/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

For Lovers of Diapers and Ageplay!

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Baby 07/10/2022 (Sun) 05:34:41 No. 14157 [Reply]
Overwatch thread Hoping the sequel revives the porn for this game
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>>21249 >Idk why there was such a delay but it looks like OW2 diaper art is finally starting to rev up As >>17388 put it there's various reasons for that. Blizzard is not a good company producing a good games at this point for various reasons. There's even been repeated reports and articles over the years that Blizzard is a shit company to work for and most people only do so for the clout Blizzard had in the past and what that puts on their resume. Mostly they're just rehashing their popular years to decades old IPs and nothing else. Other than that OW2 is incredibly monetized compared OW1. Skins from OG Overwatch now cost something like 10-30 dollars or more to purchase and the means to acquire ingame currency without actual money has been heavily reduced. It actually makes one miss loot boxes. No one really expects OW2 to ever live up to the original (even though OW2 is basically just an update/expansion not a sequel) ranging from heavy monetization to gameplay changes no one asked for or wanted. OW1 was never a perfect game, but it's just so much worse with OW2. I want to like OW2, but it's just such a drag now and feels not worth playing due to the increased monetization and gameplay changes between OW1 and OW2 on top of Blizzard's shit ranging from kowtowing to the Chinese or SJW nonsense being added to the game's lore. Even the McCree name change came off as an excuse for delays to OW2 a best. Speaks volumes how Microsoft was able to attempt to buy Blizzard when it used to be a top tier developer that wouldn't have happened to. There's even stuff with their earnings where they were actually losing money and users during the height of the pandemic when people were staying home and playing video games more. Some decent porn though I guess. Anyway, apologies for the rant. Links to an Overwatch ABDL fanfic I liked to contribute content: https://www.deviantart.com/abdlshortstories/art/Babyrage-Part-1-879781981

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>>21252 nobody cares about any of that if the character model is hot there will be porn of it
>>21258 if the character model exists, there will be porn of it. some degenerate is bound to commission or draw it

Halp Baby 12/31/2022 (Sat) 19:39:57 No. 21277 [Reply]
Anyone able to identify the brand and make of these pull ups? I like the plain look and how far up the padding goes.
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>>21278 Possibly sleepovers cuties xl
>>21277 dumb babu, don't start threads for shit like this retard
>>21283 Thanks, thats it!

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Reverse Diapered Dom Baby 12/30/2022 (Fri) 12:39:50 No. 21219 [Reply]
Does anybody have any reverse diapered Dom content or a fetish for this? Basically a sub/Dom relationship, but where the Dom is the one that is usually the diaper lover. Let me explain with some example scenarios. 1) Dom wears a diaper and then messes it really badly so that the sub is forced to change it. 2) Dom messes a diaper and then takes it off and forces the sub to wear it (the Dom puts the sub in the diaper they just messed). 3) The Dom milks the sub into the Dom's diaper since they enjoy the feeling of cum in their diaper. 4) The Dom messes a diaper, put the diaper on the sub, and then forces the sub to have an orgasm in it (with wand, or by rubbing it). 5) Dom puts a diaper on the sub, forces them to wet it by denying them the toilet, and then when the diaper is flooded, takes the diaper off them and wears it themselves and orgasms. Basically using the sub to create a wet diaper for their enjoyment.
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I do but I won’t share my Ex’s sex tapes
>>21247 well, shut up then fag
From just this morning with me and the wife: >I wore a cloth diaper last night >Just to wear, not to use >We wake up late, nothing to do today >She wants to fuck, abso-fucking-lutely.jpg >She takes the magic wand out >Oh boy, serious foreplay inbound >She pulls my diaper off >THIS IS IT >She puts my diaper on herself >wut >She sticks the wand in the diaper >She then mounts me cowgirl style so I can feel the wand too >ooooooh >She cums in my diaper multiple times >I don't cum, though >She takes the diaper off and makes me put it on myself

