...

Diaper Edit Thread #2 Baby 01/14/2025 (Tue) 08:37:18 No. 45550 [Reply] [Last]
Original got bump-locked so here is a brand new thread. The following are proposals/requests from the last one
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>>47495 >>47506 Thanks. I've been enjoying making edits when I can.
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A Nano just in time for her birthday today!
>>47727 Cute

Request thread 2 Baby 11/01/2024 (Fri) 22:31:59 No. 42104 [Reply] [Last]
Old one quit bumping along time ago. Looking for more penguin417dl, especially stuff from instagram. And more Poopypwincess. Still waiting on videos I purchased years ago... shittyfantasy is also her.
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Anyone remember this girl? Princessvlovesyou. She was with mutineer123. Anyone have anymore of her. What ever happened to her
>>47623 >>47623 Why would you want that? It's garbage
>>47725 The content is fine, but its rare to see since Ausdpr was quite active on boards to scan for their content. It also tends to be a bundle deal with stories.

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