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Advice needed Baby 12/17/2022 (Sat) 01:04:22 No. 20793 [Reply]
Long story short, bf is okay with the idea of diapers in the future, but not something he's interested in now. He's very much a daddy, and knows that I'm very much a little, but there's lots going on right now in his life and I have a feeling he knows how deep I'll fall into my headspace with one on. But I haven't worn since we got together(about 8mo ago), and really really want to. I ordered a pack of my favorites and am thinking about getting a hotel for myself after the holidays so I can wear and be in my headspace for awhile. A little staycation if you will. The main reason I'm thinking a hotel is privacy, and freedom. I wouldn't feel comfortable wearing at the house knowing he's not interested in it currently, and I certainly know that I *would* fall deep into my headspace and I don't want to put that responsibility on him. I already get teary sometimes when I'm little and he's not capable of being in daddymode, and a diaper would likely be a whole-day thing, not just a few minutes of headspace. But part of me thinks maybe that's wrong getting a hotel? Like it's a form of cheating but not? I don't think I'd tell him I'm going to a hotel(partially out of embarrassment, partially because he might not believe I'm really going alone). The other part of me feels like it's a bit depraved to spend $60-120 just so I can wear in peace. Are there any other alternatives that I'm not seeing? Is it weird to get a hotel to just to diaper up and have a solo little night? Do I just keep the diaps hidden in my closet for awhile until he possibly comes around to the idea?
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The base of every relationship is comunication. So the best and first advice is always to talk it with him. Besides that, if you BOTH feel that it would be inconfortable for the moment to do that in home, you can do somethin better than getting an hotel... Send him to an Spa so he can relax while you use the house for yourself. That way he is also getting something out of this.
>>20797 the partner knows about the fetish
>>20795 Thanks friend. I wouldn't want to tell him about the hotel as I don't want him to pressure himself into somehow thinking he needs to be a part of a kink that he's not ready for. >>20797 I never hid it from him, we just weren't in the position to really talk that much in-depth about little stuff. He's into WS and scat, so it's not like I was worried he'd suddenly dump me if I mentioned diapers. >>20799 I've tried sending him to the spa many a times lol, so far no luck.

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Baby 11/13/2022 (Sun) 03:11:31 No. 19242 [Reply]
What exactly is ABDL? some background on the question I've been with this guy for almost a year and we enjoy a fairly kinky relationship and I've never met anyone more affectionate and loving. Just this past month he's been pretty strange, he wanted me to call him daddy outside the bedroom, fine kinda liked it, he started getting me themed socks, they were cute fine, the other day I cut myself and he puts on a paw patrol bandaid. He claimed they were discounted, fine, he surprised me with a set of overalls, seemed out of the blue but fine. He started calling me baby instead of babe so I finally caved and asked what he was getting at. After a talk he said he was abdl and wanted me to be a little. I said no and now he's being pouty and a bit distant. I feel bad because he seemed super excited about it till I turned it down. I figure I should at least look into it before making a decision. Main question is what does being a little mean? What does he want to do with me What does he want me to do Big question: do I HAVE to wear diapers?
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>>20616 Pics or it didn’t happen
>>19242 No way this would be on here. It would be on reddit. Moe is way too down the rabbit hole. This is all RP
>>20715 my consensus as well

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https://www.pixiv.net anon 11/06/2022 (Sun) 00:38:33 No. 18990 [Reply]
We all should get https://www.pixiv.net/ memberships to help pay for our art, they host Shota and Loli Works. They have clean and erotic art. THE ARTS SHOWN BELOW ARE ALL FROM https://www.pixiv.net/
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>>19000 After I read the OP I thought this thread couldn't get any dumber, but you really gave it your all and proved me wrong. At least OP posted some cute pictures.
>>19099 Samefagging this hard is pretty pathetic. Only Onideus would be this much of a fag.
>>18990 Thanks for the cute pics. Probably should've posted diaper stuff but whatever. Fuck pixiv though. You should always look for the most direct compensation for any self employed worker so they don't get screwed by fees and shit.

non-ABDL-diaper thread Baby 11/28/2022 (Mon) 00:03:43 No. 19903 [Reply]
diapers on people who need them or wear them out of convenience.
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>>19903 >>19990 I'm gonna guess that's the ISS and they're stocking up. It bears some resemblence to the shuttle's middeck, but doesn't look quite like it as far as I can tell, and the shuttle would probably never need that many diapers in one mission. Though, I did hear once the space shuttle toilet failed and they had to resort to using socks (socks in bags?) as toilets. I wonder if after that they started taking a lot more diapers as a better emergency back-up than socks... They wouldn't be any better than poop bags for #2, but they would be way, way better than socks for urine. Anyways, this thread is a good occasion for me to splerge on diapers in space. Or at least for NASA. I don't think anyone knows the story of how the USSR handled it. But anyways, for NASA diapers... So it started with the May 5th launch of the first American in space in 1961. Freedom 7 of the Mercury program. See, it was only a 15-minute flight, and the plan was for Shepherd to get in the tiny capsule and launch and be recovered well within the time someone can hold their urine. However, the ground crew was extremely careful/nervous about the first launch of an American into space, and kept delaying it for clouds, minor hiccups, etc, for 4 hours. Now, see attached image 1 - that's a Shuttle-era spacesuit, but the launch sitting position is the same. It's great for enduring g-forces, but blood from the legs pools down to the torso, basically forcing the kidneys into overdrive. Plus launch-day nerves, and another hour or three since he'd last been able to use the bathroom, it was simply beyond what man can endure. (Stepping forward to the early shuttle era for a moment, apparently a lot of astronauts tried to beat it by dehydrating themselves - even getting in a hot tub the night before to aid the dehydration and not drinking anything until after launch - but nothing worked, they still ended up peeing. Sitting on your back for 2+ hours is just apparently that compelling to your kidneys. And obviously, NASA was not happy with astronauts dehydrating themselves, since hydration effects your thinking and health, and that practice is banned. Now back to Mercury/1961 -) By the next launch in June of 1961, provisions had been made.

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>>20089 Now, the pic in the previous post shows two different pics for the MAG. Both come from NASA themselves. Also, see first attached pic here. I'm thinking perhaps the first MAGs that NASA made were pull-up style, but, as per the history quote: >>In the 1990s, NASA ordered 3,200 of the diapers of the brand name Absorbencies, manufactured by a company that has folded. In 2007, about a third of the supply remained. Those may be what the tape-on ones are. Or, maybe the tape-on ones are the newest ones, I'm not sure. But I vaguely recall seeing somewhere that the more modern MAGs, at least the ones for EVA, are extremely high-capacity and even have extra absorbent panels sewn into the wings, as shown in that pic. Apparently that's more useful in microgravity. But it's worth noting there's been at least two very different MAG designs. Probably more, given they've almost certainly run out of Absorbencies by now. And as OP pic showed, they have some variety nowadays, it seems. ...I wonder if any astronauts have ever opted for ABDL-printed diapers just "as a joke haha"? Or legitimately as a joke to mess with the other astronauts? Also a bit of bonus trivia - the other attached image here is an LCVG. Liquid Cooling and Ventilation Garment - some have separate pants, some are one-piece, but they're underclothes with a network of little tubes filled with chilled water. They plug in to the spacesuit through a single big plug and the spacesuit chills the water to keep the wearer from overheating. The first spacewalk had serious issues with the astronaut over-exerting himself and fogging up the helmet, blinding him, because he got so hot. Space doesn't really have a temperature because it's a vacuum. You have a very hot sun and then you radiate heat into space. So spacesuits are heavily insulated and have a cooling system that uses a heat radiator, and you just raise or lower how much cooling the radiator does to control the temperature. Spaceships do the same on a larger scale. But you may see astronauts in that and wonder what it is or if it's related to diaper stuff. It's not. The diaper is worn under it (of course) and they're two entirely separate things.
>>20051 More to aid with bedrest. Japanese apartments are made for the heat, so get cold in winter, the thinking is that it's better to stay in bed then get up and get cold while going for a pee, so the ill person wears a diaper to avoid that. I'm guessing the person would be required to get up for a shit though.

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8kun /abdl/ is dead Baby Board owner 09/19/2022 (Mon) 20:06:21 No. 17116 [Reply]
We all knew how shit 8kun has been since a long time. But now it's over.
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>>20205 >Not a good look insulting someone who completely and utterly roasted you toasted you and threw you in the gutter. Trust that we are all laughing at you for being a trash BO. All those words just to essentially say "yea im mad af that my board is gone so fuck u haha u mad bro" Yes, yes, we all know it's you Onideus, fuck off somewhere else now, faggot. I preferred 8kun's ABDL board because the BO was based, but even I stopped using it after the pictures were broken again and again. Do you think if BO handed the reigns over to someone new that the picture issue would solve itself? The answer is, of course, "No" because Watkins is too busy sucking his own dick in-between being a federal informant.
>>17116 >abdl-tans.png The one on the left is Tarrant-chan but who's the one on the right? i like her hairdo
who tf even cares about kun? that shit was barely functioning for the past year with random blackouts, imageserver dying and thumbnails redirecting to a fucking vpn ad

ABDL Videos Video Thread 03/01/2022 (Tue) 13:57:45 No. 9640 [Reply] [Last]
Let's practice sharing here and make our mamas and papas proud. Here one to get things started. YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlp2YkdSbGNpOWhUblJ1U0ZvMlVpTTNieTFwZUVKV2NtMXFiSGxPY1VWbGVHWjFhR3Az
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Maeno Nana/AV Actress video upload will be soon
Does anyone have some Adult Baby Source videos?
>>20136 Nigger is a state of mind and not dependent on skin color

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cheerleaders Baby 11/17/2022 (Thu) 01:21:57 No. 19375 [Reply]
give me a D give me an I give me an A give me a P give me an E give me an R what does that spell
>>19375 diaper wooo >kill me
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ABDL Petplay Baby 11/29/2022 (Tue) 03:17:59 No. 19964 [Reply]
Padded Girls Playing Like Puppies
>>19964 Who is the artist for the Marisa/Cirno image
>>19995 diver234h is their twitter account

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Baby 11/25/2022 (Fri) 23:01:31 No. 19800 [Reply]
Goodbye anons. I am deleting my multi-terrabyte collection of videos and saying goodbye to this board, and to this fetish. So many problems in the world would be solved if adults, especially men, would stop behaving like children. I don't want to be part of the problem anymore. I hate myself for this disgusting fetish. How did I ever come to enjoy the feeling of pissing and shitting myself? I probably have childhood issues to deal with, and watching women wear diapers is not going to help me deal with it. I posted the screenshot of my collection not to brag, but to show you what is possible to say goodbye to. No amount of videos will help you or make you feel loved. Finding the next perfect video to cum to will not fill the empty hole. Trust me, I know. Get off the Internet. Hit the gym. Find God. Have children. Save Western Civilization. And for God's sake, get rid of your porn and your diapers.
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Doesn't have the decency to post said collection
Are you still wanting to get rid of your collection. I would gladly take it off your hands if that’s ok with you
>>19805 Hey, I made that torrent! Funny enough, the drive I had it on busted, so I had to get what I could from recovery software. I didn't realize it would still be kicking.

Ella rained is looking ruff these days Baby 11/24/2022 (Thu) 13:57:31 No. 19706 [Reply]
Saw this post and I could hardly recognise her. Looks like she is balding, Maby hitting the meth to hard idk 🤷‍♂️
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You fucking bottom dwelling pricks are sad as it gets! You need to stop living in yours mumsisters basements and get a fucking life. So glad it's has been anchored ⚓️, thank you who ever you are! Get a fucking life loosers!
>>19774 Go home, granny tits. This is 8chan. We're free to voice our opinions of yourself if we wish, you trailer trash.
She won it seems. I assume one of the mods is one of her cucks.

Women you would call Mommy Baby 05/07/2022 (Sat) 21:52:52 No. 11906 [Reply]
2d, 3d, doesn't really matter. Just post women with that maternal glint in their eyes who you'd love to be babied by. Optionally you can get creative and post little blurbs describing what they'd be like as a mommy.
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>>12221 I can't believe it has been nearly 2 weeks. I meant to reply to this and say I liked the story, but I was intending to write another reply with this slightly altered prompt in mind. I still will, but clearly it has not been forthcoming. Maybe in a few more days.
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This is just something (related to abdl) I wanna get off my chest Baby 11/10/2022 (Thu) 04:27:21 No. 19162 [Reply]
I work at a big financial company, I do lots of data processing and all that grownup stuff. But, even tho i do VERY complicated grownup math, my favorite little activity is counting/doing elementary math with caregivers or other littles, and I geniuely don’t know why, please explain to me why ;-;
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>op makes blog post >to stupid/lazy to check catalog >here you go faggot >>5 <Questions that don't deserve their own thread. <KYFS
>>19162 A lot of childhood play in early years mimics 'grown up' professions - playing dress up and roleplaying as doctors/firemen/teachers, digging and block-play mimics construction, and so on. So in that sense, there's a nice symbolism to you 'growing down' and doing an activity that mirrors your adult profession. (Not really sure what that says about your psychology, if anything, but it's very cute!)
>>19162 ABDL gravitates towards many people that can't "shut their brains off." There's quite a parabolic IQ with ABDL-ism. Basically the high IQ people tend to use infantilism as a way of allowing their brains to wind down, in a structured manner. The fact that you enjoy elementary math in little space just shows you enjoy your day job.

/abdl/ telegram group !! Baby 11/02/2022 (Wed) 19:41:16 No. 18729 [Reply]
https://t.me/abdlmoe this is a great idea :)
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>>18729 Glownigger fuck off
>>19128 OP was sick of running it, wanted to distance from abdl as a whole.
>>19150 A story as old as time itself

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